
Recent releases from the Packagist:

azt3k/non-destructive-archive-installer (0.2.1, 0.2)
A composer installer type that allows you to unpack archives to a specific location in a non destructive way - it is very useful when some packages need to be installed inside another package folder - e.g. drupal and modules

henderjon/chevron.containers (v1.0.0)
an implementation of the registry pattern for fun and profit

wan2land/wandu-core (1.0.7, 1.0.6)
This is for me. Simple Core for all of works.

soundasleep/html2text (0.1.0)
A PHP script to convert HTML into a plain text format

gabrielbull/gearman-handler (0.4.4, 0.4.3, 0.4.2, 0.4.1)
PHP Daemon for handling and managing Gearman Workers

sabre/dav (2.0.0beta1, 1.8.10, 1.7.12)
WebDAV Framework for PHP

outeredge/edge-zf2 (0.1.0)
Edge is a library of useful classes designed to aid the creation of Web Applications with ZF2.

pksunkara/confyio (1.0.0)
Official Confy API library client for PHP

rafasamp/sonus (v1.0.3)
A laravel audio and video conversion, thumbnail generator and metadata editor package powered by ffmpeg

zenify/cleaner-panel (v2.0.1, v2.0.0)
Cleaner panel for Tracy

jjyy/pinyin (1.1.0)
Chinese to pinyin

zenify/user (v2.0.0)
Manages events common for user - login, registration, change/remind password

zenify/application (v2.0.2, v2.0.3, v2.0.1, v2.0.0)
Zenify Application component

stripe/stripe-php (v1.13.1)
Stripe PHP Library

zenify/doctrine (v2.0.2, v2.0.1, v2.0.0)
Doctrine tools above KdybyDoctrine

mcamara/laravel-localization (0.13.8)
Easy localization for Laravel 4

piwik/piwik (2.2.3-b6)
Open Source Real Time Web Analytics Platform

october/october (1.0.0)
October CMS

facebook/php-sdk-v4 (4.0.4)
Facebook SDK for PHP

cakebake/yii2-bootstrap-select (1.0.0)
A yii2 wrapper package for the custom select for @twitter bootstrap using button dropdown http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/3/

behat/transliterator (v1.0.1)
String transliterator

sokil/php-restful-sdk (0.3)
Framework to build RESTful client

niktux/karma (2.2.0)
CLI tool to manage environment dependent configuration

peterfox/runscope (1.0.0)
This package makes using Runscope in applications easy, including Guzzle and GuzzleHttp plugin

c33s/menu-bundle (v0.9.13)
routing-based menu system for symfony2

ceesvanegmond/minify (2.1, 2.0.5)
A package for minifying styles and javascript

quickjob/package-skeleton (v1.0.3, v1.0.1, v1.0.0, v0.98, v0.95, v0.9)
Quickjob package skeleton

kelemen/petri-net (v1.0.0)
Implements OO PetriNets for PHP

sokil/php-guzzlecomponents (0.1)
Extensions for PHP Guzzle lib

t1st3/t1st3-assets (0.10.4)
Assets used for T1st3's projects

sp/bower-bundle (v0.10)
Handle asset dependencies with bower

stijnhau/private-messaging (1.0.0A1)
A Zend Framework 2 module based on ZfcUser which enables private messaging between users

aklump/collection_json (0.5)
Php objects for working with hypermedia Collection+JSON (http://amundsen.com/media-types/)

ebussola/common-datatype (2.0.2)

dmelo/dzend (1.0.1)
A set of classes to wrap around Zend v1. It' goal is to make common patterns easier to implement and to transparently add commonly used functionalities.

dmishh/settings-bundle (1.0.3)
Database centric Symfony2 configuration management. Global and per-user settings supported. It just works.

rixxi/latte-filters (0.1.1, 0.1.0)

alexander-mitov/mongo-filesystem (v1.0.2)
Implementation of a filesystem on top of MongoDB

cvweiss/zcache (v0.1.3)
Library of classes to simplify caching

rednose/rednose-ui (v1.0.0-BETA1)
RedNoseUI JavaScript framework.

eventhorizon/assets-bundle (v1.0.6)

cobaia/monologdoctrine (v1.0.1)
Monolog meets Doctrine as SQL Logger

thefox/hashcash (v1.4.0)
Hashcash implementation in PHP.

behat/mink-extension (v1.3.3, v1.3.2)
Mink extension for Behat

livioribeiro/nette-propel2 (1.0.1)
Propel 2 integration with Nette framework

atelierspierrot/templatengine (v1.0.4)
A PHP package to build HTML5 views (based on HTML5 Boilerplate layouts).

snapshotpl/zf-snap-jquery (0.5.1)
jQuery and jQuery UI helpers and form elements for Zend Framework 2

phirational/laravel-conditional-seeder (1.0.1)
Laravel trait providing methods for conditional database seeding.

