
Recent releases from the Packagist:

starise/post-thumbnails (2.0.0)
PostThumbnails Class for Wordpress. Enables multiple post thumbnails for post type.

irestful/orderbyclauses (13.11.28)

calderawp/edd-licensing (1.0.0)
Licensing helper classes for EDD software licensing.

leaps/httpclient (1.0)
Leaps PHP Framework httpclient

ldaptools/ldaptools (v0.5.0)
LdapTools is a feature-rich LDAP library for PHP 5.6+.

eecli/eecli (1.0.1)
Command line interface for ExpressionEngine

icecave/overpass (0.3.3)
A basic pub/sub and RPC system.

latte/latte (v2.3.0-RC)
Latte: the amazing template engine for PHP

ttlk/circle (1.0.2)
An object-oriented approach to FizzBuzz

croogo/locale (v1.1.0)
Croogo - Translations

nette/php-generator (v2.3.0-RC)
Nette PHP Generator

bravo3/orm (0.1.20)
NoSQL ORM for databases such as Redis

johnny/logger (1.0.0)
The laravel log

nette/mail (v2.3.0-RC)
Nette Mail: Sending E-mails

krystalcode/feature-toggle (0.2.0)
Extensible feature toggle functionality for PHP applications.

texdc/range (v1.1.1)
A library of range objects

yajra/laravel-oci8 (v2.1.1)
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4|5 via OCI8

kduma/dotenv-filler (v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Laravel 5 command to create/fill missing fields in .env file based on rules in .env.example file.

nette/security (v2.3.0-RC)
Nette Security: Access Control Component

jlinn/stripe-api-php (v1.2.0)
A PHP client library for Stripe's REST API

johnny/tools (1.0.0)
The php tools

nette/utils (v2.3.0-RC)
Nette Utility Classes

icecave/chastity (0.1.2)
Distributed advisory locking for PHP.

maglnet/magl-legacy-application (1.1.0)
Provides a ZF2 module that is able to run legacy applications with the power of ZF2.

oojs/ui (v0.6.4)

oojs/oojs-ui (v0.6.4)

kduma/cron (v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Laravel 5 queue runner for webcron (with runtime limit)

rck6982/numbers2words (v0.1.1)

alfredo-ramos/parsedown-extra-laravel (0.1.2)
A Parsedown Extra wrapper for Laravel 4

andersondanilo/modelform (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
ModelForm is a PHP Form Abstraction for Laravel based on Django Forms and Formset, but completely integrated with the Laravel FormBuilder.

dg/adminer-custom (v1.5.1)
Customization for the best database management tool written in PHP, Adminer

gmazzap/ajax-template-part (v1.1.0)
Like get_template_part(), but AJAX powered

nette/database (v2.3.0-RC)
Nette Database Component

pressor/muplugin (v0.0.1, v0.0.0)
Wordpress as a composer dependency in the context of a Laravel appliction. This module is a Wordpress muplugin that will boot the Pressor framework.

smartcoin/smartcoin-php (0.3.4)
smartcoin php library

tracy/tracy (v2.3.0-RC)
Tracy: useful PHP debugger

nzo/url-encryptor-bundle (1.1)
The NzoUrlEncryptorBundle is a Symfony2 Bundle used to Encrypt and Decrypt data and variables in the Web application or passed through URL

nzo/grabber-bundle (1.0)
The NzoGrabberBundle is a Symfony2 Bundle used to Crowl and to Grab all types of links and Tags for (img, js, css) from any website

adamquaile/php-global-abstraction (v1.0.0)
Wrapper around features of PHP which affect global scope

nzo/file-downloader-bundle (1.0)
The NzoFileDownloaderBundle is a Symfony2 Bundle used to Download all types of files from servers and Web applications safely and with ease

tableau-mkt/eggs-n-cereal (0.0.4)
A basic PHP XLIFF serialization library.

jleagle/app-engine-stubs (v0.0.1)
App Engine stubs for your IDE.

drupal/console (0.7.1)
Drupal Console

northern/common (1.2.4)
PHP Helpers.

