
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Boys & Girls Club of America.I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

I’ve already shared with you that we’ve been making some lifestyle changes around here. Well that includes our kiddos too! Even more-so, I’m realizing that with my oldest being eleven, we are in the last few years of influencing and teaching him healthy lifestyle habits that I hope will last him a life time. (Mommas, they really do grow up quickly).  That’s why I was excited to find, and learn more about, the Triple Play program from the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Launched in 2005, Triple Play is the Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s signature healthy lifestyle program. It’s aimed at showing kids how eating right, staying active and forming positive relationships adds up to a healthy lifestyle.

Did you know nearly 3 out of 10 kids in the United States are either overweight or obese? Did you know that youth should participate in a moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 60minutes per day yet only about one quarter of US children ages 12-15 actually do? I think we can all agree it’s important to engage our children early on to establish healthy habits that will carry forward into adulthood with them.

Triple Play is the Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s, along with their partners Coca-Cola and the Anthem BlueCross BlueShield Foundation’s, way of helping to combat those statistics.

The Triple Play Parent’s Guide is full of ideas and inspiration for parents by sharing the importance of physical activity, and proper nutrition through the program’s three components of mind, body, and soul.  (I love how they focus on the whole child).  I highly encourage you to download a copy of the Parenting Game Plan FREE HERE.

In celebration of the program’s 10th anniversary we have committed to spreading the word! In doing such we downloaded our own copy of the Parent’s Game Plan  and tried out some of the activities. I liked the What’s the 411? – Relay to strike up some good conversation about nutrition and healthy eating habits. My oldest son however, being an avid basketball player liked the ideas in the guide for The Basketball Challenge. It seemed like a good option for us so we did a few of the drills. The Blindfolded Free Throw was an absolute winner! It spawned a whole series of various basketball “games” and contests that lasted us almost an hour. He’s even looking forward to grabbing the neighborhood kids to try a round or two. Win Win!

Are you looking for new ways to keep your kids active and promote a healthy life style? I highly encourage you to download the Triple Play Parenting Game Plan and find some new inspiration today!

The post Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Triple Play #TriplePlay10 appeared first on Plain Vanilla Mom.

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