I am finally on my way to the OpenStack Summit in Atlanta. (Full schedule online)
there might be some confusion about if this is the Icehouse Summit or the Juno summit – well I think it is safe to say that it is a bit of both. Icehouse is the current version of OpenStack – and the Operational track at the summit will be covering this version. The design track will be covering the next version – and that Will be Juno. I know it is confusing – especially for a newcomer like me – this will be my first (and hopefully the first of many to come) OpenStack Summit.
So what is in store for us all? Well I will try and not compare my experience to that of VMworld – but this will only be a natural thing because VMworld is the only big conference I have really been at.
This will be a smaller event – and if you ask me that is a good thing – having 20,000 at a conference – is a lot of people – sometimes too much, so I am looking forward to the smaller environment.
I have never been to Atlanta before – so that will also be a first – there are a number of attractions close to the Conference Center, Georgia Aquarium, CNN Center, World of Coke.
For those of you who are interested in getting a Kosher meal in Atlanta – these are the restaurants that I have found – and will visiting to get some “suitable” nutrition – anyone interested in joining me is more than welcome.
Chai Peking
Pita Palace
Feugo Mundo
I am also looking forward in seeing some familiar faces – people that I have got to know over the years and have met in person usually at VMworld events over the years – or on other occasions. I am also looking forward to meeting a whole new crowd of people – those who I have come to know through correspondence or through Twitter – and this will actually be the first face-to-face.
I think this will be a different environment, a different atmosphere, a different vibe, and a welcome change. We all need change in our daily lives – otherwise things get quite boring.
I will try to attend a number of the Design Summit sessions, mainly about overall architecture, deployment, and planning and design, but also some of the Operations track.
I will be presenting a vBrownbag TechTalk on Monday at 15.00 on UCS integration with OpenStack at B209 – there are a lot of familiar names on the list of presenters – so please feel free to pop by.
I will try and spend some time at the bloggers lounge as well at Level 2 (Room B208).
You can always find me on Twitter @maishsk – so please feel free to look me up and come and say hello.
(I promise I don’t bite)
See you there!