
Secular Coalition National Weekly Update

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National Secular Movement Update
Newsletter and Call


Call Every Thursday from 12PM - 12:30PM (ET)
Phone Number: 559-726-1300 Code 953064

May 15, 2014


Sex Education - The next few weeks should see the introduction of a Senate version of H.R. 3774: Repealing Ineffective and Incomplete Abstinence-Only Program Funding Act of 2013. The Secular Coalition is working with sex education coalition partners to assist with drafting the language of the bill, as well as gain co-sponsors and support prior to its introduction.

Media Partnership - The Secular Coalition for America is excited to announce its first media partner, Dogma Debate. Dogma Debate is a live 3-hour radio show, which airs weekly at 6PM CST. Dogma Debate is currently partnered with iHeartRadio and its live shows are recorded and immediately become podcasts on iTunes®, Spreaker, Stitcher, Zune, and other podcast outlets. Dogma Debate, has over 1.3 million downloads, and averages 140K/mo. Dogma Debate’s affiliate site, AtheistAudiobooks.com, offers secular and atheist-themed e-books for download.  

Must Read List - The Secular Coalition for America's Secular "Must Read" List is now live on our site. Our list ranks the best sources of secular news and opinion in the world. Also, subscribe to the SCA and RDF and get FREE the first chapter of “An Appetite for Wonder: The Making of a Scientist” by Richard Dawkins.

Time is Running Out! Register before May 19th and get $200 off your room rate!  Reserve your room NOW before rooms book up with code SCA14.  Also, from our Lobby Day page you can find travel information, a link to the registration page, preliminary schedule, FAQ's and more. The Secular Coalition's 2014 Lobby Day and Policy Summit to take place from June 12-14 here in Washington, DC.  Register or view the preliminary schedule here. And don't forget to RSVP for June 12th events, our pool party (featuring an open bar!) and our film screening of the film "Contradiction" followed by a discussion with the filmmaker, Jeremiah Camara, MC'ed by comedian, Steve Hill (event held in partnership with African Americans for Humanism DC). View or download flyer here. 

Don't Forget:

Podcasting Feed: You can now find our calls and other SCA recordings via our podcast feed! You can find the feed on Secular News Daily, but also look for it in the iTunes store soon. You can subscribe now via iTunes or any podcasting app by adding http://www.secularnewsdaily.com/category/podcasts/feed/ as a feed.

State websites are up! Find your state site now and get plugged in to your very own network of secular activists across the country.

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Table of Contents:

I. White House and Congressional Update
II. Secular Events and Calendar
III. Secular Movement in the News
IV. Legislative and Regulatory Update
V. Judicial
VI. SCA State Chapters
VII. Secular Student Movement Update
VIII. Policy and Research Documents
IX. Secular Coalition Expansion
X. SCA Member and Associated Organization Announcements
I. Movement Charity Updates and Activities
XII. Secular Artist of the Month

Please join our movement today! Follow this link to the SCA sign-up page.

I. White House and Congressional Update

White House: On May 6, the Administration released the Third U.S. National Climate Assessment, a comprehensive source of up-to-date scientific information about climate-change impacts across the U.S.  Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel approved a request from the Army to “evaluate potential treatment options for inmates diagnosed with gender dysphoria” and is considering a request from the Army to transfer Private Chelsea Manning, convicted of leaking national security data to WikiLeaks, to a civilian prison so that she can receive treatment.

House of Representatives: The House is not in Session and will return May 19. A special panel to investigate the Benghazi attack is in limbo during the House recess, with Democrats debating whether to participate and Republicans vowing to proceed alone, if necessary.

Senate: This week the Senate debated a tax extenders bill. The bill extends tax breaks that help small businesses, help unemployed veterans find jobs, and promote clean energy production and research and development. The White House wants the Senate’s $85 billion bill amended so that it does not add to the deficit.  When asked about climate change Senator Marco Rubio told ABC News "I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it," Rubio said. He was quickly debunked by Time Magazine and others.  

