
Full Circle Podcast Episode 36, OpenTech 2013 Special

Welcome to another of our special event coverage episodes, this time it’s OpenTech which took place on 18th May 2013.  Apologies for the delay in bringing you this episode and for the lack of episodes over the last couple of months, unfortunately there have been a number of personal issues that some of the hosts have had to deal with in the interim.  We are now back and are going to be able to bring you more regular schedule of shows than we have previously been producing so Thank You for bearing with us.

File Sizes:

OGG 44.9Mb

MP3 79.2Mb

Running Time: 1hr 22mins 11seconds

Feeds for both MP3 and OGG:

RSS feed, MP3: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/category/podcast/feed

RSS feed, OGG: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/category/podcast/feed/atom

The podcast is in MP3 and OGG formats. You can either play the podcast in-browser if you have Flash and/or Java, or you can download the podcast with the link underneath the player. Show notes after the jump.

Your Hosts:

Les Pounder (blog at http://about.me/lespounder/ twitter @biglesp)

Olly Clark (Google + http://plus.google.com/103073417601965434371/ twitter @ollyclarkdotorg)

Show Notes

01:45 | WELCOME and INTRO:

02:21 | LIVE INTRO

Les & Olly record an introduction live at the event prior to the doors opening in the breakout area of the Student Union Building on the ground floor.  They also discuss various current happenings in the Linux and Open Source communities including:

The release of Linux Mint 15 Olivia, and their use of HTML to customise the interface

Ubuntu Phone and Mark Shuttleworth’s announcement of one interface for all the product family and what that means for the users.

The new Mir Display Manager

The latest Debain Stable release “Wheezy”

 12:07 | INTRODUCING Government Digital Services & EMF Camp

Government Digital Services (GDS) is the UK Governments’ response to improving the way it delivers its services to the populous through the web as it draws closer to it’s “e-government” targets

previously each department within the Government was responsible for delivery of it’s web based services now GDS provides a combined approach to provide a consistent view of government and user experience.

The Majority of the talk is presented by the Deputy Director of GDS Tom Loosemore with a short segment at the end entitled “How We Didn’t Break the Web” which is presented by one of the GDS Developers Jordan Hatch

Both Jordan and Tom have personal blogs in which they ramble about life and technology and can be found at http://blog.tomski.com/ and http://thismaynotbejordan.tumblr.com/

EMF Camp or Electromagnetic Field (pun intended!!) was a huge Hacker, Maker and Geek event held in a “field” last year just outside Milton Keynes in the UK

The talk is presented by one of the organisers of the event Russ Garrett , he openly admits the motivation for the talk is to recruit attendee’s, assistants and helpers for next year’s event.

Russ also blogs and he can be found at http://russ.garrett.co.uk/

13:01 | PRESENTATION Tom Loosemore – Government Digital Services

You can find GDS here: http://digital.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/

The Gov.uk Design Principles can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/designprinciples

The GDS Style Guide can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/designprinciples/styleguide

Dr Ian Levy’s tweet referred to by Tom in his talk:


Jordan’s slides can be found here: https://speakerdeck.com/jordanh/how-we-didnt-break-the-web

To view the code and help contribute to the Migratorator, Review-o-Matic and the other tools GDS have created visit their GitHub page https://github.com/alphagov

A video of the talk can be found on Youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NU1tTtmPro

49:35 | PRESENTATION Russ Garrett – EMF Camp

Photos of the 2012 Event can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/russss/sets/72157631357117362/with/7909192210/

For information about last year’s event and how to get involved in next one visit: https://www.emfcamp.org/

1.05:02 | INTERVIEW – Stuart Ward & Hugo Mills – Reading Hackspace & Thames Valley RepRap Group

To find out more inforamtion about Reading Hackspace you can visit their website at: http://rlab.org.uk/they also have a mailing list which you can join and interacte with members of the Hackerspace which can be found here: http://groups.google.com/group/reading-hackspace

To find get more information about the Thames Valley RepRap Group visit: http://tvrrug.org.uk/

1.16:16 | OUTRO AND WRAP

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You can also send us a comment by recording an audio clip of no more than 30 seconds and sending it to the same address. Comments and audio may be edited for length. Please remember this is a family-friendly show.

If you are aware of any Geek or Tech events happening in your area or you’ve recorded audio or video from an event and you would like to publicise them please email us at podcast@fullcirclemagazine.org and we can make arrangements to put them into the show. Please don’t email large audio or video files to us. 

Please note: this podcast is provided with absolutely no warranty whatsoever; neither the producers nor Full Circle Magazine accept any responsibility or liability for content or interaction which readers and listeners may enter into using external links gleaned from this website, forum or podcast series.

Creative Commons Music Tracks

Opening: ‘Achilles’ by Kevin Macleod

Main Theme: ‘Revolve’ by His Boy Elroy

Live Intro to Governement Digital Services by Tom Loosemore: ‘Dance Zone’ by Unknown

Governement Digital Services to EMF Camp: On the Run 1 By Unknown

EMF Camp to Reading Hackspace Intro, Reading Hackspace Intro to Reading Hackspace Interview, Reading Hackspace Interview to Outro: Iron Man By SoundJay

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