
Recent releases from the Packagist:

laravel-plus/laravel4 (v4.2)
The Laravel Framework.

pingpong/admin (1.0.16)
Laravel Admin Package

mohsen/zagros (v1.1.0, v1.0.1)
Zagros is a bug tracking system.

maci/standard-base-project (v1.1)
The "Maci Standard Base Project" distribution

maci/user-bundle (v1.1)
Symfony MaciUserBundle

maci/product-bundle (v1.1)
Symfony MaciProductBundle

maci/page-bundle (v1.1)
Symfony MaciPageBundle

maci/order-bundle (v1.1)
Symfony MaciOrderBundle

maci/media-bundle (v1.1)
Symfony MaciMediaBundle

maci/contact-bundle (v1.1)
Symfony MaciContactBundle

maci/blog-bundle (v1.1)
Symfony MaciBlogBundle

maci/admin-bundle (v1.1)
Symfony MaciAdminBundle

maci/address-bundle (v1.1)
Symfony MaciAddressBundle

drwrf/mismatch-model (0.1.8)
A simple library for complex types.

timrwood/moment (2.8.4)
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.

moment/moment (2.8.4)
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.

nicolab/php-ftp-client (v1.1.1)
A flexible FTP and SSL-FTP client for PHP. This lib provides helpers easy to use to manage the remote files.

webridge/framework-admin-edition (v2.5.0)
The "Symfony Admin Edition" distribution customized for WeBridge needs

noodlehaus/config (0.0.1)
configuration file loader that supports json, ini, php or xml hashes

wafflesystems/sessions (1.0.13)
PHP Library to create a new way to handles sessions.

chaospower/phpoauthlib (v0.3.6)
PHP 5.3+ oAuth 1/2 Library

chaospower/laravel-social (v1.0.5)
A social login package for Laravel 4.

nazar-pc/bananahtml (2.1.3)
BananaHTML - single class that makes HTML generating easier

jansenfelipe/cpf-gratis (v2.0.1, v2.0.0)
Com esse pacote você poderá consultar, gratuitamente, CPFs diretamente no site da receita.

t1st3/t1st3-assets (1.3.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.0, 1.2.2, 1.2.0)
Assets used for T1st3's projects

ibourgeois/laraedit (0.2.1)
IDE Package for Laravel

thefox/smtpd (v0.1.3)
SMTP server (library) written in PHP.

smartdata/smartdata (0.1.0)
SmartData is databases from Open Data providers compiled into easy to use PHP objects.

ranyuen/di (0.1.0)
Annotation based simple DI (Dependency Injection) & AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming).

burnbright/silverstripe-externalurlfield (0.1.0)
Provides SilverStripe with a DBField and FormField for handling external URLs.

alash3al/horus (v8.0)
Light & tiny miccro PHP framework scales from small to big applications

thefox/imapd (v0.2.2, v0.2.1)
IMAP server (library) written in PHP.

internations/kodierungsregelwerksammlung (0.6.2, 0.6.1)
Custom InterNations code sniffer rules

skyzyx/shared-utilities (1.0.3)
Shared, re-usable classes that can be pulled into other sub-projects.

aheinze/cockpit (0.12.0)
An api-driven CMS without forcing you to make compromises in how you implement your site.

gdmedia/silverstripe-jquery (1.11.1)
Use a newer version (1.11.1) of jQuery outside of the CMS and disable including framework jQuery

kassko/data-access-bundle (v0.2.0-alpha.11)
Integrates data-access in Symfony projects.

kassko/data-access (v0.2.0-alpha.13)
An intelligent mapper witch can give an object representation of inconsistent data like data from some legacy database and manage object cache.

sebmak/goabroadhq-sdk (v0.2.1)
SDK for accessing GoAbroadHQ.

bpez/infuse (v3.4.1)
Infuse is a laravel admin package for generating administration style interfaces

piwik/piwik (2.9.1-b2)
the leading free/libre analytics platform

mysql/schematic (1.4.8)
A simple MySQL migration management tool in PHP, create and update databases automatically with a config json file without having to use inbuilt ORM functions.

icecave/stump (0.3.0)
Incredibly simple PSR-3 compliant logging for Twelve-Factor applications.

studioignis/cmd (1.3)
Add command support to your app. Inspired by laracasts/commander.

elnebuloso/phing-commons (7.0.0)
phing commons build stack

raulfraile/distill (v0.7)
Smart compressed files extractor

lovullo/phpqaconfig (1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
PHP QA and development tool configuration for LoVullo Associates.

grooveround/image (v1.0.0, v1.0)
Image optimizer, Cropper and Modifier

enygma/yubikey (2.5)
PHP library to interface with the Yubikey REST API

project-a/silex-routing (v1.0.5)
Silex-Routing provides advanced routing for Silex through connecting symfony-cmf/Routing with Silex.

