Major Highlights:
shipped 10 products in less than one day
Completed work (resolution is 'FIXED'):
Balrog: Backend
Add interpolation for schema v2 url params (eg openURL)
Fix up for missing specialForceHosts
create balrog rules to properly support OS blocking and watershed updates on beta (and equivalent test) channel
tracking bug for work required to make Balrog usable for Betas
force=1 isn't passed on for special domains
Intermittent Android 4.0 debug jsreftest/reftest failures with no error summary (timeout/crash/hang?)
Upload new versions of mozlog, mozprocess, mozcrash. mozdevice to internal pypi
Something wrong with windows build slaves ("LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt")
Upload mozversion to internal pypi
Failures on Android 2.3
Due to a failed reconfig, master buildbot-master68 needs to be restarted
High packet loss from usw2 causing frequent timeouts
builds-4hr.js.gz et al aren't updating
Determine why batches of pandas stopped reporting on 2014-04-25 and 2014-07-13
Need manual shutdown of runaway talos-mtnlion-r5-029
Intermittent "Unable to remove C:\slave\test\build!"
AWS Linux builders fail to allocate LVM free space
Builds fail with configure: error: Windows SDK at /c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.0/ appears broken. Try updating to MozillaBuild 1.9 final or higher. *** F
High pending count for Windows test slaves
Frequent timeouts downloading from pvtbuilds and usw2 proxxy
Install boto on internal PyPI
Frequent proxxy timeouts on usw2
ESR31 fennec symlinks missing from buildbot masters
"No such file or directory" error causing upload failures
please loan mshal a windows build machine without vs2013
Builds fail with file not recognized: File truncated
General Automation
Add nightlies for linux64 Mulet
Expand xpcshell on mozharness for Thunderbird to gecko 33
Allow to find which builders have changed before/after a patch
Disable Thunderbird 10.6 Mac Mozmill test builders
disable mar/gpg signing formats on mac signing servers
Enable b2g tests on jamun project branch
[Flame] Turn off FX OS Version 34.0a1 nightly updates until instability is fixed
Figure out the correct path setup and mozconfigs for automation-driven MSVC2013 builds
android single locale central/aurora nightlies not reporting to balrog
Can we get a copy of bors.cfg from buildbot-master-servo-01?
Schedule web-platform-tests on linux64 opt on trunk branches
upload a new to pick up directory tile fixes
get rid of comm-release configs/hacks
Enable e10s Linux opt browser chrome tests
Make enable_perproduct_builds opt out rather than opt in
Add support for mochitest-jetpack tests & enable on cedar
Do debug B2G desktop builds
Enable ASAN builds/tests on Holly
create webgl mochitest run for android
Linux Mulet nightlies failing during the uploadsymbols step of the build process
Split Gij and Gip tests into several chunks and run on Cedar
Run mock against repos other than puppetagain
bump max token age on signing servers + clients
Please schedule b2g emulator cppunit tests on trunk/aurora trees and have them ride the 34 train
Missing hsb and dsb single-locale Aurora Fennec builds
Schedule all non-perf unittests against Linux64 Code Coverage builds on Cedar
Make runner responsible for buildbot startup on Ubuntu test
Blobber errors in all runs: "ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded" and "simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)"
B2G Updates are broken when transitioning off Mozilla-Aurora to versioned Gecko
Make some mozharness jobs easier to run outside of automation + allow for http authentication when running outside of the releng network
pgo talos builders don't get "env" set
all android single locale repacks broken
Move runner to the 'mozilla' github org
Please enable nightly builds on Maple
Kill mozilla-b2g28_v1_3 after Sep 2 merge day
Intermittent command timed out: 3600 seconds without output, attempting to kill fetching b2g bits from gitmo
[Flame] Create Kitkat based pvtbuilds for 2.0 and 2.1
ccache sometimes hits fatal permission denied errors when trying to create temp files
Upload gecko.log for non-emulator Mn/Mnw tests
Add mapping for for nightly builds on
Requesting twig repo gum be reset
Tooltool upload request for statically linked sixgill
b2g debug win32 desktop builds not triggered on try
(fx-l10n-sl) Add 'sl' to the Firefox Nightly build
Please install Visual Studio 2013 on a Builder
blocklist update failing to wget from amo
update_shared_repos exits non zero if find returns no repos
mozharness configuration is writable in query_abs_dir()
AWS AMIs should use LVM for their root device
Consider dropping update_spot_stats() in
Tracking bug for 02-sep-2014 migration work
Create builds for Dolphin on mozilla-central, mozilla-inbound, b2g-inbound, fx-team, and mozilla-aurora
