
What up Picky People! In July we told you about our big ol’ plans to revamp the face of Picky Bars with #LifePoints, which meant quite literally putting YOUR face on OUR bars. It seems kinda creepy spelled out like that, but in an awesome way – like bragging about a “totally solid snotrocket” or being super proud of hitting that last interval so hard you “almost puked!” It’s reasons like this we like you so much.


The goal of #LifePoints was to show off and support everyone dreaming, trailblazing, and just freaking enjoying life to the fullest. To embrace the culture of action and energy that Picky Bars embodies, and somehow make it tangible. As Lauren put it in her blog post, we wanted to create something that would make people think,

“Dayum! This makes me want to be great. This makes me want to work hard / have more fun / support someone / be more courageous in the path I’m choosing for myself.”

We needed your help for that, and sonuvagun, you sure stepped up to the plate! Like bottom of the 9th, World Series Game 7, bases juiced, down by three, grand salami, STEPPED. UP. (congrats to the SF Giants!)

Hundreds of photos from all over the world – yes! the whole wide world! – came in, blowing our collective minds over all the ridiculously awesome things people were doing: Hiking above the clouds before sunrise, paddling gnarly white rapids, defying gravity in yoga poses while balancing on a fallen tree over a rushing river, running from bears in the Himalayas… Ok we didn’t really get one of those, and we might have some questions for the photographer if we did. But you get the idea.

p.s. That was not a dare to go chase down dangerous wildlife in the mountains, and we’ll deny it if you say we told you to.

The only problem with all your awesomeness was it made our job really tough to whittle down to five favorites that would make their way to our new wrappers. SUPER TOUGH. Like saying no to free ice cream tough. But just like a tough workout you’ve been fearing all week, the time came to buckle down and pony up, and we got the damn thing done.


Smooth Caff, Boomdizzle, All-In, Need for Seed, and Mega Nuts are getting fitted for their fresh new digs as you read this. You’ll get to see them in all their shiny glory this November, not to mention finally get your hands on the elusive Cookie Doughpness that’s been club-exclusive until now! Keep your eyes peeled here on The Scoop, Facebook, and @PickyBars for more deets soon. (You can also get updates straight to your inbox by entering your email at the bottom of pickybars.com.)

In the meantime, keep those #lifepoints coming – This is just round one of your chance at Picky wrapper fame!


The post #lifepoints – Progress Update! appeared first on Picky Bars.

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