
Recent releases from the Packagist:

swekaj/cron-expression-generator (1.0.0)
Generate valid cron expressions.

nsbucky/echosign (v0.1-beta)
Library for Adobe Echosign REST APIT

bcrowe/growl (1.0.0-beta1)
Growl notifications with PHP.

theiconic/php-ga-measurement-protocol (v1.0.0)
PHP library for sending user interaction data directly to GA servers using Google Analytics Measurement Protocol.

tableau-mkt/eggs-n-cereal (0.0.3)
A basic PHP XLIFF serialization library.

genealabs/bones-macros (0.2.31)
Useful form macros for Laravel's Blade template engine.

block_io-php/block_io-php (1.1.3)
Block.io is the easiest way to create wallets, send, and accept payments through Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin. This is its PHP library.

translationexchange/tml (1.4.1)
Translation Markup Language for PHP

nglasl/silverstripe-misdirection (1.0.3)
A module for SilverStripe which will allow both simple and regular expression link redirections based on customisable mappings, either hooking into a page not found or replacing the default automated URL handling.

laravelrus/localized-carbon (v1.4.0)
A localizable version of Carbon

joetannenbaum/phpushbullet (1.2.0)
PHP API wrapper for Pushbullet.

aura-is-here/fire-and-forget (0.1.3)
A simple PHP library to just fire off an HTTP request and forget about it

rdev/project (v0.1.0)
An empty project that uses the RDev framework

apigen/theme-bootstrap (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Twitter Bootstrap theme for ApiGen

voku/portable-utf8 (, 1.0.4)
Portable UTF-8 library

playground/core (2.2.7)
Playground Core Module

auth0/jwt-auth-bundle (1.0.0)
Support for authenticating users JWT.

tonicospinelli/classgeneration (2.1.3)
Library to create Php Class files

tarcisio/komp (0.1.1)
compiler php in one file

earthit/cmip-rest (0.0.93)
Collection-Modifiers-ID-Property REST framework

apigen/theme-default (v1.0.0, v0.1.2, v0.1.1)
Default theme for ApiGen

cubalider/user-mongo-uniqueness (v0.1.3)
Implementation of cubalider/user-uniqueness using mongodb

playground/game (2.5.9, 2.5.8)
The Game module !

dericofilho/fmt (7.2.0, 7.1.1)
A script to automatically fix K&R and PSR-1/2 Coding Standard.

cgross/laraguard (v1.0.0)
Permissions/roles for Laravel 5

jayc89/slim-json-api (1.2.0)
Slim extension to implement fast JSON API's

triagens/arangodb (v2.4.1, v2.3.6)
ArangoDb PHP client

casejoke/yii2-carrotrbac (0.0.1)
CRUD of access rights

sendgrid/sendgrid (2.2.1)
This library allows you to quickly and easily send emails through SendGrid using PHP.

restricted/authchain (1.0.7, 1.0.6)
Laravel 4 chain authentication (LDAP, IMAP, IP, Eloquent)

thegenielab/brightpearl (0.3.2)
Brightpearl API PHP Guzzle Wrapper

paypal/rest-api-sdk-php (v1.1.1)
PayPal's PHP SDK for REST APIs

jenssegers/date (v2.0.12)
A date library to help you work with dates

redaxmedia/redaxscript (2.3.0)
Ultra lightweight CMS

spatie/laravel-glide (0.3.0)
A Glide Service Provider for Laravel

pressor/framework (v0.0.0)
Wordpress as a composer dependency in the context of a Laravel appliction

atyagi/elasticache-laravel (1.1.6, 1.1.5, 1.1.4)
Elasticache Drivers for Laravel Cache and Session

middleout/doplio (1.0.17, 1.0.16)
The Doplio ORM provides a beautiful, PHP DataMapper implementation for working with your database and objects using Eloquent for a access to the raw table data. It completely unties your model from the database.

braintree/braintree_php (2.36.0)
Braintree PHP Client Library

dreamfactory/dsp-admin (1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Admin Console

spomky-labs/jose-interface (v0.0.2)
JSON Object Signing and Encryption interfaces for PHP.

benkeen/generatedata (3.2.0)
Free, GNU-licensed, random custom data generator for testing software

elcodi/elcodi (v0.4.20)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony

emanueleminotto/embedly (1.0.0)
Library for embed.ly APIs

elcodi/configuration (v0.4.20)
Elcodi Configuration Component

pazuzu156/kparser (v1.0.9, v1.0.8)
Parsing package for my website

elcodi/template (v0.4.20)
Elcodi Template Component

elcodi/configuration-bundle (v0.4.20)
Elcodi Configurationm Bundle

aeris/zend-rest-module (1.1.0)
A Zend module for creating RESTful web services.

