Recent releases from the Packagist:
butterfly/form (1.0.5)
Butterfly PHP. Form Component
wave-framework/wave (3.5.10, 3.6.0)
Wave is a lightweight PHP5.3 MVC framework
sifoni/sifoni-framework (1.3.0)
Sifoni Web Framework Skeleton
phpmq/library (v0.1)
phpMQ - Simple PHP/mySQL Message Queue System (Library)
sheadawson/silverstripe-linkable (1.0.2)
A couple of handy form fields and objects for managing external and internal links on DataObjects
fahmiardi/oauth2-server-laravel (4.0.0)
A Laravel 4 wrapper for the popular OAuth 2.0 Server package league/oauth2-server
fahmiardi/oauth2-server-storage-redis (1.0)
Redis storage adapter for the League's PHP OAuth 2.0 server.
terah/cache-pools (0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)
An interface to the stash caching engine
sastrawi/tokenizer (v0.4.0)
PHP library that allows you to tokenize Bahasa Indonesia.
maestrano/maestrano-php (0.5.1)
Maestrano PHP Library
soooldier/yii2-rong-cloud-server (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
rong cloud sdk for php(yii2.0)
burnbright/silverstripe-members (1.1.0)
Silverstripe extra member features. Registration page, profile page, send temp password.
marc/epilog (0.1.1)
Epilog is a CLI log viewer with style
mlantz/atomic (v2.3.0)
A modular application built with CodeIgniter - designed to be used with Quarx
icecave/duct (2.0.1)
An incremental streaming JSON parser.
k1low/model_alias (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
borfast/socializr (0.2.6, 0.2.5)
Simple PHP library for posting to several social networks.
hashids/hashids (1.0.5)
Generate hashids like YouTube or Bitly from numbers to obfuscate your database primary ids, or navigate to the right shard.
ob/cms-bundle (0.1.2)
Simple admin generator bundle for your Symfony project
webconsul/ebay-api-bundle (0.2.4, 0.2.3, 0.2.2, 0.2.1, 0.2.0, 0.1.1)
Wrapper for eBay API. Bundle for Symfony2
juniwalk/common (v0.9.4, v0.9.3)
Package of most common classes.
mahlstrom/commandline-arg (0.2.0)
Easy-to-use handling commandline arguments
comodojo/metaweblog (1.0.2)
A legacy metaweblog-compliant rpc interface
aws/aws-sdk-php (2.7.16)
AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project
joefallon/kisstest (v1.2.1, v1.2.0)
KissTest is a gorgeous and fast unit testing framework for PHP that does not require use of the command line.
ldrahnik/regexp (v1.0)
Set of regular expressions.
bravo3/orm-bundle (0.1.3)
Symfony 2 bundle for the ORM entity manager, user provider and session handler
danielgp/nis2mysql (1.0.2)
This package is intended to normalize variaous setting to user MySQL databases
lovullo/phpqaconfig (1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.8)
PHP QA and development tool configuration for LoVullo Associates.
ciims-modules/dashboard (3.0.11, 3.0.10)
A Hybrid Dashboard that is is optimized for performance, and that takes fulla dvantage of the CiiMS API.
kreta/kreta (v0.1)
Modern project manager for software development
hackzilla/ticket-bundle (0.8.1)
This Bundle provides ticketing functionality for Symfony2 applications. Multilingual capable
monomelodies/formulaic (0.0.3, 0.0.2)
Object oriented PHP5 form tools
phppro/sdk (1.0.2)
austp/phpci-jasmine-node-plugin (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
A plugin for PHPCI to run Jasmine tests via jasmine-node
danielgp/common-lib (, 1.1.13,,,, 1.1.12,, 1.1.11, 1.1.10, 1.1.9)
Common functions to be used where needed
austp/phpci-pho-plugin (1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0)
A plugin for PHPCI to run pho tests
mongular/mongular (v0.1.1)
Mongular Content Delivery System
ciims-modules/api (2.0.6)
The API module for CiiMS
devisephp/cms (0.8.12, 0.8.11)
Content Management System riding on top of the Laravel Framework
uthando-cms/uthando-admin (1.2.5)
Admin module for Uthando CMS
3logic/wpframework (1.0.10)
Object-oriented custom post type/taxonomies framework for Wordpress
psy/psysh (v0.3.3)
An interactive shell for modern PHP.
raphhh/trex-reflection (0.0.1)
Reflection helpers
greplab/laravel-jsonrpcsmd (v0.2.1)
This is a port of the greplab/jsonrpcsmd library for laravel 4.2.
