
Recent releases from the Packagist:

hampel/user (1.1.1, 1.1.0, 2.1.0)
Configurable User model for Laravel

watson/active (1.2.2)
Laravel 4 helper for recognising the current route, controller and action

voceconnect/voce-cached-nav (1.3)
Serve cached copies of WordPress navigation menus by replacing your template calls to `wp_nav_menu` with `voce_cached_nav_menu`.

nubs/which-cli (v1.0.0)
A symfony/console command similar to the standard which command.

nubs/which (v1.0.0)
A library for locating commands in a PATH.

cakedc/search (2.4.0)
Search Plugin for CakePHP

stillman/kohana-templatecontroller (v1.1.0)
Extended controller class for Kohana 3.x with standalone actions and filters

watson/testing (1.1.1)
Laravel controller and model testing helpers.

kebir/menu-generator (1.0.1)
Simple Menu Generator

cakedc/migrations (2.3.1)
Migrations Plugin for CakePHP

drupal/console (0.2.7)
Drupal 8 Console scaffolding module generator

naneau/filegen (0.0.3)
A PHP File and Directory Generating Tool

geekwright/dummy (v1.0.1)
XOOPS dummy module for testing

rawebone/injector (1.0.2)
A library providing a low level service injection API

smallneat/laravel-bootstrap-forms (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Registers some form macros that output bootstrap 3 markup, with support for errors

clue/solusvm-api-react (v0.1.0)
Simple async access to packagist.org's API, like listing project details, number of downloads, etc.

alxmsl/primitives (v1.1.0-alpha, v1.0.0)
Simple library with primitives: sets, queues etc.

webcms2/webcms2 (v0.5.3)
WebCMS2 content management system for Nette framework. This package contains system libraries and admin module.

condenast/pangea (1.6.007)

brunty/laravel-environment (0.2, 0.1.3)
Generate and work with .env files from the command line via an artisan command within Laravel.

clouddueling/mysqldump-php (v1.3.1)
This is a php version of linux's mysqldump in terminal "$ mysqldump -u username -p..."

dreamscapes/enumeration (0.3.3)
A simple Typedef Enum implementation for php

kisma/kisma (0.2.50, 0.2.49)
PHP Utility Belt

esensi/model (0.3.2)
The base model traits of Esensi

seine/seine (v2.0.0beta1)
Seine - Write spreadsheets of various formats to a stream

scheb/two-factor-bundle (v1.1.0)
Provides two-factor authenticaton for Symfony2

ftven/sdk-common (1.0.0)

raymondidema/user-package (0.3, 0.2, 0.1)

phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor (v2.6.1)
Documentation Generator for PHP

scriptotek/simplemarcparser (v0.6.1)
A simple MARC21/XML parser

g4/constants (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
G4 constants that are used for all day stuff and this is good way to organize them

wtfzdotnet/php-tmdb-api (v1.3.0)
PHP wrapper for TMDB (TheMovieDatabase) API v3. Supports two types of approaches, one modelled with repositories, models and factories. And the other by simple array access to RAW data from The Movie Database.

arkanmgerges/tasker (0.6.0, 0.5.0)
Run parallel tasks to be executed

anouar/paypalpayment (1.0)
laravel-paypalpayment is simple package help you process direct credit card payments, stored credit card payments and PayPal account payments with your L4 projects using paypal REST API SDK.

googleads/googleads-php-lib (5.3.1)
Google Ads APIs Client Library for PHP (AdWords, Adx, and DFP)

spiffy/spiffy-config (1.0.2)
ZF2 module that provides route annotations directly in controllers.

raymondidema/validator (1.0)
Yet Another Form Validator

memeoirs/paymill-bundle (v0.2.4)
Paymill payments for Symfony apps

adclick/leadoffice-api (1.5.1)
Accelerators to communicate with LeadOffice APIs

phiber/sample-app (v0.3.2)
A sample application for Phiber framework.

