Recent releases from the Packagist:
nukacode/menu (0.2.3)
A simple menu system.
fusic/filebinder (2.6.1)
Simple file attachment plugin for CakePHP
jaredhowland/router (1.1.0)
A small PHP library for doing URL routing. Fork of
hampel/envroute (0.3.0, 0.2.0, 0.1.0)
Package for customising the Laravel environment based on route
nukacode/front-end-bootstrap (1.0.0)
Helpers and views for a basic bootstrap setup.
elliotchance/intuit-quickbooks (v2.0.5-alpha.2, v2.0.5-alpha.1)
The PHP SDK for QuickBooks v3 is set of PHP classes that make it easier to call QuickBooks APIs.
vsch/generators (1.2.4, 1.2.3, 1.2.2, 1.2.1, 1.2)
Laravel 4 Generators w/ Bootstrap 3
vicgarcia/slimproject (0.8.0)
SlimProject is a collection of classes and a skeleton project installer for use with the Slim framework and Commando CLI library
kartik-v/yii2-grid (v3.0.0)
Yii 2 GridView on steroids. Various enhancements and utilities for the Yii 2.0 GridView widget.
kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base (v1.7.4)
Base library and foundation components for all Yii2 Krajee extensions.
kartik-v/yii2-social (v1.3.0)
Module containing useful widgets for Yii Framework 2.0 that integrates social functionalities from DISQUS, Facebook, Google etc.
devsdmf/datamonkey (1.1.0)
A simple database ORM for PHP projects build on top of Doctrine.
distilleries/expendable (1.3.1, 1.3.0)
Tool to generate a backend
aztech/oauth-layer (0.1.1)
OAuth layer for aztech/layers
elliotchance/xsd2php (v0.0.5)
LegkoXML (XSD2PHP) support
crazedsanity/core (v0.1.6)
Core PHP libraries for all things Crazed(Sanity).
yajra/laravel-oci8 (v2.1.4.2, v2.1.4.1, v2.1.4)
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4|5 via OCI8
distilleries/datatable-builder (1.1.0)
Datatable generator
distilleries/form-builder (1.0.0)
Based on laravel-form-builder ( That add default component and add view system.
crazedsanity/database (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Database abstraction library.
daison/admin-laravel (1.1.0)
Ready made admin for your laravel website.
burnbright/omnipay-poli (1.0.5)
POLi driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
translationexchange/tml-wordpress (0.1.2)
Tml WordPress Plugin
bravo3/image-manager (1.1.4, 0.1.4)
A PHP 5.4 library to control dynamic image assets in a cloud environment
navarr/minecraft-profile (v1.2.0)
Minecraft Profile API
piwik/piwik (2.11.0-b5)
the leading free/libre analytics platform
sheadawson/silverstripe-zen-googleanalytics (1.0.1)
A simple module for easily adding google analytics js tracking code to a silverstripe site.
elcodi-templates/store-template-bundle (v0.4.11, v0.4.9)
Store Template Bundle for Bamboo
c-datculescu/amqp-base (0.3.13)
Allows easy declaration and management of complex AMQP configurations
ac/web-services-bundle (0.3.15)
Provides tools for developing RESTful APIs.
heyupdate/emoji (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
Convert unicode and named (i.e. :smile:) Emoji into images
crodas/class-info (v0.1.16, v0.1.15)
Get classes and functions defined in a given file
pulyaevskiy/enum (v1.2.3)
Simple implementation of Enum type for PHP
skyzyx/signer (1.1.0, 1.0.4)
Cryptographically sign data to prevent tampering.
collicore/data-manager (3.0.2, 3.0.1, 3.0.0)
ColliCore/DataManager is a capsule for many RESTful API methods
deefour/interactor (0.4.3)
Simple Service Objects
wepay/signer (1.1.0, 1.0.0)
Cryptographically sign WePay data to prevent tampering.
helfull/canvasjs (v0.0.1-alpha.1)
Helper library to create CanvasJS[] Charts.