International: In a disturbing but underreported story, a Sudanese court has told a 27-year-old woman to abandon her Christian faith or face a death sentence. In a joint statement, the embassies of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands said: "We call upon the government of Sudan to respect the right to freedom of  religion, including one's right to change one's faith or beliefs." Meanwhile, last week gunmen disguised as clients murdered a prominent human rights lawyer defending a university professor accused of blasphemy. In response, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said: “We were deeply saddened by the murder of Rashid Rehman, an attorney and human rights defender in Pakistan," and “We encourage Pakistani authorities... to swiftly investigate this crime and bring to justice those responsible.” On a related note, State Department spokesperson Mark Thornburg was critical of Pakistan's blasphemy law in a recent interview with the legal news outlet InsideCounsel: “In recent years Pakistani citizens, both Muslim and non-Muslim, have been arrested and convicted for violating blasphemy laws. Such laws are not consistent with universal human rights, such as freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion."

If you are interested in attending one of these meetings, please contact Director of Federal and State Affairs, Kelly@secular.org. For UN-related questions or remarks for these meetings can email Michael DeDora at the Center for Inquiry at mdedora@centerforinquiry.net. More information on the Committee and all its events can be found at http://unforb.wordpress.com/ (Thank you to Michael DeDora for this update, mdedora@centerforinquiry.net, 646.706.6080). Otherwise, contact Edwina Rogers, Executive Director, Edwina Rogers, at Edwina@secular.org or by phone at 202-299-101 ext. 207 or cell: 202-674-7800.

II. Secular Events and Calendar

June 12-14 - SCA Lobby Day and Secular Summit!

2014 Conferences

Start Date

End Date









STEM Forum & Expo

New Orleans, LA





 Women in Secularism III 

American Humanist Asscoc. Annual Conf

Alexandria, VA

Philadelphia, PA



Capital Pride

Washington DC



LA Pride

Los Angeles, CA



SCA Lobby Day and Summit

Washington, DC



Thomas Paine Day

Philadelphia, PA



SSA 2014 Annual Conf West

Phoenix, AZ



Unitarian Universalists General Assembly

Providence, RI




Toronto, Canada



NY Pride

New York, NY



SF Pride

San Francisco, CA



The Amaz!ng Meeting

Las Vegas, NV



Secular Student Alliance 2014 Annual Conf East

Columbus, OH



Foundation Beyond Belief Conference

Chicago, IL



La Raza

Los Angeles, CA



Comic Con

San Diego, CA



AAA Annual Conf

Seattle, WA



Colorado Secular Conference





Atlanta, GA



PA Atheist/Humanist

Philadelphia, PA



Society for Journalistic Professionalism

Nashville, TN



Las Vegas Pride

Las Vegas, NV



Religion News Writers

Atlanta, GA



Black Caucus Leg Conf




Atlanta Pride

Atlanta, GA



Comic Con NY

New York, NY



 “Freethought Day”

Sacramento, CA




Richmond, VA



FFRF Annual Conf

Los Angeles, CA



Out and Equal




NSTA Orlando Conf

Orlando, FL



LGBT Leaders Victory Institute




NatAssn for Hispanic Journalists




Project SEARCH at UNH

Durham, NH

Anything to add? Contact SCA Director of Communications, Lauren Anderson Youngblood at lauren@secular.org. Please let us know if you'd like to attend one of these meetings: If you are interested, please contact Director of Federal and State Affairs, Kelly Damerow at kelly@secular.org for anything legislation-related.

III. Secular Movement In the News

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and check out Secular News Daily for even more!

