
Recent releases from the Packagist:

jgswift/kfiltr (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
PHP 5.5+ filtering pattern implementation

hatframework/hat-resource-js (v0.3.8)

hatframework/hat-resource-database (v0.5.1)

hatframework/hat-plugin-plugins (v0.2.3)

hatframework/hat-plugin-admin (v0.1.10)

hatframework/hatclasses (v0.2.14)
Core classes of hat-framework

hatframework/hat-dependences (v0.1.22)

emojione/emojione (v1.0.7)
Emoji One is a complete set of emojis designed for the web. It includes libraries to easily convert unicode characters to shortnames (:smile:) and shortnames to our custom emoji images. PNG and SVG formats provided for the emoji images.

heroku/heroku-buildpack-php (v43, v42, v41)
Toolkit for starting a PHP application locally, with or without foreman, using the same config for PHP/HHVM and Apache2/Nginx as on Heroku

jgswift/kenum (0.1.1)
PHP 5.5+ enumerator pattern implementation

rackem/rackem (0.4.11)
Rack for PHP

contao-community-alliance/url-builder (1.1)
General purpose URL builder and manipulator.

shutterstock/customerio-client (1.0.0)
PHP Client for Server-Side Customer.io Communication

alexpw/boris (v1.0.12)

jgswift/qtil (0.1.1)
PHP 5.5+ utility library

jgswift/detectr (0.1.1)
PHP 5.5+ complex event processor

dcarbone/soap-plus (0.6.1)
PHP SoapClient wrapper class

lob/lob-php (v1.2.2)
Lob.com API PHP wrapper.

trismegiste/mondrian (v1.3.1)
Mondrian is a set of static analysis and refactoring tools for more abstraction

waynestate/parse-promos (0.1.2)
Parse promotion arrays from the Wayne State University API

danphyxius/hashids (v1.3, v1.2)
Laravel package for Hashids

eecli/addon-templates (v1.0.0)
Templates for the eecli generate:addon command.

antoniputra/asmoyo (1.0.0-alpha)
CMS based laravel framework

burzum/cakephp-user-tools (1.0.0-alpha-1)
This plugin is a set of tools for user handling like registration, login, email verification, password reset and much more.

mmanos/laravel-casset (1.3.0)
An asset management package for Laravel 4.

seoshop/seoshop-php (1.3.0)
PHP client for the SEOshop API

heyday/silverstripe-cacheinclude (4.0.5)

heyday/silverstripe-cacheinclude-manager (0.1.5)
CacheInclude Manager

manovotny/wp-mailchimp-subscribe (1.0.0)
A MailChimp subscription widget for WordPress.

taxamo/taxamo-php (1.0.5)
Taxamo PHP Library

sb15/phalcon-ext (v0.0.3)
Phalcon ext

exorus/php-mime-mail-parser (1.5.0)
Fully Tested Mailparse Extension Wrapper for PHP 5.3+

c15k0/psfs (v0.5.1)
Php Simple Fast & Secure

togos/php-n2r (0.0.1)
Library (and stand-alone scripts) for handling /uri-res/N2R requests backed by a ccouch repository.

dts/ebay-sdk-shopping (0.3.0)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay Shopping API in your PHP projects.

dts/ebay-sdk-trading (0.7.0)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay Trading API in your PHP projects.

net_bazzline/zf_console_helper (1.0.1)
zend framework 2 console helper module

erdiko/core (0.8.9)
Enterprise Glue (Micro MVC Framework)

togos/base32 (1.0.0)
RFC3548 base32 encoder/decoder

mediasilo/phoenix-php-sdk (0.7.2)

jeroen-g/activity-logger (v1.0.3)
An activity logger for Laravel.

jeroen-g/laravel-pages (v1.0.2)
Simple pages package for Laravel 4.1

geoip2/geoip2 (v0.8.0)
MaxMind GeoIP2 PHP API

emartech/escher (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Library for HTTP request signing (PHP implementation)

maxmind-db/reader (v0.3.2)
MaxMind DB Reader API

maatwebsite/excel (v1.1.6)
An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in Laravel 4 with the power of PHPExcel

davejamesmiller/laravel-breadcrumbs (2.2.3)
A simple Laravel-style way to create breadcrumbs in Laravel 4.

pingpong/oembed (1.0.3, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Laravel 4 - Retrieve page info using oembed, opengraph, etc.

