Recent releases from the Packagist:
zenify/coding-standard (v3.0.8, v3.0.7, v3.0.6)
Set of rules for PHP_CodeSniffer preferring tabs and based on Nette coding standard.
luthier/bcmath (v1.0.1)
Wrapper class for BCMath
crazedsanity/cs-phpxml (v1.1.5, v1.1.4)
Library for reading, writing, and updating XML via PHP
crazedsanity/cs-battletrack (v0.9.18, v0.9.17, v0.9.16, v0.9.15)
PHP-Based web application for tracking data in traditional paper-and-pencil role playing games.
luthier/command (v1.0.0)
Various Command classes with a common interface
crazedsanity/cs-blogger (v0.5.8, v0.5.7, v0.5.6)
PHP-Based library for blogging.
gong023/ayaml (0.0.1)
utility to convert yaml to array
luthier/number (v1.0.0)
Various Number classes with a common interface
crazedsanity/cs-webapplibs (v0.11.5, v0.11.4, v0.11.3)
Web application framework containing various libraries, an extension to cs-content
opine/bundle (v1.9.0)
Embed Opine projects withing other Opine projects
jstewmc/url (v0.1.1)
A class for creating, parsing, and manipulating Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
t1st3/t1st3-assets (1.3.4)
Assets used for T1st3's projects
wesleyem/arsenal (v0.2-alpha)
A custom extension for the Dropbox Client class with PHP 5.3+.
crazedsanity/cs-content (v1.2.20, 1.2.19)
Web application framework, MVC/templating system for PHP
opine/cache (v2.0.2)
Useful service wrapper for Memcached
tomk79/pickles-sitemap-excel-2 (2.0.0)
Pickles2 に?'?サイトマッ?-?'グラフィカルなエクセル形式(xlsx)で編é??できる機能?'追? ?-ま?'?
opine/container (v2.0.2)
Service Container
tableau-mkt/eggs-n-cereal (0.0.1)
A basic PHP XLIFF serialization library.
slimcontroller/slimcontroller (0.4.2)
Controller extensions for the Slim Framework
phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react-quit (1.1.0)
Phergie plugin for providing a command to instruct the bot to terminate a connection
phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react-pong (1.1.0)
Phergie plugin for responding to server ping events
phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react-nickserv (1.1.0)
Phergie plugin for interacting with the NickServ agent to authenticate the bot's identity
phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react-joinpart (1.1.0)
Phergie plugin for providing commands to instruct the bot to join and part channels
phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react-eventfilter (1.0.0)
Phergie plugin for limiting processing of incoming events based on event metadata
phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react-usermode (1.0.0)
Phergie plugin for monitoring and providing access to user mode information
phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react-commandhelp (1.0.0)
Phergie plugin for providing usage information for available bot commands to users
stripe/stripe-php (v1.17.5)
Stripe PHP Library
wtech/form-bundle (v0.1.2, v0.1.1, v0.1)
semsono/templa (0.0.1)
Sexy PHP Templating.
zfr/zfr-stripe (v2.8.0)
PHP library for interacting with the Stripe REST API
jacobsteringa/odoo-client (0.2.1)
A PHP Client for Odoo
phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react-commandalias (1.0.0)
Phergie plugin for enabling the use of custom aliases for existing bot commands
neoxygen/neoclient (2.0.6)
NeoClient is the most advanced Http Client for Neo4j
liip/functional-test-bundle (1.0.3)
This bundles provides additional functional test-cases for Symfony2 applications
hackzilla/password-generator-app (0.9.2)
Password Generator App
antimattr/common-product (v1.0.1)
Common Product Model
tivie/command (0.2.2)
An utility library that harmonizes OS differences and executes external programs in a safer way
munkie/karzer (1.0.2, 0.0.2)
Multi threaded isolated PHPUnit tests runner
debril/rss-atom-bundle (1.5-beta)
RSS and Atom support for Symfony 2
kbariotis/documer (0.2.3)
Bayes algorithm implementation in PHP for auto document classification.