appdynamics/ansible-php (v1.0.0)
Helper library for Ansible modules written in PHP

webonaute/doctrine-fixtures-generator-bundle (v1.0.1)
Generate Fixture from your existing data in your database. You can specify the Entity name and the IDs you want to import in your fixture.

mikehaertl/phpwkhtmltopdf (2.0.0)
A slim PHP wrapper around wkhtmltopdf with an easy to use and clean OOP interface

danielstjules/stringy (1.5.2)
A string manipulation library with multibyte support

integrated/library (
Integrated Library

integrated/content-bundle (
Integrated Content Bundle

braintree/braintree_php (2.28.0)
Braintree PHP Client Library

phiber/phiber (v0.6.4-alpha)
PHP's easy MVC

voceconnect/wp-large-options (1.0.1)
You may wish to store a larger option value than is recommended on WordPress.com. If your option data will exceed 400K, or is of an unpredictable size (such as an HTML fragment etc.) you should use the wp_large_options plugin to store the option in a cache-safe manner. Failure to do this could result in the option not being cached, and instead fetched repeatedly from the DB, which could cause performance problems.

bugsnag/bugsnag (v2.2.10)
Official Bugsnag notifier for PHP applications.

crowdvalley/crowdentials-api-wrapper (0.1.0)
Provides a wrapper for Crowdentials Api

nette/nette (v2.0.16-RC, v2.1.5-RC)
Nette Framework - innovative framework for fast and easy development of secured web applications in PHP. Write less, have cleaner code and your work will bring you joy.

components/angular.js (1.2.19, 1.3.0-beta.14)
Shim repository for Angular.js

phraseanet/phraseanet (3.8.5)

ultractiv/lean (,,,
The PHP framework for simple, REST API backend. It gets out of your way, so you can get your work done.

naonaox1126/vizualizer_twitter (v1.3.2)
Visual Framework in PHP

userapp/userapp (1.0.1)
PHP client library for UserApp.

userapp/widget (0.6.1)
PHP user widget for UserApp.

hrevert/ht-img-module (0.1.0-beta3)
Image manipulation module for Zend Framework 2

hypercharge/hypercharge-php (1.25.2, 1.25.1)
Hypercharge PHP Library / SDK

kingsquare/json-schema-form (0.4, 0.3, 0.2)
A framework-agnostic PHP Implementation for generating simple forms based on json-schema

temafey/phalcon-extjs (v0.6.6)
Extjs cms platform based on Phalcon framework

joomlatools/joomla-console (v1.1.0)
This command-line script helps to ease the management of Joomla sites in your development environment.

siliconstraits/cems-php-sdk (0.5.1)
PHP SDK for SSS CEMS platform

opendi/nominatim (0.1)
A simple interface to OSM Nominatim search.

claroline/web-resource-bundle (2.0.0)
Claroline web resource plugin

glukash/glu-image (0.1.0, 0.0.11, 0.0.10, 0.0.9, 0.0.8, 0.0.7, 0.0.6)

harp-orm/validate (0.2.1, 0.1.0)
Object validaiton library

artistan/urlencode (1.0.2)
Allow Urlencoded slashed and more in routing parameters

heroku/heroku-buildpack-php (v24)
Toolkit for starting a PHP application locally, with or without foreman, using the same config for PHP/HHVM and Apache2/Nginx as on Heroku

ibrows/sonata-translation-bundle (1.0.11)
Integration of lexik translation into sonata admin

nette/sandbox (v2.0.16, v2.1.5)
The sandbox is a pre-packaged Nette Framework project, basic configured structure for your application.

imsamurai/active-record-for-cakephp (1.3.0, 1.2.7)
Implementation of active record for CakePHP

sinergi/config (0.4.3)
PHP configurations loading

nazka/location-bundle (0.3.0)
Addresses, countries and provinces doctrine entities.

fm/feeder (v0.0.15)
Library containing functions to download, parse, transform and export different types of feeds.

