Recent releases from the Packagist:
irestful/dependencyinjections (2015.02.15)
keboola/syrup-php-client (0.1.2)
Keboola Syrup PHP Client
mikemclin/wp-password (2.0.0)
Laravel package that checks and creates WordPress password hashes
mikemclin/laravel-wp-password (2.0.0)
Laravel package that checks and creates WordPress password hashes
laravel/envoy (v1.0.19, v1.0.18)
Elegant SSH tasks for PHP.
k1low/yasd (2.6.1)
Yer Another SoftDeletable Behavior
jhonyspicy/wordpress-theme-base (0.2.1)
This makes easier to make WordPress theme
akeneo/pim-community-standard (v1.3.0-RC2)
The "Akeneo Community Standard Edition" distribution
hieu-le/active (2.0.1, 2.0)
The helper class for Laravel 4 applications to get active class base on current route
icecave/overpass (0.3.5, 0.3.4)
A basic pub/sub and RPC system.
yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle (v4.0.2)
Server-side handler of DataTables jQuery Plugin for Laravel 4|5
gordalina/cachetool-bundle (1.7.0)
CacheTool Symfony2 Bundle
crodas/class-info (v0.1.14)
Get classes and functions defined in a given file
thytanium/agent (v1.0)
User-Agent class ported from CodeIgniter to Laravel
crazedsanity/core (v0.1.5)
Core PHP libraries for all things Crazed(Sanity).
eduard44/foundation-pagination (2.0.0)
ZURB Foundation pagination slider for Laravel 5
nyeholt/silverstripe-simplewiki (1.0.0)
A silverstripe module that provides simple wiki-style editing capabilities for pages in your site.
centraldesktop/stomp (2.0.2)
A Stomp 1.2 capable client
devisephp/cms (0.9.1)
Content Management System riding on top of the Laravel Framework
teknomavi/tcmb (1.0.0)
T.C. Merkez Bankası üzerinden güncel kurları çeker
vend/resque (2.0.4)
Originally PSR port of chrisbolton/php-resque, supports Predis, more DI
schuppo/password-strength (1.0.2)
This package provides a validator for ensuring strong passwords in Laravel 4 applications.
mesd/jasper-report-bundle (v1.0.5)
Jasper Reports bundle
sammyk/laravel-facebook-sdk (1.2.0)
Fully unit tested Facebook SDK v4 integration for Laravel
league/monga (1.0.6)
MongoDB Abstraction Layer
jomi/framework (0.2)
This is MVC Framework dedicated to solve basic tasks in complex PHP projects
phundament/app (4.0.0-beta10)
12factor Application Template for Yii 2.0 Framework
toobo/pipepie (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Callbacks pipeline
chesterfield/oauth (v0.0.8, v0.0.7, v0.0.6, v0.0.5, v0.0.4, v0.0.3, v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
A OAuth library for Laravel.
bravo3/orm (0.1.22)
NoSQL ORM for databases such as Redis
kisphp/kisphp (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Kisphp libraries
sharenjoy/cmsharenjoy (2.0.0)
This is cms
ismael-gonzalez/mysql-queue (v2.2.0, v2.1.0, v1.0.5, v1.0.4, v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
A laravel 4.2 queue driver using MySQL database.
oojs/ui (v0.7.0)
oojs/oojs-ui (v0.7.0)
joomla/keychain (1.1.3)
Joomla Keychain Package
skyzyx/signer (1.0.3)
Cryptographically sign data to prevent tampering.
julien-boudry/condorcet (v0.90-rc3)
Condorcet is a PHP Class to computing many Condorcet voting methods
distilleries/wordpress (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Wordpress default structure
opifer/imuis (v0.1)
PHP library to access the imuis API
phpbu/phpbu (1.1.3)
PHP Backup utility.
piwik/cache (0.2.5)
PHP caching library based on Doctrine cache
greggilbert/recaptcha (2.0.1)
reCAPTCHA Validator for Laravel 5
hgraca/silex-pdo (,
A simple PDO service provider.