ipub/visual-paginator (v1.0.0)
Visual paginator for Nette Framework

mascame/arrayer (v2.0)
Prepares an array to be put in a file. Very useful for configuration files.

clivewalkden/barcode-generator (2.0.3)
This plugin allows you to create barcodes thanks to php.

pschwisow/phergie-irc-plugin-react-url-shorten (1.0.0)
Phergie plugin to provide URL shortening services for Url plugin (and others)

codenamephp/platform.di (0.0.1)

duncan3dc/sonos (1.0.6)
Control Sonos speakers using a simple API

previewict/pst-stack (v1.2, v1.1)
Propel-Slim-Twig PHP Application Stack. The most sophisticated application stack for starting any PHP application in a minute.

myclabs/php-enum (1.3.0)
PHP Enum implementation

wurfl/wurfl-dbapi (
WURFL, the Wireless Universal Resource FiLe, is a Device Description Repository (DDR), i.e. a software component that maps HTTP Request headers to the profile of the HTTP client (Desktop, Mobile Device, Tablet, etc.) that issued the request

aporat/store-receipt-validator (1.0.9)
PHP library that can be used to validate base64 encoded iTunes in app purchase receipts.

braintree/braintree_php (2.37.0)
Braintree PHP Client Library

emanueleminotto/faker-placehold-it-provider (1.0.0)
placehold.it provider for Faker

oxygen/data (0.1.3)
Oxygen's Data Layer

frankperez87/pma-fulfillment (v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
Allows you to connect easily to PMA and send items to ship.

juniwalk/common (v0.9.12, v0.9.11, v0.9.10)
Package of most common classes.

ejz/image (v1.1.1, v1.1, v1.0)
Different image functions for PHP.

partnermarketing/file-system-bundle (0.2.2)
A file system component supporting different file storage adapters.

json-heitz/json-heitz (4.2.0)
A unofficial PHP class to connect to JSON with CURL to the 'Heitz System' WebService.

dcarbone/curl-plus (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Object wrapper for PHP's CURL Library

folklore/image (v0.1.5, v0.1.4)
Image manipulation library for Laravel 4 based on Imagine and inspired by Croppa for easy url based manipulation

wemakecustom/symfony-app-loader (v1.1.3)
Composer script handling your ignored app_loader.ini file

nebiros/yasc (v0.1.20)
Yet Another Sinatra Clone

elnebuloso/flex-view (2.0.5)
Working with the 'View' portion of the model-view-controller pattern

gwk/dynamo-session-bundle (0.6, 0.5)
DynamoDB Session Handler Bundle for Symfony 2

libre3d/render-3d (1.2.0)
Wrapper library to help render preview images for common 3D file formats.

elnebuloso/flex-auth (2.0.3)

ontimetools/processor (v1.0.0)
Axosoft's OnTime API data processor

psliwa/php-pdf (1.2.7)
Pdf and graphic files generator library for PHP.

ipub/assets-loader (v1.0.1)
Tool for loading static CSS and JS files for Nette Framework

masnathan/dev-tools (0.1)
Development tools that might be handy

pressor/hooks (v0.1.0)
Wordpress as a composer dependency in the context of a Laravel appliction. This module allows setting of Wordpress hooks in an object oriented manner.

ps/image-optimizer (1.0.2)
Image optimization / compression library. This library is able to optimize png, jpg and gif files in very easy and handy way. It uses optipng, pngquant, pngcrush, pngout, gifsicle, jpegoptim and jpegtran tools.

php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg (0.6.0)
FFMpeg PHP, an Object Oriented library to communicate with AVconv / ffmpeg

openbuildings/shipping (0.7.1)
Add complex shipping to openbuildings/purchases package

imgix/imgix-php (1.0.2)
A PHP client library for generating URLs with imgix.

rafreis/accentuation (2.0.0, 1.0.0)
This repository works making a parser in some string replacing the accented characters

cerbero/date (1.1.0)
Framework agnostic and easy to use tool to work with dates.

vse/topicpreview (2.2.0)
A phpBB 3.1 extension that displays a short excerpt of text from the first post in a tooltip while the mouse hovers over a topic's title.