fol/static (v3.1)
Fol version to build static sites

bylexus/php-injector (0.0.7, 0.0.6, 0.0.5)
A Function / Method parameter injection helper

shootproof/shootproof-cli (1.1.0)
A command line client for interacting with the ShootProof API

jnjxp/meta (v0.0.4, v0.0.3)
helpers for html meta stuff

volnix/jobber (1.4.1, 1.4.0)
A slim library for printing typical CLI job output.

citypantry/update-object-bundle (0.3.0)

chadicus/spl (v0.2.0)
A collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve common problems.

stevewest/changelog (0.4.0)
Package to enable change logs to be parsed

designplug/illuminate (v1.1.01)
implements Repository pattern using Illuminate Database

fenom/storage (1.1.1)
Fenom extension: store data in fenom

sleeping-owl/admin (1.2.5)
Aministrative interface builder for Laravel.

cubalider/user-uniqueness (v0.1.2)
Decouple your user system

fenom/entity-loader (1.0.1)
Fenom extension: set you rule for tag and modifier loader

fenom/fs-entity-loader (1.0.2)
Fenom extension: load tag and modifier from FS

redaxmedia/redaxscript-apigen-template (2.0.0)
Redaxscript Apigen template

pressor/hooks (v0.0.0)
Wordpress as a composer dependency in the context of a Laravel appliction. This module allows setting of Wordpress hooks in an object oriented manner.

nzo/url-encryptor-bundle (1.0)
The NzoUrlEncryptorBundle is a Symfony2 Bundle used to Encrypt and Decrypt data and variables in the Web application or passed through URL

graham-campbell/flysystem (v1.0.0)
Flysystem Is A Flysystem Bridge For Laravel 5

bruli/php-git-hooks (v1.2.0)
Git hooks for PHP projects.

ammonkc/entropy (v2.1.7)
A virtual machine for web artisans.

anhskohbo/no-captcha (2.0.2)

guiwoda/route-binder (1.0.1)
Laravel route binding, done right.

spatie/ssl-certificate-chain-resolver (1.0.0, 0.1.4, 0.1.3)
SSL certificate chain resolver

frozennode/administrator (4.16.2)
A database interface package for Laravel

corneltek/assetkit (3.1.0, 3.0.11)
High performance asset manager.

majes/media-bundle (v1.20.18)
Majes framework media bundle

majes/core-bundle (v1.20.25)
Majes framework core bundle

zurb/foundation (v5.5.1)
The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.

vojtabiberle/queue-runner (1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4)
Simple daemon in PHP? for running background job on server. Uses MongoDB as MessageQueue for job descriptions.

seegno/bitreserve-sdk-php (1.1.0)
Bitreserve SDK PHP for the Bitreserve API

heimrichhannot/contao-slick (1.0.2)
Slick, a content slider for contao.

simplon/frontend (0.3.11, 0.3.10)
Bootstrap Frontend Library

boomcms/boom-robotstxt (v1.0.2)
robots.txt generator for BoomCMS

amnuts/opcache-gui (v2.0.1)
A clean and effective interface for Zend OPcache, with real(ish)-time monitoring, filtering and the ability to invalidate files

bound1ess/adviser (0.2.0)
A CLI application that checks your project for various possible improvements.

contao-bootstrap/tab (1.0.0-rc2)
Bootstrap tab component for Contao CMS

prometee/cms-bundle (v2.0)
Admin helpers for generating BackOffice interfaces

champs-libres/composer-bundle-migration (1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Move DoctrineMigrations files from installed bundle to root package.

hdphp/hdphp (v1.0)
The HDPHP Framework

ontimetools/api-sdk (1.0.0)
Axosoft's OnTime API SDK

assessfirst/itwapp-module (v0.7, v0.6, v0.5, v0.4, v0.3, v0.2, v0.1)
InterviewApp ZF2 module

lavender/framework (0.1.6)
Lavender Ecommerce Framework

litle/payments-sdk (8.29.0)
The Litle PHP SDK is a PHP implementation of the [Litle & Co.](http://www.litle.com). XML API. This SDK was created to make it as easy as possible to connect process your payments with Litle

skeeks/yii2-sx (1.0.4)
Skeeks framework for yii framework

wingsline/inuitcss (0.9)
inuit.css helpers and pagination for Laravel 4

ebanx/ebanx (1.5.1, 1.5.0)
EBANX PHP library

in2pire/cli (v1.2.2)
IN2PIRE CLI Framework

intervention/message (0.3.0)
Quick flash message setup for Laravel

lavender-commerce/lavender (0.1.9, 0.1.8)

sebastian/comparator (1.1.1)
Provides the functionality to compare PHP values for equality

mekit/crm-application (v1.0.4, v1.0.3)
Mekit CRM Application

bgillet/slim-orm (1.1.0)
ORM for Slim framework based on Idiorm & Paris.