timitao/behatplaceholderextension (v1.0.0)
heyday/silverstripe-menumanager (2.1.0)
Allows complex menu management to be handled through the CMS when a simple tree structure is not enough.
charlesportwoodii/cii (1.0.6)
CiiMS core components (Cii)
joshhornby/bridge (0.1.5)
pqb/filemanager-laravel (2.0, v2.0)
Filemanager for Laravel 4
hgraca/pdo-log (1.0.1)
A simple way to log PDO queries and execution times.
ciims-modules/dashboard (3.0.15)
A Hybrid Dashboard that is is optimized for performance, and that takes fulla dvantage of the CiiMS API.
gnugat/medio (v1.0.0-alpha3, v1.0.0-alpha2)
A highly opinionated PHP code generator library
rollbar/rollbar (v0.9.10)
Monitors errors and exceptions and reports them to Rollbar
ciims-modules/api (2.0.15, 2.0.14, 2.0.13)
The API module for CiiMS
anahkiasen/rocketeer (2.0.5)
Rocketeer is a fast and simple deployer for the PHP world
plumphp/plum-finder (v0.1-alpha1)
Integrations the Symfony Finder component into Plum.
controleonline/speed-up-essentials (v1.9.8, v1.9.7, v1.9.6, v1.9.5)
HTML Validator. Beaultify your HTML on Dev and Compress on Production
radic/blade-extensions (v2.0.0)
Laravel package providing additional Blade extensions: foreach (with $loop data like twig), break, continue, set,array (multiline), etc
pazuzu156/kparser (v1.1)
Parsing package for my website
controleonline/zf2-essentials (v1.2.3, v1.2.2)
ZF2 Essentials
zfr/zfr-stripe (v2.12.0)
PHP library for interacting with the Stripe REST API
c33s/i18n-helper-behavior (v0.1.0)
Helpful additions to default i18n propel behavior
cubalider/money (v0.2.0)
thunderwolf/tw-subscription-plugin (1.4.7)
symfony 1.x Thunderwolf Subscription plugin
digitalunited/components (0.1.5, 0.1.4, 0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Component manager
graham-campbell/bootstrap-cms (v0.8.3-alpha)
Bootstrap CMS Is A PHP CMS Powered By Laravel 5 And Sentry
caffeinated/sapling (v1.0.2)
Laravel 5 Twig Implementation
feryardiant/fpdf (1.7.2)
Unofficial FPDF library with PSR-0 compliant, clean and readable code.
laravel/framework (v5.0.4, v4.2.17, v5.0.3)
The Laravel Framework.
psi/news4ward_tags (2.1.1)
Tags and tagcloud for News4ward
aacotroneo/laravel-saml2 (0.5.1)
A Laravel package for Saml2 integration as a SP (service provider) based on OneLogin toolkit, which is much lightweight than simplesamlphp
neoxygen/neoclient (2.1.3)
NeoClient is the most advanced Http Client for Neo4j
pixelfusion/exp-auth (1.0.4)
A Auth/Hash package to Authenticate using Expressionengine's Member system.
heyday/silverstripe-hashpath (1.1.2, 2.0.1)
Hash path provides a function in SilverStripe templates which given a path to an asset returns a path including a hash of the asset
mfauveau/omnipay-nmi (v2.0.0)
NMI (Network Merchants International) driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library
flapjacklabs/chargify-bundle (0.1.3)
Symfony FJLChargifyBundle
sleeping-owl/admin (2.0.5, 1.3.8, 2.0.4, 1.3.7)
Aministrative interface builder for Laravel.
phpsimpl/simpl (1.0.8)
PHPSimpl - a collection of useful PHP classes
lavender/lavender (v0.18.4)
jade-esque templates for PHP 5.3
g4/session (0.4.1)
session php library
phly/http (0.10.2)
PSR HTTP Message implementations
mlantz/atomic (v3.1.1)
A modular application built with CodeIgniter 3 - designed to be used with Quarx
ray/web-param-module (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Binds the value(s) of a web context to method parameter.
