Recent releases from the Packagist:
mediawiki/graph-viz (1.4.1)
Online DOT graph renderer and message sequence chart renderer
haven/corebundle (v0.1.2)
Core for Haven
maci/standard-base-project (v0.9.1)
The "Maci Standard Base Project" distribution
maci/product-bundle (v0.9.1)
Symfony MaciProductBundle
maci/media-bundle (v0.9.1)
Symfony MaciMediaBundle
peridot-php/peridot-yo-plugin (1.1.0, 1.0.0)
"YO! The right people when a test run finishes"
haven/haven-core (v0.1.2)
Core for Haven
playground/game (2.5.3)
The Game module !
wafflestealer654/intl-substitute (1.0.0)
A PHP Library those who don't have PHP's intl extension.
dwolla/dwolla-php (2.0.4)
An official Guzzle based wrapper for the Dwolla API.
eloquent/pathogen (0.6.1)
General-purpose path library for PHP.
phoenix/eloquent-meta (1.2.3)
Attach meta data to Eloquent models
pragmarx/deeployer (v0.8.3, v0.8.2)
A Laravel 4.1+ automatic application deployment package via git webhooks
neoxygen/neoclient (1.6.7)
NeoClient is a PHP HttpClient for the Neo4j ReST API
pragmarx/zipcode (v1.0.1)
A worldwide address-by-zipcode searcher.
lightmaker/aws-bundle (1.0.0)
A Symfony2 bundle for the AWS SDK for PHP
shrink0r/workflux (0.5.0)
Finite state machine for php.
lightmaker/dynamo-session-handler-bundle (1.0.0)
A simple Symfony2 bundle to wrap the AWS SDK for PHP DynamoDB Session Handler
ripaclub/zf2-hanger-snippet (v1.0.2)
mlessnau/pry (0.0.1)
escapework/frete (0.2.2)
Library pra cálculo de frete
dreamfactory/console-tools (1.0.0)
A library of helper classes for working with the Symfony2 Console component.
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-bundle-all (1.0.0)
Installs the TinyMCE plugin loader and all available plugins.
prewk/file-chainer (0.2.1)
Chainable file stream writer with insert support
kisma/kisma (0.2.70, 0.2.69, 0.2.68)
PHP Utility Belt
errant/tacit (1.0.0-alpha)
A Simple ByteCode VM in PHP
dropbox/dropbox-sdk (v1.1.4)
Dropbox SDK for PHP
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-you-tube (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin to add videos from YouTube into the editor via button.
prooph/event-store-zf2-adapter (v0.3.0)
ZF2 DB Adapter for ProophEventStore
prooph/event-store-doctrine-adapter (v0.3.0)
Doctrine Adapter for ProophEventStore
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-word-count (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin that adds word count functionality.
opine/framework (v1.2.0)
Opine-PHP Micro-framework for integrating all Opine services
kaltura/kms-ci-framework (1.1.2)
Kaltura Kms-Ci-Framework continuous integration framework
dopecode/dcrypt (1.0.1)
A PHP security function library.
kaltura/kmig (1.0.5, 1.0.4)
Kaltura migrations allows to write migrations for kaltura server data
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-strikethrough (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin to add strikethrough support.
caseyamcl/phpoaipmh (v1.2.1, v1.2)
A PHP OAI-PMH 2.0 Harvester library
cathedral/builder-ui (0.1.0)
A basic ui for builder
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-quotes (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin to add french and german quotes into the editor via button.
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-pagebreak (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin to add pagebreak support.
enyoslutions/doctrine-orm-service-provider (1.0.1)
A Silex DoctrineORM Service provider
af/dont-translate-bundle (1.2)
A bundle to translate or don't translate a Symfony2 application
snapshot/boost-core (0.0.14)
Core system files for Boost framework.
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-local-storage (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin for temporarily storing texts in the local storage of the browser and restoring them (e.g. after unnoticed logout, when session timed out).
drupal/console (0.2.16)
Drupal 8 Console scaffolding module generator
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-link-auto-detect (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin that automatically coverts links (e.g. ``) or email addresses (e.g. ``) into hyperlinks.