saxulum/saxulum-crud (1.0-rc4, 1.0-rc3)
Saxulum CRUD

frozennode/administrator (v4.16.3)
A database interface package for Laravel

minutephp/framework (1.0.21, 1.0.19, 1.0.17, 1.0.18, 1.0.14)
The MinutePHP Framework.

minutephp/minutephp (1.0.21, 1.0.19, 1.0.18, 1.0.17, 1.0.14)
The MinutePHP Framework.

sshilko/backq (1.0.4)
Background push notifications processing with workers & publisher

jupitern/table (0.4.3)
php table generation. integrates with your favourite orm and js library

hatframework/hat-dependences (v0.1.123, v0.1.122, v0.1.121)

hatframework/hat-plugin-mensagem (v0.1.15, v0.1.14, v0.1.13)

mediawiki/universal-language-selector (2015.01)
The primary aim is to allow users to select a language and configure its support in an easy way. Main features are language selection, input methods and web fonts.

mediawiki/translate (2015.01)
The only standard solution to translate any kind of text with an avant-garde web interface within MediaWiki, including your documentation and software

mediawiki/babel (2015.01)
Users can easily indicate their language proficiency on their user page

mediawiki/cldr (2015.01)
CLDR extension contains local language names for different languages, countries, and currencies extracted from CLDR data

thobbs/phpcassa (v1.1.1)
PHP Cassandra Library

assessfirst/itwapp-module (v1.0, v0.8)
InterviewApp ZF2 module

rtconner/laravel-tagging (0.5.0)
Use PHP traits to extend Laravel Eloquent Models to allow Tags. Models can be marked as Taggable.

cargomedia/cm (1.97.1)

oneup/contao-sass-watch (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Yet another useless tool. May the source be with you!

vivait/docbuild-php (0.1.0)
PHP client for doc.build

bugbuster/integrity_check (3.4.6)
Contao CMS integrity check for some files

wtech/form-bundle (v0.2.5)

justim/neostrada-api-client (0.0.1)
API client for DNS/hosting provider Neostrada

wouterj/fred (0.3.0)
A very simple iteration based task runner

cargomedia/s3export_backup (0.2.0)

line/line (1.0.0)
Very lightweight PHP Micro-Framework

magento/product-community-edition (0.42.0-beta6)
eCommerce Platform for Growth (Community Edition)

packaged/helpers (0.9.0)
Generic PHP Helper Classes & Functions

nineinchnick/yii-usr (1.2.0)
Yii framework module for user authentication, password reset, registration and profile updating.

kutny/tracy-bundle (1.1.0)
Nette Tracy debugger for Symfony

skeeks/cms-module-money (1.0.0)
Модуль для ?'аботы с деньгами и валютой

doublemcz/nette-plupload (1.0.0)

danielgp/informator (1.1.4)
Informations about environment served via web

danielgp/common-lib (, 1.1.17, 1.1.16)
Common functions to be used where needed

skeeks/cms (1.0.2)
SkeekS cms

g4/gateway (0.1.0)
gateway php library

spatie/ssl-certificate-chain-resolver (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
SSL certificate chain resolver

leroy-merlin-br/dployer (v1.0.1)
A simple script to deploy PHP applications to AWS ElasticBeanstalk

platformsh/cli (v1.7.4)
Platform.sh CLI

commerceguys/platform-cli (v1.7.4)
Platform.sh CLI

trendwerk/bedrock (1.3.3)
A modern WordPress stack

doctrine/mongodb (1.1.7, 1.0.10)
Doctrine MongoDB Abstraction Layer

stevenmaguire/yelp-php (1.0.4)
A php client for consumer Yelp API

terminal42/contao-changelanguage (2.2.8)
ChangeLanguage extension for Contao Open Source CMS

ajf/ggon (v1.1.1)
Gang Garrison Object Notation parser for PHP 5.4.0

g4/runner (0.3.0)
g4 application runner - bootstrapper

deliverynetwork/informers-client-php (1.0.0)

collicore/model (2.0.1, 2.0.0)
ColliCore/Model extends the excellent esensi/model package. It provides more flexible validation and can bind Fractal transformers.