caffeinated/themes (v1.1.1)
Laravel 5 Themes
nezhelskoy/yii2-highlight (v1.0.0)
Yii2 highlight.js extension
andkirby/commithook (v1.6.7)
PHP Commit Hooks
elcodi/elcodi (v0.4.23)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony
elcodi/cart (v0.4.23)
Elcodi Cart Component
elcodi/cart-bundle (v0.4.23)
Elcodi Cart Bundle
elcodi/cart-coupon-bundle (v0.4.23)
Elcodi Cart-Coupon bridge Bundle
elcodi/coupon (v0.4.23)
Elcodi Coupon Component
elcodi/coupon-bundle (v0.4.23)
Elcodi Coupon Bundle
elcodi/referral-program-bundle (v0.4.23)
Elcodi ReferralProgram Bundle
elcodi/rule-bundle (v0.4.23)
Elcodi Rule Bundle
elcodi/rule (v0.4.23)
Elcodi Rule Component
elcodi/shipping-bundle (v0.4.23)
Elcodi Shipping Bundle
elcodi/state-transition-machine (v0.4.23)
Elcodi State Transition Machine Component
voku/simple-mysqli (v1.6.0, v1.5.4)
Simple MySQLi library
cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable (3.0.0-alpha)
Easy creation of slugs for your Eloquent models in Laravel 5.
ebanx/ebanx (1.6.0)
EBANX PHP library
snickom/yii2-datatables-widget (1.0.1)
Yii2 extension implements jQuery DataTables
gnkz/laravel-simple-presenter (0.2.1)
A simple model decorator for laravel
cknow/gulp (4.0.0, v2.0.0, v1.0.0)
Package Gulp
voceconnect/wp-multisite-sso (1.0.1)
mindy/router (0.1.1)
Fast request router for PHP
packaged/dal (0.3.3, 0.3.2, 0.3.1)
Data Access Layer
ibrows/simple-seo-bundle (1.5.2)
A Symfony2 Bundle to add some SEO functionality
packaged/querybuilder (0.7.2, 0.7.1)
Abstract Query Builder
jjok/router (0.3.0)
A simple router.
psecio/jwt (1.6)
A JWT (JSON Web Token) Encoding & Decoding library
maddhatter/laravel-fullcalendar (v0.1.0)
Laravel helper for
userscape/customerio (1.0.3)
worldskills/angular-worldskills-utils (v0.0.17)
mysheet/mysheet (v1.0.1)
mlantz/quarx (v7.1.2, v7.1.1)
A powerful fully responsive modular application structure
draperstudio/laravel-flash (v1.0.5)
Laravel Flash
draperstudio/laravel-socialite-dribbble-provider (v1.0.0)
Dribbble Provider for Laravel Socialite
andrewelkins/cabinet (1.1.4)
Laravel 4 file upload package.
bombayworks/zendframework1 (v1.12.11)
Zend Framework 1
paramoredigital/rest-request (v1.3)
A simple PHP class for submitting REST requests via cURL.
despark/laravel-social-feeder (v1.8.4, v1.8.3)
Social feeder for laravel. With this you can get feed from facebook page, twitter account or instragram
cargomedia/cm (1.100.1, 1.100.0)
valiniculae/laravel-elfinder (v0.2.4, v0.2.3, v0.2.1, v0.2.2)
A Laravel Package to integrate elFinder 2
acquia/hmac-request (0.6.0)
Signs HTTP requests using a HMAC digest
kisphp/thumbnails (1.0.0)
Kisphp thumbnails generator
zendframework/zf1-extras (1.12.11)
Zend Framework 1 Extras
elefant/app-swiftsearch (1.0.0)
Swiftype search service integration for the Elefant CMS
mindy/validation (0.1.1)
cjp2600/bim-core (0.0.1)
Bitrix db migration core libs
zendframework/zendframework1 (1.12.11)
Zend Framework 1
behatch/contexts (1.5)
Behatch contexts
livetex/php-platform (1.0.2)
valiniculae/elfinder-builds (v2.3, v2.2)
File manager for web
bigpoint/slim-bootstrap (1.1.0)
These classes provide a simple way to bootstrap a Slim application with authentication.
