
Recent releases from the Packagist:

marcegarba/funccoll (0.4.0)
PHP functional collection library

crodas/service-provider (v0.1.24, v0.1.23, v0.1.22)
Little configuration manager and dependency injection

devosc/application (1.0.0)
Skeleton Application

devosc/framework (1.0.0)
MVC event management system with dependency injection and no bootstrap

heyday/silverstripe-cacheclear (0.1.0)
Fine grained and safe cache clearing

rydurham/sentinel (v1.4.19, v1.4.18, v1.4.17)
An implementation of the Sentry User Manager for Laravel.

ddelrio1986/ninja-service-layer (v2.3, v2.2)
A ZF2 module which allows the easy creation of a service layer using Doctrine2.

p3k/mf2-twitter-shim (0.1.1)

nlmdev/hoard (v0.1.4)
A PSR-compliant caching library for holding objects in nested pools with scripting ability.

burnbright/silverstripe-shop-dispatchit (1.0.1)
Integration with New Zealand Couriers DispatchIT system.

aequasi/screenshotr (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Creates screen shots from a video

invis1ble/scrollbox (0.3.1)
A lightweight jQuery custom scrollbar plugin, that triggers event when reached the defined point.

dmitrirussu/php-sepa-xml-generator (1.0.7)
Creates an XML file for a Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) Direct Debit Payment.

kedrigern/data-table (v0.9)
Manipulation with table organized collection of data (csv, excel). Contains functions for work with whole columns, rows, filtering etc.

indigophp/fuel-core (v1.0.3)
Fuel Core Extension

saitswebuwm/shibboleth (0.5.5)
Enable basic Shibboleth support for Laravel.

camelcased/postmark-inbound-laravel (0.2.0)
This is an Inbound Parser for Postmark meant to be used with Laravel.

dragonbe/vies (1.0.1)
European service to validate VAT numbers

olivemedia/php-image-resizer (1.1.3)
A simple image resizing library for PHP.

aws/aws-sdk-php (2.6.15)
AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project

dts/ebay-sdk (0.1.1)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay API in your PHP projects.

elnebuloso/flex-filter (1.1.0)
different filter, easy to use

authy/php (v2.1)
PHP client for Authy

zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin (1.0.4)
Apigility Admin module

guzzlehttp/guzzle (4.1.8)
Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library and framework for building RESTful web service clients

earthit/cmip-rest (0.0.50)
Collection-Modifiers-ID-Property REST framework

chippyash/matrix (1.2.7, 1.2.6)
PHP Matrix data structure support package

dcarbone/directory-iterator-plus (0.1.0)
A simple extension of the PHP DirectoryIterator class

php-mod/curl (1.1.5)
cURL class for PHP

curl/curl (1.1.5)
cURL class for PHP

petrgrishin/yii-widget (1.0.1)
Interface widget for Yii

anchour/bedrock (1.3.7)
A modern WordPress stack

scriptfusion/codecs (1.0.0)
A collection of codecs for encoding and decoding data.

mastercoin/mastercore-php (v0.1.1)
RPC wrapper for the JSON-RPC API interface of Master Core

data-values/value-view (0.6.10)
Provides JS widgets to edit values defined by the DataValues library

ixa/wordpress-core (3.9.2)
WordPress fork that works with Composer

m6w6/merry (v1.0.0)
Merry Configuration Container

simsite/project (v0.9.2)
SimSite Project Skeleton

jenssegers/agent (v2.1.2)
A user agent class for Laravel 4

wikibase/data-model-javascript (0.3.1)
Wikibase datamodel implementation in JavaScript

data-values/javascript (0.5.2)
DataValues implementation in Javascript

earlybirdmvp/foundry (v0.1.1, v0.2.0, v0.1)
A simple but powerful CRUD tool for Laravel

caouecs/sirtrevorjs (1.1.8)
Sir Trevor JS in Laravel 4 project

oro/crm-magento-embedded-contact-us (1.3.1)
OroCRM Package, Contact Us form for Magento