xintesa/socialites (1.0.0)
Socialites plugin

kinglozzer/silverstripegmapsobject (1.0.1)
Add a Google Map (optionally with Streetview) to a DataObject or Page

collicore/api (2.0.0, 1.0.11, 1.0.9, 1.0.8)
ColliCore/Api is a collection of commonly used functionality when building APIs with Laravel

alexbilbie/proton (1.2.1, 1.2.0)
Micro PHP framework

collicore/data-manager (2.0.0)
ColliCore/DataManager is a capsule for many RESTful API methods

collicore/validation (2.0.0)
ColliCore/Validation provides a elegant way to create flexible validator class for your models

devfactory/imagecache (2.0.3)
Laravel package for generating thumbnails of images and caching them in your public files folder.

trendwerk/dev-mail (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Redirect all mails on development and staging environments. Made for WordPress.

trendwerk/dev-uploads (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Placeholder images for development and staging environments. Made for WordPress.

zfr/zfr-quaderno (v1.0.1)
PHP library for interacting with the Quaderno REST API

thelia/hook-toolbar-module (1.0.0)

kinglozzer/silverstripe-tinypng (0.0.5, 0.0.4)

vanilla/garden-cli (v1.1.0)
A full-featured, yet ridiculously simple commandline parser for your next php cli script. Stop fighting with getopt().

simplon/frontend (0.3.12)
Bootstrap Frontend Library

hatframework/hat-resource-upload (v0.3.6)

hatframework/hat-plugin-usuario (v0.1.100)

hatframework/hatclasses (v0.2.41)
Core classes of hat-framework

simplon/error (0.2.1)
Graceful error handling

kinglozzer/tinypng (0.1.0)

rshop/superfaktura (v1.0.0)
Superfaktura API client

bound1ess/adviser (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A CLI application that checks your project for various possible improvements.

trendwerk/tw-sliders (1.0.0)
A WordPress plugin that allows users to manage sliders easily.

riesenia/kendo (1.2.0)
PHP wrapper for Kendo UI widgets

atelierspierrot/library (v1.1.8)
The PHP library package of Les Ateliers Pierrot.

trendwerk/term-taxonomy-meta (1.0.0)
Term taxonomy meta for WordPress.

trendwerk/term-image (1.0.0)
Support for term images. Made for WordPress.

trendwerk/term-description-editor (1.0.0)
Transforms the term description textarea to a WordPress WYSIWYG editor.

prismic/php-sdk (1.3.1)
PHP development kit for prismic.io

trendwerk/tabs (1.0.0)
Tabs for WordPress. Use in templates or with shortcodes.

apinstein/shell-command (v1.1.1)
A generic wrapper for execution of shell command to make it easy to horizontally scale such work.

trendwerk/sticky (0.0.1)
EXPERIMENTAL. Sticky posts support for any post type. Developed for WordPress.

akeneo/magento-connector-bundle (v1.1.13)
Akeneo PIM bundle to export to Magento platform

tomaszdurka/mocka (0.8.2)

trendwerk/static-widgets (1.0.0)
Allow widgets to be called statically in templates. Made for WordPress.

double-opt-in/php-client-api (1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.0)
This is the official client api for the Double-Opt-in service.

trendwerk/redirects (1.0.0)
Redirects for WordPress.

ivoba/dotenv-service-provider (1.0.0)
A dotenv ServiceProvider for Silex.