folklore/eloquent-picturable (v0.1.1)
Laravel 4 package to add pictures capabilities to Eloquent Models

embed/embed (v1.5.5)
PHP library to retrieve page info using oembed, opengraph, etc

alicephp/alicephp (0.1.2)
Alicephp Framework

heliopsis/ezforms-bundle (1.1.1)
Symfony forms handling within eZPublish contents

avisota/contao-message-renderer-mailchimp (2.0.2)
Renderer that use MailChimp templates.

gushphp/gush-bitbucket-adapter (1.1.3)
Bitbucket adapter for Gush

icap/lesson-bundle (1.4.0)

claroline/video-player-bundle (2.0.0)
Claroline video player plugin

debranova/project (1.1.2)
General code for Debranova Projects

kbrabrand/silex-swagger-ui (0.1.1)
A silex service provider that integrates the Swagger UI documentation browser into silex

debranova/general (1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2)
General shared code for Debranova

phpconsole/phpconsole (3.0.3)
A detached logging facility for PHP to aid your daily development routine

debranova/program (1.1.2)
General code for Debranova Program

ttree/oembed (1.1.2)
oEmbed utility package for TYPO3 Flow & Fluid with support for TYPO3 Neos

icap/dropzone-bundle (0.6.11, 0.6.10)

roumen/sitemap (v2.4.6)
A simple sitemap generator for Laravel.

icap/blog-bundle (v1.1.1, v1.1.0)
Claroline blog plugin from ICAP

claroline/rss-reader-bundle (3.0.0)
Claroline RSS reader plugin

harp-orm/locations (0.2.0)
Regions, Countries and Cities.

penneo/penneo-sdk-php (v1.0.4)
Penneo SDK for PHP

icedevelopment/mysql-workbench-schema-exporter (v2.1.3.1)
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter

icap/notification-bundle (v1.1.4)
Notification bundle for Claroline Connect. See https://github.com/claroline/Claroline

colymba/gridfield-gallery-theme (v1.0.0)
SilverStripe 3 GridField component adding file or image thumbnail gallery view

mike-roetgers/dependency-graph (0.2.0)
Dependency graph for PHP

blablacar/memcached-bundle (v1.0.3)
BlaBlarCar Memcached bundle

claroline/pdf-player-bundle (2.0.0)
Claroline PDF player plugin

pabloezequiel/environment (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Add a flag to your Laravel dev environments.

syringe/dependency-injection (1.3.2)
Syringe Dependency Injection Component

icap/wiki-bundle (v3.1.3)
Claroline wiki plugin from ICAP

claroline/image-player-bundle (2.0.0)
Claroline image player plugin

hampel/wordpress-auth-laravel (2.0.1)
WordPress Auth Driver for Laravel

arhframe/iocart (1.0.2)
Ioc which use the spring style.

arhframe/annotations (0.3)
Annotations for arhframe framework.

chriskacerguis/randomstring (1.0.0)
simple class to generate a random string (good for random generated passwords)

liip/monitor-bundle (2.0.2)
Liip Monitor Bundle

graze/monolog-extensions (1.4.2)
Monolog extensions for use within Graze

alxmsl/cli (v1.0.2)
Simple library for php-cli script options support

potsky/laravel-localization-helpers (1.1.3, 1.1.2)
An artisan command package for easy translation management

orchestra/model (v2.2.1)
Orchestra Platform 2 Model Component

radic/blade-extensions (v0.2.0)
Laravel package providing additional Blade extensions: foreach (with $loop data like twig), break, continue, set,array (multiline), etc

hypercharge/hypercharge-schema (1.24.8)
Hypercharge API JSON Schema

mmoreram/controller-extra-bundle (v1.1.2, v1.1.1)
Some specific controller features

rippleffect/user-bundle (2.0.3, 2.0.4)
Rippleffect User Bundle

harp-orm/materialized-path (0.2.0)
Materialized path nesting for Harp ORM models

landingi/loggly-bundle (v0.0.2)
Bundle for Symfony2 that extends Monolog for Loggly support

yoya/io_bit (2.1.1)
Bit I/O library

linfo/linfo (v2.0.1)
App and library for easily parsing and displaying system information of the host, like network/torrents/cpu/memory/usb/pci/sound cards/filesystems/raid array/ipmi/etc.