croxton/stash (v2.5.7)
Extended templating for ExpressionEngine

ydle/hub-bundle (0.5.38)
Ydle Main Bundle

ydle/user-bundle (0.5.1)
Ydle User Bundle

ydle/settings-bundle (0.5.7)
Ydle Settings Bundle

webignition/php-stripe-models (0.2.3, 0.2.2, 0.2.1)
Models for various Stripe entities

ydle/room-bundle (0.5.7)
Ydle Room Bundle

ydle/nodes-bundle (0.5.5)
Ydle Nodes Bundle

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-yii (1.5.9, 1.5.8, 1.5.7)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Yii Components Library

oro/crm (1.3.1)

lotus/almari (0.9.2)
Almari is a micro IoC framework which implement service locator and facade pattern

dg/php54-arrays (v1)
Command-line script to convert array() to PHP 5.4's short syntax []

mickgeek/yii2-daslider (1.0.0)
Content slider with delayed animations and background parallax effect.

oro/platform (1.3.1)
Business Application Platform (BAP)

akeneo/batch-bundle (0.2.5)
Akeneo Batch Bundle

laravel/installer (v1.1.2, v1.1.1, v1.1.0)
Laravel application installer.

grandt/phpzipmerge (1.0.2)
Merge and stream multiple Zip files on the fly.

d9magai/php-ec2-metadata (1.0.3)
This tool is a rewrite of the EC2 Instance Metadata API for PHP.

beelab/tag-bundle (v1.0.7)
Provide tags for Doctrine entities

stubbles/input (v3.2.0)
Stubbles Input enables to handle input data via validation and filtering.

wangaz/contao-content-memory (1.0.3)
A memory-like content element for the frontend

heroku/heroku-buildpack-php (v37)
Toolkit for starting a PHP application locally, with or without foreman, using the same config for PHP/HHVM and Apache2/Nginx as on Heroku

dsl-platform/client (v0.1.0)
DSL platform PHP client library

berg/authorizer (1.0.0)
A package for interacting basic ACL/role feature in Laravel

distortedfusion/gravatar (1.1.0)
Helper package for creating Gravatar url's and image tags.

ocramius/instantiator (1.1.2)
A small, lightweight utility to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors

usm4n/guardian (1.0)
Role Based Access Control Package For Laravel With Backend Interface

appointedd/appointedd-php (0.0.6)

aop-io/patchwork-interceptor (v0.1)
R&D: AOP with the `antecedent/patchwork` package (stream wrapper), PHP code interceptor for AOP.io (php-aop).

doctrine/instantiator (1.0.1)
A small, lightweight utility to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors

gpupo/pipe2 (v0.4)
Convert Google Shopping XML format to XMLPipe2 format

mad-tools/environment-provider (1.2.0)
PHP Environment with Config

ondrs/hi (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Czech names and surnames greeting generator API PHP wrapper

elcodi/elcodi (v0.2.3)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony

elcodi/core-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Core component

rollerworks/user (v0.1.0)
Framework agnostic user system

ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (
Domain model for the OPG Core project

morphatic/qualtrics (1.0.1-beta)
Provides access to the Qualtrics API in Laravel 4

elcodi/test-common-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Test Common component

piwik/piwik (2.5.0-rc3)
the leading free/libre analytics platform

mmanos/laravel-search (v0.1.2)
A search package for Laravel 4.

elcodi/cart-coupon-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Cart-Coupon bridge component

elcodi/coupon-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Coupon component

elcodi/currency-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Currency component

elcodi/geo-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Geo component

elcodi/language-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Language component

elcodi/media-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Media component

elcodi/menu-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Menu component

elcodi/newsletter-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Newsletter component

elcodi/product-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Product component

elcodi/referral-program-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi ReferralProgram component

elcodi/rule-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Rule component

elcodi/user-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi User component

elcodi/attribute-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Attribute component

elcodi/banner-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Banner component

elcodi/cart-bundle (v0.2.3)
Elcodi Cart component

hostnet/entity-tracker-bundle (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Wraps around the hostnet/entity-tracker-component and allows configuration of several listener components

