Calling all parents of picky eaters!
Based on the feedback I received on these tips for getting your fussy eater to eat healthy, it’s apparent that the relationship between our kids and vegetables is often a rocky one (no surprise there!).
That’s why I’m excited to share with you Dr. Orlena Kerek’s upcoming free webinar on improving your child’s eating habits.
Orlena, who regularly shares her wisdom over at Snotty Noses, is a pediatric doctor and mother of four. In other words, she knows her stuff!
I’m going to let her take it from here and tell you all about the webinar that will be held on February 24th.
Do You Wish Your Children Ate Healthily?
Do you wish your children ate healthily? Do you find even the thought is sheer agony? They like pasta and pasta with some pasta on the side? You’d love to give them healthy veggies but you KNOW they’ll be a huge fuss, shouting, screaming. Green missiles will go a-flying.
You try right? You offer them some fruit, but they prefer cake? You offer them vegetables. They eat chips. I know…Life happens. Until one day you think “why bother with the fruit?” The next day you reach for the biscuits without a pause.
Let’s not even talk about trying new things. It’s just TOO painful!
Is there a little whisper at the back of your mind that keeps telling you that their diet isn’t really that healthy? Come to think of it, What is healthy anyway?
Feeding our children a healthy diet can be tricky. I know. I have 4 young children. You should hear the noise at the dinner table…twins aged two. Yep, at times it’s a bit…messy! As a pediatric doctor I know how important healthy eating is. As a mother, I know how difficult it is. Do you wish you could stop all that stress related to eating? Don’t you think it would be awesome if you could teach your children to develop healthy habits? They wouldn’t see it as ‘healthy eating’…they’d just be eating food that they liked, healthy food that they liked. All that stress around vegetables and new things? Gone. Vanished. Dinner times would be calm and peaceful. (OK, calmer and peaceful-er)
Just think, if you could get your kids into healthy eating habits at an early age, they would stay with them for life. They’d be healthy eating adults. You could give them the gift of health!
It’s totally achievable. You just need a road map, which luckily I have for you!
Free How To Help Your Kids Love Eating Healthily Webinar
If you’d like to know more about feeding your children a healthy diet, I’d love to invite you to my next free webinar. Feeding your kids healthily is totally do-able and it doesn’t have to be stressful or time consuming. You just need the road map! Remember, patience and persistence are the key to giving your children healthy eating habits so they can lead a long and healthy life.
See you at the webinar! (Just follow the link to the sign up page.)
Dr Orlena Kerek
I am a paediatric doctor and mother of 4 small scamps. I write about helping children to eat healthily, without lots of stress and worry. It’s all about building healthy habits that last a lifetime.
What’s one question you have about your child’s eating habits?
The post Free Webinar to Improve Your Child’s Eating Habits appeared first on Pick Any Two.