
Recent releases from the Packagist:

andrebian/pag_seguro (2.0.0)
CakePHP PagSeguro

aklump/collection_json (0.2)
Php objects for working with hypermedia Collection+JSON (http://amundsen.com/media-types/)

pksunkara/confyio (0.1.0)
Official Confy API library client for PHP

jbhamilton/disco-core (1.0, 3.0)
php framework

clevon/wipe (v1.0, 1.0)

vvvlad/abstractds (0.1.0)
This library is intended to implement an abstract data store layer against AWS services such as SimpleDB, DynamoDB and S3. The library will expose a Service Provider for Laravel 4.

titon/event (0.4.7)
The Titon event package provides functionality for notifying a list of objects during an event.

qiuxiang/wechat (v0.1.0)
Wechat SDK

atomita/wp-article-hierarchy (0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)

luismayta/zrt (1.1.0, 1.0.0)

nategood/commando (0.2.6)
PHP CLI Commando Style

codeception/aspect-mock (0.5.0-beta2, 0.5.0-beta)
Experimental Mocking Framework powered by Aspects

diablomedia/zf2-oauth2-server (v0.1.0)
ZF2 implementation of oauth2-server-php

perchten/neat_html (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Pretty-print PHP objects and arrays in html.

bkwld/library (2.9.2, 2.9.1, 2.9.0)
Misc PHP code

earthit/cmip-rest (0.0.19)
Collection-Modifiers-ID-Property REST framework

spiffy/spiffy-assetic-module (1.1.1)
SpiffyAsseticModule is a module for Zend Framework to help manage assets.

crodas/activemongo2 (v0.1.21, v0.1.20, v0.1.19, v0.1.18)
Mongo abstraction

perchten/truepath (1.0.0)
Replace PHP's extremely buggy realpath()

podio/podio-php (v4.0.0)
PHP Client for Podio API

nimetu/ryzom_weather (v1.0.1)
Ryzom Weather calculations

alexsomeoddpilot/adaptive-images (2.0.6)
Based on Matt Wilcox's repo. Automatically adapts your existing HTML images for mobile devices. No mark-up changes needed.

njasm/soundcloud (1.0.0)
Soundcloud API Wrapper written in PHP with OAuth 2.0 support

kadet/utils (v1.2.1, v1.2.0)
Some utilities like Events, Properties, Timer for PHP (especially CLI)

slevomat/sglogistics-api (1.26)
SG Logistics client API Library

scandio/troba (0.3.1)
troba is a easy to use and extensible PHP (5.4) entity and query manager based on PDO

lovasoa/ophir (0.1)
Convert ODT (OpenDocument) files to HTML

mkrmr/emphloyer (v0.3.0)
Job processing with pluggable backends made easy

manhim/cervo (2.3.0)
A lightweight and highly modular structure framework for PHP.

dmishh/settings-bundle (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Database centric Symfony2 configuration management. Global and per-user settings supported. It just works.

xplore/composerupdates (1.0.3)
Send email notifications when updates are available to Composer packages

deefour/aide (0.4.0)
A set of classes to assist Laravel and Silex development.

julien-boudry/condorcet (v0.10.0)
Condorcet is a PHP Class to computing many Condorcet voting methods

ptrofimov/clockwork-cli (1.1)
Command line interface for Clockwork, a Chrome extension for PHP development

fol/core (v2.4.2, v2.4.1, v2.4.0)
The core of FOL framework

nella/forms-phone (v1.0.0, v0.9.5)
Phone control for Nette Forms.

livefyre/livefyre-php-utils (1.1.5)
Livefyre PHP utility classes

webvariants/lucene-search (v3.7.1, v3.7)
AddOn for SallyCMS which provides an API to the Zend Lucene Search Engine

dreamfactory/lib-php-common-platform (1.5.12)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Components Library/SDK for PHP

league/flysystem (0.4.5)
Filesystem abstraction, but easy.

opis/http (1.3.1, 1.3.0)
Opis Http Component

webvariants/lucene-search-slyarticles (v1.8)
Provides an indexer for Sally articles to the Lucene Search addOn.

opis/cache (1.5.1)
Cache library with support for multiple storages (APC, Redis, Database, Mongo, File and others)

johnshopkins/wp-supertags (0.2.0, 0.1.0)

fol/fol (v2.3.1)
PHP framework

toin0u/geocoder-laravel (0.4.0)
Geocoder Service provider for Laravel 4

dsawardekar/arrow (0.3.1, 0.3.0, 0.2.0, 0.1.0)
WordPress Plugin Development Library

phil/geolocation-bundle (0.1.1)
A Symfony2 Bundle to handle geographic location. Add geolocation to your entities. Add address entities. Add user geo location. Add doctrine functions for calculating geographical distances in your project.

dcarbone/soap-plus (0.4.0, 0.3.3)
PHP SoapClient wrapper class

thephpjo/toolbox (1.0.1)

lelesys/starter-site-corporate-distribution (1.1.0-beta2)
Lelesys Starter Site Distribution - Corporate

uestla/twigrid (3.0.0)
Experimental DataGrid for Nette Framework

davispeixoto/laravel-4-session-aws-dynamo (1.0.0)
Laravel 4 Session Driver for Amazon AWS DynamoDB

infusionsoft/php-sdk (1.0.0-beta1)
Beta PHP SDK for the Infusionsoft

headzoo/core (0.6.1)
A collection of use PHP utility classes and functions.