vi-kon/laravel-smarty-view (v1.0.14)
Smarty template engine for Laravel 4

algorit/synchronizer (v0.2.3)
PHP api/database synchronizer

hatframework/hat-resource-upload (v0.2.5, v0.2.4, v0.2.1, v0.2.2, v0.2.3)

brieucthomas/ergast-client (v1.0.1)
PHP Client for Ergast API

hatframework/hat-resource-charts (v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-sms (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-slider (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-server (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-pdf (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-pagamento (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-mobile (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-menu (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-js (v0.2.2, v0.2.1)

hatframework/hat-resource-jqueryui (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-html (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-grid (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-galerias (v0.2.2, v0.2.1)

hatframework/hat-resource-formulario (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-files (v0.2.1, v0.2.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-email (v0.2.1)

hatframework/hat-resource-boleto (v0.2.1)

hatframework/hat-resource-api (v0.2.1, v0.1.15, v0.1.14, v0.1.12, v0.1.13)
Resource package integration with aws amazon services

kunstmaan/media-bundle (v2.3.18)
To build your perfect website you probably need images, video's or maybe even a presentation too. The Kunstmaan Media Bundle handles all those media assets and centralizes them so you can find your content just the way you like it: fast and efficiently. No central asset management module is useful without some pretty advanced image editing functionality. To provide this we have integrated the Aviary image editing service right from the interface.

walisph/walis-assets (v0.1.0)
Assets commands for Walis Applications

gajus/puss (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
The Facebook SDK for PHP provides an interface to the Graph API.

akeneo/pim-community-standard (v1.2.0-RC3)
The "Akeneo Community Standard Edition" distribution

stubbles/date (v5.0.0)
Simplified handling of dates and datespans.

jwhennessey/phpinsight (v2.0.4)
Sentiment analysis tool for PHP

mailingreport/mailingreport-php (2.0.3)
Official MailingReport library for PHP

slaxweb/ci-basecontroller (
BaseController for CodeIgniter

webcms2/webcms2 (v0.5.6)
WebCMS2 content management system for Nette framework. This package contains system libraries and admin module.

besimple/soap (v0.2.4)
Build and consume SOAP and WSDL based web services

besimple/soap-bundle (v0.2.4)
Build and consume SOAP and WSDL based web services with Symfony2

besimple/soap-client (v0.2.4)
Build and consume SOAP Client based web services

besimple/soap-wsdl (v0.2.4)
Build and consume SOAP Common based web services

flexpress/framework (v1.0.0)
Framework for WordPress

besimple/soap-common (v0.2.4)
Build and consume SOAP Common based web services

doctrine/phpcr-odm (1.2.0-RC2)
Object-Document-Mapper for PHPCR

srio/rest-upload-bundle (2.0.3)
Handle multiple rest upload ways

nickcv/yii2-mandrill (1.0)
Mandrill Api Integration for Yii2

d9magai/phparchive (0.0.1)

saman/leanmodel (1.0.4)
LeanMapper enchanced base classes + Nette extension.

besimple/soap-server (v0.2.4)
Build and consume SOAP Server based web services

elepunk/oven (v1.2.0)
Files or directories scaffold tool

foxted/permissions (1.2)
Tiny Laravel 4 package for handling user roles and permissions based on the work of mrterryh/permissions

efficiently/larasset (0.9.0)
Larasset is a library for Laravel 4+ which manage assets in an easy way.

khusamov/extjs (4.2.1)
?'иблиотека Sencha Ext JS ве?'сии 4.2.1

foxted/breadcrumb (1.0)
Small package to generate breadcrumbs easily in your Laravel app

fm/sso-bundle (v0.1.1)
Single-sign-on bundle for Symfony2

rezzza/jobflow (v0.4)
Makes batch job creation easier

camspiers/silverstripe-fixturegenerator (0.1.7)
Allows the generation of SilverStripe unit test fixtures from existing DataObjects either programatically created or from the database

test-db-acle/test-db-acle (0.7.2)
Framework for very lightweight setting up of database test data for unit tests

ajgl/doctrine-dbal-pgsql-types (0.1.2)
Custom PostgreSQL types

siezi/phile-markdown-editor (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Online Markdown editor for Phile

appsco/appsco-php-client (1.0.0-rc.1)

efficiently/jquery-laravel (1.0.1)
This package provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Laravel 4+ application.

