
Recent releases from the Packagist:

myclabs/deep-copy (1.2.1)
Create deep copies (clones) of your objects

pipes/pipes (0.6)
A thin wrapper over PHP iterators

keboola/json-parser (0.1.9)
Keboola JSON to CSV parser

sabre/dav (2.1.0)
WebDAV Framework for PHP

maci/media-bundle (v1.1.1)
Symfony MaciMediaBundle

maci/admin-bundle (v1.1.1)
Symfony MaciAdminBundle

burnbright/silverstripe-sociallinks (1.0.0)
A quick and easy way to store,retrieve, and style social media links

burnbright/silverstripe-listeditor (1.0.2)
Front-end DataList create/edit/delete control.

burnbright/silverstripe-testimonials (2.1.0)
Add testimonials to a SilverStripe site

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-platform (1.8.7)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Components Library/SDK for PHP

rsanchez/deep (1.1.2)
A set of Eloquent models for ExpressionEngine Channel Entries.

laravel/homestead (v2.0.4)
A virtual machine for web artisans.

believer-ufa/prettyforms (0.1.10, 0.1.9, 0.1.7, 0.1.6)
Helps to make a simple and easy client-server validation for forms

drwrf/mismatch-model (0.1.10, 0.1.9)
A simple library for complex types.

erusev/parsedown-extra (0.2.5, 0.2.4)
An extension of Parsedown that adds support for Markdown Extra.

fideloper/proxy (2.1.1)
Set trusted proxies for Laravel

titon/toolkit (2.0.0-rc.1)
A collection of extensible front-end UI components and behaviors for the responsive and mobile web.

nam/commander (v1.2)

watson/validating (0.10.6)
Eloquent model validating trait.

yajra/laravel-oci8 (v2.0.7, v2.0.6, v2.0.5)
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4|5 via OCI8

diasbruno/stc-utils (0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)
stc utils.

silverstripe/crontask (v1.1.0)
Module for running tasks with a standard cron timeschedule

j-crowe/open-weather (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A very simple wrapper for Open Weather

wikimedia/simplei18n (v1.0.1)
No frills internationalization engine

foa/responder-bundle (0.4.0)
Responder for action domain responder(adr) pattern

keboola/extractor-bundle (1.0.0-beta13, 1.0.0-beta12)
Keboola Extractor Development Bundle

adityamenon/postcodes-io (1.0.0)

bravo3/bakery (0.0.24-beta)
SSH remote server bakery

ixudra/generators (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Custom PHP resource generation library for the Laravel 4 framework - developed by Ixudra

raulfraile/distill (v0.7.1)
Smart compressed files extractor

piwik/piwik (2.9.1)
the leading free/libre analytics platform

typicms/translatablebootforms (v1.0.0, v1.0)
Form model binding for translated fields, use BootForms and Translatable.

ssa/core (v1.0.2)
A php package for simply call php service into Javascript code.

maraya/cake-php-excel (v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
CakePHP excel generator using PHPExcel library

theodorejb/polycast (v0.6.0)
Safely cast values to int, float, or string

wearearchitect/sharepoint-oauth-app-client (v0.9.20)
SharePoint OAuth App Client

opis-colibri/framework (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Opis Colibri Framework

livefyre/livefyre-php-utils (2.0.0)
Livefyre PHP utility classes

retalapp/base (v0.0.8, v0.0.7)

opis-colibri/manager (1.0.0)
Manager module

opis-colibri/system (1.0.0)
System module

rogeriopradoj/composer-platform-show (v0.1.0)
A easy way to get information of composer show --platform in a webpage

opis-colibri/install (1.0.0)
Install module

wecodemore/current-admin-info (2.0.0)
Displays info about the current admin screen and its globals, contextual hooks, etc.

mgallegos/laravel-jqgrid (v1.0.1)
A Laravel 4 package implementation of the popular jQuery Grid Plugin (jqGrid)

mailgun/mailgun-php (v1.7.2)
The Mailgun SDK provides methods for all API functions.

mamuz/php-dependency-analysis (v0.1.3)
Static code analysis for php projects to provide a dependency graph based on namespaces

sabre/vobject (3.3.4)
The VObject library for PHP allows you to easily parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects

mediawiki/chameleon-skin (1.1.2)
A highly flexible MediaWiki skin using Twitter Bootstrap 3

keradus/ker (v2.0, v1.0)
Ker - PHP library package

spomky-labs/oauth2-server-client-credentials-grant-type-bundle (v3.0.0)
Symfony2 Client Credentials Grant Type Bundle for OAuth2 Server Bundle

opis-colibri/welcome (1.0.0)
Welcome module

dvdoug/boxpacker (1.4.2)
An implementation of the 3D bin packing/knapsack problem (aka creating parcels by putting items into boxes)

keradus/graphics (v1.0)
Graphics: manipulate and compare images

vicvk/lib (0.0.2, 0.0.1)

keradus/traits (v1.0)
Traits: general usage traits

lovullo/phpqaconfig (1.0.7, 1.0.6)
PHP QA and development tool configuration for LoVullo Associates.

