This post describes how graph and automata theory can help compile a
regular expression like “ab(cd|e)*fg” into the following
asymptotically (linear-time) and practically (around 8
cycles/character on my E5-4617) efficient machine code. The technique
is easily amenable to SSE or AVX-level vectorisation, and doesn’t rely
on complicated bit slicing tricks nor on scanning multiple streams in
matcher inner loop
Bitap algorithms
canonical bitap algorithm
matches literal strings, e.g. “abad”. Like other bitap algorithms, it
exploits the fact that, given a bitset representation of states, it’s
easy to implement transfer functions of the form “if state \( i \) was
previously active and we just consumed character \( c \), state \(
i+1 \) is now active”. It suffices to shift the bitset
representation of the set of active states by 1, and to mask out
transitions that are forbidden by the character that was just
For example, when matching the literal string “abad”, a state is
associated with each position in the pattern. 0 is the initial state,
1 is the state when we’ve matched the first ‘a’, 2 after we’ve also
matched ‘b’, 3 after the second ‘a’, and 4 after ‘d’, the final
character, has been matched. Transposing this information gives us
the information we really need: ‘a’ allows a transition from 0 to 1
and from 2 to 3, ‘b’ a transition from 1 to 2, and ‘d’ from 3 to 4.
A trivial state machine is probably clearer.
The initial state is in grey, the accept state is a double circle, and
transitions are labelled with the character they accept.
Finding the substring “abad” in a long string thus reduces to a bunch
of bitwise operations. At each step, we OR bit 0 in the set of
states: we’re always looking for the beginning of a new match. Then,
we consume a character. If it’s ‘a’, the mask is 0b01010; if it’s
‘b’, mask is 0b00100; if it’s ‘d’, mask is 0b10000; otherwise, its
mask is 0. Then, we shift the set of state left by 1 bit, and AND
with mask. The effect is that bit 1 is set iff mask has bit 1 set
(and that only happens if the character is ‘a’), and bit 0 was
previously set (... which is always the case), bit 2 is set iff mask has
bit 2 set (i.e. we consumed a ‘b’) and bit 1 was previously set, etc.
We declare victory whenever state 4 is reached, after a simple bit
It’s pretty clear that this idea can be extended to wildcards or even
character classes: multiple characters can have the same bit set to 1
in their mask. Large alphabets are also straightforward to handle:
the mapping from character to mask can be any associative dictionary,
e.g. a perfect hash table (wildcards and inverted character classes
then work by modifying the default mask value). This works not only
with strings, but with any sequence of objects, as long as we can
easily map objects to attributes, and attributes to masks. Some
thinking shows it’s even possible to handle the repetition operator
”+”: it’s simply a conditional transition from state \( i \) to
state \( i \).
What I find amazing is that the technique extends naturally to
arbitrary regular expressions (or nondeterministic finite automata).
Shift and mask for regular expressions
Simulating an NFA by advancing a set of states in lockstep is an old
technique. Russ Cox has written a
nice review of classic techniques to parse or recognize regular languages.
The NFA simulation was first described by
Thomson in 1977,
but it’s regularly being rediscovered as taking the Brzozowski
derivative of regular expressions ;)
Fast Text Searching With Errors
by Sun Wu and Udi Manber is a treasure trove of clever ideas to
compile pattern matching, a symbolic task, into simple bitwise
operations. For regular expressions, the key insight is that the set
of states can be represented with a bitset such that the transition
table for the NFA’s states can be factored into a simple data-dependent
part followed by \( \epsilon \)-transitions that are the same,
regardless of the character consumed. Even better: the NFA’s state
can be numbered so that each character transition is from state \( i
\) to \( i+1 \), and such a numbering falls naturally from the
obvious way to translate regular expression ASTs into NFAs.
For the initial example “ab(cd|e)*fg”, the AST looks like a node to
match ‘a’, succeeded by a node to match ‘b’, then a repetition node
into either “cd”, “e” or \( \epsilon \), and the repetition node is
succeeded by “fg” (and, finally, accept). Again, a drawing is much
Circles correspond to character-matching states, the square to a
repetition node, the diamond to a choice node, and the pointy boxes to
dummy states. The final accept state is, again, a double circle.
