Hello all……
This post examples how to get an edittext value from a dialog fragment.
You can use the same method to get a button click from a dialog or events like that.
You can click on the download link to get the source code.
At first we will create a layout for the Dialog Fragment.
The layout contains only an editext. We are getting this edittext value from the fragment to the activity when the “DONE” button is clicked after inputting text.
Next we will write the class for the DialogFragment.
MyDialogFragment is my class name for the DialogFragment.
OK Now our fragment is complete.
Here we use interface to get value from the editext in the DialogFragment.
This is the interface which has only one method
Now we implement this interface in the activity and call the method “onFinishEditDialog” from the dialog after inputting the text.
This is the line that calls this function from the dialogfragment.
This is the activity class.
Please leave your valuable comments if you found this post useful.
You can download the complete source code for the above post from here.
Link to this post!
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