firesphere/silverstripe-newsmodule (4.3.4)
A ModelAdmin based newsmodule to prevent clutter in the SiteTree

bernoulli/bernoulli (0.8.0)
A PHP SDK for bernoulli.io

walle89/swedbank-json (0.3.2, 0.3.1)
Wrapper for Swedbank's closed mobile apps API in Sweden

condenast/pangea (1.1.84)

spiffy/spiffy-assetic-module (1.1.3, 1.1.2)
SpiffyAsseticModule is a module for Zend Framework to help manage assets.

sinergi/sinergi (1.7.0)
Sinergi Framework Project bootstrap

kompakt/godisko-release-batch (v0.0.1)
Concrete Godisko release batch representation

lazy/lazy (3.0.0)
Lazy Framework

fenos/notifynder (1.6.2)
Internal notifications management for laravel 4 Framework

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-yii (1.4.6)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Yii Components Library

kompakt/mediameister (v0.0.1)
Media batch processing framework

jwage/purl (v0.0.4)
URL Manipulation for PHP 5.3

hieu-le/wordpress-xmlrpc-client (2.3, 2.2)
A PHP client for Wordpress websites that closely implement the XML-RPC WordPress API with full test suite built in

zenify/http (v2.0.2, v2.0.1, v2.0.0)
Zenify HTTP component

fenos/mex (1.0.4)
Multi participants Chat API for laravel 4

tmas/date-repetition (0.2.3, 0.2.2, 0.2.1)
Date repetitions, handy for scheduling jobs

zenify/framework (v2.2.13, v2.2.12, v2.2.10, v2.2.9, v2.2.8)
Practice and Zen inspired framework based on Nette Framework.

eventhorizon/page-bundle (v0.1.3)

zenify/routing (v2.0.0)
Zenify Routing component

oranj/roto (v0.1.1a, v0.1.0)

spiffy/spiffy-assetic (1.1.1)
SpiffyAsseticPackage is a package for SpiffyFramework that helps you manage your assets.

thor/language (1.1.0)
Laravel 4 multilingual features. Laravel language package.

golonka/bbcodeparser (v1.2.5)
Parse your BBCode easy with this library.

sensiolabs/connect (v2.0.2)
SensioLabs Connect SDK

kompakt/audio-snippets (v0.0.1)
Audio snippet generator

neuweb/zendskeletonapplication (1.0.0)
Skeleton Application for ZF2 including bootstrap

jolicode/jolici (v0.2.1)
Run your tests on your local computer on different application stack

clippings/util (0.1)
General purpose helper methods

kompakt/audio-tools (v0.0.1)
Wrapper for some audio command line tools

qiuxiang/webot (v0.0.1)
wechat robot

cviebrock/eloquent-taggable (0.9.0)
Easy ability to tag your Eloquent models in Laravel 4.

m6web/redis-component (v1.0.1)
lib allowing you using redis through predis

avisota/contao-message-element-headline (2.0-RC2)
The headline message element.

kompakt/test-helper (v0.0.3, v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
Little helpers for testing

avisota/contao-message-element-news (2.0-RC3)
The news message element.

avisota/contao-message-element-text (2.0-RC2)
The text message element.

avisota/contao-message-element-event (2.0-RC3)
The event message element.

avisota/contao-message-element-gallery (2.0-RC2)
The gallery message element.

avisota/contao-message-element-list (2.0-RC2)
The list message element.

avisota/contao-message-element-table (2.0-RC2)
The table message element.

se/selenium-server-standalone (v2.41.0)
Composer distribution of Selenium Server Standalone, the browser automation framework. Adds a executable to your composer bin directory.

avisota/contao-message-element-hyperlink (2.0-RC2)
The hyperlink message element.

avisota/contao-message-element-downloads (2.0-RC2)
The downloads message element.

avisota/contao-message-element-download (2.0-RC2)
The download message element.

avisota/contao-message-element-article (2.0-RC2)
The article message element.

avisota/contao-message (2.0-RC3)
Manage messages within the backend.

marmelab/phpcr-api-silex-provider (1.0.0)
PHPCR API Silex Provider exposes in REST marmelab/phpcr-api

shift31/laravel-elasticsearch (v1.1)
A Laravel 4 Service Provider for the Elasticsearch API client

eluceo/ical (0.1.1)
The eluceo/iCal package offers a abstraction layer for creating iCalendars. You can easily create iCal files by using PHP object instead of typing your *.ics file by hand. The output will follow RFC 2445 as best as possible.

marmelab/phpcr-api (1.0.0)
PHPCR API provides an API to explore PHPCR repositories.

anime-db/my-anime-list-sync-bundle (0.1.2)
Synchronizes the changes in the list of items with the MyAnimeList.net

awakenweb/livedocx4laravel (1.0.1, v1.0)

anime-db/world-art-filler-bundle (0.1.14)
Plugin World-Art for the catalog Anime DB

anime-db/ani-db-filler-bundle (0.1.2)
Plugin AniDB for the catalog Anime DB

anime-db/shikimori-filler-bundle (0.1.4)
Plugin Shikimori for the catalog Anime DB

harbor/data-container (1.0.0)
A Data Container Class and Trait

2amigos/yii2-switch-widget (0.1.1)
Bootstrap Switch widget for Yii2.

