
Recent releases from the Packagist:

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-yii (1.5.6, 1.5.5, 1.5.4, 1.5.3)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Yii Components Library

jlem/forms (v0.1.0)

moolex/nsqphp (v0.1)
PHP client for NSQ

xj/yii2-rsa (1.0.0)

hatframework/hat-resource-api (v0.1.1)
Resource package integration with aws amazon services

redux-framework/redux-framework (3.3.6)
Redux is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins.

expressodev/laravel-codeigniter-db (1.0.3)
Integration layer allowing use of the Laravel database library in CodeIgniter applications

hatframework/hat-resource-sms (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-upload (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-server (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-slider (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-pdf (v0.1.2, v0.1.1)

hatframework/hat-resource-mobile (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-pagamento (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-menu (v0.1.2, v0.1.1)

hatframework/hat-resource-js (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-jqueryui (v0.1.2, v0.1.1)

hatframework/hat-resource-html (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-grid (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-galerias (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-formulario (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-email (v0.1.2, v0.1.1)

hatframework/hat-resource-files (v0.1.1, v0.1.2)

hatframework/hat-resource-curl (v0.1.1)

speedy-php/framework (v0.0.1)
SpeedyPHP Framework

j5lx/configstore (v0.1)
Easily load and persist config without having to think about where and how. Port of the Node.js module found at https://github.com/yeoman/configstore.

contao/core (3.3.2, 3.3.4, 3.2.13)
Contao Open Source CMS

venturecraft/revisionable (1.11.0)
Keep a revision history for your models without thinking, created as a package for use with Laravel 4

hyperion/dbal (0.0.4-beta)
Hyperion DBAL and API client

duellsy/pockpack (v2.5.0)
Package to handle communication with GetPocket.com API neatly.

zelenin/yii2-selectric-widget (0.0.1)
Yii2 Selectric widget. jQuery plugin for easy manipulation and customization of HTML selects

hshn/security-voter-extra-bundle (v0.1.1)
Symfony HshnSecurityVoterExtraBundle

laravel/meta (v1.0)
A package to manage Header Meta Tags

roots/soil (3.0.1)
Clean up WordPress markup, relative URLs, nice search

dreamfactory/dsp-core (1.7.2, 1.7.1)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Core

block_io-php/block_io-php (0.2)
Block.io is the easiest way to create wallets, send, and accept payments through Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin. This is its PHP library.

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-platform (1.7.4, 1.7.3, 1.7.2)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Components Library/SDK for PHP

hanneskod/classtools (1.0.0-beta1)
Find, extract and process classes from file system

jandlouhy/tabletools (0.6, 0.5, 0.4)
Addon for making work with tables easier

p16/paypal-rest-api-client (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
PHP Library for accessing PayPal Rest API.

hatframework/hatclasses (v0.1.8, v0.1.7, v0.1.6, v0.1.4, v0.1.5, v0.1.3, v0.1.2, v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Core classes of hat-framework

bldr-io/bldr (6.3.3)
Simple Build System / Task Runner

dvdoug/boxpacker (1.4.1)
An implementation of the 3D bin packing/knapsack problem (aka creating parcels by putting items into boxes)

components/jqueryui (1.11.1)
jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you're building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is the perfect choice.

chippyash/math-type-calculator (1.1.2)
Calculators for the chippyash/strong-type numeric types

indigophp/fuel-core (v1.0.2)
Fuel Core Extension

piwik/piwik (2.5.0-rc2, 2.5.0-rc1)
the leading free/libre analytics platform

kunstmaan/live-reload-bundle (v2.3.6)
The KunstmaanLiveReloadBundle injects the livereload script from grunt-contrib-watch into your html page.

uestla/twigrid (4.0.7)
Experimental DataGrid for Nette Framework

anchour/bedrock (1.3.6)
A modern WordPress stack

elmijo/php-error-log (1.0)
Una pequeña libreria para manejar los logs de tu aplicación de forma simple.. rapida.. y directa!!