maatwebsite/excel (v1.3.0)
An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in Laravel 4 with the power of PHPExcel

jonatlib/fork-sp-bower-bundle (v0.13, v0.14)
Handle asset dependencies with bower

foxted/permissions (1.4.0)
Tiny Laravel 4 package for handling user roles and permissions based on the work of mrterryh/permissions

fenom/fenom (2.4.6, 2.4.5)
Fenom - excellent template engine for PHP

symfony/symfony (v2.3.25)
The Symfony PHP framework

symfony/http-kernel (v2.3.25)
Symfony HttpKernel Component

carrooi/favorites (1.0.0)
Favorites bundle for Nette

xp-forge/mustache (v1.3.2)
The mustache template language implemented for the XP Framework

appserver-io/doppelgaenger (0.5.1, 0.5.0)
Make PHP structure definition clones which look the same but behave differently

dimsav/laravel-translatable (v4.5)
A Laravel package for multilingual models

rezozero/slir (2.1.3)
SLIR (Smart Lencioni Image Resizer) resizes images, intelligently sharpens, crops based on width:height ratios, color fills transparent GIFs and PNGs, and caches variations for optimal performance.

syrup/component-bundle (1.12.0)
Syrup ComponentBundle

sheershoff/yii2-sentry-component (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 0.1.0)
A Yii2 component for Sentry allowing data arrays passing through Yii2 logging methods

coldtrick/contact (v2.0)
Add a contact form to your website

appserver-io/appserver (1.0.0-rc1)
Thread based PHP application server

trendwerk/recurring-widgets (1.1.0)
Manage recurring widgets with the same settings. Made for WordPress.

nasext/filter-form-control (v3.1)
Data form filter control for Nette Framework

nasext/items-per-page (v2.1)
ItemsPerPage for Nette Framework

ahinko/phapi (1.0.0)
Phapi is a PHP based framework aiming at simplifying API development and a the same time being fast and small and not include functionality that others to better.

bepado/sdk (v1.6.3)
The PHP Software Development Kit for Shop developers.

trendwerk/post-type-order (1.0.0)
Order posts in any post type. Made for WordPress.

trendwerk/post-type-menu-highlight (1.0.0)
Fixes classes in main menu. Made for WordPress.

jeroendesloovere/vcard (1.1.5)
This VCard PHP class can generate a vCard with some data. When using an iOS device it will export as a .ics file because iOS devices don't support the default .vcf files.

trendwerk/post-type-as-taxonomy (1.0.0)
Project a post type as a taxonomy. Made for WordPress.

deployer/deployer (v2.0.3)
Deployment Tool

trendwerk/opening-hours (1.0.0)
Dynamic opening hours. Made for WordPress.

trendwerk/multisite-labels (1.0.0)
Assign labels to WP Multisite websites. Useful for keeping them apart in multilingual environments.

kletellier/mvc (1.0.4)
A small MVC framework based on Symfony component and Eloquent ORM

kris/laravel-form-builder (1.1.10)
Laravel form builder - symfony like

sleeping-owl/admin (1.3.1, 1.3.0)
Aministrative interface builder for Laravel.

scholtz/bootstrap-php (1.0.0)
PHP library for bootstrap

trendwerk/multiple-thumbnails (1.0.0)
Allows multiple featured images, specified per post type.

webmozart/glob (1.0.0-beta3)
A PHP implementation of Ant's glob.

robinherbots/jquery.inputmask (3.1.59)
jquery.inputmask is a jquery plugin which create an input mask.

trendwerk/global-content-blocks (1.0.0)
Global content blocks for WordPress.

trendwerk/filter (0.0.1)
EXPERIMENTAL. Filter on taxonomies & post types, made for WordPress.

trendwerk/excerpt (1.0.0)
Excerpt with settings on per-function basis. Made for WordPress.

ingussneilands/debug (1.5.1, 3.0.0, 1.5.0)
Simple Debug Helper Library

in2pire/cli (v1.2.3)
IN2PIRE CLI Framework

trendwerk/editor-capabilities (1.0.0)
Sets up the editor role a bit different. Made for WordPress.

kronusme/dota2-api (2.0.0)
DotA 2 Web API PHP wrapper

zordius/lightncandy (v0.19)
An extremely fast PHP implementation of handlebars ( http://handlebarsjs.com/ ) and mustache ( http://mustache.github.io/ ).

ajgl/session-concurrency (0.2.0)
Symfony session authentication strategy to control concurrency

gielfeldt/ultimate (1.0.1)
Ultimate library.

bushbaby/flysystem (1.0.0-beta1)
Zend Framework 2 module bridge for flysystem filesystem.