alxmsl/connection (v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
Simple library for support storage connections

mikehaertl/php-tmpfile (1.0.0)
A convenience class for temporary files

stolz/assets (0.0.4)
An ultra-simple-to-use assets management library

sinergi/registry (0.1.1)
PHP Dependency Injection helper that is object oriented and IDE friendly

fastfeed/fastfeed (v0.3.0)
A simple to use Feed Client Library.

tiny/tiny (1.1)
The TinyMVC Framework Libraries

pieterb/webdav-php (1.1.1)
A library to create a webDAV server

simsite/project (v0.6.1, v0.6)
SimSite Project Skeleton

anlutro/l4-core (0.16.11, 0.16.10)
Core L4 functionality.

saxulum/saxulum-menu-provider (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Saxulum Menu Provider

openbuildings/spiderling (0.2.15)
Crawl the web with kohana, phantomjs or selenium

zol/fixed-column-width-parser (0.1.1)
Parse fixed column width files according to given schema

messagebird/php-rest-api (1.1.1)
MessageBird REST API client for PHP

rezozero/slir (2.1.0)
SLIR (Smart Lencioni Image Resizer) resizes images, intelligently sharpens, crops based on width:height ratios, color fills transparent GIFs and PNGs, and caches variations for optimal performance.

cakedc/recaptcha (2.2.4)
Recaptcha Plugin for CakePHP

bazilio/yii2-async (0.0.1)
Provides translucent api for moving large tasks out of request context

tomverran/robots-txt-checker (1.01)
Given a robots.txt file, user agent and URL path will tell you whether you're allowed to access a page

bootflat/bootflat (2.0.3)
An open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap (3.2.0). A faster, easier and less repetitive way for web developers to create elegant web apps.

blablacar/memcached-client (v1.0.4)
BlaBlarCar Memcached client

zol/fixed-column-width-parser-bundle (0.1.0)
Provide Symfony integration for fixed-column-width-parser

latrell/swagger (0.1.3, 0.1.0)
Swagger for Laravel

aerialship/saml-sp-bundle (1.0.0)
Symfony2 SAML2 authentication bundle

arhframe/yamlarh (1.1.3)
Inject data and import other yaml file into your yaml file.

innova/path-bundle (v2.0.0)
Claroline Path Bundle

raymondidema/commandee (2.0)
Command/Event Dispatcher

majes/teel-framework (v1.13)
The "MajeS'teel Edition" distribution

stage1/docker-php (v0.1.1, v0.2.0)
A Docker PHP client

codedazur/social (V0.1.3, V0.1.2)

eventhorizon/assets-bundle (v1.1.1)

rybakit/phive-task-queue (v0.1.0)
A lightweight task queue on top of rybakit/phive-queue

claroline/core-bundle (3.0.0)
Claroline core bundle

pahanini/yii2-refiner (v0.6, v0.5)
Helps to add additional where params to active query (refine query)

anlutro/form (0.3.7)
Dynamic form builder.

authbucket/oauth2-bundle (1.0.0-rc1)
Symfony OAuth2Bundle

mikehaertl/php-shellcommand (1.0.2)
An object oriented interface to shell commands

gentle/bitbucket-api (0.5.2)
Bitbucket API wrapper for PHP >= 5.3

behat/behat (v3.0.11)
Scenario-oriented BDD framework for PHP 5.3

sokil/php-mongo (1.0.17)
Active Record for PHP Mongo

devco/europaphp (1.4.1)
A feather-weight, extremely-fast, diverse, scalable and productive PHP 5.4 View Controller framework.

pingpong/shortcode (1.0.1)
Laravel 4 - Simple shortcode based on wordpress shortcode

authbucket/oauth2 (1.0.0-rc1)
The standard compliant OAuth2.0 library based on the Symfony2 Components

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