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-insert-date-time (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin to add date and time buttons to the editor.
haberberger/redisstoragebundle (v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
Several high level storage strategies on Redis as a Symfony2 Bundle
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-google-maps (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin to add maps from GoogleMaps into the editor via button.
saxulum/saxulum-validator-provider (1.0.0)
Saxulum Validator Provider (yaml)
phroute/phroute (v1.4.2)
Fast request router for PHP
dbellettini/eventstore-client-bundle (v0.2.1, v0.2.0)
GetEventStore integration for Symfony 2
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-context-menu (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin to add a context menu to the editor.
dbellettini/eventstore-client (v0.2.0)
EventStore client for PHP
bramdevries/omnipay-paymill (1.0)
Paymill driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
symfony2admingenerator/generator-bundle (v2.0-beta.17, v2.0-beta.16)
Admingenerator for Symfony2 based on YAML configuration and Twig templating
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-advanced-list (1.0.0)
Special TinyMCE plugin to add more advanced options to the ordered and unordered list buttons.
ikwattro/faker-extra (0.4.0)
Extra providers for the Faker library
penneo/penneo-sdk-php (v1.2.1)
Penneo SDK for PHP
cliffparnitzky/tiny-mce-plugin-loader (1.0.0)
Special extension that will load additional TinyMCE plugins.
nazar-pc/bananahtml (2.0.0)
BananaHTML - single class that makes HTML generating easier
krzysztof-magosa/saffron (5.0.0)
Tiny PHP router
phpbb/pages (1.0.0-RC1)
An extension which allows you to add static pages to your phpBB forum
matryoshka-model/matryoshka (v0.5.1)
Model Service Layer that normalize and standardize your model's interface use
pear/net_url2 (v2.1.0, v2.0.12)
Class for parsing and handling URL. Provides parsing of URLs into their constituent parts (scheme, host, path etc.), URL generation, and resolving of relative URLs.
socrata/soda-php (v1.0.5)
A simple library to make it easier to access SODA services from PHP
emojione/emojione (v1.2.5)
Emoji One is a complete set of emojis designed for the web. It includes libraries to easily convert unicode characters to shortnames (:smile:) and shortnames to our custom emoji images. PNG and SVG formats provided for the emoji images.
synapsestudios/synapse-base (v0.4.1)
Base code for the API template
xinix-technology/norm (0.3.0)
stecman/symfony-console-completion (0.4.1)
Automatic BASH completion for Symfony Console Component based applications.
cathedral/builder (0.10.0)
Database Layer builder
nojacko/email-validator (0.1.0)
Email Validator
fkooman/rest-plugin-mellon (0.1.0)
Mellon (SAML) Authentication plugin for fkooman/rest
schlaefer/saito (4.3.5)
Saito - The Threaded Forum
taviroquai/duality (v0.15.1, v0.15.0)
Micro PHP Framework
fkooman/rest-plugin-basic (0.2.1, 0.2.0, 0.1.0)
Basic Authentication plugin for fkooman/rest
fkooman/php-lib-rest (0.6.0)
Simple PHP library for writing REST services.
fkooman/rest (0.6.0)
Simple PHP library for writing REST services.
majes/blog-bundle (v1.20.5)
Majes framework Blog bundle
juliangut/zf-maintenance (0.5)
Zend Framework maintenance module.
pingpong/presenters (1.0.3)
Laravel 4 - Simple Presenters
nicolaslopezj/searchable (1.2.0)
Eloquent model search trait.
owc/wp-shopify (v1.0.0)
Wordpress Shopify integration.
butterfly/adapter-twig (1.0.0)
Butterfly PHP. Twig Adapter
symfony-cmf/simple-cms-bundle (1.2.0)
A simple CMS bundle based on the Symfony CMF
amphp/dns (v0.3.2)
Asynchronous DNS resolution built on the Amp concurrency framework
rdlowrey/nbsock (v0.4.1)
Non-blocking socket connection/encryption using the Amp concurrency framework
gridonic/json-response (1.0.5, 1.0.3, 1.0.4)
Nice structured JsonResponse for the HttpFoundation
theodorejb/polycast (v0.4.1)
Safely cast values to int, float, or string
jaybizzle/hasmeta (v0.1.2)
Access model meta data as if it was a property on your model
symfony-cmf/block-bundle (1.2.0)
Symfony CMF Block Bundle
ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (,
Domain model for the OPG Core project
gettext/gettext (v1.1.4)
PHP - JS gettext conversor
stonedz/pff2-permissions (v1.0.0-alpha2)
Manages permissions in pff2 controllers
suramon/sf-propel-sql-diff-plugin (0.3.3)
Generate diff.sql file, which contains difference between schema.yml and current database structure
kalnoy/nestedset (v2.0.1)
Nested Set Model for Laravel 4
watson/bootstrap-form (0.9.1)
Laravel 4.2+ form wrappers for Bootstrap 3.
