People bitching about artists distributing their art the way that they want to, calling them greedy scumbags, and that their art isn’t worth it, but still ask for someone else to pay for it so they can get it for free.
Yeah ok. :x
Patreon is still a scummy thing to do, and it is true that many artists who don’t deserve it and don’t really work hard on their art somehow get paid lots by others who want to see more of that bland, boring, low quality artwork they’ve seen years ago already… And who the fuck does that anyhow? i mean, “HEY PAY THIS RANDOM ARTIST TO HAVE THEM MAKE THIS THING FOR ME”…. How does that work?
But then again i should never question human stupidity
Patreon artists get the support that they get cause people like the art that they produce, or they like the artist and want to throw a few bucks their way. Sorry if that concept makes you pissy.
Because of Patreon, I’m able to pay off my student loans each month, and the rest of my bills without breaking myself doing so. It gives me a little breathing room to do stuff that I would like to do, but never had the time to do so because I was always bogged down doing artwork for other people.
What I find most disappointing is that people think I’m putting ALL of my art behind a “paywall”, when I’m not. I still post plenty of art for free, the problem is with people that think everything should be posted for free wants EVERYTHING for free. I even tried to come up with a few solutions to make Patreon postings less irritating by posting the lineart to the general public for free; still got tons of bitching from that. So why should I bend over backwards for people that don’t even care?
Your popular. People will do anything to see what you draw ‘behind the paywall’
Don’t really see myself as popular, honestly. >_>
You have decided, unlike me, to draw porn and jump into bandwagons.
In fact. if i did need to state the ovbious, i made an experiment: this picture, as half assed as it is. has made in less than a day what other pictures i’ve drawn more than a year ago and were much better technically executed. So i’d say you’re much more popular than i would be. actually.
You know, i set up a patreon where i’d publish stuff and offer exclusive works and privilege over commissioning. Over three months, i did got nothing but insults and other bullshit being told about my campaign. even if it was empty, as noone backed me up to fill that up. lol. So i had to close that shit down, because funnily enough, people did not want nor to support me for the artwork i was making and enjoying making, nor wanted to hire me to draw something for them. All they wanted was fucking porn.
You speak of paying your student loans, and that’s nice and all, but again, at the end it’s all a matter of luck and exploiting basic human conditions.
Now, back the the point of the original post, out of which you’ve sent your minions to spam my inbox over.
99% of the patreon userbase, is not people who offer bonuses or do new art or whatever. It is artists who close down their galleries and then ACTUALLY force people to pay to see artwork that has been already made, word by word what i said back on the first post. Most of these guys just do jack shit, just exploit their fame and do little to no new work while getting paid by people who want to look at pictures that used to be freely available.
But hey, if you are to carry on with that, go ahead, keep sending your minions to insult me and my life issues and then say that’s why i don’t like patreon, i don’t like patreon for the users, and i hate the patrons for their stupid reasons individually. But whatever, keep mixing shit and cherry picking my words to suit your idiotic agenda. I’m off of this shit.
Why don’t you take that donation/handout link on your tumblr before you actually try to lecture someone that’s actually giving art to people that are giving them their money?
Also, you stupid fuck, I still post art for free on top of having two Patreons that get updated.