burnbright/silverstripe-externalurlfield (0.3.0)
Provides SilverStripe with a DBField and FormField for handling external URLs.

opis-colibri/module-installer (1.0.0)
Opis Colibri Installer

inspired-beings/table-manager-bundle (v1.0.0)
This bundle provides ready-to-use Actions (generating the views) for management tables to rapidly develop back-office applications with Symfony2.

opendns/merchant-esolutions-php (v0.1.2)
A client library for Merchant e-Solutions' payment gateway and other APIs

kanefilous/kanefilous (0.1.0)
KaneFilous is an open source Social Network

elnebuloso/flex-converter (2.0.4)
different converter, easy to use

spomky-labs/oauth2-server-public-client-bundle (v3.0.3)
Symfony2 OAuth2 Server Configuration Bundle

spomky-labs/oauth2-server-password-client-bundle (v3.0.1)
Symfony2 OAuth2 Server Configuration Bundle

elnebuloso/flex-commons (2.1.0)
common components for php

freshflesh/acf-sync (1.1.0)
Keep your ACF field groups synchronized between different environments

elnebuloso/bundler (7.1.5)
bundle your project files, your stylesheets and your javascripts

etsy/pigeon-webkit (0.1.1)

enygma/yubikey (3.1, 3.0, 2.6)
PHP library to interface with the Yubikey REST API

groupby/serializer (0.16.1)
Library for (de-)serializing data of any complexity; supports XML, JSON, and YAML.

maknz/slack (0.2.2)
A simple PHP package for sending messages to Slack, with Laravel 4 support

danielgsims/staticproxy (1.0.1)
A thin proxy for static classes

fastwebmedia/laravel-avp (0.6.3)
A Laravel 4 package for adding an AVP to a site

mendoframework/logwriter-mail (v1.0.0)
Mendo Mail Log Writer Component

jabli/sexy (0.2.2)
sexy sql expressions

mediasilo/phoenix-php-sdk (0.7.5)

bitpay/php-client (v2.1.1)
PHP Library to work with the new Bitpay API

kilahm/hack-class-scanner (v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)

troisyaourts/alpha (v0.3.0-beta3)
Alpha is a micro-orm for Silex built on Doctrine DBAL

symfony/symfony-installer (v0.0.4, v0.0.3, v0.0.2)
The official installer to create projects based on the Symfony full-stack framework.

debuggy/gauger (0.8)
Comprehensive timing and gauging tool for PHP

microstudi/silex-grunt-skeleton (v1.2.3, v1.2.2)
A pre-configured skeleton for the Silex microframework with Grunt tasks added

x4d/sbadmin2-template-bundle (v1.0)
Symfony2 Bundle for Start Bootstrap SB Admin 2 Template

erusev/parsedown (1.1.2)
Parser for Markdown.

endeveit/cache (1.1.1)
Simple caching library with support for tags.

mlantz/quarx (v6.7.3, v6.7.2)
A powerful fully responsive modular application structure

datasift/storyplayer (1.5.7)
Bring your user and service stories to life through test automation

data-values/geo (1.1.3)
Geographical value objects, parsers and formatters

brokencube/hodgepodge (
Personal utility libraries/mini-framework

nenad/yii2-widgets-base (2.0.0)
Base classes and widgets for Yii2 application templates created by Nenad Z.

brianfreytag/php-bijective (v1.0.1)
Encodes any integer into a base(n) string

jublonet/oauth-validator-php (1.0.0)
A library for validating OAuth signatures in PHP.

sebmak/goabroadhq-sdk (v0.2.2)
SDK for accessing GoAbroadHQ.

crodas/service-provider (v0.1.26)
Little configuration manager and dependency injection

kartik-v/yii2-grid (v2.6.0)
Yii 2 GridView on steroids. Various enhancements and utilities for the Yii 2.0 GridView widget.

techdivision/persistencecontainerclient (0.7.2)
Client to connect to a PHP ApplicationServer based persistence container.

urmaul/yii-selectcolumn (v1.0.1)
SelectColumn for Yii CGridView.

vivait/user-bundle (0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1.1)
User Bundle

sglogistics/sglogistics-api (1.32)
SG Logistics client API Library

redaxmedia/domninja (2.4.3)
Frontend developer audit bookmarklet

drwrf/mismatch-orm (0.3.1)
A simple library for complex SQL.