vlucas/spot2 (v2.0.6)
Simple DataMapper built on top of Doctrine DBAL

chippyash/logic-matrix (1.0.5)
PHP Logical Matrix package

henderjon/chevron-kernel (v0.3.1)
a subset of tools for application development

trntv/yii2-starter-kit (1.1.3)
Yii 2 Starter Kit Application Template

freekrai/jolt-skeleton (v1.0.7, v1.0.6, v1.0.5, v1.0.4, v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0)
A Jolt Framework skeleton application for rapid development of Jolt apps

zfcampus/zf-apigility-skeleton (1.0.4)
Skeleton Application for Apigility

zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin (1.0.3)
Apigility Admin module

restgalleries/restgalleries (0.5.2)
Is an API Client interface for interact with restful image services like Flickr through CRUD methods.

chippyash/matrix (1.2.5)
PHP Matrix data structure support package

nedwave/google-bundle (v1.1, v1.0)
Nedwave Google Bundle use with Nedwave UserBundle

nedwave/facebook-bundle (v1.2.2, v1.2.1)
Nedwave Facebook Bundle use with Nedwave UserBundle

geekwright/xvpu (v1.0.2)
XOOPS Visual PHPunit

barryvdh/laravel-dompdf (v0.4.5)
A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel

temafey/phalcon-extjs (v0.7.5)
Extjs cms platform based on Phalcon framework

heroku/heroku-buildpack-php (v36)
Toolkit for starting a PHP application locally, with or without foreman, using the same config for PHP/HHVM and Apache2/Nginx as on Heroku

jyxo/php (v1.0.1)
Jyxo PHP Library

doctrine/phpcr-bundle (1.1.1)
Symfony DoctrinePHPCRBundle

data-values/value-view (0.6.9)
Provides JS widgets to edit values defined by the DataValues library

socialh4ck/facebooksdk (1.0)

lucatume/wp-utils (2.1.7, 2.1.6, 2.1.5, 2.1.4, 2.1.3)
WordPress utility classes.

flexpress/component-controller (v1.0.0)
Controller component for WordPress

techdivision/messagequeueprotocol (0.2.3, 0.2.2)
Implements the native Message-Queue protocol.

tippingcanoe/imager (2.0.6)
Image attachment and management for your Eloquent models!

techdivision/messagequeueclient (0.6.2)
Client to connect to a PHP ApplicationServer based message queue.

virtphp/virtphp (v0.5.1-alpha)
virtPHP is a tool to create isolated PHP environments.

aporat/store-receipt-validator (1.0.5, 1.0.4)
PHP library that can be used to validate base64 encoded iTunes in app purchase receipts.

techdivision/websocketprotocol (0.2.2)
Provides a web socket connection handler.

perchten/neat_html (1.4.0, 1.3.0, 1.2.0)
Pretty-print PHP objects and arrays in html.

flexpress/component-menu (v1.0.0)
Menus for WordPress

balloon/elephant.io (v3.0.0-beta2)
Send events to a websocket real time engine though PHP

wisembly/elephant.io (v3.0.0-beta2)
Send events to a websocket real time engine though PHP

flexpress/component-orm (v1.0.0)
ORM system WordPress

nekman/synchronized (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Synchronization for PHP

theodenhollander/docdatapayments (3.1.0)
PHP Docdata Payments is a (wrapper)class to communicate with Docdata Payments.

kingsquare/php-mt940 (0.4)
Simple MT940 parser in PHP

flexpress/component-image-size (v1.0.0)
Image sizes helper for forWordPress

zol/fixed-column-width-parser (0.1.2)
Parse fixed column width files according to given schema

phpoffice/phpproject (0.2.0)
PHPProject - Read, Create and Write Project Management documents in PHP

davidyell/css-safe-slug (0.1.1)
Converts a slug into a safe to use css class

flexpress/component-layout (v1.0.0)
Layouts system using ACF for WordPress

nedwave/user-bundle (v2.3)
User management for Symfony2. Compatible with Doctrine ORM

lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle (v1.0.4)
This bundle provides JWT authentication for your Symfony2 REST API

efficiently/authority-controller (1.2.3)
AuthorityController is an PHP authorization library for Laravel 4 which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access.

flexpress/component-theme (v1.0.0)
Base theme for WordPress

filicious/core (1.0-alpha1)
filicious is a high level object oriented filesystem abstraction for PHP.

