
It’s Episode Zero of Season Nine of the Ubuntu Podcast! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Laura Cowen and Martin Wimpress are connected and speaking to your brain.

We’re back! And we’re going to be back every week starting Thursday 3rd March 2016!!

In this week’s show we give a quick run-down of all the news that happened while we were away…

Debian founder Ian Murdock died at just 42 years old.

A music track was copied to /dev/null 100 times a second to make a point.

The Playstation 4 was hacked to run Linux.

FirefoxOS on the phone was killed off.

Alphabet, Google’s parent company, became the world’s most valuable company.

Jolla closed the book on the tablet

VTech decided to teach kids early-on that security is a nice-to-have.

Everyone started encrypting with Let’s Encrypt

Google, HP & Oracle joined RISC-V, to create an open source alternative to ARM & MIPS

The Australian government recommended switching off 2-factor authentication while on holiday

Ubuntu App Explorer started a wishlist of apps

Firefox 43 was released but GTK3 was disabled

Michael Larabel from www.phoronix.com felt “let down” by Linux and Open Source

Intel unveiled five new Compute Sticks

Amazon search will be disabled In Ubuntu 16.04

After 3 years, OpenShot 2.0 finally hit beta

Mozilla is killing its persona.org authentication system

OpenDesktop.org was acquired by Blue Systems

OpenSSH was struck by a new security vulnerability

Coreboot was ported to the Librem 13 Laptop, without Purism

Ubuntu Scope Showdown 2016 started

Linux Foundation stopped letting individual members elect directors

A massive ARM v6/v7 rework landed in Linux 4.5

A new browser, called Brave, promised to defend users’ privacy by removing adverts and replacing them with other adverts

The Xiaomi Linux laptop was announced to run… Windows 10

Oracle deprecated the Java Web-browser plugin

Linux games on Steam hit 1,900 titles

Linux games on Steam fell to 1,899 as Batman: Arkham Knight got cancelled for Linux

Privileged westerners called for ending 32-bit Ubuntu Desktop ISOs

Jono Bacon was wrong again

Ubuntu launched the ‘#Reinvent’ marketing campaign

Running rm -rf / on any UEFI Linux distribution can brick your system

Ubuntu developers released Snapcraft 2.1

NetworkManager 1.2 Offers Tracking Protection

Mozilla Pushed Firefox 45 into Beta

Linux Mint Devs Showcased the First Two X-Apps

ownCloud Mail App is coming for 9.0

Iron.io created microcontainers based on Alpine Linux

Docker Founders liked that last idea and hired an Alpine Linux Developer

Ubuntu 15.04 support ended

Canonical launched 2-in-1 Ubuntu tablet

MaruOS gave you an independent Debian desktop from your smartphone

Canonical will demo OnePlus & Sony devices running Ubuntu

Google announced Android N will run on OpenJDK

That’s all for this week! If there’s a topic you’d like us to discuss, or you have any feedback on previous shows, please send your comments and suggestions to show@ubuntupodcast.org or Tweet us or Comment on our Facebook page or comment on our Google+ page or comment on our sub-Reddit.

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