\( \epsilon \)-transitions are marked in blue, and regular
transitions are labelled with the character they consume.
The nodes are numbered according to a straight depth-first ordering in
which children are traversed before the successor. As promised,
character transitions are all from \( i \) to \( i+1 \), e.g. 0 to
1, 1 to 2, 6 to 7, ... This is a simple consequence of the fact that
character-matching nodes have no children and a single successor.
This numbering is criminally wasteful. States 3, 6 and 10 serves no
purpose, except forwarding \( \epsilon \) transitions to other
states. The size of the state machine matters because bitwise
operations become less efficient when values larger than a machine
word must be manipulated. Using fewer states means that larger
regular expressions will be executed more quickly.
Eliminating them and sliding the numbers back yields the something
equivalent to the more reasonable 11-state machine shown in Wu and
Manber (Figure 3 on page 10). Simply not assigning numbers to states
that don’t match characters and don’t follow character states suffices
to obtain such decent numberings.
Some more thinking shows we can do better, and shave three more states.
State 2 could directly match against character ‘e’, instead of only
forwarding into state 3; what is currently state 4 could match against
character ‘c’, instead of only forwarding into state 8, then 2 and
then 5 (which itself matches against ‘c’); and similarly for state 7
into state 8. The result wastes not a single state: each state is
used to match against a character, except for the accept state.
Interestingly, the \( \epsilon \) transitions are also more regular:
they form a complete graph between states 2, 3 and 5.
It’s possible to use fewer states than the naïve translation, and it’s
useful to do so. How can a program find compact numberings?
Compact bitap automata
The natural impulse for functional programmers (particularly
functional compiler writers ;) is probably to start matching patterns
to iteratively reduce the graph. If they’ve had bad experience with
slow fixpoint computations, there might also be some attempts at
recognising patterns before even emitting them.
This certainly describes my first couple stabs; they were either
mediocre or wrong (sometimes both), and certainly not easy to reason
about. It took me a while to heed age-old advice about crossing the
street and compacting state machines.
Really, what we’re trying to do when compacting the state machine is
to determine equivalence classes of states: sets of states that can be
tracked as an atomic unit. With rewrite rules, we start by assuming
that all the states are distinct, and gradually merge them. In other
words, we’re computing a fixed point starting from the initial
hypothesis that nothing is equivalent.
Problem is,
we should be doing the opposite!
If we assume that all the states can be tracked as a single unit, and
break equivalence classes up in as we’re proven wrong, we’ll get
maximal equivalence classes (and thus as few classes as possible).
To achieve this, I start with the naïvely numbered state machine.
I’ll refer to the start state and character states as “interesting
sources”, and to the accept state and character states as “interesting
destinations”. Ideally, we’d be able to eliminate everything but
interesting destinations: the start state can be preprocessed away by
instead working with all the interesting destinations transitively
reachable from the start state via \( \epsilon \) transitions
(including itself if applicable).
The idea is that two states are equivalent iff they are always active
after the same set of interesting sources. For example, after the
start state 0, only state 1 is active (assuming that the character
matches). After state 1, however, all of 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 and 11 are
active. We have the same set after states 4 and 8. Finally, only one
state is alive after each of 11 and 12.
Intersecting the equivalence relations thus defined give a few trivial
equivalence classes (0, 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13), and one huge equivalence
class comprised of {2,3,4,6,7,10,11} made of all the states that are
active exactly after 1, 5 and 9. For simplicity’s sake, I’ll refer to
that equivalence class as K. After contraction, we find this smaller
state graph.
We can renumber this reasonably to obey the restriction on character
edges: K is split into three nodes (one for each outgoing
character-consuming edge) numbered 2, 4 and 7.
We could do even better if 5 and 9 (3 and 6 above) in the earlier
contracted graph were also in equivalence class K: they only exist to
forward back into K! I suggest to achieve that with a simple
post-processing pass.
