
Ok, so after all the things that have been announced @MySQLConnect, I’ve got to play around with them. First stop: space (no.. not ‘the final frontier’).

I need more space on my f/s to get installing. I was a bit of a scrooge when I created my Oracle Linux virtual machine, so now I’m paying the price.

As I’m using Virtual Box, I’ve added a new SATA Controller vmdk of 10G, SATA Port 1 and then start it up.

Will be able to identify the new & unused partition:


n (add a new partition)

p (primary partition, that is)

1 (it’s the 1st one)

Default First & Last sectors. Means hitting Enter twice.

Now let’s see if it exists, i.e. if it’s a valid disk:

Setting the physical volume, so we can add it to the volgroup later.

Looking at the physical volumes:

And we can also see that it’s not assigned to any volgroup yet:

Nor is it in any logical volume sets:

So, as vg_ol63uek01 is the volgroup name, LogVol01 is the logical volume that we’ll extend, root f/s, we can now do:

That didn’t hurt. Let’s have a look:

Right.. now the real dilemma.. what to install first.

- MySQL Enterprise Monitor 3.0 (register for the webinar next week)

- MySQL Fabric (http://labs.mysql.com)

- MySQL 5.7.2 / 5.6.14

Decisions decisions..

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