Get e10s tests running on inbound, central, and try
Update sync-hg-blocklist to the new blocklist domain
Intermittent build failures with "ccache: failed to create /builds/ccache/tmp (No such file or directory)" ("make[3]: *** [configure] Error 1", "make[2]: *** [configure] Error 1" or "make: *** [configure] Error 1")
Adjust Thunderbird MozMill test installation to be able to install mozbase
b2g branching cleanup
Start doing mulet builds on Fig
Schedule full emulator tests on b2g18 v1.1hd should log to syslog
Add mozharness script for b2g builds in taskcluster
Bump build_space for Mulet
Turn on mochitest-e10s for ASAN builds on trunk
Lots of old builds in latest-comm-aurora-l10n/ and latest-comm-central-l10n/ on Thunderbird's ftp
Blobber doesn't appear to work on C++ Unit test runs
Stop running builds and tests on pushes which only include changes to the b2g or mobile or browser directories
cope with signing server transition in buildbot configs
Loan Requests
Slave loan request for gbrown
Requesting a loaner machine b2g_ubuntu64_vm to diagnose bug 1053703
please loan OS X 10.x hardware slave to dminor
Slave loan request for a b-2008-sm machine
Loaner slave matching WinXP mochitest1 slaves for :walter
create AWS dev instance for zeller to showcase ship-ip ui changes
Slave loan request for tst-linux64-spot
Requesting a loaner machine b2g_ubuntu64_vm to diagnose Bug 1043892
Slave loan request for a w64-ix machine
Requesting a loaner machine b2g_ubuntu64_vm to diagnose Bug 1057198
Increase free space requirement for b2g hazard builds
vcs2vcs sync in mozharness does not work if repo_name is different to basename of repo url
Mozharness test configs should live in-tree
Improve handling of packages locally (file:// support)
Unzip on developer's Mac do not like files produced in releng infra
Make Proxxy a standalone class not a Mixin
python errors in
Move some android and b2g manifest configs out of mozharness and into the tree
Thunderbird xpcshell tests need extra arguments in mozharness should allow custom .zips from ash project, throw a sensible error when comes from bad location
Mozharness desktop unittests don't use the in tree mozharness config
Process extensions in packaged tests if they exist
[mozharness] Move structured logging support code into mozharness proper
Make sure to mark jobs as failures when structured logger parsing fails
Improve cleanup of tinderbox-builds
[tracker] Machine move SCL1 -> SCL3
Hg clone: "abort: error: nodename nor servname provided, or not known"
sign Thunderbird hot-fix addon - final version
Firefox Beta 11.0 (XUL) is not displayed on the Android Market for Tablets
hgpoller + new pushlog picks up wrong changeset
Add sheriffs to the vpn_releng_self_serve LDAP group so they can deploy trychooser
delete old snippet backups from aus3-staging
moving panda infrastructure from scl1->scl3
Request for ElasticBeanStalk account to test deployment of build-funsize
delete old snippet backups from aus3-staging (take 2)
Platform Support
windows build times exceeding timeout on release branches and nonunified trunk branches
Intermittent Android x86 We have not been able to establish a telnet connection with the emulator
Update Android SDK and build tools to 20
Upload JDK1.7 on builders
Update version of pip installed on automation machines from 0.8.2 to 1.5.5
b-2008-sm machines being incorrectly flagged as unreachable
Release Automation
Add new table(s) to shipit database
send e-mail to release-drivers when a build is requested through ship it
make ReleaseUpdatesFactory fail if balrog submission fails
Consider fully disabling mochitest-bc and mochitest-dt on the B2G release branches
flip the switch to move beta users over to balrog
Add REST API entry point to shipit that allows shipit-agent to enter release data into shipit database
ESR support for Android 2.2 on gecko 31
Fix the ship-it test suite
enable spot instances for some release builders
Dashboard check automatically managed by ship-it
Incorrect revision in build start email
stop sending out "updates available on betatest" mail for releases that are pushed to mirrors automatically is using bashim but declare /bin/sh as shebang
WIndows beta build failing to clone mozilla-beta repo
enable android 2.3 release/test builders on esr31 branch
Fennec armv6 esr31 differences between release and nightly in-tree configs that are not whitelisted
release runner breaks if there isn't an existing buildbot-configs check out
partner repack scripts need to resign builds with OS X signature
xulrunner_source failed uploading file for signing, file too large
Please disable the servo bors cronjob
adjust e-mail for update_shipping builder to be more intelligible
deploy ship it notifier
Adjust with non existing armv6 build
use beta-cdntest instead of releasetest for Beta channel in Balrog