Equivalence classes are found by find determining after which
interesting node each state is live. States that are live after
exactly the same sets of interesting nodes define an equivalence
class. I’ll denote this map from state to transitive interesting
predecessors \( pred(state) \).
We can coarsen the relationship a bit, to obtain \(
pred\sp{\prime}(state) \). For interesting destinations, \(
pred\sp{\prime} = pred \). For other nodes,
\(pred\sp{\prime}(state) = \cap\sb{s\in reachable(state)}pred(s)\), where
\(reachable(state)\) is the set of interesting destinations reachable via
\( \epsilon \) transitions from \(state\). This widening makes
sense because \(state\) isn’t interesting (we never want to know
whether it is active, only whether its reachable set is), so it
doesn’t matter if \(state\) is active when it shouldn’t, as long as
its destinations would all be active anyway.
This is how we get the final set of equivalence classes.
We’re left with a directed multigraph, and we’d like to label nodes
such that each outgoing edge goes from its own label \( i \) to \(
i+1 \). We wish to do so while using the fewest number of labels.
I’m pretty sure we can reduce something NP-Hard like the minimum path
cover problem to this problem, but we can still attempt a simple
If there is an Eulerian directed path in the multigraph, that path
would give a minimal set of labels: simply label the origin of each
arc with its rank in the path. An easy way to generate an Eulerian
circuit, if there is one, is to simply keep following any unvisited
outgoing arc. If we’re stuck in a dead-end, restart from any vertex
that has been visited and still has unvisited outgoing arcs.
There’s a fair amount of underspecification there. Whenever many
equivalence classes could be chosen, I choose the one that corresponds
to the lexicographically minimal set of regexp states (with respect to
their depth-first numbering). This has the effect of mostly following
the depth-first traversal which isn’t that bad. Moreover, there’s
no guarantee that there is an Eulerian path. If we’re completely
stuck, I start another Eulerian path, again starting from the
lexicographically minimal equivalence class with an unvisited outgoing
Finally, once the equivalence states are labelled, both character and
\( \epsilon \) transitions are re-expressed in terms of these
labels. The result is a nice 8-state machine.
But that’s just theory
This only covers the abstract stuff. There’s a
CL code dump on github.
You’re probably looking for compile-regexp3.lisp and
scalar-bitap.lisp; the rest are failed experiments.
Once a small labeling is found, generating a matcher is really
straightforward. The data-dependent masks are just a dictionary
lookup (probably in a vector or in a perfect hash table), a shift and
a mask.
Traditionally, epsilon transitions have been implemented with a few
table lookups. For example, the input state can be cut up in bytes;
each byte maps to a word in a different lookup table, and all the
bytes are ORed together. The tables can be pretty huge (n-states/8
lookup tables of 256 state values each), and the process can be slow
for large states (bitsets). This makes it even more important to
reduce the size of the state machine.
When runtime compilation is easy, it seems to make sense to instead
generate a small number of test and conditional moves... even more so if
SIMD is used to handle larger state sets. A couple branch-free
instructions to avoid some uncorrelated accesses to LUTs looks like a
reasonable tradeoff, and, if SIMD is involved, the lookups would
probably cause some slow cross-pipeline ping-ponging.
There’s another interesting low-level trick. It’s possible to handle
large state sets without multi-word shifts: simply insert padding
states (linked via \( \epsilon \) transitions) to avoid character
transitions that straddle word boundaries.
There’s a lot more depth to this bitap for regexp matching thing. For
example, bitap regular expressions can be adapted to fuzzy matchings
(up to a maximum edit distance), by counting the edit distance in
unary and working with multiple bitsets (one for each edit distance
value). More important in practice, the approach described so far
only handles recognising a regular language; parsing into capture
groups and selecting the correct match is a complex issue about which
Russ Cox has a lot to say.
What I find interesting is that running the NFA backward from accept
states gives us a forward oracle: we can then tell whether a given
state at a given location in the string will eventually reach an
accept state. Guiding an otherwise deterministic parsing process with
such a regular language oracle clearly suffices to implement capture
groups (all non-deterministic choices become deterministic), but it
also looks like it would be possible to parse useful non-regular
languages without backtracking or overly onerous memoisation.