vivait/customer-bundle (0.1.3, 0.1.2)
Customer Bundle

nathanmac/laravel-queue-softlayer (v1.0)
SoftLayer message driver for Laravel Queue

nicolaslopezj/searchable (1.4.1, 1.4)
Eloquent model search trait.

symfony2admingenerator/generator-bundle (v2.0-beta.23, v2.0-beta.22)
Admingenerator for Symfony2 based on YAML configuration and Twig templating

sergiuszm/sbadmin2-template-bundle (v1.0)
Symfony2 Bundle for Start Bootstrap SB Admin 2 Template

unikent/lib-php-footprints (2.1)
Footprints API for PHP.

olegkhuss/verilocationsoapbundle (0.2.1, 0.2.0, 0.1.0)
Symfony2 bundle for verilocation soap client

techdivision/appserver (0.10.7, 0.10.6)
Thread based PHP daemon to implement stuff like message queues.

nenad/yii2-advanced-template (1.2.3)
Improved Yii 2 Advanced Application Template By Nenad Zivkovic

nenad/yii2-basic-template (1.2.3)
Improved Yii 2 Basic Application Template By Nenad Zivkovic

facebook/php-ads-sdk (2.2.2)
PHP SDK for Facebook ads

nenad/yii2-password-strength (2.0.0)
Password strength validation utilities for Yii2 application templates created by Nenad Z.

techdivision/servletengine (0.8.6, 0.8.5)
Servlet engine default implementation.

depotwarehouse/toolbox (1.0.4)

just-paja/fudjan (0.5.2)
Fudjan LMCV web framework with modules and layouts

brickrouge/brickrouge (v2.1.3)
A toolkit to create HTML elements

bc/mongo (
mongo helper. nuf

frizinak/drupony (0.1.6)

davelip/laravel-database-queue (0.2.0, 0.2.1)

hatframework/hat-dependences (v0.1.86)

hatframework/hat-resource-formulario (v0.3.20)

hatframework/hat-resource-api (v0.3.10)
Resource package integration with aws amazon services

mysql/schematic (1.4.9)
A simple MySQL migration management tool in PHP, create and update databases automatically with a config json file without having to use inbuilt ORM functions.

internations/solr-query-component (0.7.3)
Build Solr queries with ease

pingpong/admin (1.0.17)
Laravel Admin Package

nenad/yii2-strength-meter (2.0.0)
A dynamic strength meter for password input validation with various configurable options.

techdivision/websocketserver (0.4.2)
A Ratchet base web socket server implementation.

techdivision/websocketprotocol (0.2.3)
Provides a web socket connection handler.

techdivision/storage (0.5.11)
Generic storage package implementation.

techdivision/servlet (0.6.5)
Servlet package default implementation.

techdivision/persistencecontainerprotocol (0.2.7)
Implements the native Persistence-Container protocol.

techdivision/persistencecontainer (0.9.5)
Persistence container implementation for thread based PHP ApplicationServer.

techdivision/messagequeueprotocol (0.2.6)
Implements the native Message-Queue protocol.

cargomedia/cm (1.79.1, 1.79.0)

kizilare/template (0.0.1)
Template adapter

madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-theme-assistant (v1.1.2)
Contao Extension: Modify colors and other properties of .css.base and other .base files.

astartsky/paginator (1.0.0)
Simple paginator

caseyamcl/configula (v2.3.0)
A simple, flexible, read-only config library for PHP 5.3+

astartsky/inheritance-config-driver (1.0.0)
Silex config driver with config inheritance

claroline/forum-bundle (3.2.0)
Claroline forum plugin

techdivision/messagequeue (0.9.2)
Message queue implementation for thread based PHP ApplicationServer.

techdivision/enterprisebeans (0.1.6)
Contains the Enterprise PHP Beans classes and interfaces.

userbin/userbin-php (1.1.0)
PHP bindings for Userbin

boboldehampsink/export (0.4.4)
Export Plugin for Craft CMS

techdivision/dependencyinjectioncontainer (0.1.1)
A dependency injection container to handle annotation based DI in an application server like appserver.io.

boboldehampsink/auditlog (0.2.6)
Audit Log Plugin for Craft CMS

icybee/patron (v1.2.1, v1.3.0)
A HTML template engine

nedwave/rest-bundle (v2.0.3)
Nedwave Rest Bundle

majes/teel-framework (v1.20.9)
The "MajeS'teel Edition" distribution

majes/cms-bundle (v1.20.20)
Majes framework cms bundle

thefox/hashcash (v1.5.4, v1.5.3)
Hashcash implementation in PHP.

uthando-cms/uthando-user (1.4.5)
User module for Uthando CMS

neerrar/slimvc (0.4)
View & controller for Slim framework

kolyunya/oauth-validator (v1.0)
OAuth validator.

betacie/hooks (1.1)
Command-line tool to interact with hooks.yml files.

