
Join me at my Ruby Performance Secrets and How to Uncover Them session at RubyConf 2014 in San Diego, USA (November 17-19).

I've been building Ruby and Rails software since 2006, and had to spend about one month per year optimizing. So I learned a thing or two about Ruby performance. This year I signed with Pragmatic Bookshelf to write a book on Ruby Performance. I learned even more while working on the book.

I'd be happy to share my knowledge on Ruby performance optimization at RubyConf. But equally important for me is to learn how other people optimize, what performance bottlenecks they find. That's why I especially look forward RubyConf this year. If you attend, stop by, I'd be very interested to learn from you.

My ultimate goal is to gather all knowledge on Ruby performance optimization, and put it into one place, my Ruby Performance book. So instead of wasting time hunting for the performance advice on the internet, Ruby developers would have a complete reference at hand. As a bonus, the book will actually teach how to optimize.

Call for Sponsors

I invest a lot of my free time into teaching developers how to write faster Ruby. I write blog posts, articles, now a book, present at RailsConf and RubyConf. And I do most of that work at my own expense.

Many companies get tangible value from my work. Faster code means better products. Better products mean more customers and revenue. But I need your support to continue my Ruby performance optimization endeavour. I would especially appreciate your help covering my costs for the upcoming RubyConf trip. Please email me at alex@alexdymo.com to discuss what I can do for you in return.

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