Haskell is slowly moving onto the browser -- and that is very
exciting. We have Fay, GHCJS, UHCJS, Haskell-like languages such as
Elm, and more!
In this post I want to demonstrate two ways in which this is awesome.
we can now define a data-type once and use it everywhere
we can now define a type-checked AJAX interface between the
browser and the server.
In this post we will be using:
happstack-server - a modern Haskell based web application server
acid-state - a native Haskell database system
fay - a compiler which compiles a subset of Haskell to Javascript
The Bad Old Days
Let's first consider a more traditional system where we use
happstack-server, a SQL database, and Javascript. If we have a value
we want to store in the database, manipulate on the server, and send
to the client, we need to manually create several representations of
this value and manually write code to marshal to and from the various
In the SQL database, the value needs to be represented via columns and
relations in one or more tables. On the server-side we need to create
an algebraic data type to represent the value. To transmit the value
to the client we need to the convert the value into a JSON object. And
then on the client-side we may then need to convert the JSON value
into a Javascript object.
To switch between each of these representations we need to manually
write code. For example, we need to write the SQL statements to update
and retrieve the value from the database.
So in addition to the four representations of our data, we have 3
bidirectional conversions to manage as well:
Now let's say we need to make a change to our datatype -- we have to
correctly update 10 different aspects of our code.
Because SQL and Javascript are outside of the domain of Haskell, we
don't even get the help of the typechecker to make sure we have keep
all the types in-sync.
A popular mantra in computer programming is DRY - "Don't repeat
yourself". Yet, here we have to repeat ourselves 10 times!
In addition to keeping everything in sync, we still have the problem
of having to think about the same data in 4 different ways:
as relational data
as an algebraic data type
as a JSON object
as a Javascript object
The Path to Awesome
The picture when using happstack-server, acid-state, and fay is
radically different. In this system we define our data type as a nice
algebraic data type which can be stored in acid-state, manipulated on
the server, and sent to the client, where it is also treated as the
same ADT. This definition occurs in once in a normal Haskell file
that is shared by all three pieces of the system.
The data does still need to be serialized by acid-state and for
communication to/from the client (via AJAX), however, this serialization
is done entirely automatically via template haskell and generics.
I have created a simple example of using happstack-server,
acid-state, and fay to implement an interactive web 2.0 mastermind
clone. The board updates all occur client side and communication is
done over a typed AJAX communication channel.
You can find all the source code here:
A demonstration of the game play is shown is this video:
There are some bugs in the code, unimplemented features, etc. It seems
to display correctly in Chrome, but not Firefox (and possibly others). If any of these
things bother you, feel free to submit patches. These issues, do not
get in the way of the interesting things we want to demonstrate, and
so they will likely remain unfixed.
The tree is organized as follows:
MasterMind.Client.* - client-side Fay code
MasterMind.Server.* - server-side Haskell code
MasterMind.Shared.* - code that is shared between the client and server
shared types
contains the datatypes needed to define the state of the game
board. There is not much to say about these types -- they are
basically what you would expect to see for a game like mastermind.
those types are stored persistently using acid-state. All played
games are retained in the database, though there is currently no code
implemented to browse them.
those same types (such as Color, Guess, and Board) are imported and used for the client-side
By virtue of the fact that everything fits together so seamlessly --
there isn't much to say. It looks like we just defined some normal
Haskell datatypes and used them in normal Haskell code -- just like
any other Haskell program. The interesting part is really what is
missing! We've managed to eliminate all that manual conversion,
having to think about multiple representation of the same data,
javascript, SQL, etc, and left ourselves with nice, simple Haskell
code! When we want to change the type, we just change the type in one
place. If we need to update code, the type-checker will complain and
let us know!