albion/buycraft (1.0.0)
Buycraft integration for Laravel projects

elephant418/model418 (v1.1.1, v1.1)
A library for a simple & explicit model couch

fluidtypo3/schemaker (3.0.4, 3.0.3)
The schemaker package from FluidTYPO3

bugbuster/visitors (3.4.1)
This Contao module allows you to count hits and visits of your website.

bahjaat/daisycon (

takeatea/tea-theme-options (v1.5.1.8)
Simple, easy to use and fully integrated Theme Options for Wordpress.

ajf/php4_constructor_finder (1.0)
Finds PHP4-style constructors

tylerjuniorcollege/slim-layout (0.2)
Simple Layout Class for Slim Framework

authbucket/push-php (0.0.19)
Push notifications for mobile devices based on the Symfony Components

vtalbot/pjax (v0.2.2)
PJAX for Laravel 4

mendoframework/logwriter-db (v1.0.0)
Mendo DB Log Writer Component

skyzyx/strong-types (1.0.0)
Enables strong types for PHP. This allows for tighter validation, especially when accepting input from users.

mlantz/atomic (v2.2.3, v2.2.2)
A modular application built with CodeIgniter - designed to be used with Quarx

oksuz/curl (1.0.1)
A Simple http library uses curl

ciims-themes/spectre (2.0.2)
Spectre is a lightweight theme for CiiMS that utilizes purecss.io

believer-ufa/prettyforms (0.1.5, 0.1.4, 0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Helps to make a simple and easy client-server validation for forms

authbucket/oauth2-php (2.4.1, 2.4.0)
The standard compliant OAuth2.0 library based on the Symfony Components

authbucket/oauth2 (2.4.1, 2.4.0)
The standard compliant OAuth2.0 library based on the Symfony Components

authbucket/oauth2-symfony-bundle (2.4.1, 2.4.0)
Symfony OAuth2Bundle

ciims-themes/default (3.0.8)
The default theme that comes with CiiMS

mhilker/markov (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Markov Chain Generator for ZF2

danielgsims/staticproxy (0.1.0)
A thin proxy for static classes

sleeping-owl/apist (1.3.3)
Package to provide api-like access to foreign sites based on html parsing

solve/admin (v0.1.1)
- [ Solve Admin panel ] for standart edition

etconsilium/applejackyll (1.5.1)
Yet Another Jekyll Clone. Powered by Markdown, Twig, Console. Addicted by MLP ^__^

commerceguys/platform-cli (v1.3.1)
Platform.sh CLI

platformsh/cli (v1.3.1)
Platform.sh CLI

constantcontact/constantcontact (1.2.1)
Constant Contact PHP SDK for v2

uthando-cms/uthando (1.5.2)
Base App for Uthando CMS

mpyw/twistoauth (2.6.0)
Advanced PHP Twitter library.

vsn4ik/bootstrap-checkbox (v1.1.9)
A checkbox component based on Bootstrap framework

mhilker/api (0.1.1)
API key management

mohsen/zagros-core (v1.0.0)
Core of mohsen/zagros project

mhilker/simplex-noise (0.1.0)

zfrapid/zfrapid-core (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
This module provides core functions and classes for the ZFRapid tool.

vivait/user-bundle (0.1.0)
User Bundle

vivait/customer-bundle (0.1.0)
Customer Bundle

lovullo/phpqatools (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Metapackage containing common PHP QA tools for development.

braincrafted/json (v0.3)

akeneo/magento-connector-bundle (v1.1.5, v1.1.4)
Akeneo PIM bundle to export to Magento platform

solve/project (v0.1.9)
- [ Solve Project ] standart edition

ipunkt/laravel-notifications (2.0.1, 2.0.0)
Notifications package for laravel 4.x

ropendev/cache (1.0.0)
PHP Simple Cache File Librairy (PSR compliant, PSR4 for autoloading).

orchestra/foundation (v2.2.9, v2.1.15)
Orchestra Platform 2 Foundation Component

torann/registry (0.1.3)
Laravel registry manager for application configurations

50onred/fifty-multipass-php (1.0)
A multipass generator for use in web authentication.

ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (
Domain model for the OPG Core project

suramon/itertools (1.5.25)
Iterators implemented in PHP, copy-pasted from Python

contorion/aerospike-stub (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Aerospike stub file for usage in a PHP-IDE

earthit/php-template-project (0.2.0)
PHP Template Project

syrup/component-bundle (1.9.37, 1.9.36)
Syrup ComponentBundle

freshflesh/acf-sync (1.0.2)
Keep your ACF field groups synchronized between different environments

wikibase/data-model (2.3.0)
PHP implementation of the Wikibase DataModel

jumilla/laravel-extension (v1.1.2, v1.1.1)
Laravel Extension Pack

paulfitz/daff-php (v1.2.3.1)
align and compare tables

pmaglione/lightsaml (1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5)
Light SAML2 php library

claroline/bundle-recorder (3.0.25, 3.0.24, 3.0.23, 3.0.22, 3.0.21, 3.0.20, 3.0.19, 3.0.18, 3.0.17, 3.0.16, 3.0.15, 3.0.14, 3.0.13, 3.0.12, 3.0.11, 3.0.10, 3.0.9)
Claroline bundle recorder

data-values/data-types (0.4.1)
PHP library defining the DataTypesDataType class of which instances represent a type of value, such as "positive integer" or "percentage".

data-values/geo (1.1.2)
Geographical value objects, parsers and formatters

majes/cms-bundle (v1.20.19)
Majes framework cms bundle

prismic/php-sdk (1.0.14)
PHP development kit for prismic.io

cliffparnitzky/monitoring-timeline (1.0.1)
Provides timeline components for the Contao Monitoring system.

tvr/tyii (1.0.2)
Help component for testing yii controllers

sergiuszm/template-sbadmin2-bundle (v1.0)
Symfony2 Bundle for Start Bootstrap SB Admin 2 Template

gtt/thrift-generator (0.1.0)
Generates .thrift files based on php classes signatures

appsco/pan-crop-bundle (1.0.2)

yoast/wordpress-seo (1.7)
Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.

amphp/amp (v0.14.0)
A non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP applications

rkr/logger-essentials (

zirak/simple-gallery (1.2)
A simple photogallery management module

beheh/sulphur (v1.0.0)
Parse and filter game references from Clonk masterservers

krisanalfa/bono-kraken (0.0.7, 0.0.6)
Dependency Injection Container for Bono PHP Framework

mfn/cakephp2-magic-properties (v0.1.3)
Automatically add class documentation for CakePHP2 magic properties

felixdelval/minimal-php-project (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A minimal php project with just PSR-4, phpunit & behat!

pmaglione/saml-sp-bundle (1.0.2)
Symfony2 SAML2 authentication bundle

justinbusschau/omnipay-secpay (2.0.4, 2.0.3, 2.0.2)
SecPay gateway for the Omnipay payment processing library

ets/payment-ogone-bundle (1.2.4, 1.2.3, 1.2.2, 1.2.1)
Payment Bundle providing access to Ogone gateway

k1low/holiday_jp (v1.0.1)
Japanese holidays

magento/product-community-edition (0.1.0-alpha104)
eCommerce Platform for Growth (Community Edition)

themosis/themosis (1.0.7)
The Themosis framework. A framework for WordPress developers.

themosis/framework (1.0.7)
The Themosis framework.

themosis/theme (1.0.7)
The Themosis framework theme.

jabli/amiko (1.0)
amiko json endpoint

wp-cli/wp-cli (v0.17.1)
A command line interface for WordPress

barryvdh/laravel-debugbar (v1.8.2)
PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel

irestful/concretecurlentityrepositories (13.11.28)

corley/influxdb-sdk (0.2.4)
Send your app metrics to InfluxDB

metanet/php-twitter-api (v1.0.0)
PHP library to make usage of the twitter API more easy

caffeina-core/base-application (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Caffeina Core - Application Skeleton

terramar/packages (2.1.2)
Packages extends Composer Satis with a management interface and GitLab integration

ebussola/common-datatype (2.3.0)
Complex DataTypes to easy the use of some routines

genesis/phpunitassister (v0.4.0)
Extends the phpunit WebTestCase class to provide easier mocking and assertions (chain mocking and chain assertions)

etg24/captcha (0.1.4)
Service, ViewHelper and Validator classes for TYPO3 Flow in order to easily implement a captcha validation. Based on gregwar's captcha library for PHP.

mhilker/usermanager (0.1.6, 0.1.5, 0.1.4, 0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)

mhilker/common (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Common utilities

isotope/isotope-core (2.1.9)
Core repository of Isotope eCommerce, an eCommerce extension for Contao Open Source CMS

fenos/notifynder (2.5.5, 2.1.9, 2.1.8)
Management system of internal notifications for Laravel 4.*

caffeina-core/redis (1.0.0)
Redis Cache service for Caffeina Core

desarrolla2/mail-exception-bundle (0.3.0)
email exceptions for symfony2

irestful/concretehashmappartialsets (13.11.28)

caffeina-core/core (0.8.3, 0.8.2)
Caffeina - Core PHP SDK

ice/veritasclient-bundle (2.1.2, 2.1.1)
Client for the ICE Veritas API

spomky-labs/oauth2-server-authorization-endpoint-bundle (v3.0.0)
Symfony2 Authorization Endpoint for OAuth2 Server Bundle

serkin/wimar (v1.1.1)
Framework for wimar.co

avisota/contao-message (2.0.10)
Manage messages within the backend.