d9magai/packagisttest (0.0.1)

nicofuma/webprofiler (1.0.0-RC1)
An extension for phpBB which allows you to consult the information generated by the profiler in the debug mode.

hanneskod/classtools (1.0.0-beta2)
Find, extract and process classes from file system

nicofuma/debugtools (1.0.0-b1)
Additional debug tools for phpBB.

sahanh/simpledto (1.0)
Simple DTO object to move data

marwelln/basset (v4.0.5)
Easy asset management for Laravel 4.

sdebacker/typicms (1.4.5, 1.4.4)
Multilingual CMS build with Laravel 4.2

flexpress/component-search (v1.0.0)
WordPress search manager

doguya/access (v2.2.0)
A simplified ACL

kisma/kisma (0.2.55, 0.2.54)
PHP Utility Belt

m6web/statsd-bundle (v2.4.2)
bundle permettant d'utiliser Statsd

m8rge/curl-helper (v1.4.0)
This helper allows easy perform GET, POST queries with curl php extension.

dreamfactory/dsp-core (1.7.5, 1.7.4, 1.7.3)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Core

duncan3dc/fork-helper (1.1.0)
Simple class to fork processes in PHP and allow multi-threading

rcrowe/twigbridge (0.6.0)
Adds the power of Twig to Laravel

nwidart/db-exporter (1.0)
Export your database quickly and easily as a Laravel Migration and all the data as a Seeder class.

j5lx/configstore (v0.1.1)
Easily load and persist config without having to think about where and how. Port of the Node.js module found at https://github.com/yeoman/configstore.

sulu/tag-bundle (0.6.0, 0.6)
The Sulu Bundle for managing tags

sulu/content-bundle (0.6.0, 0.6)
The bundle responsible for content management in Sulu

fkooman/php-lib-json (0.4.0)
PHP library to encode and decode JSON

fkooman/json (0.4.0)
PHP library to encode and decode JSON

bluzphp/skeleton (0.4.4)
Skeleton for Bluz, a lightweight PHP framework

sulu/contact-bundle (0.6.0)
The sulu bundle for managing contacts

eliminate/session (v2.0.1)
Add Session Data Serializer Support.

terminal42/contao-avatar (1.0.2)
Avatar extension for Contao Open Source CMS

sulu/website-bundle (0.6.0)
This sulu bundle is responsible for the websites administrated by Sulu

sulu/test-bundle (0.6.0)
Test Bundle for the Sulu CMF

hyperion/dbal (0.0.5-beta)
Hyperion DBAL and API client

sulu/security-bundle (0.6.0)
Security Bundle for the Sulu CMS

sulu/category-bundle (0.3.0)
Adds category functionality to sulu

sulu/location-bundle (0.1.0)

sulu/media-bundle (0.3.0)
The sulu bundle for managing media

sulu/sulu (0.6.0)
Symfony bundle that provides basic core functionality

sulu/admin-bundle (0.6.0)
Symfony bundle that provides administration functionality

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-platform (1.7.8, 1.7.7, 1.7.6, 1.7.5)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Components Library/SDK for PHP

lucatume/wp-routing (2.0.2)
An attempt at Laravel-like routing in WordPress

bravo3/bakery (0.0.13-beta, 0.0.12-beta)
SSH remote server bakery

dreamfactory/service-oauth (0.4.13, 0.4.12)
DreamFactory Oasys(tm) Open Authentication System

dreamfactory/oasys (0.4.13, 0.4.12)
DreamFactory Oasys(tm) Open Authentication System

j5lx/debouncer (v0.1)
A debouncer implementation for PHP.

Show more