
Here are examples comparing MySQL 5.6 against PostgreSQL 9.3 Core Distribution, where MySQL seems to comply with "standard SQL" more closely than PostgreSQL does. The examples are also true for MariaDB 10.0 so whenever I say "MySQL" I mean "MySQL and/or MariaDB". When I say "more closely" I do not mean that MySQL is completely compliant, or that PostgreSQL is completely non-compliant.




PostgreSQL says count(*) is 0. MySQL says it's 1.


(1) PostgreSQL maximum identifier length is 63 bytes; MySQL maximum identifier length is 64 characters. The standard requirement is 128 characters.

(2) With PostgreSQL, if you insert an invalid value, PostgreSQL truncates -- it "tries to make do" rather than failing. (If the name had been too long for MySQL, it would have thrown an error.)

(3) PostgreSQL does not convert to lower case during CREATE, and does a case-sensitive search during SELECT.

Character Sets And Collations



PostgreSQL returns an error. MySQL succeeds.


PostgreSQL does not support named character sets; it can only handle one character set per database.



PostgreSQL finds one row for the first SELECT but zero rows for the second SELECT. MySQL finds one row both times.


PostgreSQL does not always add spaces to the shorter comparand, or remove spaces from the longer comparand. MySQL is consistent. The behaviour is optional, but it is not supposed to depend on the data type.



With PostgreSQL, no matter which collation one chooses, one does not get a linguistic standard ordering. Here is a typical result:

With MySQL, if one enters the same data (albeit in a different way), and chooses collation utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci, one gets a standard result.


PostgreSQL depends on the operating system for its collations. In this case my Linux operating system offered me only 5 collations which were really distinct. I did not attempt to customize or add more. I tried all the ones that were supplied, and failed to get a result which would match the Unicode Collation Algorithm order (indicated by the 'uca' column in the example). This matters because the standard does ask for a UNICODE collation "in which the ordering is determined by applying the Unicode Collation Algorithm with the Default Unicode Collation Element Table [DUCET]". MySQL is a cross-platform DBMS and does not depend on the operating system for its collations. So, out of the box and for all platform versions, it has about 25 distinct collations for 4-byte UTF8. One of them is based on the DUCET for Unicode 5.2.

MySQL's character set and collation support is excellent in some other respects, but I'll put off the paeans for another post. Here I've just addressed a standard matter.




MySQL finds a row containing 1. PostgreSQL finds nothing.


PostgreSQL rolls back the entire transaction when it encounters a syntax error. MySQL only cancels the statement.

Now, PostgreSQL is within its rights -- the standard says that an implementor may do an "implicit rollback" for an error. But that is a provision for what a DBMS implementor MAY do. From other passages in the standard, it's apparent that the makers didn't anticipate that a DBMS would ALWAYS do it, even for syntax errors. (For example it says: "exception conditions for transaction rollback have precedence over exception conditions for statement failure".) Even Microsoft SQL Server, in its optional "abort-transaction-on-error" mode, doesn't abort for syntax errors. So MySQL appears to be nearer the spirit of the standard as generally understood.


Result: PostgreSQL shows the same timestamp twice. MySQL shows two different timestamps.


PostgreSQL keeps the same time throughout a transaction; MySQL keeps the same time throughout a statement.

The key sentences in the standard say that the result of a datetime value function should be the time when the function is evaluated, and "The time of evaluation of a datetime value function during the execution of S and its activated triggers is implementation-dependent." In other words, it's supposed to occur during the execution of S, which stands for Statement. Of course, this leads to arguable matters, for example what if the statement is in a function that's invoked from another statement, or what if the statement is within a compound statement (BEGIN/END block)? But we don't have to answer those questions here. We just have to observe that, for the example given here, the DBMS should show two different timestamps. For documentation of how DB2 follows this, see ibm.com.

Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Prepared Statements



PostgreSQL returns an error. MySQL succeeds.


PostgreSQL does not support any functions, stored procedures, or triggers with standard syntax.

Instead PostgreSQL supports Oracle syntax. This is not as bad it sounds -- the Oracle syntax is so popular that even DB2 also has decided to support it, optionally.



PostgreSQL returns an error. MySQL succeeds.


PostgreSQL doesn't support the standard syntax for PREPARE.

Data Types



PostgreSQL returns an error. MySQL succeeds, although MySQL has to use a different non-standard syntax.


PostgreSQL has an aversion to CHR(0) the NUL character.("The character with the code zero cannot be in a string constant."). Other DBMSs allow all characters in the chosen character set. In this case, the default character set is in use, so all Unicode characters should be okay.


Result: PostgreSQL returns an error. MySQL succeeds.


PostgreSQL does not support BINARY or VARBINARY or BLOB. It has equivalent non-standard data types.

The Devil Can Cite Scripture For His Purpose

I could easily find examples going the other way, if I wrote a blog post titled "Sometimes PostgreSQL is more standards-compliant than MySQL". But can one generalize from such examples?

The PostgreSQL folks boldly go to conclusion mode:

As a quick summary, MySQL is the "easy-to-use, web developer" database, and PostgreSQL is the "feature-rich, standards-compliant" database.

-- postgresql.org FAQ

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