Recent releases from the Packagist:
tcg/event-emitter (v1.0.0, v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
A simple event emiter class with glob pattern matching.
theiconic/fixtures (v1.5.0)
Load fixtures into database from different formats: Yaml, XML, etc.
vluzrmos/func-helpers (v0.3.1)
Funções helpers para Laravel.
sadapon2008/mysql_collate (0.2, 0.1)
Mysql Datasource For CakePHP supporting COLLATE in conditions
imsky/holder (v2.5.2)
Client-side image placeholders.
distilleries/form-builder (2.1.0)
Based on laravel-form-builder ( That add default component and add view system.
orchestra/testing (v3.0.1)
Orchestra Platform Testing Helper
wataridori/blaravel (v0.0.1)
A Custom Version of Laravel Framework which completely follows PSR1/2
cmem-dev/lodestone (0.0.1)
lodestone api.
hrevert/ht-img-module (0.4.0)
Image manipulation module for Zend Framework 2
tubepress/tubepress (v4.0.8)
Modern video galleries for the web.
stripe/stripe-php (v2.1.0)
Stripe PHP Library
khill/lavacharts (2.0.5)
PHP wrapper library for the Google Chart API
bugsnag/bugsnag (v2.5.2)
Official Bugsnag notifier for PHP applications.
orchestra/foundation (v3.0.3, v3.0.2)
Orchestra Platform Foundation
bugsnag/bugsnag-laravel (v1.4.1)
Official Bugsnag notifier for Laravel applications.
openclerk/country-list (1.0.0)
List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in many languages and data formats
werx/core (1.8.1, 1.8.0, 1.7.0)
Front controller and other core libraries used by the Werx project.
olliepop/fbpagefeed (0.2.0)
Retrieves posts from a Facebook page for a SilverStripe site, pulling posts and storing them via CliController task
tassoevan/skeleton (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Minimal PHP application structure
keios/moneyright (1.0.2)
Precise, GAAP-compliant, database-friendly Money Value Object
hashbang/reflib (v1.1.6)
PHP module for managing a variety of citation reference libraries
andersondanilo/cnab_php (1.2.1)
Projeto para criar arquivos de remessas e processar arquivos de retorno no formato CNAB
ringcentral/php-sdk (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
RingPlatform PHP SDK
emanueleminotto/twig-cache-bundle (0.2.1)
Symfony 2 Bundle for asm89/twig-cache-extension
ikwattro/github-event (1.0.4)
Github Api Public Events to PHP Objects Mapper
d1maz/simple_pdo (1.0)
This class simplifies the work with Prepared Statements of PDO extension.
nsbucky/echosignv3 (v1.0)
Adobe Echosign REST API v3
kassner/magento-behat-extension (1.0.0)
MageBehat - framework to run Behat/Mink for Magento extension integration tests
kdyby/curl-ca-bundle (v1.0.6)
This package provides root certificates for usage in api clients on systems that have missing or outdated certificates.
jleagle/html-builder (v0.2)
A package to create clean HTML
cerbero/workflow (3.0.0)
Create extensible and maintainable applications by harnessing the power of pipelines.
distilleries/datatable-builder (2.0.0)
Datatable generator
gwa/gw-flickrphotoset (1.1.3)
PHP flickr photoset class
getgrav/grav-theme-antimatter (1.3.3)
The default theme for the Grav flat-file CMS
g105b/phpcsv (v0.4.1, v0.4.0, v0.3.0)
matt-bartlett/environment-vars-generator (0.3.2, 0.3.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1)
ddinchev/yii-factory-girl (1.0.1)
Yii 1.1 fixture replacement framework. Inspired by factory_girl_rails and kengos' FactoryGirl for Yii.
spatie/laravel-backup (1.1.0)
Backup database command for Laravel 5 applications
unialteri/paypal-exprss (0.8.3-beta)
Library to perform quickly sales with the service Paypal Express Checkout
gitraffa/framework (1.0.0)
A powerful yet easy-to-use PHP micro-framework designed to help you build dynamic and robust Web applications - fast!
