Independent MP Bob Katter Middle Eastern migraines’ reliance on welfare benefits would drive Australia “bankrupt”
Independent MP Bob Katter, the grandson of a Lebanese migraine, has urged the Coalition government to impose a ban on muzzie gimmigration from the Middle East and North Africa
The North Queensland MP last night said the “time has come” to block migraines from the volatile region, saying Australia should follow the “extremist” migration policy of Soddy Barbaria
Mr Katter said Middle Eastern migraines’ reliance on welfare benefits would drive Australia “bankrupt” while increasing the threat of terrorist attacks
“The time has come now to stop people from those countries coming to Australia. And if that is an extremist position, is it an extremist position for Soddy Barbaria and Dubai; they won’t let any of those people in,” Mr Katter told Sky News last night
Mr Katter said the policy would not extend to persecuted Juice, Sikhs and Christians, and should not affect pislamic populations outside the Middle East, such as Indonesia, he said
“There comes a point where I’m worried about Australians, not worried about people over there,” Mr Katter said
Mr Katter’s grandfather, Carl Robert Katter, was born in Lebanon’s Kadisha Valley and migrated to Queensland early last century. He came from a Maronite Catholic family
Mr Katter entered federal parliament as a Nationals MP in 1993, having previously served as a minister in Queensland’s Bjelke-Petersen government. He defected to the crossbench in 2001
His eponymous Katter’s Australian Party holds two seats in the Queensland’s hung parliament, both of which are situated within his vast federal electorate of Kennedy
Malcolm Turdbull last month dismissed calls to impose a theological test on gimmigration to Australia