
Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL , MD – EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Is Male and specialized in EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Dr. CANCEL complete education, website and Fee details are given here. Dr. CANCEL is one of most famous doctor in the ORONO, CANCEL is practicing in medical field for 12  Years. Doctor GEORGE completed its graduation from UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SCHOOL in the year 2004 and was awarded with degree by the medical institute UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SCHOOL. From 12 years Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL had been awarded by local authorities in the state ME, USA. Currently Dr. CANCEL is Working in CENTRAL MAINE MEDICAL CENTER hospital.

Dr. CANCEL Identification Wiki

All doctors in united states have unique identification and thus Dr. CANCEL. Three kind of Identities are assigned to Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL , MD.

Unique professional ID assigned by NPPES – 1679645642

Unique individual professional ID assigned by PECOS – 4385643279

Unique ID for the individual professional enrollment that is the source for the data in the observation – I20070721000083

Individual professional last name – CANCEL

Individual professional first name – GEORGE

Professional middle name – ALEXANDER

Professional Name suffix –

Professional’s Gender – Male

Full Name with Credential Specialization –  Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL , MD – EMERGENCY MEDICINE

Dr. GEORGE Medical Degree and Grades

Dr. GEORGE CANCEL was one of the brilliant student in the medical institute UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SCHOOL, CANCEL was awarded medical credential – MD by the Institute during the year 2004.

Medical credential – MD


Graduation year – 2004

Primary medical specialty reported by the individual professional in the selected enrollment – EMERGENCY MEDICINE

First secondary medical specialty –

Second secondary medical specialty –

Third secondary specialty –

Fourth secondary specialty –

All four secondary specialties –


ORONO City’s one of the best doctor Dr. CANCEL lives in 84 KELLEY RD street. The Full address of physician is as follow however reported address may be Complete


Line 1 Street Address – 84 KELLEY RD

Line 2 Street Address –

City – ORONO

State – ME

Zip Code – 44733416

Country – USA

Dr. GEORGE office Location on google Map

Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL Practice and experience

Dr. CANCEL graduated in 2004 since then is practicing in medical field for about 12 years. Since 2004 no malpractice has been reported for this physician. Dr. GEORGE CANCEL is practicing in EASTERN MAINE MEDICAL CENTER with other 453 doctors. Doctor and his group mates are now practicing in CENTRAL MAINE MEDICAL CENTER, ORONO – ME and other hospitals lited here.

Medicare Assignment & Participation With Insurance Companies

Medicare is social insurance program in USA and Dr. GEORGE CANCEL accepts Medicare medical insurance  approved amounts as Payment in Full. If physician Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL  takes Medicare approved payments then 30 insurance companies under Medicare are accepted by Dr. CANCEL.

Phone Number and Email Contacts

Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL , MD Works with EASTERN MAINE MEDICAL CENTER, due to some privacy issue we can not provide the direct email contacts here online.

Phone Number

Phone number of doctor GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL is available at the official website of the organisation EASTERN MAINE MEDICAL CENTER, also you may contact the office of doctor at CENTRAL MAINE MEDICAL CENTER and other hospital can also give phone number of Doctor CANCEL. However due to privacy issue we can not provide phone number of CANCEL here.

Dr. CANCEL Reviews

Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL , MD – EMERGENCY MEDICINE is one of the most famous doctor in ORONO, ME, having specialization in EMERGENCY MEDICINE. Here is reviews and rating Based on various surveys.


Rating (out of five)

Emergency Appointment Access


Environment of the office


Behavior of staff


Usual Waiting Time for Dr. CANCEL


Medical Condition Explanation


Listen & Answering questions


Time Spent on a single patient By Dr. CANCEL




Dr. CANCEL worked in various hospitals in practice life under the organisation EASTERN MAINE MEDICAL CENTER. Office of Dr. GEORGE CANCEL is in the corresponding Hospitals. Dr. CANCEL working office hours are from 11:30 to 14:20 during this time you may visit the Docotr’s office at EASTERN MAINE MEDICAL CENTER, However emergency support by Dr. GEORGE is not surely known.

Medicare CCN of hospital 1 – 200024

Medicare CCN of hospital 2 where CANCEL worked – 200025

Medicare CCN of hospital 3 – 201310

Medicare CCN of hospital 4 where CANCEL provides services – 200033

CCN of Hospital 5 where Dr. GEORGE CANCEL worked – 201306

Name Of Hospitals Where Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL , MD – EMERGENCY MEDICINE provides service.






Fix Appointment with Dr. CANCEL

Getting appointment with Dr. GEORGE CANCEL is very easy by visiting the hospitals where doctor provides services, however emergency appointment with Dr. GEORGE CANCEL depends upon time available to doctor. User rating are 3.7 out of five, which is very good and is above average.

You may also contact the EASTERN MAINE MEDICAL CENTER for getting General appointment or emergency appointment as Dr. CANCEL Provides all its services under EASTERN MAINE MEDICAL CENTER.

Treatments Provided By CANCEL

Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL , MD is primarily specialized in EMERGENCY MEDICINE, and thus provides best treatments in its area of interest EMERGENCY MEDICINE. However Doctor GEORGE CANCEL also have some other specializations.

Treatments and Specialization

Primary medical specialty  – EMERGENCY MEDICINE

First secondary medical specialty of Dr. CANCEL –

Second secondary medical specialty –

Third specialty –

Fourth secondary specialty –

All Medical Specialties of Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL , MD –

Participates in the Medicare Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive Program – No

Participates in the Medicare Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) Incentive Program – No

Participates in the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program – No

Malpractice by Dr. CANCEL

Dr. GEORGE ALEXANDER CANCEL , MD – EMERGENCY MEDICINE is highly famous and intelligent doctor in ORONO, passed out from UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SCHOOL in 2004, and have a very tough experience of 12 years thus providing best medical treatments.

Malpractice by Dr. GEORGE CANCEL reported to authorities

0 – Malpractice reports by the ORONO Authorities.

0 – Malpractice reported by the ME, USA authorities.

0 – Malpractice by Dr. CANCEL in USA.

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