samcrosoft/cloudinary (1.0.0)
Laravel Based Cloudinary PHP SDK
bellows/cli (v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
A CLI toolkit for fluid command line interaction
lasallecms/contact (v1.0.4, v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
This package exists purely for testing L5 package development.
julien-boudry/condorcet (v0.90-rc4)
Condorcet is a PHP Class to computing many Condorcet voting methods
packaged/helpers (0.9.1)
Generic PHP Helper Classes & Functions
kisphp/kisphp (v1.0.2)
Kisphp libraries
zbateson/phpcas-dev (0.1.1)
Very simple testing/development environment for projects using jasig/phpcas
simple-php-mvc/simple-php-mvc (v1.6.3)
Simple PHP-MVC
crodas/autoloader (v0.1.10)
Best autoloader from out there
hashworks/phergie-whois-on-join-plugin (v0.1.0, v0.0.9)
Phergie plugin to whois a user on join and handle the result.
boris/imgscrape (0.3.2, 0.3.1, 0.3)
Simple image scraper from remote URL to get the largest image
league/event (2.1.0)
Event package
schorsch3000/phlop (0.5, 0.4.2, 0.4.1)
a simple build coreograph for php-projects
torann/moderate (0.1.1)
A simple moderation system for Laravel.
k1low/imgin (v0.0.4)
Image manipulation directory
intersvyaz/yii-sentry (1.0.1)
Sentry component and LogRoute for Yii1
controleonline/zf2-essentials (v1.3.3, v1.3.2, v1.3.1, v1.3.0)
ZF2 Essentials
aws/aws-sdk-php (2.7.18)
AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project
glifery/entity-hidden-type-bundle (1.0.0)
Hidden field for Symfony2 entities
raoul2000/yii2-twbsmaxlength-widget (1.0.0)
The TwbsMaxlength widget is a wrapper for the Bootstrap Maxlength plugin, a visual feedback indicator for the maxlength attribute.
joshhornby/bridge (0.1.7, 0.1.6)
league/tactician-command-events (v0.1)
Tactician Command Events
xp-forge/jira-api (v2.0.1)
Atlassian JIRA client API for XP Framework
camspiers/silverstripe-loggerbridge (0.6.0)
Provides a bridge between PSR-3 loggers (like monolog) and SilverStripe
vova07/yii2-fileapi-widget (0.1.5)
The FileAPI widget for Yii2 framework.
xp-forge/nsca (v3.0.1)
NSCA (Nagios Service Check Acceptor) Client
toast/adminlte_yii2_assets (0.1.0, 0.1.1, 0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
AdminLTE Assets for YII 2. Based on dmstr/yii2-adminlte-asset. Using the non bower version of AdminLTE for all skins
xp-forge/gsa-xmlfeed (v2.1.1)
Feed API for Google Search Appliance (GSA)
prettus/l5-repository (1.0.2, 1.0.0)
Laravel 5 - Repositories to abstract the database layer
sysel/nette-database-myisam (v1.2.0, v1.1.1)
Nette-Database-MyISAM - MyISAM driver for Nette Database
xp-forge/google-search (v4.0.1)
Google Websearch Protocol
xp-forge/opensearch (v2.0.1)
Opensearch XML classes
xp-framework/scriptlet (v6.0.2)
Scriptlets for the XP Framework
prbdias/mbway-php (0.0.4, 0.0.3)
PHP library to communicate with MB WAY API.
