
Recent releases from the Packagist:

lukaswilkeer/silex-silicon (v0.4)
A pre-configured skeleton for the Silex microframework

regulus/fractal (v0.5.0)
A simple, versatile CMS base for Laravel 4.

concisecss/concise.css-less (v1.1.0)
A lightweight front-end framework that provides functionality without the bloat.

concisecss/concise.css (v1.1.0)
A lightweight front-end framework that provides functionality without the bloat.

voceconnect/wp-contextual-help (0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
WordPress plugin that allows a developer to easily extend the contextual help dropdown content area in WordPress

unclecheese/eventcalendar (1.0.8)
Event Calendar for the SilverStripe CMS

jwage/purl (v0.0.5)
URL Manipulation for PHP 5.3

tyler-sommer/nice (0.8.3)
A nice PHP microframework

rdlowrey/after (v0.1.0)
Simple PHP concurrency primitives

ciims-themes/default (3.0.6)
The default theme that comes with CiiMS

moo/flashcardadmin-bundle (1.0.1)
Symfony bundle that provides admin classes that be used with SonataAdminBundle.

moo/flashcard-bundle (1.0.1)
Symfony bundle that provides a simple flash card system with REST API.

benkeen/generatedata (3.1.3)
Free, GNU-licensed, random custom data generator for testing software

vend/doxport (2.0.0-alpha)
Doctrine relational walk export/delete tool

vend/chunky (0.0.1)
A constant-time, variable-workload chunking tool with Doctrine2 integration

huynguyen/mvc (
Framework pho

neolao/music-playlist-generator (1.2.1, 1.2.0)
Playlist generator

azt3k/non-destructive-archive-installer (0.2.2)
A composer installer type that allows you to unpack archives to a specific location in a non destructive way - it is very useful when some packages need to be installed inside another package folder - e.g. drupal and modules

bosnadev/users (0.0.1)

mysqldump-factory/mysqldump-factory (1.8.0)
Fully tested, mysqldump factory for PHP 5.2.17, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5

joefallon/kisstest (v1.1.0)
KissTest is a gorgeous and fast unit testing framework for PHP that does not require use of the command line.

prelude/prelude-database (0.0.3)
A Database-Agnostic set of Abstractions built on top of PDO

bosnadev/foundation (v0.0.1)

silverstripe/selectupload (1.0.1)
Enables files to be uploaded into a user-designated folder

berg/ldap (0.3.0)
A package for quickly setting up LDAP authentication

spirit-dev/oauth2-client-bundle (0.3)
Symfony OAuth2 Bundle client side

mediawiki/semantic-media-wiki (2.0-RC2, 2.0-RC1)
MediaWiki extension that lets you store and query structured data within wiki pages

form-manager/form-manager (v3.6.1)
PHP-HTML form manager

maxxscho/laravel-markdown-plus (0.2)
A simple Laravel Markdown Parser with an optional meta section in the .md file

spomky-labs/otphp (v3.0.1-stable, v2.0.2-stable)
PHP OTP Library compatible with Google Authenticator

yrizos/bucket (0.2.0, 0.2.1)
A set of basic containers, and a more complicated one with onSet and onGet hooks.

codeception/codeception (2.0.3)
BDD-style testing framework

markette/gopay (v2.0.0-RC1)
Integrace platebního systému Gopay pro Nette Framework.

nextras/forms (v1.4.1-RC2, v1.4.1-RC1)
Extra form components for Nette Framework.

njasm/container (1.1.0)
Dependency Container for PHP

snappy/php-sdk (v1.0.1)
PHP SDK for the BeSnappy.com

berg/authorizer (0.9.4, 0.9.3, 0.9.2, 0.9, 0.9.1)
A package for interacting basic ACL/role feature in Laravel

symm/gisconverter (v1.0.4, v1.0.3)
A php library to convert vector geometries between different formats

mikey179/vfsStream (v1.3.0)

ebussola/ads-reports-adwords (1.3.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.1)
Ads Reports for Adwords

hellogerard/jobby (v2.0.7)
Manage all your cron jobs without modifying crontab. Handles locking, logging, error emails, and more.