Best of all, we do not need to rely on special syntax introduced via
QuasiQuotation. We define the types using normal Haskell data
There is a bit of Template Haskell code in the acid-state portions
of the code. To create SafeCopy instances we use
deriveSafeCopy. In principle this is not much different from the
standard deriving Data, Typeable mechanism. However, for those that
eschew Template Haskell, there is work on allowing SafeCopy to use
the new Generics features in GHC 7.6.
There is also a Template Haskell function makeAcidic which would be
a bit more difficult to remove.
The typed AJAX interface
Now that we have a way to share types between the client and server,
it is relatively straight-forward to use those types to build a
type-safe communication channel between the client and server.
At the end of MasterMind.Shared.Core there is a type:
The Command type defines the AJAX interface between the server and
the client. The constructors 'SendGuess' and 'FetchBoard' are commands
that the client wants to send, and the ResponseType a is what the
server will return.
It would be far more sensible to declare Command as a GADT:
Unfortuantely, Fay does not support GADTs at this time, so we have
to use a series of hacks to get the type safety we are hoping
for. Language.Fay.AJAX (from happstack-fay) defines a type:
This gives us a phantom type variable that we can use to encode the
type of the response.
Looking at the Command type again, you will see that the last argument to every constructor is a ResponseType value:
On the client-side we can use call to send an AJAX command:
For example:
You will note that the type signature for call is a bit funny. The type for the cmd argument is:
instead of just
But on closer examination, we see that is how the type-checker is able
to enforce that command and response handler types match. When we
actually use call we just leave off the last argument to the
constructor, and the code is quite readable.
Also, note that call is asynchronous -- meaning that call we
return immediately, and the handler will be called after the server
sends back a response. That is why we pass in a callback function
instead of just doing:
We could create a synchronous version of call, however the underlying
javascript engine is single-threaded and that could result in the UI
blocking. We could probably give the appearance of a blocking call
by using continuations in some fashion, but we will consider that
another time.
On the server-side we use a pair of functions:
handleCommand decodes the AJAX request and passes it to a
handler. fayResponse is used to convert a return value into a valid
Fay response. The ResponseType a parameter is used to enforce type
safety. So in the code we are going to have something like this in our
top-level route:
where commandR looks like:
We see that we pull the ResponseType value from the constructor and
pass it to fayResponse, so that the type checker will enforce that
The command handlers have types like:
Hopefully we can add GADTs to Fay soon, which will remove some of
the boilerplate.
If we want to use cabal to build and install our web application, then
we need to tell cabal how to compile the Fay code to Javscript. I
believe the long term plan is for Cabal to somehow directly support
Fay packages. But in the meantime, this custom Setup.hs seems to do
the trick:
Setup.hs for building Fay code
Note that in mastermind.cabal we have build-type: Custom instead
of that standard build-type: Simple. You need to specify Custom or
cabal will ignore the Setup.hs.
What Still Sucks
Fay is still very raw and buggy. In order to get this simple
application working I had to file four bugs against Fay and commit
several other patches myself. When the developers say that Fay is
still alpha they mean it.
On the other hand, the Fay team was very responsive and fixed my issues quickly!
If you want to experiment with Fay, I highly recommend it -- but be
prepared to run into some issues.
Programming in Fay is far nicer than Javascript. But, ultimately we
still have to deal with the DOM model that the browser is based
around. And, even in Fay, that still sucks (even with bootstrap and
jQuery to help). However, now that we have a nice language to work
with, we can hopefully create a nice Fay-based library for client-side
UI development.
Fay (and friends) are definitely a huge step in the right
direction. Things are still just getting started, but they are
definitely set to revolution Haskell web programming. We already have
mature solutions for web 1.0 programming such as happstack-server
and reform. But, technologies like Fay are making it far easier to
provide web 2.0 solutions with rich client-side functionality.
I have released happstack-fay on
hackage which
provides the glue code needed for AJAX communication.
In future blog posts I hope to cover three additional topics:
how to incorporate type-safe routing using web-routes
how to add client-side validation to reform using Fay
how to use HSX for client-side HTML generation
We would love to hear your feedback!