
Recent releases from the Packagist:

neomerx/json-api-response (v1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Framework agnostic JSON API (jsonapi.org) responses

silverstripe/framework (3.1.10-rc2)
The SilverStripe framework

lavalite/filer (2.4.0)
Package for uploading and managin file on lavalite framework

tonetlds/alfredapp (1.0.0)
Alfred App.

distilleries/expendable (1.3.2)
Tool to generate a backend

genealabs/bones-library (0.1.5, 0.1.4, 0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Page (with categories) publication module.

ldaptools/ldaptools (v0.8.0)
LdapTools is a feature-rich LDAP library for PHP 5.6+.

distilleries/form-builder (1.1.1)
Based on laravel-form-builder (https://github.com/kristijanhusak/laravel-form-builder). That add default component and add view system.

nglasl/silverstripe-misdirection (1.0.4)
A module for SilverStripe which will allow both simple and regular expression link redirections based on customisable mappings, either hooking into a page not found or replacing the default automated URL handling.

simple-php-mvc/installer-module (v0.3, v0.2)
Installer Module - CLI & Grafic Installer

nglasl/silverstripe-mediawesome (1.0.3)
A module for SilverStripe which will allow creation of dynamic media holders/pages with CMS customisable types and attributes (blogs, events, news, publications).

nlmdev/hoard (v0.1.12)
A PSR-compliant caching library for holding objects in nested pools with scripting ability.

redcrackle/redtest-core (v0.0.11)
Core libray of Red Test framework, an integration testing framework for Drupal based on PHPUnit

cubicmushroom/slim-service-manager (1.3.1, 1.3.0, 1.2.0)
Slim Framework add on to handle loading services from config

stillman/kohana-activerecord (v1.5.1)
ActiveRecord pattern for Kohana 3.x

iansltx/business-days (1.2.0, 1.1.0)
A way to calculate date periods based on the concept of business days rather than calendar days

splot/framework (0.8.5)
Splot Framework. Lightweight, fully featured framework for rapid web development.

claroline/forum-bundle (4.0.3)
Claroline forum plugin

autarky/framework (0.7.1)
Autarky - PHP framework for self-sufficient developers

paramoredigital/codebase-exceptions-php (1.0.1)
Framework-independent library for PHP 5.3 that notifies Codebase or Airbrake.io of exceptions in your application.

league/commonmark (0.7.0)
Markdown parser for PHP based on the CommonMark spec

despark/laravel-social-feeder (v1.8.5)
Social feeder for laravel. With this you can get feed from facebook page, twitter account or instragram

lsv/sysorbapi (1.0.1, 1.0)

dragonrun1/phpspec (2.1.2)
Specification-oriented BDD framework for PHP 5.3+

strident/router (2.0.0, 1.0.3)
Routing component designed for ease of use and speed. Built for Trident.

contao-community-alliance/translator (1.0.1)
Multipurpose translation manager and interface

rpunnett/extract_imgur (v1.2.0)
A class to extract image links from imgur URLS in PHP

cossou/trak-io-api-client (v1.1.0)
PHP Trak.io Api Client built on Guzzle

upstatement/routes (0.1)
Manage rewrites and routes in WordPress with this dead-simple plugin

rtconner/laravel-likeable (1.0.1)
Trait for Laravel Eloquent models to allow easy implementation of a 'like' or 'favorite' or 'remember' feature.

zoddo/gitlab-irc (v1.0.0)
A webhook IRC for GitLab

juniwalk/common (v0.9.18)
Package of most common classes.

ptlis/shell-command (v0.5.0)
A basic wrapper around execution of shell commands.

toin0u/digitalocean-v2 (0.5.0)
DigitalOcean API v2 PHP 5.4+ library

mespinosaz/serializable-objects (0.1.3)

wazaari/monolog-mysql (v1.0.2)
A handler for Monolog that sends messages to MySQL

strident/container (1.0.0)
Simple dependency injection container, inspired by Pimple.