florian-koerner/chimpdrill (v1.2.0, v1.1.2)
Simple Mailchimp / Mandrill Merge Tags Parser

avisota/contao-message-renderer-mailchimp (2.0.6)
Renderer that use MailChimp templates.

packaged/glimpse (0.5.2)
HTML Markup Helpers

madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider (v1.3.3)
Responsive Slider. Full Contao integration, latest touch technology and hardware acceleration.

menatwork/synccto (2.5.6)
Synchronize multiple contao installations with each other

matycz/lemo-grid (1.4.1)

cnlpete/image-metadata-parser (v0.0.6)
An abstraction to Exif, ITPC and XMP

ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel (v2014.11.6)
eZ Publish API and kernel. This is the heart of eZ Publish 5.

ezsystems/ezpublish-api (v2014.11.6)
eZ Publish API. This is a read-only split of ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel, made available to make dependencies easier and more lightweight

boboldehampsink/import (0.8.11)
Import Plugin for Craft CMS

yasinaydin/symfony1-updater (1.0.13)
A CLI updater for Symfony1 Framework

boboldehampsink/export (0.4.3)
Export Plugin for Craft CMS

hostbox/api-payu-nette-bridge (v1.0.1)
Nette bridge for PayU API

jonnyanyc/gmetric-php (0.2.0-alpha1)
A simple, lightweight PHP client for sending Gmetric data to a Ganglia node via UDP.

mcfedr/php-resque (1.3.4)
Redis backed library for creating background jobs and processing them later. Based on resque for Ruby.

anahkiasen/arrounded (0.4.1)
A set of self-aware Laravel abstracts that know their way around

brickrouge/brickrouge (v2.1.2)
A toolkit to create HTML elements

label305/docx-extractor (0.1.1)
PHP library for extracting and replacing string data in .docx files.

mekras/odata-client (v0.02, v0.01)
OData client-side library

tatemz/genesis-layouts (0.1.2)
Customize your page and post-type layouts with an easy to code settings.

endeveit/cache (1.1.0)
Simple caching library with support for tags.

ongr/elasticsearch-bundle (v0.2.0)
elasticsearch php client bundle for Symfony 2.

spomky-labs/oauth2-server-token-endpoint-bundle (v3.0.0)
Symfony2 Token Endpoint for OAuth2 Server Bundle

billforward/bf-php (v5.2014.321)
BillForward PHP Client Library

daimos/entity-changes-fetcher-bundle (1.0.1)
Bundle version of daimos/entity-changes-fetcher

dannyvankooten/mailchimp-for-wordpress (2.1.6)
Easily add sign-up methods for your MailChimp lists to your WordPress site using this WP plugin

wu3rstle/slimtwig (1.0.0)
project template using slim, twig, bootstrap end eloquent orm

prezent/translation-bundle (0.1.0)
Adds functionality to the Symfony2 Translator

philo/laravel5-facebook (v1.0.0)
Laravel 5 - Facebook SDK v4 wrapper.

gears/asset (v0.1)
An Asset Minfication Pipeline for the Robo Task Runner.

sw04/route-me (v1)
router with routes groups & before-after actions

joomlatools/com_helloworld (v0.0.3)
A Hello World component!

krzysztof-magosa/saffron (5.2.1)
Tiny PHP router

korotovsky/csrf-validator-bundle (0.3.0)
Validate CSRF token via annotation

maikelvanmaurik/transip-api (1.0.2, 1.0.1)

ferdirn/laravel-id-cities (v1.0)
Laravel ID Cities is a package for Laravel to supply all cities data to table cities. Start from data cities in Indonesia.

jumilla/laravel (v4.2.11)
The Laravel Framework.

newway/payment (0.8)
Payment package for laravel

appserver-io/doppelgaenger (0.1.0)
Creates proxy classes with identical signatures

contao-components/compass (0.12.2)
Compass integration for Contao Open Source CMS

jumilla/erb2blade (v1.1.1)
convert .*.erb to .blade.php

simplon/error (0.1.4)
Graceful error handling

aura/blog (2.0.0-alpha1)
Aura blog example

simplon/frontend (0.1.6)
Bootstrap Frontend Library

foa/responder-bundle (0.3.0)
Responder for action domain responder(adr) pattern

tom32i/simple-security-bundle (v0.2.0)
A simple security bundle for user authentication

sokil/php-isocodes (1.0.1)
ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations. Based on pythons pycountry.

vend/resque (2.1.0-alpha)
Namespaced port of chrisbolton/php-resque, supports Predis, more DI

bit3/contao-theme-plus (5.0.0-alpha4)
Theme+ for Contao OpenSource CMS

bit3/contao-xnavigation-article (1.0.0-beta3)
Article navigation for the xNavigation extension.

Show more