willwashburn/camo (0.0.1)
A PHP client for Camo - the SSL image proxy.
sweatshop/sweatshop (2.3.0)
Abstraction layer for message brokers and job servers, including process management
scrapbook/buffered-cache (0.1.0)
Buffered & transactional cache provider for any KeyValueStore
respect/validation (0.8.0)
The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP
pointsback/pointsback-php-sdk (v0.1.6)
Points Back PHP library
juniwalk/shield (v1.2.9, v1.2.8, v1.2.7)
Maintenance manager for Nette Framework
components/masonry (3.2.2)
Cascading grid layout library
locaine/lcn-file-uploader-bundle (1.0.5)
Easy ajax file uploads for Symfony2
ristek/sso (0.2.1)
Utility library for authentication with SSO-UI
netglue/zf2-late-payment-module (0.0.3)
ZF2 Module that provides a calculation service for UK late payment legislation and a service for looking Band of England Base Rates
traackr/traackr-api-php (0.15)
Traackr API PHP Library
serverfireteam/rapyd-laravel (1.4.3)
crud widgets for laravel 4, to make an admin in few lines of code
scrapbook/key-value-store (0.1.0)
Interface for key-value cache implementations
axy/phpcode-phpdoc (0.1.0)
Analysis of phpdoc blocks
hackergaucho/demolidor-core (1.4.1, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0)
Framework PHP básico com suporte HMVC
cocur/nqm (v0.2)
Named Query Manager helps you SQL organise queries in files.
codekanzlei/cake-notifications (v1.0.2, 1.0.0)
CakePHP3 Notifications Plugin
saxulum/saxulum-crud (1.1.0)
Saxulum CRUD
segmentio/analytics-php (1.1.1)
Segmentio Analytics PHP Library
seferov/deployer-bundle (1.0.0)
Symfony2 Project Deployer
nineinchnick/yii-nfy (v0.9.0)
Yii framework module for ending notifications and displaying them using web notifications and ajax polling.
codekanzlei/cake-cktools (v1.0.1)
codekanzlei Tools & Utilities collection
rollerworks/search-symfony-di (v1.0.0-beta3)
Symfony DependencyInjection extension for RollerworksSearch
bound1ess/essence (1.1.0)
Highly opinionated PHP assertion framework providing clean and flexible BDD style API.
spatie/laravel-glide (1.0.0)
A Glide Service Provider for Laravel
nineinchnick/efullcalendar (v1.0.0)
Yii PHP Framework extension that utilizes the FullCalendar js library to be used as a widget.
syrup/component-bundle (1.13.3, 1.13.2)
Syrup ComponentBundle
himiklab/yii2-rss-writer-module (1.0.2)
Yii2 module for automatically generation RSS 2.0 feeds
expectation/peridot-expectation (
Expectation for peridot
tdm/symfony-task-scheduler (v1.0.0)
Simple processor to allow for execution of periodic tasks.
expectation/expectation (
expectation library for unit testing
robo-peridot/robo-peridot (1.0.4)
Robo task for peridot-php
reprovinci/doctrine-encrypt (v3.0.3, v3.0.2)
Package encrypts and decrypts Doctrine fields through life cycle events.
dm/ajaxcom (1.3.0)
Controls Ajax from PHP
c-datculescu/amqp-base (0.3.11)
Allows easy declaration and management of complex AMQP configurations
cloak/robo-coveralls-kit (1.0.4)
Robo task for coveralls-kit
andkirby/mageinstall (v1.0.1-beta.2)
MageInstall Tool to install and reinstall Magento quickly.