bacbos/bacbox (0.2.12p3)
a leightweight php-framework

distilleries/mailersaver (1.0.1)
Override helper Mailer from laravel to hock the sender

mendoframework/acl (v1.1.0)
Mendo ACL Component

qlake/qlake (v0.0.3)
The Qlake Framework

briedis/api-builder (v2.0.4, v0.2.3)

qlake/framework (v0.0.3)
The Qlake Framework

evgeniyrru/yii2-slick (1.0.0)
Yii2 extension for Slick Carousel

anomaly/recent_news_widget-extension (1.0.0)
A dashboard widget displaying recent news from PyroCMS.com

nass600/vhost-builder (0.2.0)
Vhost builder command based on Console Component

cybercog/yii2-twittable (v0.3)
The twittable extension for the Yii2 framework

thunderwolf/tw-subscription-plugin (1.4.8)
symfony 1.x Thunderwolf Subscription plugin

simple-php-mvc/simple-php-mvc (v1.6.4)
Simple PHP-MVC

christianbud.de/part (v1.2.7, v1.2.6)
A way better CMS

ilyabakhlin/fix (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
A PHP class for fixing.

jelovac/bitly4laravel (v3.0)
Provides a Laravel package to communicate with Bit.ly API

cliffparnitzky/vis.js (1.4.1, 1.4.0)
Integrate vis.js (version 3.10.0), the dynamic, browser based visualization library, into Contao.

toobo/sealion (0.1.0)
CLI Router.

cliffparnitzky/user-member-bridge (1.1.1)
Assigning members to users for synchronizing common account data.

cliffparnitzky/checked-email (1.2.1)
Provides two textfields for forms for double entering a e-mail address and checking for equality. Also adds the option to activate e-mail field with confirmation for members (affects among others the modules `Personal data` and `Registration`).

cliffparnitzky/backend-custom-startpage (1.0.2)
Provides the possibility for each user to select an individual startpage in the backend.

css-crush/css-crush (v2.3.0)
CSS preprocessor

cliffparnitzky/backend-custom-css (1.1.1)
Provides the possibility to add special css to the contao backend.

jleagle/packagist-api-client (v0.1)
A small helper class to request package details from the Packagist API

cliffparnitzky/birthday-lister (2.0.1)
Provides a module to list member birthdays (past, actual, upcoming).

cliffparnitzky/extended-member-inserttags (2.0.1)
Provides additional insert tags for members.

webiny/framework (v1.2.0)
Webiny Framework

cliffparnitzky/triathlon-league-manager (1.0.3)
Managing triathlon league tables and teams for displaying it in frontend.

travisghansen/phpgpg (v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
Support PGP operations in PHP

g4/data-mapper (0.3.13)
data-mapper php library

stripe/stripe-php (v2.0.1)
Stripe PHP Library

mlantz/atomic (v3.2)
A modular application built with CodeIgniter 3 - designed to be used with Quarx

zenstruck/controller-util-bundle (v0.3.0)
Symfony2 Bundle for zenstruck/controller-util

bican/roles (1.3.0)
Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel 5.

andersondanilo/cnab_php (1.2.0)
Projeto para criar arquivos de remessas e processar arquivos de retorno no formato CNAB

tomaj/imap-mail-downloader (1.0.5, 1.0.4)
IMAP mail downloader

romeoz/rock-url (0.10.0)
A simple PHP library to parse and builder URLs

romeoz/rock-request (0.10.0)
HTTP request library for PHP

zenstruck/controller-util (v0.4.0)
Utilities for creating Symfony2 responses without dependencies.

foothing/laravel-fixture (v0.1.0)
Lightweight fixtures for Laravel 4

tejrajs/yii2-fontawesome (1.0.0)
Just A Font-awesome Yii2 Widget

yaro/adminer (0.1)
adminer for laravel 4

phoenix/eloquent-meta (v1.3.1, v1.2.3)
Attach meta data to Eloquent models

zoddo/gitlab-webhook (v1.0.0.1)
A GitLab webhook

software-desk/bike-trader-api-bundle (v1.0.5, v1.0.4)
This is a learning/demonstration bundle showing various symfony code techniques

romeoz/rock-components (0.10.0)
[READ ONLY] Components module for Rock Framework

romeoz/rock-validate (0.10.0)
Flexible validator for PHP with I18N.