artfulrobot/artfulrobot (1.0.2)
Various useful PHP and javascript libraries.

intervention/imagecache (2.1.1)
Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class

groupdocs/groupdocs-php (2.3.0)
GroupDocs API library for PHP

cargomedia/cm (1.97.0)

cnam/gitlab-api (0.1.2)
Sdk for integration gitlab api

intervention/validation (1.1.0)
Additional Validator Functions for the Laravel Framework

iono/dispatcher (0.1)
flux style dispatcher

fkse/php-utils (1.1.5)
A collection of some useful php utils

dontdrinkandroot/rest-bundle (v0.1.2, v0.1.1, v0.1.0)

mindy/table (0.2.1)

headzoo/nexmo (v0.1.3.1, v0.1.3)
Library for communicating with the Nexmo SMS API.

yesaulov/yii2-audittrail (0.2.1, 0.2)
A port of audit trail

ydle/hub-bundle (0.5.92, 0.5.91)
Ydle Main Bundle

mindy/storage (0.1)

vinkla/translator (1.3.0, 1.2.0, 1.1.0)
Simple translator for Laravel Eloquent models.

pyrsmk/funktions (0.1.2)
Several useful PHP functions

janschumann/dic (v0.1.1)
Integrates Symfony´s dependency injection container with drupal.

kucha/ueditor (1.0.1, 1.0)

ibrows/newsletter-bundle (2.0.7)
Symfony NewsletterBundle

chartblocks/php-rest-sdk (v1.1.5)
ChartBlocks SDK

iverberk/semver-updater (0.9.12, 0.9.11)
Automatically increase version numbers for automated builds

eustasy/browing-a-mailgun-script (0.26)
Browning: A Lightweight Mailgun Script using Curl.

artisaninweb/laravel-soap (
A SoapClient wrapper integration for Laravel

snapshot/boost-core (0.0.19)
Core system files for Boost framework.

peridot-php/leo (1.3.0)
Next level assertion and matcher library for PHP

mindy/update (0.1)

icanboogie/cldr (v1.3.7)
An API to i18n your application using Unicode's CLDR

mindy/orm (0.1)

gushphp/gush (1.14.4)
Project Maintenance & Contributing Automation Tool

kletellier/mvc (1.0.3)
A small MVC framework based on Symfony component and Eloquent ORM

netzmacht/php-javascript-builder (1.0.0-rc1)
PHP Javascript builder library

innometrics/helper (0.0.1)
Innometrics helper

c-datculescu/amqp-base (0.2.8, 0.2.7, 0.2.6)
Allows easy declaration and management of complex AMQP configurations

mindy/controller (0.1)

mindy/application (0.1)

mindy/validation (0.1)

mindy/utils (0.1)

mindy/tests (0.1)

andrefelipe/fabric (0.2.0)
Smart template loader for WordPress, with Twig support and more.

mindy/template (1.0.3)
Fast PHP templating engine

mindy/session (0.1)

mindy/security (0.1)

mindy/router (0.1)
Fast request router for PHP

mindy/query (0.1)

mindy/pagination (0.1)

mindy/mail (0.1)

mindy/logger (0.1)

mindy/locale (0.1)

mindy/form (0.1)

mindy/finder (0.1)

mindy/exception (0.1)

mindy/event (0.1)

mindy/di (0.1)

mindy/console (0.1)

league/container (1.2.1)
A fast and intuitive dependency injection container.

mindy/base (0.1)

mindy/helper (0.1)

madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider (v1.4.0)
Responsive Slider. Full Contao integration, latest touch technology and hardware acceleration.

league/route (1.0.1)
A fast routing and dispatch package built on top of FastRoute.

timeincuk/advanced-rss-widget (1.0.1)
More advanced RSS widget, with more options and customization

modera/security-bundle (v1.0.3)

dontdrinkandroot/symfony-extension-bundle (v0.1.0)

json-heitz/json-heitz (4.1.0)
A unofficial PHP class to connect to JSON with CURL to the 'Heitz System' WebService.

nickfan/appbox (v1.0.2)
application container

fritzmg/contao-moo-fancyselect (1.0.0)
Contao integration for the MooTools FancySelect plugin

evlz/oauth-user-bridge-bundle (0.1.1, 0.1)

tfox/mpdf-port-bundle (1.2.5)
A wrapper for mPDF class which allows to use mPDF in Symfony2 projects

evilangelmd/l4-geoip (1.0.2)
Laravel 4 Library for detecting geogpraphical location info. Originally d3catalyst/l4-geoip package but as owner has discontinued, i decided to continue developping.

