
By Dana Hokana

May 29, 2012 – What I Do If My Horse Is Over-Bridling His Head

A horse is over-bridling his head when he carries his head extremely bridled and behind the vertical position.  When he is over-bridled the horse will often arch his neck or throat latch giving him an unnatural look.  Many horses carry their head and neck this way because they are afraid or intimidated. Although I also want to stress that many times horses have learned to over-bridle, and even of you do everything right, it may have become a habit for him. It can be complicated! I want to help you to overcome this dilemma, and as every horse is different, I will give you as many causes and corrections and you can see which ones apply to you and your horse.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Take Control” Vol. 5, 6 & 7 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!


May 25, 2012 – Little Refusals Turn Into Big Cheats

I have found that almost always, your horse will tell you in small ways in the warm up pen where they are going to cheat in the class.  You have to be extremely perceptive and look for details. For example, a horse that leans and turns to go in to the center in your class is probably not staying between your reins and guiding as well as he should in the warm up pen.  If you work on every little detail and pay attention in the small things, you will fix the potential problems before they become problems.

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!


May 24, 2012 – Strategies to Improve your Show Ring Presentation

I believe that before you enter the show ring it is wise to give thought to your ride.  Develop a plan or a strategy to present yourself and your horse as the best that you can be!

In the show ring in a western pleasure class there are many things that are out of your control.  Sometimes things happen that you can’t plan for.  This is life.  However, you can get the odds in your favor by giving thought to and applying some of the principals I am going to give you.

Strategy – “Watch Horses in the Warm-Up”

Try and pay close attention to the horses in the warm up pen with you.  If you happen to notice a horse acting up or a bit out of control, you will know to distance yourself from that horse in the show pen.  Also, if there is someone who is always schooling or pulling on their horse in the show pen, try to take note of these people and stay away from them as well.  I understand sometimes a person needs to school their horse; in fact every horse needs schooling at some time or another.  But I find it difficult to show behind people who are pulling on their horse and slowing it down to the crawl then letting it go in front of the judges for a good pass, then slam this is irritating and inconsiderate.  If you have to school just try not to mess up the other exhibitors in the class.  They pay their entry fee and the class may mean a lot to them and you certainly don’t want to cost them a good ride!

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!


May 22, 2012 – The Importance of Keeping Your Horse Centered and Balanced

It is possible for your horse to appear to track straight but in fact, he is really leaning or drifting one way or another.  Lean can negatively affect anything you do with your horse, but as I train show horses, I especially see that when a horse is drifting or leaning his movement really deteriorates.  This happens because when a horse is leaning or drifting, his energy flow is interrupted or blocked and excess leg or head and neck action is the result.  A horse can lean with a part of his body such as, dropping a shoulder, or his hip, or he can tip or drop his ribcage and become out of balance.  Dropping his body weight forward onto his front end is another form of lean.  Knowledge is wonderful, and I want to give you all the knowledge I can!

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!


May 21, 2012 – Horses Learn by Reward

If you can learn to give clear messages of correction and reward you will find your horse trying to please and looking for that reward. When you release your horse, that is his reward. However, don’t release until he truly gives. Set your standard in your mind of what your expectations are. I determine this by how advanced my horse’s training is. If my horse is very green I won’t require as much as if my horse is a finished show horse.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!



May 17, 2012 – How To Use The Back Up To Improve Your Horse’s Performance

I am going to teach you 7 steps that can improve your horse’s performance by perfecting and using something as simple as the back up!  I will teach you how to back your horse correctly.  We will learn how to gain more collection, left, and balance than ever before with these exercises.

Step 4: Build and Strengthen Your Horse in the Back Up

The back up is great for strengthening your horse.  When you back your horse, you use many muscle groups and body parts that are not used as much in going forward.  You will build and improve overall muscle tone and strength in your horse as well as improve his range of motion by backing him.  The exterior side of the stride is primarily used in back, while the flexor side of the stride is used in going forward.  So backing offers a great way to strengthen these body parts.  Your horse also uses the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscle groups as well as the gastrocnemius and stifle while backing up.  I recommend that you start slow and build your horse gradually, but add backing to your daily workout.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!


May 16, 2012 – Principals to Keep Your Older Show Horses Showing Strong and Honest

I believe show horses, even western pleasure horses, can have long, fruitful careers.  In my career, I’ve had many older, burned out horses that I’ve had to remake into good, honest horses.  At one time, I didn’t have a lot to choose from, and if someone brought me a horse to fix, I would take the time to figure out how to fix it.  Later on, I loved the challenge and it was exciting for me to take a tired horse and turn him into a good performer.  These horses have taught me a lot.  I’ve learned to really think through the problem.  I would put myself in their place and think, “How did this problem start? What caused this horse to turn into a cheater?” I discovered many common threads and found that many of the horses can be turned around and remade into good, happy show horses.  I’m excited to share with you what I’ve learned.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!