xp-framework/webservices (v6.0.1)
Webservices for XP Framework
xp-framework/rest (v6.0.1)
REST Client and Server APIs for the XP Framework
xp-framework/zip (v6.0.1)
ZIP File support for the XP Framework
xp-forge/yaml (v1.0.1)
YAML parser
xp-framework/xml (v6.0.1)
XML APIs for the XP Framework
karlnack/modular-autoloading (v1.0.0)
Module- and package-based autoloading for PHP
xp-forge/markdown (v1.0.1)
xp-framework/mail (v6.0.1)
Mail for XP
iron-io/iron_mq (3.0.1, 1.5.3)
Client binding for IronMQ (hosted message queue)
xp-framework/ldap (v6.0.2)
LDAP support for the XP Framework
xp-forge/json (v0.8.5)
Reads and writes JSON to and from various input sources
xp-framework/http (v6.0.1)
HTTP protocol support for the XP Framework
xp-forge/handlebars (v0.2.0)
Handlebars for XP Framework
collicore/api (3.0.1, 3.0.0)
ColliCore/Api is a collection of commonly used functionality when building APIs with Laravel
xp-framework/ftp (v6.0.1)
FTP protocol support for the XP Framework
xp-framework/doclet (v6.0.1)
Doclet API for XP Framework
xp-framework/csv (v6.0.1)
Contains the XP Framework's CSV API
xp-forge/creation (v0.2.1)
Fluent interface for instance creation of immutable objects
collicore/model (3.0.0)
ColliCore/Model extends the excellent esensi/model package. It provides more flexible validation and can bind Fractal transformers.
xp-forge/assert (v0.6.2)
Assertions for the XP Framework
caffeinated/modules (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Laravel 5 Modules
psy/psysh (v0.3.5)
An interactive shell for modern PHP.
anahkiasen/rocketeer (2.0.6)
Rocketeer is a fast and simple deployer for the PHP world
owc/silk-api (v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
PHP integration with Silk API.
genkgo/omnipay-ideallite (0.5.3, 0.5.2, 0.5.1, 0.5.0)
Omnipay Gateway to support ideallite
phelium/recaptcha (1.0.2)
reCAPTCHA v2 class
lightsoft/php_array_spec (0.1.0)
Array-based embedded DSL for respect/validation
graham-campbell/testbench (v2.0.1)
TestBench Provides Some Testing Functionality For Laravel 5
scrapbook/memcached (0.1.0)
Memcached adapter
bugbuster/integrity_check (3.4.7)
Contao CMS integrity check for some files
pixelfear/oauth2-dropbox (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Dropbox OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
elcodi/elcodi (v0.4.25, v0.4.24)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony
elcodi/user (v0.4.25, v0.4.24)
Elcodi User Component
jp3cki/docomo-dialogue (1.1.0-alpha1)
Wrapper for dialogue API by NTT docomo.
fillup/apiaxle (0.7.2)
PHP library/module for interacting with ApiAxle APIs.
maci/standard-base-project (v1.2.3)
The "Maci Standard Base Project" distribution
maci/user-bundle (v1.2.3)
Symfony MaciUserBundle
maci/translator-bundle (v1.2.3)
Symfony MaciTranslatorBundle
maci/product-bundle (v1.2.3)
Symfony MaciProductBundle
maci/page-bundle (v1.2.3)
Symfony MaciPageBundle
maci/order-bundle (v1.2.3)
Symfony MaciOrderBundle
maci/media-bundle (v1.2.3)
Symfony MaciMediaBundle
maci/core-bundle (v1.2.3)
Symfony MaciCoreBundle
maci/admin-bundle (v1.2.3)
Symfony MaciAdminBundle
maci/address-bundle (v1.2.3)
Symfony MaciAddressBundle
rdev/rdev (v0.2.10)
The RDev PHP framework
rdev/applications (v0.2.10)
The RDev application library
dizda/cloud-backup-bundle (1.9.0)
Be able to backup your database(s) and upload it to the cloud (Dropbox, CloudApp, GoogleDrive, etc.)
dannyvankooten/mailchimp-for-wordpress (2.2.5)
MailChimp plugin for WordPress
json-heitz/json-heitz (4.3.2, 4.3.0)
A unofficial PHP class to connect to JSON with CURL to the 'Heitz System' WebService.
bllim/datatables (v1.5.0-alpha)
Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4
jeremykendall/php-domain-parser (2.0.2)
Public Suffix List based URL parsing implemented in PHP.
lucasromanojf/laravel5-pdf (1.0.0)
Provides the HTML2PDF functionality using the wkhtmltopdf library (Laravel 5)
digital-canvas/zend-framework (1.12.11)
Zend Framework with only the libraries and require_once() calls commented out for better performance with an autoloader.
