
Last week, while working on CodeWorld, via a sequence of yak shavings, I ended up creating a nicely small library that provides Control.Applicative.Succs, a new applicative functor. And because I am trying to keep my Haskell karma good1, I wanted to actually prove that my code fulfills the Applicative and Monad laws.

This led me to inserted writing long comments into my code, filled with lines like this:

Honk if you have done something like this before!

I proved all the laws, but I was very unhappy. I have a PhD on something about Haskell and theorem proving. I have worked with Isabelle, Agda and Coq. Both Haskell and theorem proving is decades old. And yet, I sit here, and tediously write manual proofs by hand. Is this really the best we can do?

Of course I could have taken my code, rewritten it in, say, Agda, and proved it correct there. But (right now) I don’t care about Agda code. I care about my Haskell code! I don’t want to write it twice, worry about copying mistakes and mismatchs in semantics, and have external proofs to maintain. Instead, I want to prove where I code, and have the proofs checked together with my code!

Then it dawned to me that this is, to some extent, possible. The Haskell compiler comes with a sophisticated program transformation machinery, which is meant to simplify and optimize code. But it can also be used to prove Haskell expressions to be equivalent! The idea is simple: Take two expressions, run both through the compiler’s simplifier, and check if the results are the same. If they are, then the expressions are, as far as the compiler is concerned, equivalent.

A handful of hours later, I was able to write proof tasks like

and others into my source file, and the compiler would tell me happily:

This is how I want to prove stuff about my code!

Do you also want to prove stuff about your code? I packaged this up as a GHC plugin in the Haskell library ghc-proofs (not yet on Hackage). The README of the repository has a bit more detail on how to use this plugin, how it works, what its limitations are and where this is heading.

This is still only a small step, but finally there is a step towards low threshold program equivalence proofs in Haskell.

Or rather recover my karma after such abominations such as ghc-dup, seal-module or ghc-heap-view.↩

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