
Last week I mentioned a few videos and and podcasts featuring Milton Smith, Sr. Principal Security PM at Oracle. I had a chance to meet Milton last week when he was in Hamburg for the OWASP AppSec EU conference, but I didn't have a chance to attend his presentation. Fortunately, the video team of the AppSec EU conference has published the video recordings of the conference presentations already - you can find a recodring of Milton's here.

Speaking of interesting conference videos, as the news of JVM Language Summit videos starting to show up on the Oracle Media Network broke on Twitter, ensuring an excitedly sleepless night for some, I compiled a quick list of more or less OpenJDK-specific talks that have been uploaded so far:

Java 8 for Compiler Writers - Daniel Smith

Nashorn War Stories - Marcus Lagergren

JVM Benchmarking - Aleksey Shipilev

OpenJDK at Google - Jeremy Manson

Data Parallel Programming - John Rose

Fitting Nashorn on the JVM - Attila Szegedi

One VM to Rule Them All - Christian Wimmer and Chris Seaton

Lambda Performance - Sergey Kuksenko

Graal and GPU Offload - Thomas Wuerthinger and Vasanth Venkatachalam

Project Sumatra - Eric Caspole

Welcome from Oracle - Georges Saab

And last but not least, two new recordings of presentations from the JUG.RU OpenJDK Test Fest have been published on the JUG.RU YouTube channel:

Aleksey Shipilev — OpenJDK frameworks: jmh & jcstress

Alexandre Iline - OpenJDK Test Base


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