bugbuster/contao_grid_16_columns (3.2.1)
Adds a responsive 16-column pixel/percental grid with 1120px/1140px in the layout css-framework.

themosis/theme (0.9.3)
The Themosis framework theme.

payum/payum (0.9.3)
Domain friendly payment framework. Paypal, payex, authorize.net, be2bill, omnipay, recurring paymens, instant notifications and many more

c33s/attachment-bundle (v0.3.4)
Attach files to any (Propel) object using Symfony2

mamuz/mamuz-content-manager (0.1.2)
Provides simple content manager for ZF2 with Doctrine

mamuz/mamuz-contact (0.1.1)
Provides simple contact form rendered by twitter-bootstrap view helper for ZF2 with Doctrine

lavender/lavender (v0.5.3)
jade-esque templates for PHP 5.3

mamuz/mamuz-blog (0.2.1)
Provides simple product owner blog feature for ZF2 with Doctrine

ebussola/adwords-reports (1.3.0, 1.2.3)
Adwords Reports

wegnermedia/event-manager (1.0.0)
Simple Event Manager Tool for Laravel

ugosansh/appclient-bundle (v1.1.0)
Symfony2 Bundle from application managment service

mcrumm/vindinium-hacklang (v0.2.1)
Vindinium in (mostly) hack-strict

dizda/cloud-backup-bundle (1.5.2)
Be able to backup your database(s) and upload it to the cloud (Dropbox, CloudApp, GoogleDrive, etc.)

slider23/laravel-modulator (v1.1.4)
Artisan-generator for easy creating module in your Laravel namespace-based application.

themosis/plugin (0.9.3)
The Themosis framework plugin.

mediawiki/semantic-extra-special-properties (1.2.1)
Provides extra special properties for Semantic MediaWiki

conekta/conekta-php (v1.9.8)
PHP Library

condenast/pangea (1.7.008)

pomo/pomo (v1.2.3)
Gettext library to translate with I18n

jeremykendall/php-domain-parser (1.4.4, 1.4.3, 1.4.2, 1.4.1)
Public Suffix List based URL parsing implemented in PHP.

ac/web-services-bundle (0.3.10)
Provides tools for developing RESTful APIs.

voceconnect/voce-seo (0.3.9)

wegnermedia/commander (1.0.0)
Simple Command Handler Support

league/flysystem (0.5.2)
Filesystem abstraction, but easy.

anh/content-block-bundle (v0.1.6, v0.1.5, v0.1.4)
Content block bundle

prooph/prooph-event-store-module (0.2.0)
ZF2 module that provides default functionality to use ProophEventStore in a ZF2 application

anh/content-bundle (v2.0.1)
Content bundle

anh/tied-content-bundle (v2.0.1, v2.0.0)
Tied content bundle

anh/doctrine-resource-bundle (v0.2.1)
Symfony integration for anh/doctrine-extensions-resource library.

thomaswelton/laravel-gravatar (0.1.0)
Laravel 4 Gravatar helper

nelmio/cors-bundle (1.3.1)
Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Symfony2 application

prooph/crud-bridge (0.1.4)
Generic bridge to handle CRUD entities with CQRS and ES

wegnermedia/presenter (1.0.0, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)

1001pharmacies/dictionary (v0.2)
A PHP library to manipulate Dictionary datastructure

wegnermedia/informer (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0, 0.1.0)

kitpages/data-grid-bundle (v2.1.0)
Symfony DataGridBundle

skullyframework/skully (v0.1.5, v0.1.4)
Simple framework by trio digital agency.

m6web/wsclient-bundle (v4.1.1)
Simple webservices client to call external urls

rauwekost/schedule-bundle (0.4.0)
Symfony2 scheduler for commands

composer/installers (v1.0.16)
A multi-framework Composer library installer

pragmarx/tracker (v0.6.0)
A Laravel 4.1+ Visitor Tracker

kedrigern/data-table (v0.7)
Manipulation with table organized collection of data.