Secular Coalition in the News

Press Release: Secular Americans Disappointed with MA Supreme Court Decision on Pledge of Allegiance

An Atheist's Favorite National Day of Prayer (Herb Silverman for Huffington Post)

College of Charleston Times, They Are a-Changin' (Herb Silverman for Huffington Post)

Mass. High Court Re-affirms “Under God” in Pledge of Allegiance  (The New American)

Atheists still 'under God' when it comes to Pledge of Allegiance in Massachusetts  (Associated Press)

Massachusetts Court: participation in pledge is ‘voluntary’ (BRNow.org)

Supreme Court prayer ruling may spur new alliances  (Washington Post) 

Secular and Related News

Wedding Bells in Little Rock: Arkansas Becomes First Southern State to Legalize Gay Marriage  (Yahoo! News)

An Atheist Chaplain? Will the Military Soon Have a Chaplain That Doesn't Believe in 'For God and Country'? (Fox Nation)

After Catholic outcry, Satanist ceremony canceled at Harvard  (Bradenton Herald Bradenton Herald )

How new abortion restrictions are impacting Texas (My Fox Austin)

Federal judge declares Idaho's gay marriage ban unconstitutional  (KETK)

The Impact of Cafeteria Religion on Political Engagement (Brookings Institute)

Dionne: Supreme Court fails religious empathy test (Salt Lake Tribune)

Notre Dame Denied New Hearing in Birth Control Case  (CBN)

Crossfire: Bill Nye vs. S.E. Cupp on Climate Change "Scare Tactics" (Real Clear Politics)

Student files contempt motion over school prayer (Mississippi Business Journal)

What Does Religion Look Like in Prison? (Pacific Standard) 

Click "update subscription preferences" at the bottom of this email and select "Morning Links." You can also view the Morning Read at Secular News Daily.


Calendar Events

May 26 - Memorial Day 

June 6 - Atheist Pride Day

June 14 - Flag Day

June 28 - LGBT Pride Day

July 3 - Anniversary of Allegheny County v. Greater Pittsburgh (1989)- (Bans religious displays depicting only one religion)

July 4 - Independence Day

July 21 - Anniversary of the Scopes trial The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes (1925) - a famous American legal case in 1925 in which a high school teacher, John Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which made it unlawful to teach human evolution in any state-funded school

August 11 - Ingersoll Day

August 23 - Women's Equality Day

August 26 - Women's Equality Day

Sept. 17 - Constitution Day

Sept. 23 - Blasphemy Day

October 20 - John Dewey’s birthday (1859)

November 9 - Carl Sagan’s birthday (1934)

November 21 - Voltaire’s birthday (1694)

November 24 - Publication date of “The Origin of Species” (1859)

November 25 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Are there any upcoming anniversaries, days of note, holidays or events that the movement needs to coordinate press around? Contact Communications Manager, Lauren Anderson Youngblood at lauren@secular.org.


IV. Legislative and Regulatory Update


Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) - S. 2307, the Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA, was introduced last week by Senator Boxer (D-CA) and co-sponsored by Sens. Menendez (D-NJ), Collins (R-ME), Kirk (R-IL), and Shaheen (D-NH). The Secular Coalition is watching closely to ensure federal dollars are not going to faith-based organizations that restrict women’s education of and access to the full spectrum of healthcare options, specifically birth control, the morning after pill, and abortion. We’re also keeping an eye out for resurgence of past efforts to include so-called “nondiscrimination clauses” to ensure that faith-based groups receiving funds through this program can still discriminate in their employment decisions.

Sex Education - The next few weeks should see the introduction of a Senate version of H.R. 3774: Repealing Ineffective and Incomplete Abstinence-Only Program Funding Act of 2013. The Secular Coalition is working with sex education coalition partners to assist with drafting the language of the bill, as well as gain co-sponsors and support prior to its introduction.

May is Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. Please share the following information far and wide! Empowering youth means pregnant or parenting teens should be supported, not stigmatized, by both government and culture. We know from a large body of research that today's teens are far better contraceptive users than previous generations, and teen pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates have declined as a result. However, the rate of teen births in the U.S. remains the highest among comparable peer countries and the majority of teen pregnancies (82% or more) are unintended. 8 in 10 teens (83%) did not receive sex education before they first had sex. Earlier delivery of sexual health education would equip teens with the skills and services they need to make informed choices about their health. Research has found that teens who report that they received sexual health education are 50% less likely to experience an unintended pregnancy. Sexual health education programs that promote abstinence as well as the use of condoms and contraception do not increase sexual behavior or STD infection risks. Abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, on the other hand, have been discredited by a wide body of evidence, including  in a Congressionally mandated study, which found these programs ineffective in stopping or delaying teen sex or otherwise beneficially impacting young people's sexual behavior.  We should ensure that all teens – including pregnant and parenting teens – have the support, respect, and access to education and health programs that can help them be successful.