flexpress/component-taxonomy (v1.0.0)
Taxonomy helper for WordPress

mudasobwa/markright (0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1.1)
Least screwed up by marks text markup parser

atomita/backlog-v2 (v0.0.1)
this is backlog api v2 library

flexpress/component-shortcode (v1.0.0)
Shortcode helper for WordPress

flexpress/component-routing (v1.0.0)
Routes system for WordPress

felixpfeiffer/contao-downloadarchive (3.0.1, 3.0.0, 1.0.0)
Define downloadarchives with permission for users to download single files.

flexpress/component-post-type (v1.0.0)
Post type helper for WordPress

five-say/laravel-route-group (v1.1.0)

adamlundrigan/ldc-user-profile (1.1.2)
User profile extension for ZfcUser

julianxhokaxhiu/customer-navigation-system (0.0.3)
A simple customer click-next image viewer

codedazur/social (V0.1.53, V0.1.52)

neilime/zf2-assets-bundle (3.4.1)
Zend Framework 2 module that provides assets bundling / caching

pragmarx/support (v0.2.9)
PragmaRX components support package

m6web/statsd (v1.1.1)
Component easing the statsd usage

bencavens/core (0.2.1)
Laravel bootstrap classes for common application base functionality

markguinn/silverstripe-fb-like-button (1.0.1)
Super simple Silverstripe extension to add Facebook like buttons to pages.

ibrows/translation-helper-bundle (1.3.1, 1.3.0)
Symfony Translation Helper Bundle

hostnet/entity-revision-component (0.0.2)
Listens to an event so revisions can be made

hostnet/entity-blamable-component (0.0.2)
Listens to an event so auditable information can be set

flexpress/component-hooks (v1.0.0)
Hook system helper for WordPress

skrz/templating-engine (v0.1.0)
Like Smarty, but faster

hostnet/entity-mutation-component (0.0.2)
Listens to an event so mutations can be made

forepoint/wp-component-controller (v1.0.0)
Controller component for WordPress

alexisducastel/clouderaapiphp (1.0.0)
Cloudera Api PHP client

themosis/theme (0.9.6)
The Themosis framework theme.

massive/build-bundle (0.1)
Massive Art Build Bundle

themosis/themosis (0.9.6)
The Themosis framework. A framework for WordPress developers.

themosis/framework (0.9.6)
The Themosis framework.

nette/nette (v2.2.3-RC)
Nette Framework - innovative framework for fast and easy development of secured web applications in PHP. Write less, have cleaner code and your work will bring you joy.

dbellettini/eventstore-client (v0.2.0-alpha)
EventStore client for PHP

akeneo/custom-entity-bundle (V1.3.0-alpha1)
Akeneo PIM Custom entity bundle

kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput (v2.1.0)
An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features.

beelab/tag-bundle (v1.0.6, v1.0.5)
Provide tags for Doctrine entities

kozz/mongodb-session-handler (1.0.0)
MongoDB Session Handler

flexpress/component-templating (v1.0.0)
Advanced Custom Fields helper for WordPress

doctrine/instantiator (1.0.0)
A small, lightweight utility to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors

bfolliot/dependencies-injector (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
Dependencies injector class

akeneo/excel-connector-bundle (v1.3.0-alpha1)
Akeneo PIM Excel connector bundle

uthando-cms/uthando-twitter (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Twitter module for Uthando CMS

vegas-cmf/exporter (v1.0.0)
Vegas CMF Exporter

bfolliot/common (0.1.0)
package of my useful classes

akeneo/measure-bundle (0.2.1)
Akeneo Measure Bundle

flexpress/component-acf (v1.0.0)
Advanced Custom Fields helper for WordPress

hat-framework/hat-classes (v0.1.0)
Core classes of hat-framework

authbucket/push (0.0.1)
Push notifications for mobile devices based on the Symfony Components

saman/leanmodel (1.0.3)
LeanMapper enchanced base classes + Nette extension.

banago/bridge (v1.0.6)
A PHP class to transfer data using different protocols (sftp, ftp, http, etc). Utilizes PHPs ssh2, ftp and curl functions if available.