arara/process (1.6.0)
Provides a better API to work with processes on Unix-like systems

bariew/yii2-doctest-extension (2.0.1)
Executes @example docBlock params as test cases

wa72/jsonrpc-bundle (v0.4.1)
JSON-RPC server for Symfony2: exposes services registered in the service container as JSON-RPC webservices

corneltek/formkit (1.3.16)

mendoframework/logwriter-file (v1.0.0)
Mendo File Log Writer Component

bahulneel/phonon (0.2.2, 0.2.1)
Interesting concepts half-inched from other languages

capirussa/eobot-php (1.3.2)
A PHP library for communicating with the Eobot cloud bitcoin mining service (https://www.eobot.com)

desarrolla2/mail-exception-bundle (0.3.2, 0.3.1)
email exceptions for symfony2

njasm/soundcloud (2.1.2)
Soundcloud API Wrapper written in PHP with OAuth 2.0 support

wpxtreme/wpdk (1.7.2)
Awesome WordPress Development Kit framework

wrench/wrench (v2.0.5-beta, v2.0.4)
PHP WebSocket client/server library

techdivision/application (0.3.5)
A threaded application implementation to allow a separate context for each application.

pmaglione/lightsaml (1.0.9)
Light SAML2 php library

webpower/gcm-application-server (1.0.3)
Google Cloud Messaging Application Server port from JAVA to PHP

iachilles/eavactiverecord (1.0.4)
Implements entity-attribute-value pattern and provides a simple way to work with EAV-attributes.

chajr/class-kernel (0.2.7)
Class Kernel libraries

jameshalsall/object-hydrator (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
A simple object hydrator using reflection for constructor or setter based injection.

claroline/bundle-recorder (3.1.2, 3.1.1, 3.1.0, 3.0.30, 3.0.29, 3.0.28, 3.0.27, 3.0.26)
Claroline bundle recorder

thefox/utilities (v1.2.2)
Collection of usefull PHP utilities.

orukusaki/twiml (0.1.2)
Fluent API for Twilio TwiML responses

stnvh/silverstripe-cmsspellchecker (1.1.4)
Add TinyMCE Spell checking functionality without having to edit core

olegkhuss/verilocationsoap (0.1.0)
php soap client/wrapper for verilocation services

kphoen/doctrine-state-machine (1.0.7)
Doctrine2 state machine behavior

krisanalfa/bono-kraken (0.0.8)
Dependency Injection Container for Bono PHP Framework

simsite/simsite (v0.15, v0.14.1)
SimSite Core

elephant418/model418 (v1.1.2)
A library for a simple & explicit model couch

solve/admin (v0.1.6, v0.1.5, v0.1.4, v0.1.3, v0.1.2)
- [ Solve Admin panel ] for standart edition

solve/http (v1.1.2)
- [ HTTP Foundation ]

groupdocs/groupdocs-php (2.2.0)
GroupDocs API library for PHP

techdivision/rewritemodule (0.6.4)
A simple rewrite module for PHP based web servers.

stage1/docker-php (v0.3.0)
A Docker PHP client

felixdelval/minimal-php-project (1.0.2)
A minimal php project with just PSR-4, phpunit & behat!

solve/solve (v0.3.19)
- [ Solve Framework ]

jonnyanyc/gmetric-php (0.2.0-alpha2)
A simple, lightweight PHP client for sending Gmetric data to a Ganglia node via UDP.

php-system/notify (0.1)
Notify User in OS

techdivision/naming (0.1.8)
Naming package implementation providing basic lookup functionality for beans.

packaged/helpers (0.6.3)
Generic PHP Helper Classes & Functions

pingpong/shortcode (1.0.2)
Laravel - Simple shortcode based on wordpress shortcode

fluxoft/rebar-auth (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
Optional Auth module for Rebar.

kwizer15/highcharts (4.0.4)
Highcharts Javascript Library

fluxoft/rebar-db (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
Optional Db module for Rebar.

fluxoft/rebar (0.15.1, 0.15.0)
Rebar: A simple but sturdy support framework.

rrcom/script-merge (v1.0.0)
Zend Framework 2 Module that merge multiple CSS or Javascript into single file and optionally minify the output.

gears/router (v0.6.1)
Laravel Router Standalone

gears/asset (v0.1.1)
An Asset Minfication Pipeline for the Robo Task Runner.

scandio/troba (0.5.5)
troba is a easy to use and extensible PHP (5.4) entity and query manager based on PDO

regulus/formation (v0.7.0)
A powerful form creation composer package for Laravel 4.

derekdowling/stubborn (0.1.1)
Configurable call handler that is persistent against failures.

jumilla/laravel-extension (v1.2)
Laravel Extension Pack

laravel-plus/extension (v1.2)
Laravel Extension Pack

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