romeoz/rock-sanitize (0.10.0)
Flexible sanitizator for PHP.

embed/embed (v2.0.1)
PHP library to retrieve page info using oembed, opengraph, etc

ekowabaka/wyf (v2.0.1)
WYF Half-Baked App

dljoseph/silverstripe-maintenance-mode (v0.1)
SilverStripe Maintenance Mode Module. Allows an administrator to put site in offline mode with 503 status to display a 'Coming Soon', 'Under Construction' or 'Down for Maintenance' Page to regular visitors, whilst allowing a logged in admin user to browse and make changes to the site.

ilyabakhlin/server (0.1.1)
A PHP class for managing the Apache's $_SERVER array.

ionutmilica/ionix-framework (1.0.0)
A slim framwork.

scrapbook/sql (0.1.0)
SQL adapter

davidyell/css-safe-slug (0.1.3)
Converts a slug into a safe to use css class

pedroresende/bootstrapbundle (v3.2.2)
Twitter Bootstrap for Symfony2

akeneo/magento-connector-bundle (v1.1.17)
Akeneo PIM bundle to export to Magento platform

afreshmelon/destiny (1.0-beta, 0.3, 0.2)
PHP API for Destiny the game

thelia/thelia-studio-module (1.3)

kartik-v/yii2-date-range (v1.6.1)
An advanced Yii 2 date range picker input for based on bootstrap-daterangepicker plugin.

mendoframework/router (v1.1.7)
Mendo Router Component

davidyell/proffer (v0.0.6)
An upload plugin for CakePHP 3

journey/backup (v0.1.1, v0.1)
Lightweight MySQL backup script for cron jobs, written in PHP.

coderstephen/robo-ftp (v0.1.2)
FTP(S) task for Robo

ridesoft/azurecloudmap (0.4.3, 0.4.2)
PHP Utility library to interface with Microsoft Azure Cloud API filesystem that works as in Laravel 4.2 as in pure php.

keboola/syrup-php-client (0.1.3)
Keboola Syrup PHP Client

ibrows/xeditable-bundle (1.1.0)
bootstrap x-editable symfony2 forms integration

manialib/gbx (4.0-beta)
Manialib/Gbx is a PHP package to manipulate Maniaplanet Gbx files metadata

zoddo/php-irc (v1.0.0.1, v1.0.0)
A PHP API for IRC connections

warmans/http-testcase (0.0.6, 0.0.5, 0.0.4, 0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
PHPUnit testcase for e2e testing libraries that talk to web services.

oneup/contao-security-advisories (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
This check works by comparing the composer.lock against an open vulnerability database. A clean check does not mean there are absolutely no security problems whatsoever.

sismo/sismo (v1.0.2)
Sismo is a personal continuous integration server.

lajax/yii2-translate-manager (1.3.1)
Online Translate

owc/wp-options (v1.0.1)
Wordpress helper for creating option pages.

3ev/phingy (v0.10.0)
A useful collection of build scripts for managing PHP sites

xi/filelib (v0.13.1)
File library for PHP

lesstif/php-jira-rest-client (0.6.1)
JIRA REST API Client for PHP Users.

friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle (1.5.3)
This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony2

infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-image-gallery (1.0.0)
Yii2 image gallery

cubicmushroom/slim-service-loader (1.1.0, 1.0.0)
Slim Framework add on to handle loading services from config

tuupola/slim-basic-auth (0.8.2)
HTTP Basic Authentication Middleware for Slim Framework

zoddo/ovh-bundle (v1.0.0.1)
An OVH API integration for Symfony2

mlocati/concrete5-translation-library (1.1.0)
Library to handle concrete5 core and package translations

trejjam/authorization (v0.8)
Authorization, Authentication, Acl

mapado/typeaheadjs-bundle (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Typeahead-js integration in Symfony form type

vegas-cmf/social (v1.1.0)
Vegas CMF Social integration

sweatshop/sweatshop (2.3.2)
Abstraction layer for message brokers and job servers, including process management

iceframework/framework (1.0.0-rc1)
Simple and fast PHP framework delivered as C-extension

alexgarrett/violin (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
Violin is an easy to use, highly customisable PHP validator.

