
Full Circle Podcast Episode 37, The Sausage Roll Kickstarter

Welcome back to our first studio show since our series of event specials earlier in the year, in this episode we discuss the Ubuntu Edge Indiegogo campaign – Success of Failure? a review of the ZTE Open Firefox OS phone, Oggcamp 13 preparations and Ubuntu 13.08 UDS

File Sizes:

OGG 44.9Mb

MP3 79.2Mb

Running Time: 1hr 05mins 25seconds

Feeds for both MP3 and OGG:

RSS feed, MP3: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/category/podcast/feed

RSS feed, OGG: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/category/podcast/feed/atom

The podcast is in MP3 and OGG formats. You can either play the podcast in-browser if you have Flash and/or Java, or you can download the podcast with the link underneath the player. Show notes after the jump.

Your Hosts:

Freaky Clown (twitter @__Freakyclown__)

Les Pounder (blog at http://about.me/lespounder/ twitter @biglesp)

Olly Clark (Google + http://plus.google.com/103073417601965434371/ twitter @ollyclarkdotorg)

Tony Hughes (Google + http://plus.google.com/101988366830118285114/ twitter @TonyH1212)

Show Notes

01:59 | WELCOME and INTRO:

03:15 | Since Last Time

Les - Has now become a freelance writer for Linux Format, and Linux User & Developer, and has carved quite an interesting career, thanks to the Raspberry Pi and Linux.

Tony - Attended Blackpool Barcamp, installed an SSD in his Toshiba R500 with the benefit of better battery life and lightning fast boot up and shut down, it also runs cooler now. He’s also joined a local amateur photography society and has started to get to grips with GIMP a little more, it is a seriously good and powerful application.  Tony has also been playing with color profiles too, and now feels the need to invest in a ColorHug and calibrate his screen correctly. Also just before the start of the recording Tony’s secondary HDD in his desktop seems to have died, it was working yesterday but no life in it today. Looks like desktop surgery is in order to see if its a disk problem or the Motherboard, he suspects the former.

Olly – Is mainly responsible for the delay in the release of and recording of new shows due to him having to find a new home and move into it.  It has been a roller coaster couple of months trying to get everything packed and organised ready for the move, which didn’t go according to plan.  The move has brought a lot of positives including, 60Mb Fibre Optic Broadband at an affordable price, being nearer to the LUG making attending meetings much easier and a much better room for the home studio to record the Podcasts in.  Olly also became the victim of ID Theft after the move, it appears that he left some what he considered harmless junk mail in the bin at his old address which gave the fraudsters all they needed to set up bogus online catalogue accounts in his name, lesson to be learnt there destroy all mail which has been personally address prior to disposal, Olly has now bought a cross plane shredder to avoid taking anymore chances and is now monitoring his credit report on a daily basis!!

Freaky Clown – Appeared on The Dick Turpin Road Show podcast (Warning contains adult language and gets abit ranty at times!!) and has also been building a 3D led cube at Surry & Hampshire Hackspace (his local Hackspace) and he’s been invited to be on the scheduled main track to give a talk at Oggcamp. Freaky also went to his local IMAX Cinema to watch Jurassic Park 3D, Amazing!! He’s also been mucking about with NFC with Thanks to Greggs and McDonalds.

16:41 | NEWS

New Nexus 7 released – http://www.theverge.com/products/nexus-7-2013/7223

Nexus 4 Price drop –  https://play.google.com/store/devices/details/Nexus_4_16GB?id=nexus_4_16gb&hl=en

8GB £160

16GB £200

Could there be a new Nexus on the way?

While hardly a great surprise, Microsoft announce they have agreed a deal to buy Nokia’s mobile phone business for 5.4bn euros.  The move comes 3 years after Nokia appointed former Microsoft Executive Stephen Elop as their CEO, who incidentally will be moving back to Microsoft to head up their Devices Team read into that what you will!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23940171

Steve Ballmer retiring from Microsoft, Woz says MS has rested on it’s laurels. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23839181

Google allegedly announce Android 4.4 will be codenamed KikKat http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/android-5-0-key-lime-pie-release-date-news-and-rumours-1091500

Ubuntu Edge campaign Missed the target, but generated a lot of publicity, Freaky Clown had a discussion with Jeri Ellsworth (she of internet fame and awesomeness for making the c64 in a joystick and making her own transistor at home in the oven!) she posted on twitter than we will look back on the age of Kickstarter to be equivalent to the “Home Brew Computer Club” era of computing.

