
[V4] - Feedback



(This is a product for phpFox version 4. If you’re looking for the same module for version 3, here it is: http://phpfox.younetco.com/feed-back-v3.html)

Feedback plugin is a great tool to increase the interaction between users and your site. This plugin empowers users to voice out their opinions to help site admin to improve site content magnificently. Also, easy-to-use feedback features allow users to effectively manage their feedbacks and other members’ feedbacks.

phpFox compatibility: Neutron
Product version: 4.01
Ajax mode supported: Yes

License key
This module requires YouNetCore plugin to verify license.
License key and YouNetCore plugin could be found under your Client Area.

Demo: http://phpfox4.demo.younetco.com/index.php/

Key Features

Increase the interaction between users and your phpFox site by feedback and responses

Allow guest to post feedback to the site

View feedback detail and the response from admin

Like, comment, share, vote and report feedback

Many configurations in Admin Control Panel: Manage User Groups, Module Settings, Feedbacks, Categories, Statuses, Severities.



Front End

Create new feedback

Both guests and registered users can post feedback and receive email when the created feedback is approved

Create feedback with some information: feedback title, description, category, severity and visibility

Can view all feedback which are classified by categories. Users can go to Feedback forum as well

All feedback

View all feedback of the community

For each feedback, users can see the feedback information as well as the statistics of the feedback such as: number of votes, number of views, comments, pictures. The severity of the feedback is displayed too.

If admin answered to the feedback, its status and the answer would be laid behind the sevirity

Can search feedback by name and filter all feedback by some criteria


Most voted feedback

Feedback statistics

My feedback

View all feedback created by the viewer

On each feedback, owner can perform some actions such as add pictures, edit, delete the feedback

Has message to inform the owner which one is pending for the approval

Friends’ feedback

View all feedback created by friends of this viewer

Pending feedback

View all pending feedback. Only admin can see this page and approve / delete the feedback

Feedback detail

View all information of the feedback such as title, description, category, photos, severity as well as its statistics

Vote for the feedback

See the status of feedback and the answer from admin

Share feedback via other social network such as Facebook, Twitter and Google +

Perform some action on feedback such as like, comment, share and report the feedback. Feedback owner can add pictures, edit and delete the feedback

Marked icon “Featured” for the featured feedback

Back End

Manage User Groups

Control number of  pictures to be uploaded per feedback

Control file size of photos to be uploaded

Enable / disable uploading picture option to feedback

Control number of points to be received when users post a new feedback

Enable / disable posting comment option on Feedback Detail


Control if guests can create feedback

Define the thank-you message to users who leave feedback on site

Enable / disable Email Notification to visitors / guests

Enable / disable Email Notification to site admin for every new feedback

Control time stamp for feedback

Manage Feedback

Admin can view all feedback and perform some actions on each feedback such as:

Resume/disable the vote on each feedback

Feature / unfeatured feedback

Approve / delete feedback

Update the status of feedback and leave the answer

Search feedback by keywords, category, status, browse by


Create / edit / delete categories


Create / edit / delete feedback statuses


Create / edit / delete feedback severities

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