stonedz/pff2 (v2.0.0-beta12, v2.0.0-beta11)
A simple yet robust PHP MVC framework
codeswholesale/sdk (1.0.6.beta)
A PHP wrapper for CodesWholesale's API
mdmsoft/yii2-upload-file (1.0.0)
Yii2 upload file tools
contao-components/highlight (8.2.1)
Highlight.js integration for Contao Open Source CMS
markcell/salvaon (v1.0.6, v1.0.5)
Package for Laravel based on Eloquent to manage XML files.
contao-components/tinymce4 (4.1.6, 4.1.5)
TinyMCE 4 integration for Contao Open Source CMS
stonedz/pff2-img_manager (v1.0.3)
Manages image operations
temafey/phalcon-extjs (v0.7.6.1)
Extjs cms platform based on Phalcon framework
fastwebmedia/uploader (0.1.2)
Generic image uploader
bariew/html2csv (1.0.1)
Converts HTML content to csv
emombiela/iban (v0.1.0)
jeroen/wikibase-data-fixtures (0.2.4)
Fixtures for Wikibase data that can be used in tests or examples
hatframework/hat-dependences (v0.1.63, v0.1.61)
openbuildings/site-versions (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
A module to handle version of a site on different domains
lekarna/doctrine-extensions-tree (v0.1.1, v0.1.0, v0.0.1)
Implementation of Tree from DoctrineExtensions to Nette.
hatframework/hat-resource-js (v0.3.10)
jasongrimes/silex-simpleuser (1.7)
A simple database-backed user provider for Silex, with associated services and controllers.
pilat/daemonizer (1.0.1)
PHP Daemonizer
bread/storage (v0.9.19)
Bread storage library
bread/authentication (v0.2.5)
Bread authentication library
hatframework/basehat (v0.2.25)
Hat configuration files
digitalkaoz/issues (0.5.0)
wrapper for github and jira issues
hatframework/hat-plugin-usuario (v0.1.36)
elearning-ag/exceldatatables (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Replace a worksheet within an Excel workbook (.xlsx) without changing any other properties of the file
gridonic/migration-service-provider (1.0.4)
Doctrine migration service provider for Silex. Based on knplabs/migration-service-provider
contao/php-diff (v1.0.1)
A comprehensive library for generating differences between two hashable objects (strings or arrays).
keeguon/oauth2-php (1.3.6)
A library to consume services using the OAuth 2 security scheme.
clippings/omnipay-emp (0.2.0)
eMerchantPay library for Omnipay
kaystrobach/pdf (0.1.0)
Convert HTML directly to PDF on the fly, using the mpdf or dompdf library.
spomky-labs/oauth2-server-refresh-token-grant-type (v3.0.0)
Refresh Token Grant Type for OAuth2 Server
icap/blog-bundle (v1.1.8)
Claroline blog plugin from ICAP
multipass/multipass (1.4.1)
A kick-ass PHP library to connect to third-party applications.
gridonic/console-service-provider (1.0.0)
console service provider for Silex
gabrielfs7/brasil-utils (1.0.0)
Validate brasilian documents
bread/social (v0.1.1)
Bread social authentication library
icanboogie/common (v1.2.2.1)
Common helpers and classes for ICanBoogie
league/plates (3.1.0)
Plates, the native PHP template system that's fast, easy to use and easy to extend.
mindy/validation (1.0.0)
sensiolabs/connect-bundle (v4.1.0)
Official bundle for the SensioLabs Connect SDK
sensiolabs/connect (v4.1.0)
SensioLabs Connect SDK
slaxweb/ci-basemodel (0.3.4)
BaseModel for CodeIgniter
infotech/document-generator (v0.1.0)
Data processing for document generation
tomk79/request (0.1.1)
krisanalfa/blade-theme (0.5.74, 0.5.73)
Basic Blade Theme Resolver Class
webpatser/laravel-countries (1.3.4)
Laravel Countries is a bundle for Laravel, providing Almost ISO 3166_2, 3166_3, currency, Capital and more for all countries.
nelmio/solarium-bundle (v2.1.0)
Integration with solarium solr client.
caouecs/laravel4-lang (0.12.1)
Languages for Laravel4
voilab/migrate (0.1.5)
SQL and PHP migration tool for your web application.