UDS 13.08 was rounded on Thursday 29th August, this is likely to be the last UDS for the Saucy Salamander cycle, the next UDS will more than likely be the the first of the 14.04 cycle whose code name is yet to be unveiled. Among the topics covered were:

The new Unity 8 version Qt / QML desktop environment by default in Ubuntu which will land in both the desktop and mobile version of the distribution.

The new graphical server MIR which will be by default in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy, also indicating the commitment made ​​by the company with AMD and Nvidia for the development of the next proprietary drivers that will include (by April 2014) support for the new open source graphics server.

There was also talk of Juju and new business projects among them also OpenStack and Linaro Ubuntu Server with optimizations for ARM.

Mark Shuttleworth also gave his usual Key Note, The founder of Canonical, together with Jono Bacon (Ubuntu Community Manager) confirmed that they were already working with some manufacturers of smartphones and tablets for the development of new devices with Ubuntu pre installed with Touch that very probably will land in May 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYoAuS1j7Rg

Following on from the last item Linux Mint‘s Clem has announced that Cinnamon 2 will have NO Gnome back end. http://segfault.linuxmint.com/2013/10/cinnamon-2-0-released/

The Humble Indie Bundle 9 is released after a series of Windows-only bundles the latest iteration, features 3 new games and 4 which are truly pay what you want. And a further two can be nabbed if you’re willing to shell out more than the ‘average’ price at the time of purchase: FTL: Faster Than Light and FEZ http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/09/humble-indie-bundle-9-launches-brings-3-new-games-to-linux Freaky also took the opportunity to recommend a game he has recently discovered Star Made

45:42 | REVIEW of ZTE Open Firefox Phone

The Handset cost £60 UK price

It’s Spec is 256Mb RAM, 1Ghz Single Core Processor, a 4″ Screen with 320×240 resolution and a 3Mp fixed focus rear facing camera which doesn’t have a flash.

There is a reasonable selection of Apps in the store but alot of them require some more spit and polish.

The phone runs on a Linux Kernal and boots directly into the Firefox web browser engine which runs the GUI Environment,

All Apps and the interface are written in HTML 5, CSS and Javascript

This phone is really a developer phone and not really suitable for geeks.

It could be a good first smart phone for someone upgrading from a feature phone, but it they would quickly outgrow it.

51:33 | EVENTS

OggCamp,John Lennon Art & Design Acadmey, Liverpool John Moore’s University, 19-20th October 2013.

Open Hardware Summit including Cefn Holye’s Shrimp.it, Fabric Printing and a Block Moving apparatus which you will be able to build whatever you like in a Minecraft style.  The hosts will also be there and will attempt to record an Episode of the podcast in front of a live audience, there will also be a raffle once again this year. www.oggcamp.org https://oggcamp13.eventbrite.co.uk/

Les discusses a new event that he has got involved with organising, it’s in the very early stages of planning, but in a nutshell it will be an exhibition of some of the finest examples of Tech and Geek Projects/Organisation from around the north of England and it is being put together in association with Harvey Nash and with the help of fellow Geek Event organisers Liz Hardwick and Gemma Cameron

1.00:09 | FEEDBACK

Phil Buckler got back in touch regarding his CM10 Nook installation, he said “Installed CM10 on the Nook Color works very well. Sadly a couple weeks later I had a static discharge event take out my 16GB SD card with CM10 install. I decided at that time to Nooter my Nook and install CM10 on the internal memory. As expected, I have a noticeable increase in performance.

On a side note, I worked in industrial controls. As a linux fan I have noticed two major players that are showing some love to the Linux community. The first is Inductive Automation. They have a SCADA system called Ignition, that is Java and SQL based. I have an install running on a ubuntu 12.04 development box in my office. Secondly is SIEMENS, They have a product WinCC OA that runs on linux as well.

Keep up the good work.


Sorry about the delay in reading your feedback out Phil.

Thomas Heine left us feedback via Google + “I listened to your last episode but as a non native speaker it was very difficult for me to follow and understand.  Anyway, it was a very good one as usual.”

1.04:10 | OUTRO AND WRAP

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Creative Commons Music Tracks

Opening: ‘Achilles’ by Kevin Macleod

Main Theme: ‘Revolve’ by His Boy Elroy

Catch Up to News: ‘Dance Zone’ by Unknown

News to Review: On the Run 1 By Unknown

Review to Events and Events to Outro: Iron Man By SoundJay

Censor at: 40s, 23m: Train Honk Horn Clear by Mike Koenig

Censor at: 28m 52s: Dog Barking Sound Effect by Jace

Censor at: 47m 37s, 47m 40s, 47m 46s: Cow Moo by Mike Koeing

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