ttree/chromelogger (0.9)
A TYPO3 Flow Logger Backend to send log the the Chrome Console
greplab/jsonrpcsmd (v0.2.1)
Classes to build a map of the services available using the JSON-RPC SMD specification (
ptlis/diff-parser (v0.1.0)
A parser for unified diff files, returning a hydrated object graph.
sobstel/metaphore (v1.2.0)
PHP cache slam defense using a semaphore to prevent dogpile effect (aka clobbering updates or stampending herd).
mipxtx/htmlparser (0.1)
html/xml parser in pure php
dreamfactory/lib-php-common-platform (1.9.0)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Components Library/SDK for PHP
cviebrock/discourse-php (0.9.1, 0.9.0)
Helper class for building a single sign-on source for Discourse forums
nwidart/laravel-broadway (0.2)
A Laravel adapter for the Broadway ES/CQRS package.
icanboogie/i18n (v2.0.4, v2.0.3)
I18n framework
wyrihaximus/ticking-promise (1.3.0)
Wrapping ticks into a promise
ejz/core (v1.3)
Core is a set of help functions. Added to global scope.
eventhorizon/assets-bundle (v1.2.1)
simple-bus/message-bus (v2.0.2)
Generic classes and interfaces for messages and message buses
ptlis/shell-command (v0.1.0)
A basic wrapper around execution of shell commands.
sleeping-owl/admin (1.1.8)
Aministrative interface builder for Laravel.
wemakecustom/menu-part-bundle (v1.0)
Symfony Bundle wrapping KnpMenuBundle to declare menus by small parts
credibility/dandb (v1.0.19)
PHP Wrapper for Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp. API
hamcrest/hamcrest-php (v1.2.1)
This is the PHP port of Hamcrest Matchers
rocketeers/rocketeer-bugsnag (1.0.0)
Bugsnag deploy tracking for Rocketeer
aaronbullard/restful (v2.0.2, v2.0.1)
sb15/phalcon-ext (v0.0.13)
Phalcon ext
shina/control-my-budget (0.11.2, 0.11.1)
Control My Budget
jeroen-de-dauw/mediawiki-github (1.0.2)
Simple MediaWiki extension that allows embedding the content of files hosted in GitHub git repositories
jeroen/mediawiki-github (1.0.2)
Simple MediaWiki extension that allows embedding the content of files hosted in GitHub git repositories
warrickbayman/loom (0.1.4)
A simple way to work with units of time.
rfd/imagemagick (1.1.0)
RFD ImageMagick Library
thiagomarini/martini-apicache (1.1)
PHP lightweight cache class that is an easy way to cache 3rd party API calls.
icanboogie/cldr (v1.3.4)
An API to i18n your application using Unicode's CLDR
microsoft/application-insights (0.3.0)
This project extends the Application Insights API surface to support PHP.
bolt/bolt (v2.0.4-RC1)
Sophisticated, lightweight & simple CMS
stevebauman/calendar-helper (v0.1.1, v0.1)
ejz/db (v1.5)
PDO-based simple-to-use ORM class! Supports raw SQL queries!
bruno-barros/w.eloquent-framework (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
w.eloquent core
phly/conduit (0.10.1)
Middleware for PHP
simple-bus/doctrine-orm-bridge (v2.0.1)
Doctrine ORM bridge for using command and event buses
cartalyst/tags (v1.0.0)
Easily add tags to your Eloquent models.
matthiasnoback/doctrine-orm-test-service-provider (v2.0.0)
Service provider for tests in need of a Doctrine entity manager
bruno-barros/w.eloquent (1.1.0)
Wordpress integrated with Laravel via Composer. Together, but independents.