contao-dms/bundle-all (1.0.0)
Installs the Contao DMS and all available additional components.

contao-dms/file-type-sets (1.1.0)
Provides file type sets for the Contao CMS.

jupitern/table (0.4.2)
php table generation. integrates with your favourite orm and js library

cri-fran/arsys-sms (0.5, 0.4)
Arsys SMS sent with PHP 5.3

jakecleary/ultrapress (v0.3.0)
An advanced framework for working with Wordpress; the core app folder structure.

contao-dms/dms (3.0.0)
Provides a document management system for the Contao CMS. It offers the possibility to store versioned files in an unlimited category structure.

jonatlib/fork-sp-bower-bundle (v0.12)
Handle asset dependencies with bower

manialib/formatting (v4.0-beta)
A simple PHP component for manipulating styles in Maniaplanet strings.

jakecleary/ultrapress-library (v0.3.1, v0.3.0)
An advanced library for working with Wordpress; the core of the Ultrapress framework

bravo3/orm (0.1.19)
NoSQL ORM for databases such as Redis

fritzmg/contao-jquery-selectbox (1.0.0)
Contao integration for the jQuery selectBox plugin by marcj

deployer/deployer (v3.0.0-beta.1)
Deployment Tool

kinglozzer/silverstripe-tinypng (0.0.3)

unikent/lib-php-librarysearch (1.3)
Library Search PHP library.

netzmacht/contao-form-helper (1.0.0)
Library for supporting customized Contao form rendering

phppro/sdk (1.0.9)

skeeks/yii2-widget-chosen (1.0.1)
Bootstrap Chosen widget for Yii2

kinglozzer/tinypng (0.0.3)

detailnet/dfw-apigility-module (0.1.4)
Zend Framework 2 Module containing tools for ZF Apigility

madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-mega-menu (v1.1.0)
Mega Menu Contao Extension

propertysuggester/property-suggester (2.0.5)
Extension for Wikibase to provide usefull suggestions for new properties

psi/glossary (1.4.2)
Glossary module for Contao WebCMS

evlz/hwifosbridge (0.1)

detailnet/dfw-normalization-module (0.1.3)
Zend Framework 2 Module for dfw-normalization

janschumann/module_composer (v0.1.0)
Drupal module management

stanislav-web/phalcon-translate (1.0-stable)
Phalcon Translate Service. Simple way to translate your costom part of templates :-)

detailnet/dfw-normalization (0.1.3)
DETAIL Framework library for array/object (de-)normalization

stonedz/pff2 (v2.0.12)
A simple yet robust PHP MVC framework

ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (
Domain model for the OPG Core project

darya/framework (v0.4.0-beta)
Darya core framework.

xendk/bandaid (1.5)
Drush command for helping with patching contrib modules.

christianbarkowsky/news4ward_robots (1.0.0)
Robots (SEO) addon for News4ward

serverfireteam/panel (1.1.5)
This package provides an easily configurable admin panel for Laravel 4 applications

sebastianfeldmann/cron (1.0.2)
Cron Expression parser for PHP. Calculates next and previous run dates.

micmania1/silverstripe-lumberjack (1.0.1)
A module to make managing pages in a GridField easy without losing any of the functionality that you're used to in the CMS.

jabli/sexy (0.3)
sexy sql expressions

wyrihaximus/ticking-promise (1.4.1, 1.4.0)
Wrapping ticks into a promise

intervention/image (2.1.1)
Image handling and manipulation library with support for Laravel integration

patchwork/utf8 (v1.2.1)
Portable and performant UTF-8, Unicode and Grapheme Clusters for PHP

pfaffenbauer/bootstrap (0.0.3)
Adds Bootstrap JS and CSS Files and some Area-Bricks

boboldehampsink/export (0.4.6)
Export Plugin for Craft CMS

minutephp/minutephp (1.0.11, 1.0.10, 1.0.9)
The MinutePHP Framework.

minutephp/framework (1.0.10, 1.0.11)
The MinutePHP Framework.

heimonsy/sshprocess (v0.2.0, v0.1.8, v0.1.7)
process with ssh client and rsync

arx/core (4.2.1)
Arx core is a boosted web development kit for Laravel and also for non Laravel project including usefull classes, starter template, starter assets !

limenet/smarty-partition (v1.0.1)
A simple smarty function to partition an array including overflow.

keepeye/laravel (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)

allmobilize/amazeui (v2.2.1)
The first crossing screen front-end framework in China, for developing mobile first, responsive web projects.

dsxack/path (v1.0.1)
Path port from nodejs

oxygen/ui (0.1.2)
Oxygen User Interface

oxygen/core-views (0.1.2)
View Files and Rendering Code for the Core

oxygen/marketplace (0.1.2)
A Marketplace for Oxygen

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