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Free Posters (more below in artwork/cue yourself)
Artwork / Cue Yourself
Upgrade your world: How to integrate Web 2.0 tools in promoting Ecotourism from Aivar Ruukel on Vimeo.
Activism, Agnotology, Collaborative Editing, Green Growth, Hospice, Non Zero Sum Game, Phatic, Resistance, Sorry Business, Sustainability, Tundra, Unconference, Weir, Wetlands
Buzzword Bingo 2017 from ron mader
Biodiversity, Indigenous Peoples and the Social Web 2012
October 8-19 Hyderabad hosted the Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Planeta Founder Ron Mader facilitated the Global Workshop for Indigenous and Local Communities: Biodiversity, Tourism and the Social Web to engage CoP 11 participants and colleagues around the world with new networking tools that highlight indigenous and local community tourism services that conserve traditional culture and local biodiversity.
Summary on Ron's blog
Biodiversity, Tourism and the Social Web from ron mader
Around the World in 2017
2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
February 13-19 Responsible Travel Week #rtweek17
February 14 Valentine's Day
February 21 International Mother Language Day
February 22-26 Te Matatini Kapa Haka (New Zealand)
March 3 World Wildlife Day - #WorldWildlifeDay
March 3-5 Rugby Sevens (Las Vegas, USA)
March 4 Bark in the Park (Henderson, USA)
March 9-22 World Baseball Classic
March 22 World Water Day
March 27-31 Open Education Week - @openeducationwk #openeducationwk
April 15-23 National Park Week (USA)
April 17-19 4th European Ecotourism Conference #EuroEco17 (Turkey)
April 18 World Heritage Day
April 22 Earth Day
May 5 Cinco de Mayo (Mexico)
May 18 International Museums Day
April 19-23 Foro Mundial de la Bicicleta (World Bike Forum) México City #FMB6
May 22 International Day of Biological Diversity
June 5 World Environment Day
June 8 World Oceans Day
July 1 Canada Day (Canada)
July 2-9 NAIDOC Week (Australia)
July 2-12 41st Session of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee #41whc (Poland)
July 4 Independence Day (USA)
July 14 Bastille Day (France)
July 18 World Listening Day
August 7-13 Indigenous Peoples Week #ipw7
August 21 Total Solar Eclipse (USA)
September 11-17 Māori Language Week
October 9-11 Planet, People Peace (San José, Costa Rica)
2018 14th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Egypt)
January 1 New Year's Day
Content move request
We are still moving content (the classic features and resource guides) from Planeta.com to our new platform. If there is anything in particular missing that you'd like to see online, let Ron Mader know. One way is by making a 'content move request'