wp-pay-gateways/icepay (1.2.0, 1.1.0)
ICEPAY driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

romeoz/rock-file (0.10.0)
[READ ONLY] File Manager module for Rock Framework

euskadi31/search-php (v0.1.3, v0.1.2, v0.1.1)
Search engine wrapper

romeo7/rock-cache (0.10.0)
Unified API for key-value storages in memory. As a storage can be used: Local, APC, Redis, Memcache, Couchbase. All storage objects have one interface, so you can switch them without changing the working code.

romeoz/rock-cache (0.10.0)
Unified API for key-value storages in memory. As a storage can be used: Local, APC, Redis, Memcache, Couchbase. All storage objects have one interface, so you can switch them without changing the working code.

mtymek/mt-zendesk-api (1.0.1)
ZF2 module wrapper for Zendesk API

romeoz/rock-events (0.10.0)
A simple implementation of Pub/Sub for PHP

offline/laravel-assets-on-demand (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Asset Manager for Laravel 5

romeoz/rock-helpers (0.10.0)
Helpers module for Rock Framework

romeoz/rock-base (0.10.0, 0.9.1)
[READ ONLY] Base module for Rock Framework

keboola/json-parser (0.1.23)
Keboola JSON to CSV parser

deployer/deployer (v3.0.0-beta.4)
Deployment Tool

jenssegers/mongodb (v2.0.4)
A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel 4

wallabag/wallabag (1.9RC1)
open source self hostable read-it-later web application

infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-cms (1.0.9)
CMS module for Yii2

spol/path (v0.1.3)
A PHP library for manipulating paths.

matycz/lemo-theme (1.0.4)

kphoen/doctrine-state-machine (1.0.9, 1.0.8)
Doctrine2 state machine behavior

hoa/view (
The HoaView library.

nayjest/grids (v0.4.10)
Grids for Laravel framework

hoa/zombie (
The HoaZombie library.

wp-pay-extensions/woocommerce (1.1.0)
WooCommerce driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

wp-pay-gateways/mollie (1.1.0)
Mollie driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

madapaja/twig-module (0.2.0)
BEAR.Sunday Twig adapter module

pragmarx/firewall (v0.3.1)
A Laravel 4.1+ IP whitelisting and blacklisting

hoa/websocket (
The HoaWebsocket library.

ugosansh/bundle-clientimage (v0.0.3, v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
Client bundle from image api service (bundle-apiimage)

ice/mercuryclient-bundle (3.0.2)
Client for the ICE Mercury API

rigor789/airbrake-laravel (1.1, 0.1)
Laravel package for the Airbrake API, which supports Errbit

gettext/languages (2.1.0)
gettext languages with plural rules

keboola/codebuilder (0.1.4, 0.1.3)
Execute JSON defined user scripts

jedibc/decorator-stack (v1.0.0)
A simple tool for stacking decorators

fansible/composer (v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
This will help you to provision and maintain your server up to date to run your Symfony apps

wp-pay/core (1.0.1)
Core components for the WordPress payment processing library.

jeremykendall/php-domain-parser (2.0.3)
Public Suffix List based URL parsing implemented in PHP.

smoice/smoice (1.1.0)
PHP wrapper for SMOICE Billing API

sorien/silex-dbal-profiler (1.1.1)
Doctrine DBAL Profiler for Silex

netzmacht/contao-form-helper (0.3.5)
Library for supporting customized Contao form rendering

datasift/stone (1.9.4)
DataSift's in-house library for building QA tools

mollie/opencart (5.2.6)
Mollie module for OpenCart

t1st3/t1st3-assets (1.6.7)
Assets used for T1st3's projects

majes/blog-bundle (v1.20.9)
Majes framework Blog bundle

gercoli/htmltags (v1.0.0, v1.0-beta.3)
Easy to use class for creating HTML tags in an OOP way.

meniam/model (v0.0.5)
Database models for MySql

netzmacht/contao-bootstrap (0.2.8)
Provides modules, content elements and templates for integrating Bootstrap into Contao

aztech/layers (0.1.2)
Stackable HTTP layers

pattern-lab/edition-thin (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
The thin edition of Pattern Lab. It only installs Pattern Lab core.