update staging release configs
Use hardlinks when pushing to mirrors to speed it up
Adjust braindump/releases-related/ to copy in armv6 build
tracking bug for build and release of Thunderbird 31.1.0
Sign and dev deploy the Firefox update hotfix (v20140527.01.4)
tracking bug for build and release of Thunderbird 24.8.0
Please temporarily specify promptWaitTime as 24 hours for Beta snippets
tracking bug for build and release of thunderbird 31.0
Add SeaMonkey 2.29 Beta 2 to bouncer
Disable Flame OTA until bug 1068539 lands
tracking bug for build and release of Firefox and Fennec 32.0.1
Trim rsync modules (May 2014 OMG we still have to do this edition)
Add SeaMonkey 2.29 to bouncer
unstrand users who have stripped an architecture away from our official releases
Add SeaMonkey 2.29.1 to bouncer
tracking bug for build and release of Firefox 31.1.0 ESR
disable updates to Firefox 32.0.1
Disable Flame OTA and rebuild with bug 937485 backed out
bouncer checks for aurora stub installer broken
Remove sw during beta-release migration for Firefox 32, keep dsb
Add SeaMonkey 2.29 Beta 1 to bouncer
tracking bug for build and release of Firefox and Fennec 32.0
tracking bug for build and release of Firefox 24.8.0 ESR
outdated link:
Releases: Custom Builds
Remove Blackbird builds for Fx32
Remove Onet builds for Fx33
ATT FF Custom Build Home Page Set
Modify AOL Repack Configuration for Firefox 33
Partner repack changes for Yandex - new tab images (regular/retina)
product signed builds for yahoo-en-US_att
Firefox 31 partner build is not advertising updates
Modify AOL Repack Configuration for Firefox 32
Version bumps for Yahoo FF 32
Partner repack changes for Yandex for Fx 32 release
add new image sizes to Bing/MSN search plugins
Partner repack changes for, gmx, and 1&1 (Firefox 32)
Respin yandex-* and aol-* partner repacks.
Remove Rambler config to inactive and remove builds from FTP
Partner repack changes for, gmx, and 1&1 (Firefox 33)
remove out of date Bing plugins from yandex-tr configs
Repos and Hooks
Give Treeherder URLs alongside TBPL ones in the push response
make 'fwunit' a grown-up project
Add QA to the footer list of project repositories on no longer works
Migrate hg_templates into version-control-tools repo
Request for a new repository in /gaia-l10n: pt-PT
Pulling with Mercurial 3.1 takes several minutes
Please create hg.m.o repo for b2g 2.0m
changelog Atom feed is hard to read with long lines wrapped in
Perform hg.m.o failover testing during TCW of Sep 20
Change user to emailuser in hg annotate web interface
Mixed-content SSL warning on due to livemarks image from
Convert some hooks tests to Mercurial testing format
[b2g] Add gaia-l10n repos for Finnish and Armenian locales
XSS vulnerability with pushloghtml's 'startdate' and 'enddate' params
install firmware & reboot hgssh1 during next TCW
Request for a new repository for NFC emulation library
hg annotate output on hgweb is painfully slow
Port Mercurial commit message hook tests to .t test
create hook to mirror pushlog db
gitweb has the wrong autodiscovery feed link for /repo/tags
Stray > (unclosed tag) in repository layout section
Request to mirror mozilla-b2g/android-hardware_legacy
pushlog should support query by date
changelog Atom feed is hard to read with long lines wrapped in
gaia-l10n mercurial repository for br
hg.m.o graphs no longer working?
Add changeset UUID to the graph view
Implement a string checker hook on mozilla-aurora,mozilla-beta and mozilla-release repos to refuse string changes without specific approval should serve well-formed xhtmls
Viewing a changeset should link to a bug
Request for a new repository - hg.m.o/build/relabs/puppet
Remove unnecessary s and per element styles on hgweb pages
Better faster annotate left out the id on line numbers, so links with anchors don't scroll
Update Mozilla templates to work with new Mercurial templater
html pushlog should fold merge changesets into one line
hgweb's 'base' link on the file revisions page should link to revision history of the old file, not annotated view
Enable graph view on
Estimate web cluster size needed to support try repository load
Use new-style template syntax in gitweb_mozilla
Add unit tests to validate json files in tools repo to avoid bustage
Run after reconfig is completed in
tooltool should output informational and progress messages with default options
Funsize tool handling is broken and incorrect
Store the timing of actions in slaveapi
Run slaverebooter more often than once every 4 hours
Slave health reboot/shutdown fails with "Expecting property name: line 4382 column 1 (char 128981)"
Wiki publish no longer works in since bug 1032351 landed
Runner dies before starting buildbot due to hg failures and leaves slave doing nothing
Give Treeherder URLs in Try responses / emails.