label305/apns-http-bridge (0.2)
API wrapper for the APNs HTTP Bridge. The APNs HTTP Bridge is a small Node.js application that provides a HTTP webservice to post APNs notifications (Apple's Push Notification Service). For example to provide access to platforms that do not fully allow socket connections, like Google App Engine.
caouecs/sirtrevorjs (1.2.3)
Sir Trevor JS in Laravel 4 project
textalk/webshop-client (0.1.4)
Textalk Webshop API-client
niktux/karma (4.0.0)
CLI tool to manage environment dependent configuration
mesour/datagrid (1.4.3)
Mesour DataGrid is datagrid for Nette with options like to dump tree, inline edit, export to csv, sort data using jQuery.ui.nestedSortable and much more.
accesto/dhl-client (0.1.1)
DHL webapi client
mysql/schematic (1.4.3)
A simple MySQL migration management tool in PHP, create and update databases automatically with a config json file without having to use inbuilt ORM functions.
gentle/bitbucket-api (0.6.0)
Bitbucket API wrapper for PHP >= 5.3
matycz/lemo-grid (1.3.2)
keboola/json-parser (0.1.3)
Keboola JSON to CSV parser
earthperson/eshop (v0.3.3-pl)
Very simple eshop. As an example - the catalog of T-shirts.
dailymotion/sdk (1.6.1)
Dailymotion PHP SDK
juliangut/zdt-additions (0.4)
Zend Developer Tools additional collectors.
data-values/geo (1.1.1)
Geographical value objects, parsers and formatters
pirminis/maybe-monad (1.2.8)
PHP monad library
mrosati84/laradmin (0.0.1)
temafey/phalcon-engine (v0.6.2)
Web project engine base on Phalcon framework
forkcms/forkcms (3.8.2)
Fork is an open source CMS that will rock your world.
bosnadev/users (0.0.2)
grobmeier/cicada (0.4.10)
Tiny PHP framework for quickly creating webapps, inspired by Rubys Sinatra
cicada/cicada (0.4.10)
Tiny PHP framework for quickly creating webapps, inspired by Rubys Sinatra
vkbansal/frontmatter (v1.0.0)
Frontmatter allows page-specific variables to be included at the top of a template using the YAML or JSON format.
gnugat/redaktilo (v1.2.0)
Find, insert, replace and remove lines with an Editor-like object
gridonic/repository-service-provider (1.0.0, 1.0.1)
Doctrine repository service provider for Silex
imsamurai/cakephp-localization (1.0.1)
Plugin for handle localization of CakePHP application
tomk79/filesystem (0.2.1)
file system utility.
papaya/cms-core (5.6.0-RC2)
papaya CMS core framework
thewilkybarkid/date-time-immutable (v1.0.1)
Polyfill for the DateTimeImmutable class added in PHP 5.5.0
kris/laravel-form-builder (0.1.3, 1.1.3)
Laravel form builder - symfony like
cp/terms-bundle (1.0.2)
Symfony bundle to manage your app's terms of service
richardsjoqvist/silverstripe-blocks (1.2.4)
Blocks is a generic class which can be used to build small content blocks which can be associated globally or with a specific page.
komex/influence (v1.0.0)
Mocking any objects and classes
nerweb/laravel-tblist (v1.0.1)
laravel simple admin table listing
kphoen/sms-sender-bundle (1.3.0)
Integrates the SmsSender library in Symfony2 applications
saxulum/saxulum-http-client-interface (1.0.1)
Saxulum Http Client Interface
rohea/file-storage (0.1.1)
A file storage abstraction library for PHP5
smhg/date-timespan (v0.2.0)
Timespan classes
syringe/dependency-injection (1.5.5)
Butterfly. PHP Dependency Injection Component
butterfly/dependency-injection (1.5.5)
Butterfly. PHP Dependency Injection Component
idma/authority (v0.2)
opus-online/yii2-redactor (v1.2)
Extension redactor for Yii2 Framework. Forked from yiidoc/yii2-redactor
jeannedarc/laravel-scss (0.1)
scss compiler for laravel
vaidasm/teamcity-behat (0.1.0)
Behat 3.x formatter for teamcity
mvc5/framework (3.0.3)
MVC event management system with dependency injection and no bootstrap
mvc5/application (3.0.3)
Event Driven PHP MVC Application
pingpong/whoops (1.0.2)
With this package you can get the whoops errors style like the laravel's style in versions 4.0 and 4.1.