Hello everyone,
I just wanted to remind you that I’m going to give a tutorial session on functional reactive programming with reactive-banana at the HaL 7 - Haskell in Halle/Saale meeting.
When? 13 July 2012. 11:30 am
Where? Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Informatik, Halle/Saale (Germany)
URL? http://iba-cg.de/hal7.html
In this tutorial session, I’m going to give a short introduction to FRP and then we’ll work through some examples. I encourage everyone to request particular examples from the examples collection or to suggest new ones during the tutorial.
If you want to participate, remember to register for the tutorial as we only have enough space to accomodate 25 people per tutorial. There are other tutorials as well, so check out the program to see if there’s anything else you like. In particular, Andres Löh is giving an introduction to GPU programming with the repa and accelerate libraries.
To get most out of my reactive-banana tutorial, make sure that you install wxHaskell beforehand, as this tends to be a bit difficult.
The session will be in German. Unfortunately, it probably won’t be recorded on video, but I can translate and post my introductory slides afterwards.