da/oauth-client-bundle (v1.1.1)
DaOAuthClientBundle is a Symfony2's bundle allowing to use an application as an oauth client

freekrai/jolt-barebones (v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
A Jolt Framework skeleton application for rapid development of Jolt apps

da/oauth-server-bundle (v1.1.1)
This is a prototype bundle

patricklouys/http (v1.0.2)
HTTP Component

autarky/framework (0.3.1, 0.3.0)
Autarky - PHP framework for self-sufficient developers

ellipsesynergie/api-response (0.6.1, 0.6.0)
Simple package to handle response properly in your API

kisma/kisma (0.2.62, 0.2.61, 0.2.60)
PHP Utility Belt

zfr/zfr-stripe (v2.0.4)
PHP library for interacting with the Stripe REST API

jeroen-g/laravel-photo-gallery (v1.2)
A photo gallery for Laravel 4

aboutyou/app-sdk (0.10.1)

apigen/apigen (v2.8.3)
PHP source code API generator

pingpong/trusty (1.0.2)
Roles and Permissions for Laravel 4

ifdattic/cipher-bundle (v1.0.0)
Add a cipher service for encrypting/decrypting values

arseniew/silex-idiorm-provider (v1.1.1)
Silex service provider for Idiorm

kureikain/bandwidth-alpaca (1.4.0)
Bandwidth API library client for PHP

payum/payum (0.11.0)
Domain friendly payment framework. Paypal, payex, authorize.net, be2bill, omnipay, recurring payments, instant notifications and many more

payum/authorize-net-aim (0.11.0)
Authorize.net advanced integration method (AIM).

payum/offline (0.11.0)
Offline Payments

payum/stripe (0.11.0)
Stripe payment lib

payum/klarna-checkout (0.11.0)
Klarna checkout

payum/omnipay-bridge (0.11.0)
This bridge allows you to use omnipay gateways but in payum like way.

payum/payex (0.11.0)
Payex payment lib

payum/paypal-ipn (0.11.0)
Paypal instant payment notification

payum/paypal-express-checkout-nvp (0.11.0)
Paypal express checkout

payum/be2bill (0.11.0)
Be2Bill payment lib

payum/paypal-pro-checkout-nvp (0.11.0)
Paypal pro checkout

payum/core (0.11.0)
Domain friendly payment framework. Paypal, payex, authorize.net, be2bill, omnipay, recurring payments, instant notifications and many more

payum/paypal-rest (0.11.0)
Paypal rest

payum/klarna-invoice (0.11.0)
Klarna Invoice

braintree/braintree_php (2.31.0)
Braintree PHP Client Library

rossriley/boltcomposer-singleroot (2.0)

echo-it/laravel-jsonapi (v1.2.6)

kitpages/data-grid-bundle (v2.2.0)
Symfony DataGridBundle

wikibase/serialization-javascript (1.1.3)
Wikibase datamodel serialization implementation in JavaScript

emagister/selenium-server (v2.43.0)
Composer distribution of Selenium Server Standalone, the browser automation framework.

sinergi/emailqueue (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
Email Queue powered by Gearman

anahkiasen/arrounded (0.1.0)
A set of self-aware Laravel abstracts that know their way around

kittinan/crypt-time-php (1.0.0)
CryptTime-PHP is a simple class to encrypt string with timeout. the encryption use AES128/PKCS7.

alphacomm/sms-api (v0.2.0)
Sending sms messages using php code.

walisph/assets (v0.1.1)
Assets Module for Walis Applications

buffus/skeleton (v0.6.1)
EXPERIMENTAL! The skeleton is a unfofficial pre-packaged Nette Framework project, basic configured structure for your application.

wikibase/data-model-javascript (0.3.3)
Wikibase datamodel implementation in JavaScript

yahnis-elsts/plugin-update-checker (v1.5)
A custom update checker for WordPress plugins. Useful if you can't host your plugin in the official WP plugin repository but still want it to support automatic plugin updates.

anchour/bedrock (1.3.12, 1.3.11)
A modern WordPress stack

joetannenbaum/climate (1.0.2)
PHP's best friend for the terminal. CLImate allows you to easily output colored text, special formats, and more.

datasift/stone (1.6.9, 1.6.8)
DataSift's in-house library for building QA tools

colon-b/dorm (0.1.2)
PHP ORM system

brokencube/automatorm (
Simple schema-led ORM, with no code generation required

potterywp/potter (v1.1.2)
Set of tools that help you make WordPress sites more easily.

earthit/php-project-utils (0.0.2)
Build utilities for PHP projects, in PHP.

spatie/laravel-blade (0.1.2)
Use the simple and yet powerful Laravel Blade templating engine as a standalone component.

phil/geolocation-bundle (0.2.2)
A Symfony2 Bundle to handle geographic location. Add geolocation to your entities. Add address entities. Add user geo location. Add doctrine functions for calculating geographical distances in your project.

phil/base-bundle (0.1.4)
HTML5 boilerplate in symfony2 with twig. Add security tools. Add Quality Tools.

