
Mornings are the hardest time of the day especially if you’re not an “early to bed, early to rise” sort of person. Although it really doesn’t matter if you’re a morning person or not, if you’re committed to reach on time, you have to make it happen anyhow. So in case you also feel that mornings suck and it takes some 10-15 alarms to make you get up from the warm, cozy bed of yours, then we bring to you 10 ways that can really help you get up in a more refreshing way and look forward to the bright start to the day.

1. Sleep in your work-out clothes

Waking up with a task ahead of changing your night suit to wear your jog pants is one reason why you don’t want to wake up. So why not sleep in your sweat pant because they are as comfy as your night suit and also doing so can save you some 10 minutes in the morning which you can invest in some extra sleep.

2. Keep your alarm clock out of your reach.

If we keep an alarm at an arm’s distance, we often hit the snooze button once the alarm rings or just throw it away to never listen to it again. But if the same alarm clock is kept out of your reach in your room, then you will have to willingly or unwillingly get up from your bed to switch it off. Well! That just helped you get off of that bed.

3. Set all the peppy numbers together and use the playlist as your timer.

Listening to your favorite number right in the morning will automatically make your body move with the beats. Not just while waking up, you can also assign one or two songs with your daily tasks. It will not only make you keep a track of time but will also make your mornings happy and happening.

4.Plan your outfit the night before.

From your bras and thongs to your accessories, keep them all set and hang them together. What is worse than having to think of an outfit when you’re running late for work and end up dressing up your lowest? So even if it sounds like moves stolen from kindergarten, you shouldn’t care until it works for you.

5. Try bathing instead of shower.

Obviously, shower makes you take a hell lot of time inside the bathroom whereas if you’re bathing instead, you’ll be out in less than half hour. You don’t believe me? Try it!

6. Improve your hair and makeup routine

It can get a little difficult to reach all prim and properthat too on time, if you haven’t sorted your hair tools and makeup beforehand. Having to untangle the wire of your dryer and using that same old liquid eye-liner brush that will smudge at least once, is a big NO NO! Use products that are handy and easy to use and prepare your dryer and straighteners ready. If possible, you can also finish some your hair-related work at night also like going for a head bath the night before to save time the next day.

7. Go for Cold Coffee instead of hot one.

It might not be as good as your hot coffee that takes away all your sleep in a moment but it surely is yumm as hell and will save a lot of your time.

8. Keep your keys within your sight

Getting ready in time but still being late for work because you can’t find your keys, is the most painful thing. So save your time and rather simply keep them near the door or the nearest drawer and pick them up just before leaving the house.

9. Trick yourself.

Another way that can keep you going in the morning is by tricking yourself by setting the wall clock of your room 10 minutes ahead of time. Ain’t anybody got time to look at the phone screen while getting ready and you obviously wouldn’t be wearing your wrist watch by that time. So as you look at your room clock and the moment it shows you’re late, you’ll speed up yourself which in turn will make you early.

The post 9 Hacks That Will Make You Love Your Mornings appeared first on Pinknest.

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