phpcr/phpcr-utils (1.2.4)
PHP Content Repository implementation independant utilities
swiss-payment-slip/swiss-payment-slip (0.8.0)
A library for creating Swiss payment slips
guiwoda/route-binder (3.0.0)
Laravel route binding, done right.
laravelba/route-binder (3.0.0)
Laravel route binding, done right.
joelpurra/emulatetab (0.2.8, 0.2.7)
A jQuery plugin to emulate tabbing between elements on a page.
elcodi/referral-program-bundle (v0.4.24)
Elcodi ReferralProgram Bundle
elcodi/comment-bundle (v0.4.24)
Elcodi Comment Bundle
league/oauth2-client (0.8.1)
OAuth 2.0 Client Library
cubex/framework (2.0.8)
Cubex Framework
takeatea/tea-theme-options (v1.5.2.16)
Simple, easy to use and fully integrated Theme Options for Wordpress, made by Take a tea.
arcticfalcon/laravel-analytics (1.6)
Analytics tracking for laravel 4.x
petflow/laravel-5-api-boilerplate (0.2.0)
A Laravel 5 API boilerplate.
jacksleight/chalk (0.3.4)
Content management system built on Coast
peridot-php/leo (1.3.1)
Next level assertion and matcher library for PHP
peridot-php/peridot (1.13.0)
Event driven BDD test framework for PHP 5.4+
voilab/restanswer (0.3.4)
Response system for REST Apis.
loadsys/puphpet-release (0.0.4, 0.0.3)
Makes an unpacked version of the vagrant environment generated by available through composer and Packagist.DANGEROUS! Overwrites non-vendor files in your project! Seriously, don't use this, or at least read the readme VERY carefully.
ridesoft/azurecloudmap (0.3.1, 0.3)
PHP Utilities for Azure cloud API filesystem for Laravel 4.2
mekit/crm-platform (v1.0.10)
Mekit CRM Platform Skeleton
loadsys/puphpet-release-composer-installer (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Provides a composer custom installer that works with `loadsys/puphpet-release` to add a vagrant box to a project via composer. DANGEROUS! Overwrites non-vendor files! Seriously, don't use this, or read the readme VERY carefully.
struggle-for-php/sfp-stream-view (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
re-register https stream wrapper
voilab/mapping (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Mapping system to promote a constant output from a set of datas
iron-io/iron_worker (1.4.4)
Client library for IronWorker (multi-language worker platform that runs tasks in the background, in parallel, and at scale.)
mekit/crm-application (v1.0.7)
Mekit CRM Application
remiheens/php-wowza-securetoken (0.1.1)
PHP library for Wowza SecureToken module
psecio/versionscan (1.4.2)
A PHP version scanner for reporting possible vulnerabilities
spatie/googlesearch (2.0.0, 1.0.0)
Get searchresults from a Google Custom Search Engine
nitra/e-commerce-admin-informationbundle (2.0.0)
nep admin information bundle
itgro/helper (1.0.2)
nitra/e-commerce-site-productbundle (v2.0.0)
Product Bundle
gomoob/php-pushwoosh (1.0.1)
A PHP Library to easily work with the Pushwoosh REST Web Services.
appserver-io-psr/epb (0.4.3)
PSR containing Enterprise PHP Beans classes and interfaces.
mcamara/laravel-localization (1.0.5)
Easy localization for Laravel
league/tactician (v0.3.0)
A small, flexible command bus. Handy for building service layers.
bordeux/email-cleaner (0.5)
Replay email cleaner/remover for PHP
devfactory/taxonomy (2.0.9)
Create and manage a heirarchical taxonomy of terms within different vocabularies
appserver-io-lab/mage-servlet (0.1.0)
An servlet to execute Magento
akeneo/pim-community-standard (v1.2.26, v1.3.0, v1.3.0-RC3)
The "Akeneo Community Standard Edition" distribution
samson/autocomplete-bundle (2.0.3, 2.0.2)
Easily integrate the Select2 autocomplete widget into your Symfony application to search Doctrine entities
sweatshop/sweatshop (2.3.1)
Abstraction layer for message brokers and job servers, including process management
draperstudio/laravel-socialite-dropbox-provider (v1.0.0)
Dropbox Provider for Laravel Socialite
bushbaby/slmqueuedoctrine-postponablejobstrategy (1.0.0)
BsbPostponableJobStrategy is a strategy for the SlmQueueDoctrine ZF2 module that provides the ability for jobs to postpone their execution until other jobs have successfully been processed.