fkooman/rest-plugin-basic (0.3.1, 0.3.0)
Basic Authentication plugin for fkooman/rest
matthiasnoback/doctrine-dbal-test-service-provider (v2.0.0)
Service provider for tests in need of a Doctrine DBAL connection
matthiasnoback/phpunit-test-service-container (v2.0.0)
Simple service container for PHPUnit tests
elcodi/bamboo-admin (v0.4.11, v0.4.10)
Bamboo Admin, an ecommerce admin tool built on Elcodi
isotope/isotope-core (2.2.1)
Core repository of Isotope eCommerce, an eCommerce extension for Contao Open Source CMS
elcodi/elcodi (v0.4.16, v0.4.15)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony
slaxweb/ci-basemodel (0.3.5)
BaseModel for CodeIgniter
mrblackus/laravel-storedprocedures (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
rmasters/swapi (v0.2.0)
elcodi/bamboo-fixtures (v0.4.8, v0.4.7)
Bamboo Fixtures
elcodi/bamboo-store (v0.4.5)
Bamboo Project, an E-commerce built on Elcodi
elcodi-templates/store-template-bundle (v0.4.4)
Store Template Bundle for Bamboo
ajf/ggon (v1.1)
Gang Garrison Object Notation parser for PHP 5.4.0
elcodi/attribute-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Attribute Bundle
elcodi/bamboo-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Bamboo Bundle
elcodi/banner-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Banner Bundle
elcodi/cart-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Cart Bundle
elcodi/cart-coupon-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Cart-Coupon bridge Bundle
elcodi/comment-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Comment Bundle
elcodi/configuration-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Configurationm Bundle
elcodi/core-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Core Bundle
elcodi/coupon-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Coupon Bundle
elcodi/currency-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Currency Bundle
elcodi/entity-translator-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Entity Translator Bundle
elcodi/geo-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Geo Bundle
elcodi/language-bundle (v0.4.15)
Elcodi Language Bundle
algolia/algoliasearch-client-php (1.5.3)
Algolia Search API Client for PHP
wobeto/string (0.1.0)
object string
arcanedev/markup (1.1.0)
PHP HTML Markup generator
spacedmonkey/simple-google-news-sitemap (1.0.4, 1.0.3)
Simple Google News Sitemap
codefog/contao-widget_tree_picker (1.0.5)
widget_tree_picker extension for Contao Open Source CMS
codefog/contao-widget_hours (1.0.4)
widget_hours extension for Contao Open Source CMS
cyrill/sucre-session (0.0.2)
codefog/contao-module_permissions (1.0.4)
module_permissions extension for Contao Open Source CMS
silex/silex (v1.2.3)
The PHP micro-framework based on the Symfony2 Components
codefog/contao-mobile_menu (1.1.4)
mobile_menu extension for Contao Open Source CMS
codefog/contao-member_export (1.0.2)
member_export extension for Contao Open Source CMS
vasek-purchart/phing-symfony-command-task (1.3)
This Phing task allows you to call commands from a Symfony Console Application comfortably.
codefog/contao-member_content (1.0.2)
member_content extension for Contao Open Source CMS
maslosoft/embedi (0.0.9, 0.0.8)
codefog/contao-facebook_login (1.0.3)
facebook_login extension for Contao Open Source CMS
codefog/contao-custom_module (1.1.4)
custom_module extension for Contao Open Source CMS
mlantz/quarx (v6.11.2, v6.11.1, v6.11.0)
A powerful fully responsive modular application structure
codefog/contao-cookiebar (1.0.4)
cookiebar extension for Contao Open Source CMS
iverberk/semver-updater (0.9.10, 0.9.10+build.1)
Automatically increase composer version number
liopic/korean-romanizer (1.0)
Library to romanize Korean in UTF-8 format
baibaratsky/php-webmoney (v0.10.0)
WebMoney API PHP Library
claroline/core-bundle (4.1.6)
Claroline core bundle
jdecoster/router-extra-bundle (v0.1.5, v0.1.4, v0.1.3, v0.1.2, v0.1.1)
Display roles required by route
idci/simple-metadata-bundle (v1.0.4)
Symfony SimpleMetadataBundle
dreamfactory/yii (
Yii Web Programming Framework
francoisfaubert/wordpress-mvc (v0.1a.1)
MVC programming pattern for Wordpress.
opensolutions/vimbadmin (3.0.11)
ViMdAdmin :: Virtual Mailbox Administration
bear/sunday (1.0.0-alpha.3)
Resource oriented framework
dchesterton/phpdoc-to-return (v0.1.1, v0.1)
Convert PHPDoc @return hints to PHP7/Hack native return type syntax
logriver/php-sdk (1.0.0, 0.1.0)
The LogRiver PHP SDK.
kreait/firebase-php (0.2.3, 0.2.2)
Firebase REST API client
dericofilho/fmt (6.0.2)
A script to automatically fix K&R and PSR-1/2 Coding Standard.
abraham/twitteroauth (0.4.1)
The most popular PHP library for use with the Twitter OAuth REST API.