rdev/rdev (v0.1.14)
The RDev PHP framework
rdev/orm (v0.1.14)
The RDev ORM library
icanboogie/routing (v2.0.4)
Request routing.
logger/essentials (
Advanced logging component library
cornex/felony (v1.0)
arcanedev/stripe (2.0.4, 2.0.3)
Stripe PHP Library
los/losui (1.0.7)
LosUi provides some UI utility classes your ZF2 application using Jquery2, Bootstrap3, Chosen, etc
semsono/macaw (1.0.1)
Sexy PHP router.
drupal/drupal-driver (v1.0.3)
A collection of reusable Drupal drivers
gointegro/hateoas-bundle (v0.9.16, v0.9.15)
GOintegro HATEOAS Bundle
drupal/drupal-extension (v1.0.8, 3.0.4)
Drupal extension for Behat
gointegro/hateoas (v0.9.16, v0.9.15)
GOintegro HATEOAS Lib
trejjam/utils (v0.5.2)
Utils, labels, pageInfo, baseLayout, image
hemio/html (v0.0.1)
Object oriented HTML5 library
opine/config (v3.0.0)
Service for reading/accesing configurations from disk and caching them in memory
douggr/zf-rest (2.0.0)
gointegro/raml (v0.9.14)
GOintegro RAML Lib
microweber/oauth2-server-laravel (v0.5.0)
A Laravel wrapper for the Microweber OAuth 2.0 server.
psi/news4ward (2.2.2)
A blogging / news system for Contao
kdyby/events (v2.1.3)
Events for Nette Framework
alanly/picnik (v0.1.3, v0.1.2)
A modern, Composer and PSR-4 compatible PHP library for interfacing with the Wordnik API.
mabasic/kalista (0.4.0)
A movie/tv show organizer command line app.
roumen/sitemap (v2.4.15)
A simple sitemap generator for Laravel.
bramdevries/changelog (0.4.0, 0.3.0)
A parser for the common developer
synergy/pagebuilder (v1.0)
Generate widgetized pages
megumi/wp-post-helper (0.5.0)
voceconnect/voce-seo (0.4.0)
synergy/common (v2.0)
Library Abstract and concrete classes common to Synergy Modules
course-hero/wse-php (2.0.2)
Libraries for adding WS-* support to ext/soap in PHP
twitter/vine (0.0.3, 0.0.2)
A PHP client written for the unofficial Vine API
dklemmt/contao_dk_mmenu (1.5.1)
Implementation of mmenu as extension for Contao Open Source CMS
boeve-web-development/catalog-bundle (v1.0.0)
Catalog for displaying items
guzzlehttp/guzzle-services (0.5.0)
Provides an implementation of the Guzzle Command library that uses Guzzle service descriptions to describe web services, serialize requests, and parse responses into easy to use model structures.
markocupic/gallery_creator (4.8.0)
Gallery extension for the Contao Open Source CMS
components/ember (1.9.1, 1.10.0-beta.2)
A framework for creating ambitious web applications.
akeneo/pim-community-standard (v1.2.18)
The "Akeneo Community Standard Edition" distribution
aasanchez/astropay (v0.1)
Unofficial SDK for AstroPay
websafe/lib-websafe-blueimp-jquery-file-upload-handler (v8.2.4)
Repackaged PHP handler from Blueimp Jquery-File-Upload. Composer and autoloader ready. Contains only the PHP handler class. Install frontend assets with bower.
rootlogin/jmsserializer-provider (v0.5.0)
jms serializer provider for the silex framework
rock/dbt (1.0.0)
Database Orm Tools for php 5.1.6
rmasters/swapi (v0.1.0)
rock/fmt (1.0.0)
Format Tools for php 5.1.6
markguinn/silverstripe-gridfieldmultiselect (0.0.2)
Gridfield extensions to add checkboxes for each row to easily delete or perform actions on multiple rows.