rauwekost/schedule-bundle (0.6.1, 0.6.0)
Symfony2 scheduler for commands
predaddy/predaddy (3.0.0-RC1)
Common DDD classes and utilities
xp-forge/google-authenticator (v0.2.1)
Google authenticator (HOTP & TOTP)
briedis/api-builder (v0.2.2)
litvinchuk/laravel-phone (1.2.1)
Adds a phone validator to Laravel based on Google's libphonenumber API.
locaine/lcn-file-uploader-bundle (1.0.6)
Easy ajax file uploads for Symfony2
caseycs/monolog-rethinkdb (0.1.1)
RethinkDB handler for Monolog
nitra/e-commerce-site-storebundle (v2.0.0)
Store Bundle
tempomath/tempomath (1.0.1)
Tempomath is simple but powerfull template system
toin0u/digitalocean-v2 (0.4.2)
DigitalOcean API v2 PHP 5.4+ library
draperstudio/laravel-socialite-xing-provider (v1.0.0)
Xing Provider for Laravel Socialite
kisphp/database (v1.0.1)
Kisphp MySQLi database connect
ibrows/smart-ajax (3.0.1)
Smart Ajax Bundle for to handle your ajax requests
edmondscommerce/selenium-server (1.0.4, 1.0.3)
Utilities for installing and running Selenium (with Chromedriver), ideal for use with Behat
punkstar/mageconfigsync (0.3.1)
A utility to aid the storing of Magento configuration in version control.
components/angular.js (1.3.13)
Shim repository for Angular.js
draperstudio/laravel-socialite-linkedin-provider (v1.0.0)
Linkedin Provider for Laravel Socialite
rollerworks/search-jms-metadata (v1.0.0-beta3)
JMS Metadata extension for RollerworksSearch
teknomavi/tcmb (1.0.1)
T.C. Merkez Bankası üzerinden güncel döviz kurlarını çeker
dm/ajaxcom (1.3.1)
Controls Ajax from PHP
wp-pay-extensions/shopp (1.0.0)
Shopp driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
draperstudio/laravel-socialite-reddit-provider (v1.0.0)
Reddit Provider for Laravel Socialite
wp-pay-extensions/s2member (1.1.0)
s2Member driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
spatie/laravel-glide (2.0.0)
A Glide Service Provider for Laravel
cmgmyr/messenger (2.0)
Simple user messaging tool for Laravel
debril/rss-atom-bundle (1.5.2)
RSS and Atom support for Symfony 2
skeeks/yii2-imagine (1.0.0)
The Imagine integration for the Yii framework
wp-pay-extensions/gravityforms (1.2.0)
Gravity Forms driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
alexbilbie/proton (1.3.0)
Micro PHP framework
bican/roles (1.2.4)
Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel 5.
wearebase/base-transport (v1.0.12)
Base Transport Components
paymentsuite/paymentsuite (v1.4.1)
PaymentSuite is an easy implementation for lot of Payment Methods for Symfony2 projects
ecks/ecks (0.0.2)
An array decorator that adds a fluid functional interface similar to that of an Array in Ruby. Inspired by underscore.php.
draperstudio/laravel-socialite-twitch-provider (v1.0.0)
Twitch Provider for Laravel Socialite
rezzza/mailchimp-bundle (2.0.5)
Mailchimp bundle for Symfony2 projects
draperstudio/laravel-socialite-instagram-provider (v1.0.0)
Instagram Provider for Laravel Socialite
3ev/wordpress-core (v1.3.0)
Utility belt for improving the way you build Wordpress plugins and themes
ongr/connections-bundle (v0.6.2)
Connections bundle for ONGR platform
xepps/hanleyandco-content (0.10.3, 0.10.2, 0.10.1)
Hanley and Co Chartered Accountants Website Content
codeblanche/depend (1.1.4)
Less Configuration, More Injection
marwelln/notifier (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Easily display notification in your Laravel web app.