unialteri/curl-request (0.8.1-beta)
Allow you to create and execute HTTP Requests with cURL in POO context. Fork from zeroem/curl-bundle
danrevah/shortifypunit (v1.0.6)
PHP Mocking framework
webignition/html-document-link-checker (1.0.2)
Check the links in a HTML document, find the working ones, find the broken ones, make happy people
phlib/hashstrategy (1.0.0)
PHP hash strategy library including random, sorted, consistent
webignition/web-page-model (1.0.3)
Model of a web page, based off webignition/web-resource-model
zorbus/behat-contexts (0.2.0)
Contexts for functional testing with behat
webignition/web-resource-model (1.1.9)
Model of a web-based resource
facebook/php-sdk-v4 (4.0.17)
Facebook SDK for PHP
sokil/php-mongo (1.12.7)
PHP Object Document Mapper for MongoDB
donatj/ticker-graph (v0.0.1)
Simple JavaScript Ticker Graph using the Quorum JS Installer
unialteri/states-bundle (1.0.3)
Bundle of UniAlteri States to use it easily with Symfony 2 + Doctrine, Library to create easily and cleanly classes with several states, writed in distinct codes blocks, but never used "if conditions" with PHP 5.4+.
torann/filesort (0.1.0)
Handle the sorting of files with extensible validation and storage strategies for Laravel.
cleentfaar/slack-bundle (0.15.1)
This bundle provides integration with the Slack API library, allowing you to interact with the Slack API from within your Symfony projects
unialteri/states (1.0.3)
Library to create easily and cleanly classes with several states, writed in distinct codes blocks, but never used "if conditions" with PHP 5.4+.
mcfedr/paypal (5.0.0, 4.0.0)
caffeinated/modules (v1.1.0)
Laravel 5 Modules
austinb/gameq (2.0.3)
GameQ Gameserver Library
zfr/zfr-stripe (v2.14.1, v2.14.0)
PHP library for interacting with the Stripe REST API
socialiteproviders/meetup (0.2.4, 0.2.3, 0.2.2) implementation for Laravel/Socialite
socialiteproviders/stackexchange (0.1)
StackExchange OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
rovangju/carbon-fy (1.0.0)
Carbon DateTime extension to determine fiscal year (FY)
zfr/zfr-cash (v1.1.1, v1.1.0)
Zend Framework 2 module that simplify payments with Stripe payment gateway
pavlinter/yii2-dot (v1.0.0)
Yii2: doT javascript template
petrgrishin/pipe (1.1.0)
Helper in your project for the integration of middleware
maraya/cake-php-excel (v1.1.0)
CakePHP excel generator using PHPExcel library
jabli/sexy (0.3.3)
sexy sql expressions
remiii/mandrill-mailer-bundle (v0.0.1)
MandrillMailerBundle add support for Mandrill API on Swiftmailer
ptrofimov/zeroevents (2.1, 3.1, 3.0)
Events between processes. Built on top of IlluminateEvents and ZeroMQ
simplon/request (0.2.7, 0.2.6)
Simple, straight forward request helper
composer/yii2-robokassa (1.0.0-stable)
Robokassa payment extension. (fork)
vertexvaar/steamengine (1.0.0alpha)
A TYPO3 Flow Package to separate the view into a menu, a module view and an optional secondary Module (which might be a TreeView), protected by simple user authentication. This Package is inspired by the TYPO3 CMS Backend
dreamfactory/dsp-admin (1.0.6)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Admin Console
codezero/curl (1.1.1)
Simple cURL wrapper
nicoswd/putio (0.3.1)
PHP 5.4 wrapper for PutIO's OAuth API (v2)
relayfoods/recipe-parser (1.0.1, 1.3.1, 1.3.0)
league/tactician-bernard (v0.1)
Queueing command bus plugin for Tactician based on Bernard
abhi1693/yii2-app-advanced-startup-kit (v0.0.1)
Yii 2 Practical Advanced Application Template (Startup Kit)
thefox/utilities (v1.5.0)
Collection of usefull PHP utilities.
cedaro/woocommerce-coupon-links (v2.0.0)
A WordPress plugin to automatically apply a WooCommerce coupon code to the cart with a URL.
mouf/integration.drupal.druplash (v7.3.4, v7.3.3)
This module provides a MVC framework, right into Drupal, based on the Splash MVC framework (designed for Mouf-PHP).
hashworks/phergie-plugin-wolfram-alpha (v1.0.1a, v1.0.1)
Phergie plugin to access the Wolfram Alpha API trough IRC.
jhonnytuba/slim-annotations (
Slim framework using annotations
takeatea/tea-theme-options (v1.5.2.18, v1.5.2.17)
Simple, easy to use and fully integrated Theme Options for Wordpress, made by Take a tea.