Military - The efforts of the Secular Coalition for America and the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers to secure the first Humanist Chaplain in the military are progressing as candidate for the Navy, Jason Heap appeared in front of the Chaplain Board this week. The Secular Coalition is working hard to educate members of congress on why a Humanist military chaplain is desperately needed in an effort to preempt misinformation and reactionary legislation from the opposition.Roughly 23% of men and women in the armed services have either no religious preference or are nontheists, and 3.6% identify as Humanists, yet they do not have a single chaplain. Nontheists and the nonreligious in the military face the same emotional and ethical challenges that the chaplaincy program exists to mollify. Nontheistic and Humanist service members should not have to face these challenges alone while religious service men and women are given guidance and comfort. Military Chaplains do much more than faith counseling. They are officers often tasked with granting permission for bereavement leave or use of secular meeting space.  Mental health professionals are inadequate substitutes for chaplains for multiples reasons: confidentiality that comes with speaking to a chaplain, but not when speaking to a mental health professional; the stigma still attached to seeking mental health care; and accessibility, as chaplains are integrated within units. Minority faith groups, such as Jews, Hindus, and Muslims, are allowed military chaplains, and there are more Humanists than any non-Christian denomination. These service members not only deserve Humanist chaplains, the Constitution and military regulations mandate it.

Contact Kelly Damerow, Director of Federal and State Affairs, with additional suggestions or information at Kelly@secular.org.

V. Judicial
Presented this week by Rebecca Markert of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Doe v. Acton-Boxbourough Regional School District - The Massachusetts Superior Judicial Court rejected claims that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools violated Massachusetts state law.  On behalf of an atheist family, the American Humanist Association sued claiming the recitation of the religious pledge violated the atheist student’s equal protection rights under the Massachusetts state constitution, and rights under a state statute prohibiting discrimination in public schools.  The court reasoned that there was no evidence that the children were punished, bullied or otherwise mistreated for their nonparticipation in the Pledge.  It also found that feelings of exclusion are not cognizable under the state constitution. 

 Kountze Independent School District v. Matthews - In 2012, FFRF complained to Kountze Independent School District about the practice of cheerleaders holding up banners with explicitly Christian references (mostly Bible quotes) for football players to run through during football games.  The school district initially prohibited the banner displays.  Cheerleaders sued claiming the district’s policy violated their free speech rights. The school district eventually relented and changed their policy allowing the banners.  Last May (2013) a Texas judge issued a permanent injunction and ruled the banners could not be prohibited.  The school district, oddly enough, appealed the decision.  On Friday, a panel ruled the lawsuit was moot because the school district reversed course and currently allows the banners.

If you have any additions, questions or submissions for inclusion on the judicial section for next week, contact David Niose, at the American Humanist Association at dniose@americanhumanist.org, or Rebecca S. Markert, rmarkert@ffrf.org, with the Freedom From Religion Foundation at  (608) 256-8900.

VI. State Chapters
The Secular Coalition for South Carolina will be holding its first lobby day on Friday, May 30, in Columbia, SC. To register by May 16, go here.

Upcoming State Calls: Join the call for your state chapter by dialing in: Call in number: (530) 881-1400 - Participant code: 978895.

Today: Mississippi at 12 pm CT; Illinois at 2 pm CT

Saturday, May 17: West Virginia at 1 pm ET

Sunday, May 18: Utah at 12 pm CT; Oregon at 1 pm PT, and New Jersey at 6:30 pm

Monday, May 19: Ohio at 6 pm ET; Tennessee at 8 pm ET/7 pm CT

Tuesday, May 20: Virginia at 6 pm ET; Hawaii at 2 pm HT

Wednesday, May 21<

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