oro/platform (1.5.1)
Business Application Platform (BAP)
rock/phpwsdl (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
PhpWsdl for php 5.1.6
ciaranmcnulty/behat-localwebserverextension (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Extension for behat users who forget to start their webserver
rock/xmlt (1.0.0)
Xml Tools for php 5.1.6
butthurthead/mesi-api (v0.0.4)
Small library to get data from
keeko/developer-app (v0.1)
App with developer information and API docs.
rock/core (1.0.0)
Rock Framework Core for php 5.1.6
betacie/hooks (1.3)
Command-line tool to interact with hooks.yml files.
rock/fst (1.0.0)
Filesystem Tools for php 5.1.6
phirational/laravel-geoip2 (v1.1)
Laravel wrapper for MaxMind GeoIP2
oscarpalmer/mordin (v0.1.0)
Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.
mikoweb/fos-user-bundle (v2.0.0-alpha1)
Symfony FOSUserBundle
keeko/keeko (v0.1)
Keeko Test
jimbojsb/swurl (v0.3.2, v0.3.1, v0.3)
URL Parser / Manipulator
spomky-labs/oauth2-server-authcode-grant-type-bundle (v3.0.4)
Symfony2 Authorization Code Grant Type Bundle for OAuth2 Server Bundle
spomky-labs/oauth2-server-bearer-access-token-bundle (v3.0.4)
Symfony2 OAuth2 Server Bearer Access Token Manager Bundle
spomky-labs/oauth2-server-client-credentials-grant-type-bundle (v3.0.2)
Symfony2 Client Credentials Grant Type Bundle for OAuth2 Server Bundle
spomky-labs/oauth2-server-client-manager-supervisor-bundle (v3.0.1)
Symfony2 OAuth2 Server Client Manager Supervisor Bundle
spomky-labs/oauth2-server-implicit-grant-type-bundle (v3.0.1)
Symfony2 Implicit Grant Type Bundle for OAuth2 Server Bundle
rmrevin/yii2-postman (2.0.3, 2.0.2)
Mail module for Yii2.
spomky-labs/oauth2-server-mac-access-token-bundle (v3.0.4)
Symfony2 OAuth2 Server Configuration Bundle
spomky-labs/oauth2-server-resource-owner-password-credentials-grant-type-bundle (v3.0.2)
Symfony2 Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Type Bundle for OAuth2 Server Bundle
nutshell/elasticsearch (v1.0)
spomky-labs/oauth2-server-refresh-token-grant-type-bundle (v3.0.1)
Symfony2 Refresh Token Grant Type Bundle for OAuth2 Server Bundle
studioibizz/oauth (v0.5.0)
This project enables OAuth v1.0 and v2.0 in a simple yet effective way.
cakephp/cakephp (2.6.0, 2.5.8)
The CakePHP framework
oat-sa/tao (3.0-beta2)
TAO is an Open Source e-Testing platform that empowers you to build, deliver, and share innovative and engaging assessments online '" in any language or subject matter.
icanboogie/i18n (v2.0.2)
I18n framework
oat-sa/extension-tao-itemqti (2.7.2-beta, 2.7.2-beta2)
extension to create QTI items
oefenweb/cakephp-uni-login (v0.1.1)
A UNI'?Login (Authentication ) Plugin for CakePHP
oefenweb/cakephp-uni-login-webservice (v0.1.2)
A UNI'?Login (Web Service) Plugin for CakePHP
ciims-themes/default (3.0.11, 3.0.10)
The default theme that comes with CiiMS
ahonymous/aws-client-bundle (0.1.4)
Symfony2 bundle to Aws
ciims-modules/dashboard (3.0.3, 3.0.2)
A Hybrid Dashboard that is is optimized for performance, and that takes fulla dvantage of the CiiMS API.
