
The editor of the SitePoint PHP blog, Bruno Skvorc, has posted a summary of his experience at Bulgaria PHP, a recent PHP conference held in Sofia, Bulgaria back in the beginning of October.

BulgariaPHP is a PHP conference consisting of one workshop day, and two talk days with two tracks each. Just like last year, this year’s conference happened in the SEC (Sofia Event Center) in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the top floor of the Paradise Mall. Unlike last year, however, this year’s edition had a theme.

Excellently organized by the event team at SiteGround, a shared and cloud hosting provider 500 employees strong, the conference was all up in retro gaming, from the attendee badges and decals, to the surroundings and micro-events within the event. Even the crew were all dressed as Super Mario, which I’m sure would have caused an aneurysm or two in the minds of Nintendo’s lawyers had they gotten wind of it.

He talks about his experience as both a speaker and attendee at this year's event (and how he felt "spoiled"). He covers some of the speakers that were at the event, the topics he personally learned about and how the conference itself was handled (sponsors, the theme and the charity the conference provided to a local school).

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