matthiasnoback/symfony-config-test (v0.3.0)
Library for testing user classes related to the Symfony Config Component

tomk79/diffdir (0.1.0)
file system utility.

simplon/mysql (0.4.2)
Simplon MySQL Library

sergiuszm/php-amqplib (v2.4.3, v2.4.2, v2.4.1)
This library is a pure PHP implementation of the AMQP protocol. It's been tested against RabbitMQ.

data-values/value-view (0.7.0)
Provides JS widgets to edit values defined by the DataValues library

cargomedia/cm (1.70.3, 1.70.2)

seeruk/hal (v1.0.0)
PHP Implementation of the HAL Specification for PHP >= 5.5 and HHVM >= 3.2

nedwave/mollie-bundle (v1.0)
Nedwave Mollie Bundle

muntaner/hello (1.0.0)
It says hello, need I say more?

slashworks/ce-reference (0.1.1)
Content element to create references to news, faq, or events

fsi/resource-repository-bundle (v1.1.0)
Resource repository bundle

gitpajo/gmproject (2.0.2, 2.0.1)
Urceno pouze pro testovani a zavislosti

toby/toby (v0.2)
Put 'ol Toby in your pipe and smoke it. A micro web framework similar to Sinatra that makes PHP fun again.

wp-cli/php-cli-tools (v0.10.1)
Console utilities for PHP

asgard/behaviors (v0.1.1)

colon-b/mixer (0.1.6)
PHP Framework

romanpitak/dotmailer-api-v2-client (v1.0.5)
Client library for the dotMailer v2 (REST) API.

sergiuszm/rabbitmq-bundle (v1.5.2, v1.5.1)
Integrates php-amqplib with Symfony2 and RabbitMq

levitated/helpers (1.0.1)
Common helper functions we share across projects.

webignition/html-validator-wrapper (0.4.2)
Wrapper for command-line interaction with W3C HTML validator

uthando-cms/uthando-common (1.2.0)
Common class module for Uthando CMS

tomahawk/standard (1.0.0)
The "Tomahawk Standard" distribution

martin-kozianka/contao-imagefilter (0.1.3, 0.1.2)
Imagefilter for contao based on Intervention Image (https://github.com/Intervention/image)

webignition/html-document-link-checker (0.9.5, 0.9.4)
Check the links in a HTML document, find the working ones, find the broken ones, make happy people

eresults/unity-php-api (2.0.1)
eResults API Client for PHP

vgarvardt/zf-simple-migrations (0.1.0)
Module for database migrations management.

turnaev/dev-console-tool-bundle (v1.1.0)
Console tool bundle for Symfony 2.2+

betacie/mangopay-bundle (v0.2.2)
MangoPay Bundle

media-alchemyst/media-alchemyst (0.4.6)
An Object Oriented wrapper for easy multimedia conversion, based on Imagine, FFMpeg, SwfTools, Unoconv and other libs

dmishh/settings-bundle (1.0.4)
Database centric Symfony2 configuration management. Global and per-user settings supported. It just works.

fbf/laravel-solarium (v0.1.4)
Laravel Framework package for using Solarium

pingdevelopment/geonames-api-bundle (1.0.0)
Symfony bundle for Geonames API

quartz/quartz-guard-service-provider (v2.0.0, v1.0.0)
Quartz Guard service provider for the Silex microframwork.

quartz/quartz-form-validator (v2.0.0, v1.0.0)
Quartz Form validator.

quartz/quartz-service-provider (v2.0.0, v1.0.0)
Quartz service provider for the Silex microframwork.

hostnet/entity-tracker-bundle (1.0.0)
Wraps around the hostnet/entity-tracker-component and allows configuration of several listener components

qckanemoto/twig-message-service-provider (0.0.4)
Twig templated email builder service provider for the Silex microframework.

pingdevelopment/geonames-api (1.0.1)
Geonames API wrapper for PHP 5.3+

quartz/quartz (v2.0.0, v1.0.0)
Simple ORM

vakata/jstree (3.0.4)
jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees.

fdevs/static-page-bundle (1.0.0)
4devs StaticPageBundle

appsco/market-api (1.1.0-rc.2)

hostnet/entity-revision-component (1.0.0)
Listens to an event so revisions can be made

shanethehat/pretty-xml (1.0.1)
Library for pretty-printing XML

watson/testing (1.1.4)
Laravel controller and model testing helpers.

rossriley/boltcomposer-webroot (2.0)

ticketpark/expiring-url-bundle (0.3.1)
Create urls which expire after a certain period.

tomahawk/framework (1.0.0)
The Tomahawk PHP Framework.

psy/psysh (v0.2.0)
An interactive shell for modern PHP.

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