surfnet/stepup-saml-bundle (0.1.0)
A Symfony2 bundle that integrates the simplesamlphpsaml2 library with Symfony
matycz/lemo-grid (1.6.3)
newestindustry/niapiphp (v1.1.7)
betacie/ganalytics-bundle (v0.1)
Google Analytics Bundle
jenner/tools (v2.0.0)
common static functions
citypantry/update-object-bundle (0.2.0, 0.1.0)
dizda/cloud-backup-bundle (1.6.3, 1.6.2)
Be able to backup your database(s) and upload it to the cloud (Dropbox, CloudApp, GoogleDrive, etc.)
mesour/datagrid (2.0.1)
Mesour DataGrid is datagrid for Nette with options like to dump tree, inline edit, export to csv, sort data using jQuery.ui.nestedSortable and much more.
elastification/php-client-bundle (0.1.3)
A Elastification client bundle for Symfony2
ydle/hub-bundle (0.5.77)
Ydle Main Bundle
monomelodies/disclosure (0.2.0)
PHP5 dependency injection framework
marc1706/otp-authenticate (1.0.0)
Provides a simple and up-to-date library for two-factor authentication using TOTP hashes and Google Authenticator or a similar app.
deployer/deployer (v2.0.1)
Deployment Tool
infostreams/snippets (1.1.4)
A PhileCMS plugin to extend Markdown syntax - so you can easily add links, images, videos or other content to your page
kazan/barebones (0.1.5)
Barebones kickstart package
phraseanet/phraseanet (3.8.6)
rwoverdijk/assetmanager (1.4.2)
An assetmanager module for Zend Framework 2.
kitpages/file-bundle (v3.0.3)
FileBundle manages uploads and manipulations of files for the Kitpages CMS Bundle
gloomy/sossoa-bundle (v0.2.2)
Debug application using SosSoa
delirius/contao-delirius_slogan (v1.0)
One or more slogans are displayed randomly
mendoframework/example-users (v0.1.2)
Mendo Framework Example Application
mendoframework/mvc (v0.1.2, v0.1.1)
Mendo MVC Framework
delirius/delirius_linkliste (1.4.2)
Manage links in different categories and they publish a collection of links
social-media/social-media-facebook (1.0.1)
This Social Media Facebook PHP Class can (un)publish posts to Facebook.
alexschwarz89/browserstack (0.0.1)
Client library for Browserstack Screenshot API
commerceguys/platform-cli (v1.7.1, v1.7.0) CLI
platformsh/cli (v1.7.1, v1.7.0) CLI
joomlatools/plg_logman_kunena (v2.0.0)
Handles logging of Kunena Forum events
joomlatools/plg_logman_k2 (v2.0.0)
Handles logging of K2 component events
joomlatools/plg_logman_remository (v2.0.2)
Handles logging of Remository events
joomlatools/plg_logman_zoo (v2.0.0)
Handles logging of YOOtheme Zoo events
sekjun9878/request-parser (v1.0.0)
A library to parse raw HTTP requests for PHP CLI web servers and more.
justimmo/php-sdk (1.0.13)
ripaclub/zf2-sphinxsearch-tool (0.9.1)
Utility that provides a set of tools to create and handle Sphinx Search configs and data sources
pwa/time-elapsed (v1.0)
A class to print the elapsed time between two DateTime objects in a nice (and highly modifiable) format
bupy7/yii2-widget-cropbox (v1.1)
This is widget wrapper and fork of Cropbox . This widget allows crop image before upload to server and send informations about crop in JSON format.
dereuromark/cakephp-transifex (1.1.0)
The Transifex plugin allows you to pull translations from Transifex Translation API.
contao-community-alliance/meta-palettes (1.9.3, 1.9.2)
MetaPalettes extension for Contao OpenSource CMS
markguinn/silverstripe-shop-search (1.1.1)
Better search for Silverstripe's shop module with interchangeable adapters (currently mysql and solr) and filtering/faceting.
moxar/ftp (2, v1)
Ftp library for Laravel
wikibase/data-model (2.5.0)
PHP implementation of the Wikibase DataModel
aspose/cloud-bundle (0.3.0)
This is a symfony2 bundle to use Aspose cloud service in symfony2 applications quickly and easily. Aspose for Cloud is a REST API to work with a number of file formats including word precessing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs and images.
arcanedev/sanitizer (1.0.4)
Sanitizer Helper
pep/logger (1.0, 0.7)
arcanum/parameter-tree (1.0.0)
Namespaced accessors for multi-dimensional trees of parameters (such as POST/GET, config, etc)
richardsjoqvist/silverstripe-embedder (1.1.1)
Embedder enables embedding media in content fields area similar to how embeds work in WordPress
switchsystems/precision-maths (0.3.0)
Wrapper for the BCMath extension for precise basic and advanced math operations
magari/test-bundle (1.0.1)
intersvyaz/yii-pdooci-httpsession (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Yii httpsession extension by using PDOOCI as session data storage.
