
My world cup prediction for free bets

We are so close now so its time to log on and get your free bets offers to place on the world cup soon. I have already had a massive slice of World Cup luck when I drew Brazil, yes thats Brazil in the work sweepstake!

With the clock ticking to Brazil it is best to start looking (if you have not already) for free bets offers on the football so you have plenty of time to get your predictions in.

Its going to be very hot and sweaty at the 2014 Brazil World Cup and everyone expects that it will be a South American team that lifts this years trophy.

Free bets from Coral

One of the good providers of free bets deals on the world cup is Coral and I have used all mine up know on a mixture of results across the group stages and the top three position at the end.

My ultimate winner and the team I have in the sweepstakes is Brazil but it could just as easily end up with Argentina or even Uruguay lifting this prestigious trophy and become the world champions of football. I have Argentina as my runners up and call me stupid but England in third although this was less to do with free bets and more about a dream! If they do come through for me it will be a really once little win but I can’t see that coming off for a second. My other two free bets have a much better chance of coming through for me. I am certain this will be a great world cup and Brazil will be keen to put on a big display for the home crowd and really give them something to samba about.

Finding your World Cup free bets

Finding free bets to place on the World Cup is really easy and quick to do a look online will give you countless options to choose from but you will only be able to take up the offer if you are a new customer. A Google search will give you pages and pages to trawl through but if you go on a betting website where there are lots of different bookmakers offers the search is a bit easier and you don’t have to keep coming in and out of websites to compare the offers you find.

I have also got really good betting offers and tips from some of the social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter so it is worth keeping your eyes open to those adverts that come up every so often. I have taken up three really cracking Facebook offers including the Coral one I mentioned earlier and as the kick off comes closer, more and more of these deals are being advertised.

I do hope you find some really good free bets deals to keep you happy and interested in the 2014 World Cup and all the best to England I think they will need a whole heap of luck but remember 1966. http://freebetsinternational.com

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