laraveles/commands (v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
Laraveles Artisan package for custom console commands.
phramz/nusoap (v0.9.6, v0.9.5)
NuSOAP++ - Clone based on 'NuSOAP - SOAP Toolkit for PHP' v0.9.5
holyshared/coverallskit (
CoverallsKit is the library for transmitting the report of code coverage to coveralls.
cloak/coverallskit (
CoverallsKit is the library for transmitting the report of code coverage to coveralls.
milio/cqrs-es (0.0.1)
CQRS Event Sourcing classes, some extra functionality on top of broadway
leaseweb/slim-routing-manager (2.0.1)
Controller and annotation based routing for the Slim Framework
jellis/legwork-form (0.0.1)
Wrapper for the Laravel HTML/Form packages utilising Legwork CSS framework
buonzz/scalp (1.0.4)
Command line tool to Analyze and store your Media file's metadata
drawmyattention/expauth (1.0.0)
A Laravel 5 authentication driver that supports Expression Engine's membership system.. New users will default to Laravel's bcrypt encryption (extremely secure), but existing users who have registered using Expression Engine can also be authenticated. Also handles their reset password procedure.
bican/roles (1.2.3)
Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel 5.
laravel-ja/comja5 (1.0.2)
Translate comments in laravel/laravel version5 to Japanese
draperstudio/laravel-mentions (v1.0.0)
Laravel Mentions
metanet/form-handler (v1.2.0)
Library for an easy handling of web based forms written in PHP.
akuma/wll-php (1.2)
Microsoft Windows Live Login
ekowabaka/wyf (v1.3.4)
WYF Half Baked App
hackergaucho/demolidor (1.3, 1.4, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0)
Framework PHP básico com suporte HMVC
slaxweb/bootstrap (0.1.5, 0.1.4)
Bootstrap for SlaxWeb Framework
chartblocks/php-ssrs (1.0.4)
PHP library for connecting to SSRS SOAP
slaxweb/hooks (0.1.1)
Hooks library for SlaxWeb Framework
barryvdh/elfinder-builds (v2.1.0.3)
File manager for web
whitehat101/apr1-md5 (v1.0.0)
Apache's APR1-MD5 algorithm in pure PHP
ixudra/curl (0.2.2, 0.2.1)
Custom PHP Curl library - developer by Ixudra
sebastiansulinski/smart-quotes (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0)
Smart quotes replacement toolkit
ventureoak/vagrantoak (v1.0.2)
A virtual machine for VentureOak developers.
appserver-io/lang (0.1.18)
Lang package implementation providing basic PHP datatypes.
philippfrenzel/yii2-jquerytoc (0.8.0)
Yii2 JQueryTOC
hashworks/phergie-plugin-movie-search (v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
Phergie plugin to search both IMDB & OMDB.
crate/crate-dbal (0.1.1)
A Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer for the DBMS
stonedz/pff2 (v2.2.0)
A simple yet robust PHP MVC framework
devfactory/taxonomy (2.0.8)
Create and manage a heirarchical taxonomy of terms within different vocabularies
shivas/bouncer-bundle (0.1.2)
Symfony2 bundle for AWS SES/SNS Bounce topic listener and swiftmailer filter
alex/rd0pper (1.0.1)
parfumix/laravel-smart-seed (v1.0)
An laravel5 yaml seeder.
frozzare/simple-address (v1.0.0)
Simple address meta box for WordPress. Like in EPiServer.
letsdrink/ouzo (1.4.1)
Ouzo PHP MVC framework
amilna/yii2-sequence-widget (0.0.1)
Sequencejs widget for Yii2
voku/portable-utf8 (1.2.1, 1.2.0)
Portable UTF-8 library
appserver-io-psr/naming (0.2.1)
PSR, providing the classes and interfaces for accessing naming services
cloak/peridot-cloak (1.1.0)
voku/simple_html_dom (1.6.2)
Simple HTML DOM package.