fdevs/file-bundle (1.0.3)
Bundle for file/image/media
mapado/php-sdk (v0.1.0)
PHP SDK for Mapado API
jimbojsb/simple-asset (v0.1.15)
Simple asset manager for PHP, LESS, CSS and JavaScript
ciims-modules/api (2.0.2)
The API module for CiiMS
ibrows/simplecms-bundle (5.2.1)
Symfony Simple CMS Bundle
treehouselabs/keystone-bundle (v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
A Symfony2 implementation of the OpenStack Identity Service API: Keystone
oat-sa/extension-tao-testqti (2.6-beta2, 2.6.2-beta2)
extension to create QTI tests
oat-sa/extension-tao-funcacl (2.6.2-beta2)
extension to manage features access control into TAO
fdevs/block-bundle (1.0.4)
Symfony Bundle for sonata block
oat-sa/extension-tao-itemqti-pci (0.1-beta2)
oat-sa/extension-tao-community (1.1.1-beta)
extension that gather community tools in TAO
socalnick/scn-social-auth (1.15.1)
Uses the HybridAuth PHP library to Enable authentication via Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, etc for the ZfcUser ZF2 module.
symfony2admingenerator/generator-bundle (v2.0-beta.27)
Admingenerator for Symfony2 based on YAML configuration and Twig templating
oat-sa/tao-core (2.7.4-beta)
TAO core extension
ddliu/spider (v0.2.8)
Light weight spider for the web.
webfactory/piwik-bundle (2.2.0)
Symfony2 Bundle that adds a twig-function for the Piwik tracking code.
abbe98/simple-pdo (2.0.0)
A simpe PDO class for MariaDB and MySQL
oat-sa/extension-tao-item (2.6.1-beta2)
extension to manage items
cultuurnet/culturefeed (v3.4.0)
CultuurNet culturefeed Drupal module
indigophp/supervisor (v3.0.0-beta)
PHP library for Supervisor
acassan/supervisord-bundle (v0.0.1)
Symfony 2 bundle Supervisord manager
ejz/core (v1.2)
Core is a set of help functions. Added to global scope.
nek-v/yii-phealng (2.0.1, 2.0.0)
PhealNG Wrapper for Yii Framework
knplabs/rad-doctrine-event (v1.0.0)
Access your doctrine events from the Symfony DIC.
easybib/silex-hal-provider (1.0.0)
Silex provider for the nocarrier/hal library
thelia/yo (1.0)
oat-sa/extension-tao-delivery (2.6-beta2, 3.0-beta2)
extension to manage deliveries
riesenia/kendo (v1.0.0)
PHP wrapper for Kendo UI widgets
jaspernbrouwer/event-sourcing (v0.1.0)
Event Sourcing compatible with SimpleBus
ddtraceweb/smtp-validator-email (1.3.0)
Validate your email by smtp protocol
brianium/paratest (0.9.2)
Parallel testing for PHP
rasim/modal (v0.0.3, v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
Arrangeable Messagebox For Laravel 4
etdsolutions/modernizr (2.8.3)
Shim repository for Modernizr
psi/news4ward_multicategories (1.0.3, 1.0.2)
Multi-Categories menu frontend module for News4ward
abbe98/ksamsok-php (1.2.0)
PHP library for the K-Samsök API.
avat0r/yii2-turbosms (1.0.2)
Yii2 turbosms
frankusrs/phedora (1.0.0)
Fedora emulator written in PHP
rock/cert (1.0.0)
Parser certificado digital e-cnpj / e-cpf para php 5.1.6
etdsolutions/jquery (2.1.3, 1.11.2)
Shim repository for jQuery
rock/dbal (1.0.0)
Database Abstraction Layer for php 5.1.6
socloz/monitoring-bundle (1.1)
A profiling/monitoring Symfony2 bundle for production servers - alerts on exceptions, logs profiling data & sends data to statsd/graphite
jaspernbrouwer/doctrine-dbal-bridge (v1.0.0)
Bridge for using SimpleBus with Doctrine DBAL
etdsolutions/requirejs (2.1.15)
Shim repository for RequireJS
toin0u/digitalocean-v2 (0.4.1, 0.4.0)
DigitalOcean API v2 PHP 5.4+ library
potsky/pimp-my-log (1.7.7, 1.7.6)
Log viewer for your web server
objectiveweb/db (v0.1.3)
Database Abstraction Layer and Management Frontend
ixudra/imageable (1.0.0)
Custom Laravel imaging package for the Laravel 4 framework - developed by Ixudra
vivait/reporting-bundle (0.1.0)
Reporting framework that has to be extended to suit the application
duncan3dc/oauth (1.3.0)
Handles basic OAuth/OAuth2 authentication along with classes for common services
rkr/php-mysql-query-builder (0.1.4)
Easy to use query builder for PHP5.3+/PDO
dcweb/dcms (v1.0.0)
Groupdc CMS basic framework
block8/phpci (1.5.0)
Simple continuous integration for PHP projects.
