
The php[architect] site has released the official announcement of the php[tek] 2017 conference schedule being released:

Our conference chairs announced the lineup of speakers and talks for php[tek] 2016. It’s a great lineup, and you don’t have to just take our word for it. It’s shaping up to be a conference you don’t want to miss which takes place over 5 days May in Atlanta. Head over to the php[tek] site to see the schedule and register.

They've also included a list of just a few of the talks that will be presented at this year's event including:

Demystifying Object-Oriented Programming with Alena Holligan

*MySQL-Awesome Features You’re Probably Missing8 with Liam Wiltshire

Learning About Machine Learning with Joel Lord

You can view the full schedule for the conference, happening May 24th through 28th in Atlanta, Georgia, on the main conference site and pick up your tickets too.

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