dwsla/service-mpx (2.3.7, 2.3.6)
A PHP 5.3 library for accessing MPX services from ThePlatform (
jelovac/bitly4laravel (v2.2.2)
Provides a Laravel package to communicate with API
koolkode/process (0.1.6)
KoolKode Process Virtual Machine
usf-it/usf-auth (0.2.2, 0.2.1, 0.2.0)
SSO Authentication library for USF applications.
cornford/tv-rating-icon-css (v2.1.0, v2.0.0)
CSS icons for tv classification ratings
dyninc/dyn-php (0.5.0)
Dyn PHP SDK - for interaction with Dyn's product APIs
aweber/aweber (v1.1.14)
The official AWeber API client library. (0.9)
rdev/rdev (v0.3.2)
The RDev PHP framework
rdev/applications (v0.3.2)
The RDev application library
rdev/project (v0.1.2)
An empty project that uses the RDev framework
berg/ldap (1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0)
A package for quickly setting up LDAP authentication
graviton/vcap-config-loader (v0.1.0)
Load services config from a VCAP_SERVICES json definition.
reparsoft/yii2-filemanager (v1.0.1)
The extension provides a Bootstrap and Jquery based file manager, you can use this extension management uploaded files easily
mindplay/kisstpl (1.0.0)
View service / template engine for plain PHP templates
bartlett/php-reflect (3.0.0-beta2)
Adds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, constants, namespaces, traits and more.
volabit/client (v1.0.0)
Library for the Volabit API.
novaway/filemanagementbundle (3.0.1)
Bundle for File and Image management in Symfony 2
appserver-io-psr/mop (1.1.0)
PSR, defining annotations and interfaces for code transformation and enhancement.
discord/framework (0.1.1, 0.1)
Experimental PHP5.6 Framework (0.9)
Represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and File Resource references. RFC 2396, RFC 2732 compatible
ejz/db (v1.6.5, v1.6.4)
PDO-based simple-to-use ORM class! Supports raw SQL queries!
lasallecms/lasallecms (0.1.3)
LaSalle Content Management System flagship app.
marktopper/validator-php (1.0)
A library for PHP with a lot of default validation methods
vegas-cmf/session (v1.1.0)
Vegas CMF Session Manager
marktopper/xvfb-run-php (1.0)
A easy to use PHP library for running xvfb-run
ekho/lumberjack-php (v0.1.0)
Logstash lumberjack client
lovenunu/thelia-better-error-page-module (1.0)
hexaa/hexaa-backend (0.27.3, 0.27.2)
HEXAA virtual organization management software
mako/framework (4.3.4, 4.4.4)
Mako Framework
lasallecms/usermanagement (0.1.1)
User Management for LaSalleCMS.
sh4ka/news-orm-bundle (0.0.1, 0.1)
News orm bundle
cargomedia/cm (1.102.4, 1.102.3, 1.102.2, 1.102.1)
bankiru/monolog-logstash (0.1.4)
Monolog Logstash - logging to Logstash
zfury/framework (0.1.0, 0.0.2)
Basic classes used in Zfury (CMF based on Zend Framework 2)
marktopper/validation-rules (1.0)
A json files with default rules for validation
temafey/phalcon-cron (v0.8.2)
Cron manager engine base on Phalcon framework
akeneo/magento-connector-bundle (v1.1.18)
Akeneo PIM bundle to export to Magento platform
caseyamcl/phpoaipmh (v2.1)
A PHP OAI-PMH 2.0 Harvester library
socialiteproviders/manager (0.1.4)
An easy way to extend Laravel Socialite
arodik/sendgrid-newsletter-api (1.0.0)
PHP library for using Sendgrid Newsletter API
fluidtypo3/development (1.1.9)
FluidTYPO3 development helpers - test runners, coding standards sniffing, local git hook scripts
phing/phing (2.10.1)
PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant.
centvrio/jsonserializer (v0.1.0-alpha)
JsonSerializer for PHP
staabm/sysmonitor (v0.1.4)
sulu/sulu-standard (0.15.3, 0.15.2)
The sulu content management framework
romanpitak/php-rest-client (v1.2.1)
REST client library.
danielboendergaard/phantom-pdf (v0.3.1, v0.3.0, v0.2.1)
A Package for generating PDF files using PhantomJS
zenstruck/elastica-bundle (v0.1.1)
Lightweight Symfony bundle wrapping Elastica.