voku/session2db (1.0.2)
A PHP library acting as a wrapper for PHP's default session handling functions which stores data in a MySQL database, providing both better performance and better security and protection against session fixation and session hijacking.
kozz/name-case-lib (1.1.0)
Library for inflecting Russian and Ukrainian Names. Fork of
boboldehampsink/import (0.8.14)
Import Plugin for Craft CMS
xavrsl/cas (v1.1.3)
Add CAS server SSO authentication to laravel 4.x
artatol/ui (1.0.3)
Artatol UI is a customized less extension, fine to be used with the popular uikit framework (
jotweh/codeception-monolog (1.0.0)
Monolog Extension for Codeception
ovidentia/jquery (
JavaScript library packaged as Ovidentia addon
cloak/cloak (1.5.0)
cloak is a library that takes a code coverage.
redpic/net (1.0.18)
Удобная обе?'тка над curl для ?'аботы с HTTP
voku/urlify (1.1.1-stable)
PHP port of URLify.js from the Django project. Transliterates non-ascii characters for use in URLs.
ovidentia/search (0.2)
Ovidentia addon, search UI
ovidentia/icons_oxygen (0.6.4)
icon package in Ovidentia addon
ovidentia/sitemap_editor (0.6.4)
Ovidentia addon, sitemap editor
chd7well/yii2-user (v0.11.3, v0.11.2, v0.11.1)
Flexible user registration and authentication module for Yii2
ovidentia/applications (4.4)
Ovidentia addon, add links to external applications
im/primitive (2.0.3)
PHP OOP Primitive Types
chdchd7well/yii2-user (v0.11.2, v0.11.1)
Flexible user registration and authentication module for Yii2
ovidentia/absences (2.58)
Vacations ovidentia addon
ovidentia/theme_ovidentia_sw (0.3.5)
Ovidentia addon, default skin
ovidentia/approbnotify (0.3)
Ovidentia addon, display a notification on page if an approval is required
ovidentia/editlink (0.8)
Ovidentia addon, add button to edit articles
artisaninweb/laravel-soap (
A SoapClient wrapper integration for Laravel
ovidentia/rssfeed (5.8.3)
Ovidentia addon, RSS and atom agregator
netzmacht/contao-font-awesome (
Integrates Font Awesome into Contao frontend and backend
ovidentia/ovmlportlets (1.6)
Ovidentia addon, customs portlets in ovml
ovidentia/portlets (0.16)
Ovidentia addon, portlets management
ovidentia/captcha (0.8)
Ovidentia addon, captcha in public forms
ovidentia/libtranslate (
Ovidentia addon, translate library
ovidentia/libfilemanagement (0.2.40)
Ovidentia addon, thumbnailer and file metadatas
ovidentia/libtimer (0.5)
Ovidentia addon, timer for sheduled tasks
gercoli/htmltags (v0.1-alpha)
Easy to use class for creating HTML tags in an OOP way.
ovidentia/mailspooler (0.13)
Ovidentia addon, queue for failed mail dispatch
ovidentia/liborm (0.9.2)
Mapping library between relational database and PHP objects (object-relational mapping)
ovidentia/widgets (1.0.67)
Widgets library.
sensio/generator-bundle (v2.5.2)
This bundle generates code for you
ovidentia/libckeditor (1.0.64, 2.05)
html editor packaged as an ovidentia addon
ovidentia/portal_summary (0.1.3)
Ovidentia addon, summary of changes in portal
richweber/yii2-twitter (1.0.0)
Yii2 extension to the Twitter API
kalnoy/nestedset (v2.3.0)
Nested Set Model for Laravel 4
naux/laravel-oss (1.3)
stk2k/charcoalphp2 (2.41.0)
Task Oriented PHP Web Framework
orchestra/platform (v3.0.0)
Orchestra Platform