qandidate/stack-request-id (0.2.0)
Middleware for adding request id to Symfony Request.

trendwerk/breadcrumbs (1.0.0)
Breadcrumbs based on custom menu's. Made for WordPress.

alexdevid/rest-server (1.0.5-beta)
Simple php REST-server

mindy/form (0.1.2)

mindy/filter (0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1)

debuggy/gauger (1.0)
Highly extensible and comprehensive tool for measuring and debugging PHP scripts and applications

ferrydg/command-authority (0.9.6)

contaoblackforest/contao-backend-page-nested (1.0.3)
Contao Backend Page Nested Menu for Contao OpenSource CMS

kdyby/monolog (v0.2.2, v1.0.2)
Integration of Monolog into Nette Framework

beyondit/ocok (0.1.4, 0.1.3)
Commandline Utility for OpenCart

spomky-labs/jose (v0.0.2)
JSON Object Signing and Encryption library for PHP.

chiliec/yii2-vote (2.0)
Provides anonymous voting for any models

jabli/sexy (
sexy sql expressions

spomky-labs/jose-interface (v0.0.3)
JSON Object Signing and Encryption interfaces for PHP.

weberhofer/jsonrpcphp (2.1-beta2)
JSON-RPC for PHP 5.3+

basilicom-pimcore-plugin/document-authentication (1.0.3)
Enables selective HTTP Basic Auth via document properties

intersvyaz/yii-extended-grid (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
undescribed extension

heybigname/backup-manager (0.3.10)
Database backup manager for dumping to and restoring databases from S3, Dropbox, FTP, and SFTP.

phppro/sdk (1.0.10)

bryglen/yii2-sendgrid (1.1.0)
Sendgrid Mailer for Yii 2

boboldehampsink/export (0.4.7)
Export Plugin for Craft CMS

boboldehampsink/translate (0.3.3)
Translate Plugin for Craft CMS

majes/media-bundle (v1.20.19)
Majes framework media bundle

icanboogie/cldr (v1.3.8)
An API to i18n your application using Unicode's CLDR

madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-mega-menu (v1.1.1)
Mega Menu Contao Extension

madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider (v1.4.1)
Responsive Slider. Full Contao integration, latest touch technology and hardware acceleration.

a2design-company/mandrill-cakephp-plugin (1.0.0)
Mandrill CakePHP plugin

hofff/contao-navigation-article (1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.0)
Integrate articles into backboneIT navigation module for Contao CMS

maslosoft/hedron (1.1.2, 1.1.1)
PHP source code class header applier

barryvdh/laravel-debugbar (v1.8.6)
PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel

callmez/yii2-wechat-sdk (0.2.3, 0.2.2, 0.2.1, 0.2)
The wechat api for the Yii framework

ozziest/maintenance (1.1.0)
Simple maintenance commands for your applications.

elao/web-profiler-extra-bundle (v2.3.0)
Add routing, container, assetic & twig information inside the profiler

maximebf/debugbar (v1.10.3)
Debug bar in the browser for php application

mikehaertl/pdfable (1.0.3)
PDFable is a Yii extension to create PDFs from web pages with PHPWkHtmlToPdf(included)

textalk/websocket (1.0.1)
WebSocket client and server

kucha/ueditor (1.0.3, 1.0.2)

ontimetools/api-sdk (v1.0.1)
Axosoft's OnTime API SDK

mlocati/concrete5-translation-library (1.0.5)
Library to handle concrete5 core and package translations

fahmiardi/oauth2-server-laravel (4.0.2)
A Laravel 4 wrapper for the popular OAuth 2.0 Server package league/oauth2-server

devture/silex-localization-bundle (2.0.2)
Silex bundle that helps with localization.

dragonbe/vies (1.0.3)
European service to validate VAT numbers

triple-i/tarako (0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1)
Tarako makes it ridiculously easy to manage the database migrations for your PHP app.

devture/silex-provider-config (1.1)
Silex provider for configuration management

dakatsuka/monolog-fluent-handler (1.2.0)
Fluentd Handler for Monolog

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