andkirby/multi-repo-composer (v0.3.1, v1.3.0, v0.3.0)
clumsy/cms (0.12.0)
A CMS for Laravel
pimcore-extensions/manager (0.1.2)
Helps you manage your Pimcore Extensions with Composer
andkirby/modman-generator (v0.1.4, v0.1.3, v0.1.2)
Simple script which helps generate modman file based update "git ls-files" command.
oval/laravel-bootstrap (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Core files including helpers for Laravel
umbrella/retorno-boleto (v1.3.1)
Biblioteca em PHP para leitura de arquivos de retorno de títulos de cobrança de bancos brasileiros.
prismic/php-sdk (1.4.1)
PHP development kit for
vegas-cmf/forms (v1.1.0)
Vegas CMF Forms
florianbelhomme/flob-foundation-demo-bundle (2.0.0)
Provides a kitchen sink (exemples) of the functionnalities of the florianbelhomme/foundation-bundle bundle.
marktopper/wkhtmltopdf (1.0)
A composer package for wkhtmltopdf
sulu/sulu (0.15.3, 0.15.2)
SuluCMF core distribution
akeneo/custom-entity-bundle (v1.4.0)
Akeneo PIM Custom entity bundle
marktopper/imagemagick (1.0, 6.9.0)
A composer package for ImageMagick
orchestra/platform (v3.0.1)
Orchestra Platform
marktopper/xvfb-run (1.0)
A composer package for xvfb-run
marktopper/cutycapt (1.0, 1)
A composer package for cutycapt
bweston92/laravel-inline-css-mailer (v0.1)
Laravel CSS to Inline HTML.
jstroem/epay (0.9.0)
PHP integration for's API interface.
fenom/fenom (2.5.4, 2.5.3)
Fenom - excellent template engine for PHP
codemix/yii2-dockerized (0.0.4, 0.0.3, 0.0.2)
A template for docker based Yii 2 applications
joseki/leanmapper-extension (v1.1.0)
This is an extension of Tharos/LeanMapper ORM. This extension contains mapper specification and a Query object including its usage in a repository
joseki/leanmapper-query (v1.0)
Concept of Query Object for LeanMapper
detailnet/dfw-fileconversion-module (0.4.0)
Zend Framework 2 Module for dfw-fileconversion
webit4me/authentication (0.0.1)
A RESTFul authentication service for Zend Framework2 using doctrine
bound1ess/essence (1.3.0)
Highly opinionated PHP assertion framework providing clean and flexible BDD style API.
detailnet/dfw-fileconversion (0.4.0)
DETAIL Framework library for file conversion
bprs/user-bundle (v1.3)
Simple Symfony Userbundle with RESTful API to share users between applications
khanovaskola/cislo (v1.4, v1.3, v1.2)
Translates integers to words and vice versa
i-ekho/lumberjack-php (v0.0.1)
Logstash lumberjack client
millennium/pagination (1.0.0)
Symfony2 Pagination Bundle Extended
mollie/opencart (5.2.7)
Mollie module for OpenCart
rutube/php-api-client (1.0.1)
PHP client for Rutube api (
rekonekt/rekonekt-php-sdk (1.0)
Rekonekt PHP SDK
dailymotion/sdk (1.6.3)
Dailymotion PHP SDK
tdt/core (v5.0.1)
A RESTful data adapter
solve/autoloader (v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
- [ Autoloader ] Class loader
ekweb/control (v0.0.3, v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
rubicon/object-reveal (1.0.0, 1.0)
Reveal unaccessible object members
infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-image-gallery (1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6)
Yii2 image gallery
cakephp/cakephp (2.6.2)
The CakePHP framework
php-packages/container (1.2.0)
An IoC container for PHP: simple, fast, clean.
league/csv (7.0.0)
Csv data manipulation made easy in PHP
vegas-cmf/validation (v1.1.0)
Vegas CMF Validation
aseo/api (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Analytics SEO Api Client
ohlandt/cat-status (1.0.3)
fleet-management-and-control/fmc-php-sdk (v1.0.3)
cubex/skeleton (0.2.2)
Cubex Project Skeleton
cubex/application-skeleton (1.2.0)
Cubex Project Application Skeleton
qafoolabs/profiler (v1.3.6)
Simple library that wraps Xhprof profile collection and sends to Qafoo Profiler
data-dog/acl-bundle (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
ACL management bundle
maxmirazh33/yii2-uploadable-cropable-image (v2.0.2)
Yii2 extension for upload and crop images
gherkins/regexpbuilderphp (0.7.0)
PHP port of thebinarysearchtree/regexpbuilderjs
maxmirazh33/yii2-uploadable-file (v2.0.1)
Yii2 extension for upload files
vinelab/api-manager (v0.5.1)
Laravel API Manager Package - beatify and unify your responses with the least effort possible.
