Noodlecake has released a new installment into the world of Gravity Duck called Gravity Duck Islands. Developed by Ravenous Games, this is a new arcade platformer where players will be assuming control of our heroic duck with the unique ability to change gravity for himself when the need arises.
You will be controlling your duck through multiple levels across four different islands, avoiding hazards along the way by flapping your wings to change your gravity. Doing this will allow you to walk along walls and ceilings of each level. The goal is to get to the safe zone at the end of each level.
Gravity Duck Islands Features:
- Flip gravity and walk on walls / ceilings
- Unique abilities for each island - Jump, Float, Teleport and Phasing
- Collect rubber ducks to buy hats
- 80 Levels in 4 environments
- Tricky puzzles
- Google Play Games Achievements
- Cloud Saves
If you enjoyed the first Gravity Duck game, then you'll probably want to check this new installment out. You can download a copy off of Google Play for a flat $2.99, and you can check out the trailer below ahead of buying it.
Google Play: Gravity Duck Islands