Signing servers (signing4, signing5, signing6) running out of disk space
Add b2g hazard build to trychooser
Add mochitest-e10s to trychooser
Deploy trychooser from tools tip to pick up bug 1059689 and bug 1059689
make "max log length exceeded" error message show the log size it found
Update platform parsing in buildapi wait times emails
Please deploy trychooser from tools tip to pick up bug 1057050 and bug 1057301
Add gaia-build-unit-tests to Trychooser
Emphasise treeherder links in Try server emails & fix links for try-comm-central
SlaveAPI should be more precise on request TS
Add web-platform-tests to trychooser
In progress work (unresolved and not assigned to nobody):
Balrog: Backend
add schema for h264 updates
support comparison operators for matching version & buildID in rules
Handle shutdown & restart of instances for EC2 maintenance
Investigate why backfilled pandas haven't taken any jobs
[tracker] windows build infrastructure issues
Windows Builds fail with configure: error: To build the installer you must have the latest MozillaBuild or Unicode NSIS version .46 or greater in your path.
General Automation
Enable chunking for B2G ICS Emulator Debug XPCShell tests
Add Windows/OSX nightlies for Mulet
try emails should include commit messages from pushed commits
Need controlled build and machine platform data in pulse
[Tracking] Stand up Code Coverage build and test runs
Make it easier to select mochitest-bc, mochitest-dt, and e10s tests
Do open264 builds
Skip every nth job for debug tests on mozilla-inbound
ALL b2g builds exceeding buildbot output limits
disable uploading to for mozilla-central/mozilla-aurora/1.4
web-platform-tests-reftests missing configuration file on linux-64-asan
AWS region-local caches for https stuff
Modify file structure of to allow for OSX v2 signing
Build a proof of concept for log aggregation
hgtool should retry or exit if it hits a DNS or server error during pull, not clobber and unbundle
Run mozbase unit tests from test package
Enable web-platform-tests on Linux
Enable web-platform-tests-reftests
Partial update generation service
mac-v2-signing servers sometimes don't return a response to the client
Start to drop "mozilla" objdir from Thunderbird builds
web-platform-tests shouldn't run on Aurora
Do nightly builds with profiling disabled
Releng work for producing two ARMv7 APKs to target different API ranges
Remove dependance on fennec_ids.txt from automation
Add "Android instrumentation" tests runs to buildbot config
Schedule Talos (including e10s variants) on Holly
aus4 is not advertising Mac partial updates
Support multiple virtualization and root device type AMIs in
For Win32 get a set of plain mochitests running on holly with the content sandbox enabled
Write an S3 upload Python library that encapsulates most of blobber's functionality
FlatFish: Integrate boot.img and recovery.img into the build system
Allow mochitest-debug to mean mochitest-debug-*
-u web-platform-tests in try should select all web-platform-tests suites
Split webgl tests into a separate mochitest-gl suite on desktop
Integrate transplant tool into relengapi
Tracking bug for 13-oct-2014 migration work
stop jobs from hg'n mozharness/tools repos
manage by puppet
Loan Requests
Please loan jgriffin an ubuntu64 AWS VM with g2.2xlarge instance type
Slave loan request for a bld-linux64-ec2 vm for pmoore
Requesting a loaner B2G Desktop Linux x64 machine
Slave loan request for a tst-linux64-ec2 vm
Loan :sfink a linux64 b-linux64-hp-0024
loan kmoir an aws test slave for testing in bug 1057025
loan linux32 hardware talos slave to jmaher
talos-linux-ix-118 loan request for jmaher
loan windows 7 hardware talos slave to jmaher and
loan kmoir a dev-linux64-ec2 slave
Slave loan request for b-2008-sm-0023 for pmoore
loan kmoir a tst 32 aws slave for bug 1051886
Requesting a loaner machine b2g_ubuntu64_vm to diagnose bug 1065300
R5 request for testing puppet on OSX 10.10 yosemite
Slave loan request for a bld-lion-r5 machine
Slave loan request for a w64-ix machine
loan glandium and mshal a Linux ec2 instance
Slave loan request for a b-2008-ix machine
Slave loan request for a bld-linux64-ec2 vm
Loan t-w732-ix-003, t-w732-ix-004 to Q
Slave loan request for a tst-linux64-ec2 vm for :jgilbert
Slave loan request for a VS2013 build machine
Mozharness' should get run status directly from mozlog's status handler
Make mozlog usable in mozharness
Allow scripts invoking test harnesses using structure logging to use a structured output parser
Improve spidermonkey shell builds
Enable blobber to do the upload even when the harness is killed because of a test timeout
make mozharness test scripts easier to run standalone
Add command line options to web-platform-tests for crash reporting.