astina/tradedoubler-bundle (1.2.4)
Symfony 2 bundle for Tradedoubler integration

paymill/paymill (v3.1.1)
Paymill PHPLib

maxakawizard/po-parser (1.0.3)
Gettext *.po parser for PHP

techdivision/persistencecontainerprotocol (0.2.2)
Implements the native Persistence-Container protocol.

vegas-cmf/filesystem (v1.0.0)
Vegas CMF Filesystem Manager

openbuildings/purchases (0.5.30)
Multi Store Purchases

purplespider/basic-galleries (0.2.2, 0.2.0)
Basic Photo Gallery functionality

authbucket/oauth2 (2.0.6)
The standard compliant OAuth2.0 library based on the Symfony Components

allure-framework/allure-phpunit (1.1.2)
A PHPUnit adapter for Allure report.

fastpay/fastpay-php (v1.1.0)
FastPay SDK for PHP

vgrdominik/elasticsearch-bundle (v0.1.6)
Elasticsearch management for Symfony2 applications. Manager, entities and repositories.

danmichaelo/ncip (v0.2.3, v0.2.2)
Basic NCIP library

theseer/autoload (1.15.1)
A tool and library to generate autoload code.

distortedfusion/gravatar (1.0.0)
Helper package for creating Gravatar url's and image tags.

zerophp/solr (0.0.1)
Solr search bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/sitemap (0.0.1)
Sitemap bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/shop (0.0.1)
Shop bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/profile (0.0.1)
Profile bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/metadata (0.0.1)
Metadata bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/message (0.0.1)
Personal Message bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/location (0.0.1)
Location bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/favorite (0.0.1)
Favorite bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/cycle2-gallery (0.0.1)
Cycle2 Gallery bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/cycle2 (0.0.1)
Cycle2 bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/contact (0.0.1)
Contact bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/comment (0.0.1)
Comment bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/category (0.0.1)
Category bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/breadcrumb (0.0.1)
Breadcrumb bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

zerophp/article (0.0.1)
Article bundle for ZeroPHP CMS

funkardotnu/cacheableparsequery (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Adds caching to Parse PHP SDK

simsite/project (v0.9.1)
SimSite Project Skeleton

zerophp/zerophp (0.0.1)
A Laravel 4 Based CMS Built With Entity

elliotchance/concise (v1.2.2)
Concise is test framework for using plain English and minimal code, built on PHPUnit.

flexpress/framework (v0.1)
Framework for WordPress

mc/apidocs (v1.0)

yutin1987/json-schema (2.0.0)
A library to validate a json schema.

vegas-cmf/faker (v1.0.0)
Vegas CMF Fake Data Generator

sonata-project/seo-bundle (1.1.8)
Symfony SonataSeoBundle

nwidart/db-exporter (0.9)
Export your database quickly and easily as a Laravel Migration and all the data as a Seeder class.

duncan3dc/sql-class (1.4.0)
A group of classes that provide a simple database abstraction layer, and an on disk caching facility

vegas-cmf/media (v1.0.0)
Vegas CMF Media Library

bpez/infuse (3.2.0)
Infuse is a laravel admin package for generating administration style interfaces

artdarek/gravatarer (1.0.1)
Gravatar for Laravel 4.

bariew/yii2-imperavi-redactor (1.0.0-alpha)
Imperavi Redactor WYSIWYG widget (OEM-licensed for Yii 2)

doguya/access (2.1.1, v2.1.0)
A simplified ACL

kf/kf (0.1.0, 0.0.9, 0.0.8)
KF PHP Framework

darthsteven/drush-remake (1.0.0)
Helps to re-run Drush make for install profiles.

samwilson/kohana_webdb (5.0.0)
A database user-interface system (? la phpMyAdmin, but without the administrative capabilities, and suitable for non-technical users) built on the Kohana framework.

nemesis1988/stomp (1.0.6)
STOMP bindings for React.

respinar/carpet (v0.1.0)
Carpet catalog module for Contao

samwilson/kohana_webdb_erd (2.0.0)
A module for WebDB, for producing Graphviz-rendered Entity Relationship Diagrams

bldr-io/gush-block (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
Bldr Block for working with GushPHP

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