misterion/ko-worker (v1.1.0)
Ko-worker project is a base to develop amqp based message dispatchers

goatherd/gh-cache (0.12, 1.0)
Generic request cache layer for wordpress and nginx modules.

sammaye/mongoyii (5.0.1)
A Yii MongoDB ORM

sinkcup/db-connection-php (0.1.0)
数据?"连接查询封装(PHP composer版)

wb/bigregister-bundle (0.1.0)
Symfony2 bundle intergrating the Dutch BIG-Register SOAP client

larrytech/auth (1.0)
Authentication, Permissions and Roles for Laravel

sallycms/composer-installer (v1.2.1)

anime-db/catalog-bundle (0.4.8, 0.4.7)
The application for making home collection anime

wb/bigregister-soap (0.1.0)
php 5.3+ implementation of BIG Register SOAP interface

grobmeier/cicada (0.3.0)
Tiny PHP framework for quickly creating webapps, inspired by Rubys Sinatra

alexwhitman/view-themes (1.1.1)
Provides support for themed views in Laravel.

larrytech/calendar (1.0.9)

gufy/bootstrap (v1.0.2)
Better Bootstrap Install for Laravel

werx/collections (0.3.0)
Base class for working with collections of things

netresearch/jsonmapper (v0.2.0)
Map nested JSON structures onto PHP classes

bmatzner/fontawesome-bundle (4.1.0)
FontAwesome Bundle for Symfony2

etenil/assegai (v2.0.2)
A full MVC framework for PHP.

contao-community-alliance/dc-general (2.0.0-alpha1)
Universal data container for Contao

cliffparnitzky/backend-member-groups-displayer (1.0.0)
Show member groups at articles (Contao 3), calendars, members, news archives and pages in backend (to get a better overview of granted rights).

keboola/storage-api-client (2.11.3)
Keboola Storage API PHP CLient

icap/dropzone-bundle (0.4.4)

apnet/local-hub (2.6.0)
Community hub server

nette/nette-minified (v2.2.0)
Minified version of Nette Framework.

n98/magerun (1.89.0)
Tools for managing Magento projects and installations

ginq/ginq (v0.2.2)
LINQ to Object inspired DSL for PHP

pahanini/yii2-refiner (v0.1)
Helps to add additional where params to query (refine query)

kunstmaan/node-bundle (v2.3.19, v2.3.18)
All websites need pages(we call them nodes) but you probably don't want to spend too much time building them. Plus they should look pretty and contain the right content and that takes time. We make sure you have to spend less time managing your pages but still offer you flexibility so you can focus on more important tasks and don't have to worry about it.

zenify/mail (v2.0.0)
Zenify Mail component

milo/github-api (v1.0.0-rc1)
Github API easy access

musaid/tcpdf-min (6.0.077)
An alternative package for minimal version of TCPDF by Nicola Asuni.

infinitytracking/test-bundle (v0.3.1)
Infinitytracking TestBundle for Symfony2 projects

davidyell/viewbits (0.1.4)
CakePHP 2.x component for dynamically loading content as bits into a page matched by route.

dalmp/dalmp (v3.0.0)
Database Abstraction Layer for MySQL using PHP

mollie/mollie-api-php (1.1.4)
Mollie API client library for PHP

webcms2/carousel-module (v0.1.1)
Carousel module for homepages.

phalcon/zephir (0.4.2a)
Zephir is a compiled high level language aimed to the creation of C-extensions for PHP

dsawardekar/arrow (0.5.1, 0.5.0)
WordPress Plugin Development Library

contao-community-alliance/composer (0.9.2, 0.9.1)
composer integration into the contao cms

mnapoli/doctrine-translated (0.1.0)
Translated strings for Doctrine

awakenweb/livedocx (v0.9.0-beta)
Livedocx webservice PHP API for PDF generation without using Zend Framework

test-db-acle/test-db-acle (0.7.0)
Framework for very lightweight setting up of database test data for unit tests

kunstmaan/dashboard-bundle (v2.3.8)
The Kunstmaan Dashboard bundle adds a system to build advanced dashboards in the admin area of the CMS. Currently it features a large Google Analytics integration.

fastwebmedia/profanity-filter (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Profanity filter for checking and sanitizing user input

zenify/parameters (v2.0.0)
Handling Nette parameters easier way.

brighttalk/acs-query-builder-bundle (v0.1.1)
Integration of Amazon Cloud Search Query Builder library into the symfony2 framework

neiron/puser (v0.1.2)
Little auth algoritm via doctrine 2

xinix-technology/norm (0.1.11)

grumpydictator/firefly (2.1.4)
A web-application to manage your finances.

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