Move Firefox Desktop repacks to use mozharness
verify script called by mozharness for android devices doesn't reboot via mozpool
Increase space requirement for b2g device builds
Read first in-tree configs (self.tree_config), then mozharness-configs (self.config)
Remove CCACHE variables from taskcluster mozharness config
Use to download cached artefacts for android builds
mozharness DesktopUnittestOutputParser.evaluate_parser() should record a failure if the return code was non-zero
Make mozharness use structured logging for marionette tests
Local mozharness B2G builds fail if B2G.git doesn't already exist
Code coverage test jobs should set GCOV_PREFIX, package .gcda files and upload them to blobber
Don't use properties of the output parser directly to determine failures in
figure out what to do with the n900s
Evaluate other work-tracking tools
build/unix/ does not work with LLVM trunk on OSX 10.9
grant b2g release engineers access to balrog b2g rules/releases
Upgrade ASan Clang to trunk r214699
Platform Support
[tracker] Stop testing on tegras
evaluate mac cloud options
windows non unified builds failing under mozharness + mach
Install vs2013 Update 3, NSIS 3.0a2, and Mercurial 2.9.2 on 5 machines for testing
remove old code that supports tegras in buildbot-configs/buildbotcustom/tools/mozharness/puppet
slave pre-flight tasks (runner)
Run unittests/talos on OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Upgrade Valgrind on build machines to 3.10.0
Upgrade Mercurial clients to 2.9.2
Release Automation
release automation should update ship it at certain points
pushing release builds to beta doesn't work in balrog
comm-esr31 does wasteful things while cloning mozilla-esr31
Mobile release automation to move candidates to releases/ (push to mirrors)
replace columns in shipit database to track kickoff status
Update channels for single locale Beta and Release builds of Firefox for Android 30 (and beyond)
balrog submitter doesn't set previous build number properly
Add a standalone process that listens to pulse for release related buildbot messages
Update transparently the product details when pushing to the mirror
Empty mozilla-releases rsync module
allow post release tasks to be triggered from ship it
new Builder to run pushsnip and hook it and the existing postrelease builder up to their own Schedulers that can be triggered through SendChange for shipit
Update release runner to be able to trigger pushsnip and postrelease builders through SendChange
cache MAR + installer downloads in update verify
Ensure that Fennec builds from mozilla-esr31 have a buildID to allow for armv6/Android 2.2 users to update to mozilla-esr31 apks
tracking bug for build and release of Thunderbird 31.2.0
tracking bug for build and release of Firefox 31.2.0 ESR
tracking bug for build and release of Firefox and Fennec 33.0
Show whatnsew page to ESR24 users when they're offered ESR 31.2.0
do a staging release of Firefox and Fennec 34.0b1
Add SeaMonkey 2.30 Beta 1 to bouncer
Logic for when to display /whatsnew in Firefox 33
Sign and dev deploy the Firefox update hotfix (v20140527.01.6)
Releases: Custom Builds
discontinue MSN builds
Repos and Hooks
Emphasise treeherder links in Try server hghook response & fix links for try-comm-central
(HEADlessTry) Reimplement try in HEADless, scalable, cloudy way
Provide advice on SCM system for Public Suffix List
Migrate pushlog into version-control-tools repo
find RFO for git.m.o OOM condition in bug 985864
Disallow "b=N" (instead of "Bug N") in commit message hook
Please sync mozilla-b2g32_v2_0m to git mirror
Remove links to TBPL from Try server hghook response
Interrupting a push with "Ctrl+c" can keep your (successful) push from making it into the pushlog
Add a hook to detect changesets with wrong file metadata
incorrect try submission summary email
Make Funsize generated partials identical across platforms and environments
Remove links to TBPL from Try server emails
Get catlee's cool fabric actions in production for e.g. managing pulse queues on buildbot masters
cut over l10n repos to the new vcs-sync system
Add an option to trychooser to select --bisect-chunk options
Move mqext into the new repo
Transplant tool (Hg to Hg) for sheriffs
Need script to compute name of mirrored repository
Repos are being merged twice during a reconfig AND changes to tools repo are not tracked / updated in wiki, nor used to decide whether to update foopies and masters or not
Docs for Funsize
vcs-sync needs to be able to account for empty source repos
Fix tools/update-packaging/ for consistent behaviour across platforms