imsamurai/elasticsearch-source (1.3.1)
Elasticsearch source for CakePHP (HttpSource)
mabasic/wakatime-php-api (1.1.2)
WakaTime API for PHP
morris/lessql (v0.2-beta)
LessQL is a thin but powerful data access layer for SQL databases using PDO.
vendor/sharding (v0.4.0)
Sharding module
openpsa/midgard-portable (v0.7.0)
Pure PHP implementation of (parts of) the Midgard2 API
yfix/yf (v2.1.0)
YF PHP Framework
packaged/helpers (0.8.0)
Generic PHP Helper Classes & Functions
elcodi/elcodi (v0.4.3)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony
ets/document-storage (0.5.1)
Provides implementations to interact with various document storage services
nhagemann/anycontent-cms-construction-kit-php (0.8.4, 0.8.3)
scheb/two-factor-bundle (v1.3.0)
Provides two-factor authenticaton for Symfony2
browscap/browscap (5037)
Browser Capabilities Tools
pencepay/pencepay-php (v1.0.1)
Pencepay PHP Library
opine/semantic-cm (v1.5.5)
Semantic-CM, the Opine-PHP and Semantic-UI based Management System
openconext/engineblock-fixtures (0.5.0)
OpenConext Component for EngineBlock Fixtures
khill/lavacharts (2.0.2)
PHP wrapper library for the Google Chart API
asgoodasnu/schutzklickapi (v0.5)
Schutzklick Api for Symfony2
asgoodasnu/afterbuyapi (v0.5)
Afterbuy Api for Symfony2
asgoodasnu/shopifyapi (v0.5)
Shopify Api for Symfony2
payrexx/payrexx (v1.1)
Payrexx PHPLib
asgoodasnu/guzzlecommandclient (v0.12)
Guzzle Client for Symfony2
bentools/pager (1.0)
A simple pager class with delta management
devfactory/imagecache (2.1.1)
Laravel package for generating thumbnails of images and caching them in your public files folder.
gitpajo/gmproject (2.0.13)
Urceno pouze pro testovani a zavislosti
damiandennis/yii2-knockout-list (v0.4.2)
Providing a list view constructed with Knockout js.
vinelab/neoeloquent (v1.0.7)
Laravel wrapper for the Neo4j graph database REST interface
aspose/cloud-sdk-php (v1.0.1)
This repository contains Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP source code. Aspose Cloud SDK for PHP lets PHP developers convert and process a variety of file formats in the cloud quickly and easily.
raulfraile/distill (v0.9.8)
Smart compressed files extractor
p4bloch/console-validable-question (0.1.0, 0.0.1)
Easily Validate Questions in Symfony/Console
k1low/holiday_jp (v1.1.0)
Japanese holidays
vaidasm/teamcity-behat (0.1.3)
Behat 3.x formatter for teamcity
opine/route (v3.0.1, v3.0.0)
Service wrapper for FastRoute providing a more slim-like interface
lijinma/php-cli-color (1.0.0)
Make colorful CLI output easy
components/jquery (1.11.2, 2.1.3)
jQuery JavaScript Library
sqmk/phue (v0.8.0)
Phue - Philips Hue PHP client
robmorgan/phinx (v0.4.1)
Phinx makes it ridiculously easy to manage the database migrations for your PHP app.