May 15, 2012 – Seven Steps to Slow Your Horse Down Without Sacrificing Movement

Many of your training and showing problems actually stem from undiagnosed lean in your horse. For your horse to be balanced, exhibit self-carriage and move with flow and cadence, he needs to be guiding between your reins and not leaning in any direction. Lean may seem vague or too elusive to figure out or not that important, but I can’t tell you enough how important it is to “get the lean out” in order to have a great moving responsive horse. So many times people bring me horses with cheating problems or movement problems and we fix it quickly by just figuring out that they are leaning, correcting it and they feel like they have a new horse! Lets talk about what lean is, how to diagnose lean in your horse and how to correct it.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!


May 11, 2012 – Seven Steps to Slow Your Horse Down Without Sacrificing Movement

Slow – that’s a powerful word in today’s horse show world. People think to be slow is highly desired, yet getting your horse slow enough can be difficult. I am often asked “How do I get my horse to slow down?” I believe many people are confused about how much importance to place upon slow. AQHA is strongly promoting that excessive slowness is not to be the goal, rather a horse moving true in relation to their natural length of stride is the goal. The AQHA rule says “excessive slowness in any gait, loss of forward momentum (resulting in an animated and/or artificial gait at the lope) is to be a fault scored according to severity.” Yet most people feel that some judges are still placing slow above true correct movement. So this remains a difficult subject. I can only tell you what I’ve decided to strive for in my own horses and in my program. I do my very best to keep my horses moving true and cadenced with lift and flow. This is my first goal and being ultra slow comes after that.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!



May 8, 2012 – Improve Your Show Ring Transitions

Good transitions are so important for your show ring success.  I am going to teach you what a good transition is, tell you some of the reasons why transitions are important, and give you some pointers on how to improve your transitions!

3.   Check your horse’s body weight

In becoming a good horseman you need to know where your horse’s body weight is centered. In other words, a horse needs to carry most of his body weight balanced over his hindquarters in order to move gracefully. A horse that is heavy on his front end cannot lift up and lope or come to a downward transition with grace and style. If he is heavy on his front end he will either trot into the lope, or pick his head up and pull himself along or when he does a downward transition he will look uncoordinated and heavy. In order to have excellent transitions your horse must be balanced correctly. His body language is very indicative of what he’s thinking and doing and the balance of his body weight will also show to the judge or the onlooker. If I feel that my horse is heavy on his front end I will do a lot of stopping, backing, and rollbacks. I will trot then stop him. Don’t jerk, just pull him in the ground (remember don’t lose the message by bumping his face, it’s not about his face it’s about his body weight) I will then back him and roll him back, then trot him right back off. By stopping and backing you are redistributing his body weight to his hindquarters. You reinforce this when you roll him back on his haunches as he is centered over his hindquarters and has to make a move with his shoulders when he turns. Then in the act of sending him right off into the trot he has to lift up and trot off. I practice this exercise a lot to rebalance his body weight and this is also an excellent way to improve his trot transitions.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your FREE TRAINING REPORT,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!



May 7, 2012 – How to Keep Your Horse’s Shoulders Up and Increase His Natural Lift

I am going to teach you about some of the things that cause your horse to drop his shoulders, lose his lift and move on his front end. I will give you the corrections or fixes that will bring his shoulders up and improve his movement. There are several main causes for this – here is one of them:

Reason 5 – Shutting Down Your Horse’s Movement Or Keeping Him Too Slow

In trying to get that slow finished Western Pleasure horse, many riders constantly ride their horse slow which can allow them to drop their shoulders and move to their front end. Sometimes this is from the horse getting lazy, other times just out of balance.  I also want my Western Pleasure horses slow, but there is often a fine line between moving shut down, shuffly, and moving crisp and pure.  I often drive my Western Pleasure horses forward, allowing them to re-balance and readjust their lope and trot. If you drive your horse forward at times he will regain his lift through his shoulders.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!



May 4, 2012 – The Secret to a Truly Willing Horse

Willingness is important. In order to have that fabulous ride we all want and work toward, our horse has to be willing. When I train, I want their heart; I want them to want to try, and to want to be part of the team. You can get a lot of rides out of an unwilling horse, but eventually it will come back to bite you and the unwillingness will come out. Training your horse to be obedient is important. It is critical to a broke horse. But when you carry that a step further and spend the time it takes to build willingness, in addition to obedience, you are creating a team that can last for years and you will have a truly fun horse to show.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time!

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.