gettext/gettext (v3.3)
PHP gettext manager

abhi1693/system-info (v1.0.0)
Information about the server

sjdaws/vocal (2.0.0)
Recursive functionality for Eloquent in Laravel 4 and 5

stil/curl-robot (v0.1.1)
Parallel URL crawling extension to curl-easy.

cargomedia/cm (1.100.3)

uthando-cms/uthando-common (1.16.0)
Common class module for Uthando CMS

maatwebsite/excel (2.0.1, 1.3.2)
An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in Laravel 4 with the power of PHPExcel

icepay/icepay (2.4.0)
ICEPAY library to integrate ICEPAY in your projects.

propel/propel-bundle (1.1.8, 1.2.15, 1.4.5)
Integration of Propel in Symfony2

yii2mod/yii2-rbac (1.1)
User rbac module

gomoob/php-pushwoosh (1.0.3)
A PHP Library to easily work with the Pushwoosh REST Web Services.

draperstudio/laravel-paymill (v1.0.0)
Paymill API for Laravel

arcanedev/breadcrumbs (2.0.0, 2.0.1, 1.0.0)
A simple way to create breadcrumbs.

pekkis/queue (v0.5.2)
Queue abstraction library

boots/form (1.0.1)
Use form elements with ease. Includes powerful utilities. Endless possibilities with built-in hooks.

boots/admin (1.0.1)
Create elegant wordpress admin pages in seconds.

stil/curl-easy (v1.1.3)
cURL wrapper for PHP. Supports parallel and non-blocking requests. For high speed crawling, see stil/curl-robot.

khanovaskola/cislo (v1.1, v1.0)
Translates integers to words and vice versa

davidyell/nice-admin (v0.1.1)
A roll up plugin of various bits to improve the look of admin areas index view.

tango/tango (v1.4.7)
Tango Framework

spatie/searchindex (2.0.0)
Store and retrieve objects from Elasticsearch

digitalunited/components (0.1.8)
Component manager

itgro/helper (1.2.1)

michael-espeche/front-init (1.0.1)
Light boilerplate for front-end projects

3ev/quick-cache-cli (v1.0.2)
Provide a CLI interface to the Quick Cache Wordpress plugin

claroline/core-bundle (4.2.3)
Claroline core bundle

vinelab/http (v1.2)
An http library developed for the laravel framework. aliases itself as HttpClient

middleout/doplio (1.0.20)
The Doplio ORM provides a beautiful, PHP DataMapper implementation for working with your database and objects using Eloquent for a access to the raw table data. It completely unties your model from the database.

im/primitive (v2.0.6)
PHP OOP Primitive Types

wp-pay-extensions/event-espresso (1.0.2)
Event Espresso driver for the WordPress payment processing library.

antidot/php_api (v0.15.5)
This API allows you to simplify integration of Antidot products.

cocur/nqm (v0.3)
Named Query Manager helps you SQL organise queries in files.

fastpay/fastpay-php (v1.2.3)
FastPay SDK for PHP

ticketpark/seats-io-api (0.1.4)
A php library to use the public api of seats.io

valentin/contao-seo_preview (1.1)
Contao Open Source CMS extension seo_preview

joseki/leanmapper-extension (v1.0.5, v1.0.4, v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
This is an extension of Tharos/LeanMapper ORM. This extension contains mapper specification and a Query object including its usage in a repository

kphoen/doctrine-state-machine-bundle (1.1.0)
Integrates DoctrineStateMachineBehavior in Symfony2.

netzmacht/contao-flexible-sections (1.1.1)
Contao flexible template sections extension

akuma/sf2-demo-project (1.0.1)
Akuma Demo Project

dotink/affinity (1.0.3)
A bootstrapper that loves you

phaza/wsa-curl-soap-client (0.8)
A WS-Addressing wrapper around curl soap wrapper

keboola/syrup (2.0.2)

jp3cki/totp (1.0.0)
RFC 6238 / TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm

fancyguy/wp-composer (0.2.0)

bound1ess/essence (1.2.1)
Highly opinionated PHP assertion framework providing clean and flexible BDD style API.

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