ongr/connections-bundle (v0.6.3)
Connections bundle for ONGR platform
styleci/fixer (v0.1.1-alpha)
StyleCI Fixer Is A Code Style Report Builder
stonedz/pff2 (v2.3.0)
A simple yet robust PHP MVC framework
groundsix/communicator-php-sdk (v1.0.8, v1.0.7)
SDK for interacting with the Communicator SOAP api
crada/phalcon-user-plugin (1.1.12, 1.1.11)
User plugin for Phalcon PHP framework
jansenfelipe/laraeditable (v2.0.1)
Edit images and texts in Laravel Views
interexperts/ideal (v1.0.0)
iDEAL implementation for PHP 5.4+
yandex/translate-api (1.5.1)
Client for Yandex.Translate API
digitalunited/vc-clean-up (0.0.4)
Visual Composer CleanUp
iateadonut/signup (v1.1.1)
A signup with email confirmation form for Laravel
lara-toolkit/lara (v1.0.5.7, v1.0.5.6, v1.0.5.5)
Laravel Toolkit to wrap up projects
quince/auto-provider (v0.1.3)
Automatically register service providers located in appProviders for laravel 5
infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-cms (1.0.14)
CMS module for Yii2
interexperts/xmlseclibs (v1.3.3)
PHP library for XML Security. Fork of Rob Richards' library, modified namespace behavior
heroku/heroku-buildpack-php (v64)
Toolkit for starting a PHP application locally, with or without foreman, using the same config for PHP/HHVM and Apache2/Nginx as on Heroku
marktjagd/migration-pdo-session-handler (v1.0.0)
PDO Migration Session Handler to convert Symfony session table from version 2.5 to 2.6 and up
81square/tiesa-ldap (v1.0.1)
LDAP made easy - supports LDAP paged result (fork of tiesa/ldap)
monokakure/laravel-csv (0.1.3, 0.1.2)
Simple CSV manipulation for Laravel. Also you can select encoding.
marktopper/pdf2image (0.1)
A library for turning PDF into images
siriusphp/validation (1.2.3)
Data validation library. Validate arrays, array objects, domain models etc using a simple API. Easily add your own validators on top of the already dozens built-in validation rules
marktopper/web2pdf (0.1)
A library for turning websites into PDF
jopatan/utils (1.0.0)
Package with useful things
kmayo-ss/twitter-stripe (v1.1)
Oauth connector for Twitter
phppro/silex-api (0.1.6)
damianociarla/rating-bundle (v1.2)
This Bundle provides functionality for a rating system for Symfony2 applications (v1.2.8)
A way better CMS
pavlinter/yii2-sticky-footer (v1.0.0)
Yii2: Sticky Footer
appserver-io/doppelgaenger (1.1.0)
Make PHP structure definition clones which look the same but behave differently
hoa/string (
The HoaString library.
trendwerk/breadcrumbs (1.0.1)
Breadcrumbs based on custom menu's. Made for WordPress.
hoa/file (
The HoaFile library.
hoa/fastcgi (
The HoaFastcgi library.
hoa/eventsource (
The HoaEventsource library.
zofe/rapyd (2.0.1)
crud widgets for laravel 4, to make an admin in few lines of code
hoa/dns (
The HoaDns library.
yaro/soc-share (0.2)
Social network share link builder
breeswish/php-marked (v0.3.3)
A PHP markdown parser, ported from marked. Built for speed.
happyr/google-analytics-bundle (3.2.2)
The Google Analytics Bundle lets you send data (like event tracking) to Google.
cedaro/dequeue-jquery-migrate (v1.0.0)
A WordPress plugin to remove the jquery-migrate.js script dependency.
namshi/jose (2.1.3)
JSON Object Signing and Encryption library for PHP.
cedaro/embed-jetpack-custom-css (v1.0.0)
A WordPress plugin to embed Jetpack Custom CSS in the document head to improve performance.
k1low/yasd (2.6.3)
Yer Another SoftDeletable Behavior