April 30, 2012 – How to Develop a Good Seat

What is a good seat? When you have a good seat you are able to catch your horse’s rhythm. You are able to flow with your horse. How do you know if you have a good seat? Can you just picture watching certain riders who look like they are one with their horse? They make it look effortless and easy. I want to help you to develop a strategy to improve your seat. When your seat is improved you can get closer and closer to riding as one with your horse. Soon, you too will be able to catch the rhythm and flow with your horse. All you need is some knowledge, a “stick with it” mentality, and a little hard work. You will soon be on your way to being a better rider.

Another key point to gaining a good seat is to learn to control your breathing. Breathing truly does relate to a good seat and I’ll explain how. When you breathe correctly, taking a full deep breath; breathing through your diaphragm, your seat aligns itself in the correct position on your horse. Deep breathing expands your ribcage and positions your seat correctly on your horse. A short shallow breath encourages an arch in your back and brings your tail bone up off your horse. This can also encourage you to lift your seat up off the horse and lean forward which then breaks that communication between your seat and your horse. So remember, good correct deep breathing will greatly improve your seat and your riding on your horse. It also relaxes you and makes you more aware of your body, your horse’s body and his gaits. You also send a confident message when you are relaxed and in control of your horse and your body. As your seat is centered where it belongs, your balance improves which allows your hand and leg cues to become smoother and clearer and your timing becomes better.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time!

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!


April 27, 2012 – Help For The Timid Rider

Are you a timid rider?  I believe that most of us at some time or another have moments of feeling timid, hesitant, or afraid on a horse.  In certain situations and on certain horses, there may be times when it is wise to be hesitant or timid.   Your intuition may be telling you to back off!  However, there may be other times when your timidity turns into fear and you freeze or give wrong signals to your horse.  You may even be unconsciously telling your horse that you are afraid, giving him the upper hand.  When you give a fearful response over and over, he may learn to be spooky or naughty!

I have tips that will help you to master your fears and insecurity.   These tips will also help you to gain a better relationship with your horse.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time!

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free training report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!



April 26, 2012 – Five Incredible Tips To Help You Become The Best Rider You Can Be!

I am going to give you some great tips that will help you become a better rider and take you to a new level in all areas in your riding!  To become great horsemen and horsewomen you must understand the horse.  To become a great rider you must understand how a horse moves and how each gait has its own rhythm and beat.  You also need some knowledge of your own body, how you are made and how your body’s movement can help the horse.  A horse and a human both have many movable parts and joints.  Your riding will improve dramatically once you learn to move with your horse.  Have you ever seen a rider that is so beautiful that they look like they are one with their horse?  My goal is for you to learn how to flow with your horse and ride like you are one with the horse.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time!

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at http://www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

For your free report,  “5 Incredible Tips to Help You Become the Best Rider You Can Be!” by Dana Hokana, click the link below and enter your name, e-mail and in the comments box enter the promo code “DANA FREE”.


Be your best and ride like a champion!



April 25, 2012 – How to Get the Spook Out Of Your Horse

Most of us have been on a jumpy or spooky horse, one that is ready to jump at anything!  In my opinion, it is no fun to ride a horse that is afraid and reactive.  Some horses are genuinely more afraid of things than others.  They may be more sensitive than others and may notice sights and sounds more acutely than other horses as well, but many horses have learned to be spooky.  I feel that often it has become a habit, or a learned behavior.  I am going to give you some techniques that will help you to change your horse from a spook into a confident, less reactive horse!

One important tip I can give you is to talk to your horse!  When I am riding at home, I talk to my horses all the time.  My voice can become a positive stimulus to reward or relax my horse.  Horses are sensitive animals, and they definitely respond to the sound of a voice.  You may feel a little silly at horse shows or events talking away to your horse, but I will tell you it works!!  Touching and patting your horse can also be a positive stimulus.  Knowledge is wonderful and many times just understanding how horses learn and how habits are acquired can give you the breakthrough you have been waiting for!

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time!

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

Be your best and ride like a champion!


April 24, 2012 – Developing Your Game Plan

Many people don’t take the time to evaluate their goals and if their horses are suitable to reach those goals. In order to evaluate your horse make a list of his/her pros and cons, your game plan, and what you want to improve, and what needs updating/remaking. This will help you with what you need to focus on, point out strengths and what needs improvement, and will help identify your personal goals and what needs to be done to get you there.

Dana’s training information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s.   They include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  Also, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time!

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

Be your best and ride like a champion!


April 23, 2012 – Improve Your Performance by Improving Your Feel and Timing

What is feel?

