
(Ping! Zine Web Tech Magazine) – Next week Diablo 3 developer Blizzard will host a Legendary Workshop Livestream to discuss the game and how certain Legendary powers were picked.

Those hosting the workshop will include associate game designer John Yan, community manager Brandy Camel, and lead technical artist Julian Love.

Gaming news site GameRanx notes that this workshop will not be as “hands on” as the previous event at Blizzcon, though gamers will be able to ask follow up questions from the first event, as well as questions about Diablo 3 and what the team has in store for the future of the game.

Tune in to Diablo’s official Twitch channel on December 9th at 11 a.m. PST to watch the some of the development team go over one of Blizzard’s hottest games.

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