
SCA News

Secular Coalition’s Lobby Day 2014 and Top 51 Must Read List      

Patheos Blogs - 05/29/2014

…List So, I just got an e-mail alerting me to two neat things from Secular Coalition For America. So, I just got an e-mail alerting me to two…



Utah high school slammed for secretly Photoshopping yearbook photos to make girls less sexy      

The New York Daily News - 05/30/2014

Teachers at Wasatch High School have sparked outrage after they manipulated pictures of some female pupils so that they showed less skin.


More religious groups to join suit against same-sex marriage ban      

CharlotteObserver.com - 05/29/2014

More religious groups to join suit against same-sex marriage ban Additional plaintiffs including two national clergy groups are expected to join…


Conservative United Methodists say divide over sexuality is `irreconcilable’      

CharlotteObserver.com - 05/29/2014

the Rev. Maxie Dunnam said after the church s 2004 assembly, before the same-sex marriage issue swept the nation. That s not a game where our…


Orrin Hatch says gay marriage as ‘law of the land’ is inevitable      

The Washington Post - 05/29/2014

Orrin Hatch says gay marriage as law of the land is inevitable SALT LAKE CITY Sen. SALT LAKE CITY Sen. Orrin Hatch says legal gay marriage is…



Pledging To Respect Everyone’s Rights: N.Y. School Allows Student To Opt Out Of Patriotic Exercise      

Americans United – Blogs - 05/29/2014

…settled. But it shouldn t have been an issue at all. Public school students have well-established legal rights to freedom of expression, and…


Bridging science and religion      

Harvard Public Affairs & Communications - 05/29/2014

Bridging science and religion Divinity School graduate and scientist Shelley Brown works to stitch together fields that often bypass each other…



“There Have Been No Direct Threats, I’m Delighted to Say”      

Slate - 05/30/2014

…threats arose after Jones stopped the Dover Area School District from teaching intelligent design inschools in 2005. They arrived in a torrent of…


Member Orgs

School scratches Mormon museum field trip (May 6, 2014)      

Freedom From Religion Foundation - 05/30/2014

When Westvale Elementary School, West Jordan, Utah, sent permission slips home April 24 for a fourth-grade field trip to the Church History Museum, which is run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, some parents parents were immediately wary. West Jordan is just south of Salt Lake City, headquarters for the LDS Church. The slip told parents the trip would “supplement regular curriculum programs and [would] take place during the regular school day.” FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel, on behalf of several district parents, sent a letter May 1 to Superintendent Patrice Johnson


Once Again, Judges Throw Out Atheists’ Lawsuit That Would Have Removed ‘In God We Trust’ from U.S. Currency      

Patheos Blogs - 05/29/2014

Once Again, Judges Throw Out Atheists Lawsuit That Would Have Removed In God We Trust from U.S. Currency Last year, Michael Newdow, the atheist…



Religious Liberty in the Air Force Under Dire Threat: An Open Letter to USAF Chief of Staff      

Speakeasy – Alternet Blog - 05/29/2014

…practitioners of a virulent form of fundamentalist Christianity known as “Dominionism.” Among many others, Congressman Forbes is one of their…


Public Religion

MAP: Where offending a religion could get you executed      

The Washington Post - 05/29/2014

Apostasy laws remain on the books of a minority of countries — 11 percent of the world, according to Pew — most of which happen to be predominantly Muslim. (The map above is from 2012 shows them all–punishments range from fines to loss of citizenship to imprisonment to death.) A host of other nations, including many non-Muslim ones, also maintain blasphemy laws.



Giles County needs a new bible bus      

WDBJ7 - 05/29/2014

Giles County needs a new bible bus PEARISBURG, Va. – - It’s called “The Bible Bus” and supporters in Giles County say they need a new one. PEARISBURG,


Michigan mulls update to gay discrimination law      

STLtoday.com (AP) - 05/29/2014

Michigan mulls update to gay discrimination law MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. (AP) Gov. Rick Snyder on Thursday urged legislators…


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