vince/type-bundle (1.1.3)
Form types for Symfony 2.3+
tuum/routing (0.2.0)
a very small routing component
synapticism/ubik-svg-icons (0.0.1)
A library for use with SVG icons in WordPress
cargomedia/cm (1.100.2)
stonedz/pff2 (v2.2.2, v2.2.1)
A simple yet robust PHP MVC framework
titaphp/titaphp (0.0.1)
TitaPHP - simple yet powerful PHP framework
deployer/deployer (v3.0.0-beta.3)
Deployment Tool
vegas-cmf/exporter (v1.1.0)
Vegas CMF Exporter
samson/data-grid-bundle (2.1.2)
AngularJS based datagrid bundle for Symfony2
bem/bh (3.3.0)
Template engine. BEMJSON -> HTML processor. PHP port of
valiniculae/laravel-elfinder (v0.2.4.1)
A Laravel Package to integrate elFinder 2
codeyellow/sync (0.0.4)
regattadev/dates (0.6.0)
Work with dates and ranges, seasons, financial periods, etc
pinkfire/pinkfire-bundle (v1.1.0)
Debug application using Pinkfire
brokencube/automatorm (0.9.4)
Simple schema-led ORM, with no code generation required
aztech/coyote (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
juniwalk/shield (v1.2.10)
Maintenance manager for Nette Framework
northern/common (1.2.6)
PHP Helpers.
sleeping-owl/admin (2.0.6, 1.3.9)
Aministrative interface builder for Laravel.
creocoder/yii2-flysystem (0.3.0)
The flysystem extension for the Yii framework
voku/urlify (1.2.0-stable)
PHP port of URLify.js from the Django project. Transliterates non-ascii characters for use in URLs.
christian-riesen/otp (1.4)
One Time Passwords, hotp and totp according to RFC4226 and RFC6238
christian-riesen/base32 (1.2.1)
Base32 encoder/decoder according to RFC 4648
aulinks/mail-extractor (1.0.0)
Mail extractor
alexsoft/laravel-pusher (v1.0.2)
Add Laravel facade for using pusher/pusher-php-server
infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-cms (1.0.7)
CMS module for Yii2
devfactory/media (2.0.0)
Laravel package for saving uploaded files and linking them with models
carlosio/geckoboard (1.0.7)
A PHP library for dealing with Geckoboard API (
luxifer/dependensees (1.3.2)
Command-line tool to check wether composer dependencies are up to date
im/primitive (v2.0.5, 2.0.4)
PHP OOP Primitive Types
thelia/backofficepath-module (v0.1.0)
Customize the BackOffice path of your Thelia (URL to access to the administration panel)
carrooi/pdf-extractor (1.0.0)
PDF text extractor
dothiv/dothiv-valueobject-bundle (v1.4.0)
dotHIV valueobject bundle for Symfony2 is a collection of value objects.
that0n3guy/transliteration (2.0.0)
carrooi/doc-extractor (1.0.0)
DOC text extractor
steepdevs/yii-tc-pho (0.0.1, v1.0)
Pho integrated with Yii and TeamCity
skyzyx/shared-utilities (1.0.4)
Shared, re-usable classes that can be pulled into other sub-projects.
carrooi/labels (1.0.0)
Labels module for Nette
grabzit/grabzit (2.2.2)
Use our API to integrate screenshots or table capture into your website or application. Additionally GrabzIt allows you to convert online videos into animated GIF's.
ideaa/cross (v1.1.2)
Simple php5 Framework
tuum/web (0.1.0)
a web application.
k1low/yasd (2.6.2)
Yer Another SoftDeletable Behavior
richweber/yii2-twitter (1.0.1)
Yii2 extension to the Twitter API
martin-kozianka/contao-fullcalendar (0.4.9)
FullCalendar, for Contao
tuum/router (0.1.0)
simple adaptors for various php routers