umisoft/phpmorphy (1.0.1)
phpMorphy - morphological analyzer library for Russisan, English and German languages

anh/doctrine-extensions-resource (v0.4.2)
Doctrine extension for managing resources

ludo237/hashids (v1.1)
Laravel package for Hashids

icedevelopment/mysql-workbench-schema-exporter (v1.0.4)
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter

opendi/lang (0.3.2)
PHP Language extensions

phiber/phiber (v0.7.0)
PHP's easy MVC

jimbojsb/simple-asset (v0.1.12)
Simple asset manager for PHP, LESS, CSS and JavaScript

kasonyang/hitar (v0.1.3)
?'个基于Doctrine DBAL的ORM框架

kasonyang/phpcomment (v1.0.1)
A Simple Doc Comment Parser For PHP

geoffroy-aubry/supervisor (v1.7.0)
Oversee script execution, recording stdout, stderr and exit code with timestamping, and ensure email notifications will be sent (on start, success, warning or error).

clickcoder/slim-blade (0.0.1)
Blade is a simple, yet powerful templating engine provided for the Slim Framework

justimmo/php-sdk (1.0.6)

econic/mobilant (0.2.0)
Utility class for the mobilant sms service

endroid/symfony-application (1.6.11)
Endroid Symfony Application

glenscott/url-normalizer (v1.1.0)
Syntax based normalization of URL's

konstantin-kuklin/assetic-static-gzip-bundle (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Provide static gzip compression for css,js files via AsseticBundle

byscripts/static-entity (2.1.1)
Provide some kind of static entities

t1st3/t1st3-assets (0.15.3)
Assets used for T1st3's projects

zoopcommerce/gateway-module (2.0.0)
Zend Framework 2 module that extends zoop's Shard Module with authentication services

theantichris/simple-plugin-framework (v3.0.0)
A simple framework for creating WordPress plugins.

zoopcommerce/gomi-module (2.0.0)
Zend Framework 2 Module that provides user management for zoop's Shard

techdivision/rewritemodule (0.6.1)
A simple rewrite module for PHP based web servers.

c33s/menu-bundle (v0.9.14)
routing-based menu system for symfony2

happyr/google-analytics-bundle (3.0.1)
The Google Analytics Bundle lets you send data (like event tracking) to Google.

imsamurai/cakephp-google-chart (1.0.0)
Helps draw google charts

zoopcommerce/shard-module (4.0.0)
Zend Framework 2 Module for Shard

spiffy/spiffy-application (1.0.0-alpha)
SpiffyApplication is an application built using SpiffyFramework.

kohkimakimoto/earray (v2.0.0)
EArray is a small PHP class to provide convenient ways to access a PHP Array.

zoopcommerce/shard (5.0.0)
Add new behaviours to Doctrine Mongo ODM Documents

sergeylukin/multisort-php (0.1.0)
Sort n-dimensional arrays

netzmacht/contao-form-helper (0.2.1)
Library for supporting customized Contao form rendering

ideea/async-event-dispatcher (v1.0)
Async send/receive events

data-dog/php-ga (v1.2.1)
"ga.js in PHP" - Implementation of a generic server-side Google Analytics client in PHP that implements nearly every parameter and tracking feature of the original GA Javascript client.

earlhickey/pg-mailchimp (1.0)
ZF2 module for MailChimp 2.0 API

figo/figo (1.1.3)
API wrapper for figo Connect.

zhuravljov/yii2-debug (v1.3)
Yii debug toolbar

jandrabek/nette-mailpanel (3.2)
MailPanel is extension for Nette Framework which captures sent e-mails in development mode and shows them from debugger bar.

graham-campbell/navigation (v0.4.0-alpha)
Navigation Is A Navigation Bar Generator For Laravel 4.2+

ruudk/payment-multisafepay-bundle (1.0.5)
A Symfony2 Bundle that provides access to the MultiSafepay API. Based on JMSPaymentCoreBundle.

esteit/catalol-api-client (1.3.0)
FPC client

ruudk/payment-mollie-bundle (3.0.1)
A Symfony2 Bundle that provides access to the Mollie API. Based on JMSPaymentCoreBundle.

payum/payum-yii-extension (0.9.1)
Rich payment solutions for Yii framework. Paypal, payex, authorize.net, be2bill, omnipay, recurring paymens, instant notifications and many more

data-dog/php-nsq (0.1.0)
NSQ publisher for PHP

ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (0.21.3)
Domain model for the OPG Core project

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