Feel and timing go hand in hand.  Feel is knowing when to have contact with your horse, how much or how hard of contact to have and when to release your contact.  You communicate or talk to your horse with your hands, seat and legs.  You can develop good communication by having good feel and timing.  Timing is nothing more than knowing when to pick up on your horse and when to release.  The age old theory says that you either have feel or you don’t and feel can’t be taught.   People believed that feel is some elusive, mysterious ability that some great horsemen possess.  That is just not true!  Anyone who puts their mind to it can develop and greatly improve their feel and timing.  With time patience and discipline you too can develop feel and improve your timing.

This information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD “Take Control Vol. 4 – How to Develop Feel and Timing”.  These DVD’s include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  In addition, the Winning Strides Training DVD set “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3 is now 25% OFF for a limited time!

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

Be your best and ride like a champion!


April 19, 2012 – How to Improve Your Show Ring Presentation – Your Attitude

Your expressions, mannerisms, and body language tell the world your attitude. Your attitude often tells of your expectations and your expectations definitely determine your results. So…attitude is everything. Spend as much time on your attitude as you do on your horse’s grooming, picking your outfit, or even practicing your event.

Show confidence, remember the saying “Fake it until you make it”. Everyone goes through periods when their confidence is low. You won’t move beyond that if you give in to fear or lack of confidence. Coach yourself, speak positively to yourself, encourage your self. You can do it too! Prepare as well as you can, because when you know you are ready, that builds confidence.

Practice visualization – visualize in your mind the ride you want to have. Sports psychologists and coaches have proven visualization works – expect the best. Once you are in the arena you’ve done all you can do, so expect a great ride. We usually get what we expect.

Be on time for your class. Be at the back gate ready when your class is called. Often the judges are watching the exhibitors as they are preparing to enter.

This information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3.  These DVD’s include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  This set is now 25% OFF for a limited time!

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

Be your best and ride like a champion!



April 18, 2012 – Simple Tips to Transition Your Horse from the Snaffle to the Bridle-

There are many different opinions and methods on how to correctly advance your young or green horse from the ring snaffle bit to the shank curb bridle. However most great …horseman give this transition great regard as many believe that how you “put your horse in the bridle” as it is called will greatly affect the long term bridle horse he becomes. I agree with this, as the bridle or snaffle is a communication tool between you and your horse. By using the bridle correctly and introducing it correctly to your horse you are giving your horse’s training and integrity of the interior of his mouth the highest regard. Respect your horse like the high level partner he truly is.

This information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD “Take Control Vol. 7 – Transition Your Horse From The Snaffle To The Bridle”.  These DVDs include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVDs at www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

Be your best and ride like a champion!



April 17, 2012 – Seven Steps to Slow Your Horse Down Without Sacrificing Movement -

STEP SEVEN. Take your time. If you want your horse to slow down, you may have to slow down. Often we don’t realize how fast we are sending our cues to our horse. Get fast-thinking out of his mind by taking it out of your mind. A basic principal that I train with is to encourage my horse to wait for me. If his mindset is always thinking wait, he will be less likely to make his own decision to speed up. When you slow your cues down, you project confidence and patience to your horse. This will give him confidence. Walk a moment in between each maneuver. After you do an exercise, stop, release the contact, let him think a moment, then slowly go back to it. Evaluate if he wants to step or rush off or if he’s willing to stand or walk slowly. See where he is mentally. He may need to be walked or stopped until he’s ready to focus. Also, try to soften your leg and hands as he gets more responsive. If you give more cue than he needs, it feels like a punishment to him. Only give as much cue as it takes to get the desired response. Talk softly through your hands and legs.

This information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3.  These DVD’s include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  This set is now 25% OFF for a limited time!

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

Be your best and ride like a champion!


April 16, 2012 – THE ARC -

The arc has a couple of main components.  First is body position. That involves him putting his head and neck in the correct position. You should be able to see the outside corner of the inside eye. He also needs to have his hip slightly to the inside of the track. At the lope, right hind should fall in between the two front feet.

The next is energy flow. Often riders or trainers will manually force the body into the correct position, but the horse’s energy does not stay forward or correctly in line with his body. Proper energy flow is what you need to have cadence and a rhythmic “locked in” gait. Ninety percent of the time if the horse won’t maintain his arc he will also have interrupted energy flow which can result in a deterioration of the gait, such as a choppy lope or a lot of knee action. He may also “hide” or over bridle in the head and neck, suck back, and move in a crawling motion.

This information is demonstrated in great detail on Dana’s Winning Strides Training DVD’s “Maximizing Your Western Pleasure Horse” Vol. 1, 2 & 3.  These DVD’s include more ideas and exercises to help improve your riding skills.  This set is now 25% OFF for a limited time.

To learn about these training tips and more, purchase Dana Hokana’s Training DVD’s at www.westernhorsetrainingvideos.com

Be your best and ride like a champion!

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