
It’s Season Nine Episode Forty-Three of the Ubuntu Podcast! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Martin Wimpress and Laura Cowen are connected and speaking to your brain.

We are four once more and Laura is back!

In this week’s show:

We discuss what we’ve been upto recently:

Giving the gift of games and watching Robot Wars recording in Glasgow.

We discuss the news:

The Mirai worm, which recruits devices for botnets, has been infecting TalkTalk routers in the UK

Windows 10 is coming to Qualcomm’s Snapdragon mobile chips

French computer science student Florent Revest has released an open source smartwatch OS

The creators of defunct anonymous sharing app Secret have launched bold.io, an anonymous blogging platform

Google has revealed 8 requests for user data from the FBI

Amazon has begun trials of autonomous drone delivery in the UK

Yahoo has been hacked – again!

Virtuix’s adult babywalker cancels pre-orders outside the US

Presenters news picks we didn’t have time to discuss:

Google expects to run solely on renewable energy in 2017

Samsung victorious at Supreme Court fight with 8-0 opinion against Apple

Russian Parliament members claim FIFA 17 is gay propaganda

The “technosphere” now weighs 30 trillion tons

Fitbit acquisition will kill Pebble Time 2 and Core

Fitbit will keep Pebble’s services running through 2017

Amazon’s Music Unlimited family plan comes to the UK

RetroEngine Sigma Is a Linux-Powered Retro Games Console

AMD may license its Radeon graphics IP to Intel for use in desktops, high performance computing

Biggest names in VR band together to create industry standards

Playtime’s over: Internet-connected kids toys ‘fail miserably’ at privacy

Apple’s MacBook Pro with Touch Bar has some serious battery life problems

Internet of $@!%: Google API change triggers Epson printer revolt

Many of UK’s NHS trusts continue to rely on Windows XP

Sky receives takeover bid from 21st Century Fox

Amazon’s ‘Grand Tour’ is the most pirated show ever

Uber staffers reportedly spied on celebrities and ex-partners

The Google car is no more: Meet the Waymo

AMD unveils Ryzen brand for Zen processors, base clocks, and additional performance details

Donald Trump could get pal Putin to kick me out of Russia

Scientists copy climate change data in fear of a Trump crackdown

Evernote clarifies its ‘poorly communicated’ angst-rousing privacy policy update

Evernote defends access to your notes in its new privacy policy

Evernote will no longer change its privacy policy in January

Turkey blocks Tor’s anonymity network

We discuss the community news:

This $90 Kit Converts an ODROID board into a Touchscreen Ubuntu PC

Ubuntu Touch OTA-14 Released

How Do You Install Ubuntu: USB, or DVD?

What Is A VPN Connection? Why To Use VPN?

Lightworks 14 Introduces A Brand-New Look, New Pro Features

Nathan Haines: UbuCon Europe 2016

Dustin Kirkland: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Security: A Comprehensive Overview

The Best Linux App & Distro Releases in 2016

Jonathan Riddell: KDE neon User LTS Edition Out Now

Linux Mint lacks resources to maintain KDE Plasma version — turns to Kubuntu team for help

Linux Mint 18.1 Released

Leo Arias: Test a stable release update

6 Essential Ubuntu Snap Commands You Should Know

Protect yourself online with EFF’s updated Privacy Badger 2.0

Dimitri John Ledkov: Swapfiles by default in Ubuntu

Snapcraft 2.23 and snapd 2.20 are released.

We mention some events:

Chaos Communication Congress: 27th to 30th December 2016 – Hamburg, Germany

The Chaos Communication Congress is the annual symposium and hacker party of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). During four days between Christmas and New Years Eve, Thousands of hackers, technology freaks, artists, and utopians get together in Hamburg to communicate, learn from each other, and party together. The event focuses on topics such as information technology, digital security, and making and breaking.

BaDhack: 10th January 2016 – Basingstoke, England.

Basingstoke & Deane Makerspace is a new group looking to find like-minded people in the area of Basingstoke to form a new community and find a space in which we can meet and collaborate.

linux.conf.au 2017: 16 to 20 of January 2017 – Hobart, Australia.

linux.conf.au is a conference about the Linux operating system, and all aspects of the thriving ecosystem of Free and Open Source Software that has grown up around it.

FOSDEM 2017: 4 to 5 of February 2017 – Brussels, Belgium.

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.

This weeks cover image is taken from Public Domain Pictures.

That’s all for this week! If there’s a topic you’d like us to discuss, or you have any feedback on previous shows, please send your comments and suggestions to show@ubuntupodcast.org or Tweet us or Comment on our Facebook page or comment on our Google+ page or comment on our sub-Reddit.

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