los/losui (1.0.11)
LosUi provides some UI utility classes your ZF2 application using Jquery2, Bootstrap3, Chosen, etc
pavlinter/yii2-adm-oplata (v1.0.0-beta)
Yii2: Adm Oplata
rrcom/rrcom-less-module (v1.1.0)
CSS LESS compiler module for Zend Framework 2
alexsoft/laravel-hashids (v2.0.0-beta, v1.2.0)
Add laravel facade for using hashids/hashids
denshoch/dendenmarkdown (1.1.0)
Just a little help for them. This is a Markdown dialect optimized for EPUB 3.
vich/uploader-bundle (1.0.0-beta3)
Ease file uploads attached to entities
elastification/php-client (0.5.0)
The elastification php client aims to be a very flexible and well performing client to elasticsearch. It supports multiple transports and serializers to maximize it's flexibility.
magento/mtf (1.0.0-rc12)
Magento Testing Framework
appserver-io/lang (0.1.16)
Lang package implementation providing basic PHP datatypes.
betacie/google-analytics (v0.1)
Google analytics PHP SDK
tango/tango (v1.4.3)
Tango Framework
campaignchain/campaignchain-ce (1.0.0-alpha.4)
The CampaignChain Community Edition
blocktrail/blocktrail-sdk (v1.2.3)
The BlockTrail PHP SDK, for integration of Bitcoin functionality through the BlockTrail API
h4cc/phpqatools (1.5.0)
A meta composer package for PHP QA Tools.
maegnes/zf2xmlapisendeffect (v1.0.1)
ZF2 module which integrates the sendeffect xml api into your zf2 application
wp-pay-gateways/pay-nl (1.0.3) driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
keboola/storage-api-client (2.12.2)
Keboola Storage API PHP CLient
simsite/project (v1.0)
SimSite Project
wp-pay-gateways/sisow (1.0.2)
Sisow driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
koodimonni/mu-plugins (0.1.3)
Small fixes and optimisations with wordpress
ark8/security (v0.9.0)
Authorization layer for Nette Framework
wp-pay-extensions/gravityforms (1.0.2)
Gravity Forms driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
numphp/numphp (1.0.5)
Mathematical PHP library for scientific computing
kalnoy/illuminate-menu (v1.0.1)
A menu builder for Laravel using Bootstrap's markup.
simsite/simsite (v1.0)
SimSite Framework
ptbfw/initializer (2.0.0)
mnel/peach (0.1.0)
A peach payments PHP Client
nicolasdewez/workflow-bundle (v1.0.1)
This bundle provides an use of steps workflow
pushapi/client-php (v1.6)
A PHP standalone client that facilitates to developers the use of all the PushApi functionalities
zyx/yii2-imperavi-redactor (
A Yii2 port of original Imperavi Redactor Widget for Yii (yiiext/imperavi-redactor-widget)
wp-pay-extensions/woocommerce (1.0.3)
WooCommerce driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
wp-pay-extensions/event-espresso-legacy (1.0.0)
Event Espresso (legacy 3.1) driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
wp-pay-extensions/event-espresso (1.0.0)
Event Espresso driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
wp-pay-extensions/s2member (1.0.0)
s2Member driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
aspose/cloud-sdk-php (1.1.0)
This repository contains Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP source code. Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP lets PHP developers convert and process a variety of file formats in the cloud quickly and easily.
orchestra/theme-installer (v1.0.0)
Theme Installer for Orchestra Platform
wp-pay-extensions/jigoshop (1.0.0)
Jigoshop driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
keboola/extractor-bundle (1.1.1)
Keboola Extractor Development Bundle
wp-pay-extensions/easy-digital-downloads (1.0.0)
Easy Digital Downloads driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
hjue/justwriting (1.0.0)
Markdown blog system
spomky-labs/aes-key-wrap (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
AES Kew Wrap for PHP.
apostle/apostle-php (v0.1.5)
Apostle PHP Client
gears/asset (v0.1.3)
An Asset Minfication Pipeline for the Robo Task Runner.
oncesk/yii-node-socket (2.0.2)
? еализует связь между php и client javascript по с?'едству сокет соединения.
jnjxp/support (v0.0.2)
Generic contracts, traits, interfaces, etc