undefinedoffset/silverstripe-advancedwidgeteditor (0.1.2)
Replaces the Widget Editor to enable support for advanced form fields such as UploadField

cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable (2.0.1)
Easy creation of slugs for your Eloquent models in Laravel 4.

rednose/rednose-ui (v1.4.1)
RedNoseUI JavaScript framework.

glynnforrest/crutches (0.2.2)
A utility library for strings, numbers, arrays and words.

spiffy/spiffy-connect (1.0.1)
SpiffyConnect is a connector implementing OAuth1 and OAuth2 to make communicating with service providers as easy as possible.

dc/ioc (0.1.2)
Simple IoC container

gourmet/assetic (0.1.0)
Assetic for CakePHP 3

nikkobautista/geonames (1.0.1)
Composer-compatible Geonames PHP library (based on David Jean Louis' version)

apigee/edge (1.0.2)
Apigee Edge API is a set of objects that communicate with Apigee's Edge management server via REST calls to manage developers, apps, and other entities.

kbsali/redmine-api (v1.2)
Redmine API client

fenos/mex (1.0.0)
Multi participants Chat API for laravel 4

crodas/dispatcher (v0.1.14, v0.1.13.1, v0.1.13)
Dispatcher generator

dc/cache-memcache (0.1.1)
Cache interface

dibi/dibi (v2.2.0-RC, v2.1.2)
Dibi is Database Abstraction Library for PHP 5.

mmanos/laravel-search (v0.1.1)
A search package for Laravel 4.

uecode/aws-cli-bundle (1.1.0)
Wrapper around the AWS SDK for PHP in the form of Symfony Console commands

dsawardekar/wp-requirements (0.3.0, 0.2.0)
Library for handling minimum system requirements in WordPress Plugins

gabrielelana/graceful-death (0.2.0)
Library that let you catch fatal errors

ebussola/common-datatype (2.0.1)

kptive/payment-sips-bundle (v1.0.1)
Payment Bundle providing access to the ATOS SIPS solution

dg/dibi (v2.1.2, v2.2.0-RC)
Dibi is Database Abstraction Library for PHP 5.

errant-works/stray-fw-skeleton (0.4.2)
Default skeleton for a strayFw new project.

ruckusing/ruckusing-migrations (1.0.1)
Framework for generating and managing database migrations

m6web/coke (v1.1.0)
PHP Code Sniffer configurator

ibuildings/qa-tools (1.1.18)
Ibuildings standard QA Tools

kunstmaan/admin-bundle (v2.3.19)
The Kunstmaan Admin bundle supplies your project with a basic, elegant backend interface you can modify and extend so you can make your perfect admin module. The clean interface makes it straightforward for you and the people working with it to change settings and modify content.

league/oauth2-server (2.1.2)
A lightweight and powerful OAuth 2.0 authorization and resource server library with support for all the core specification grants. This library will allow you to secure your API with OAuth and allow your applications users to approve apps that want to access their data from your API.

pauldevelop/library-xml (0.0.2)
Library to parse xml files.

cvweiss/zlibrary (v0.3.2)
Library of classes to simplify various tasks

ibrows/sonata-translation-bundle (1.0.8)
Integration of lexik translation into sonata admin

claroline/net-theme-bundle (1.0.4)
claroline.net theme

treehouselabs/queue (v0.0.1)

crazedsanity/cs-battletrack (v0.9.12)
PHP-Based web application for tracking data in traditional paper-and-pencil role playing games.

idr0id/papper (1.0.0-rc.4)
Papper is library to automatically map the properties and methods between objects.

irestful/concreteemails (14.04.30)

payment/isotope-payment-saferpay (3.1.4, 3.1.3, 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 3.1.0)
saferpay payment modul for isotope ecommerce based on payment/saferpay

jarednova/timber (0.18.1)
Plugin to write WordPress themes w Object-Oriented Code and the Twig Template Engine

vymakdevel/curldownload (1.0)
Asynchrone download file via CURL.

getsky/phalcon-bootstrap (v1.3.0, v1.3.1)
Bootstrap Component for Phalcon

nimetu/ryzom_maps (v1.0.0)
Bmsite Ryzom Maps sources

nimetu/ryzom_extra (v1.0.0)
Functions and data for ryzom sheet files

m6web/daemon-bundle (v0.1.0)
bundle sf2 easing creating daemon commands

kdyby/doctrine (v2.0.0)
Doctrine integration into Nette Framework

sylouuu/php-rest-client (0.4.0)
Lightweight PHP cURL wrapper

rodgermd/sftools-bundle (v0.4.7)
Usefull tools, widgets etc

jpresult/transmission (v0.2.0)

davidyell/statusable (0.1.0, v0.2.0)
A behaviour to allow model records to have various statuses

kdyby/translation (v2.0.0)
Integration of Symfony/Translation into Nette Framework

kdyby/events (v2.1.0)
Events for Nette Framework

kdyby/console (v2.2.0)
Symfony Console integration for Kdyby components

kdyby/annotations (v2.0.4)
Doctrine Annotations integration into Nette Framework

kdyby/curl (v2.1.0)
Curl wrapper for Nette Framework

kdyby/doctrine-cache (v2.2.1)
Doctrine Cache bridge for Nette Framework

kdyby/facebook (v1.1.0)
Facebook PHP SDK for Nette Framework

kdyby/github (v0.1)
Github API client with authorization for Nette Framework

kdyby/google (v0.1)
Google API wrapper and authentication for Nette Framework

kdyby/redis (v3.1.0)
Redis storage for Nette Framework

keboola/storage-api-client (2.11.2)
Keboola Storage API PHP CLient

fiv/mpdf (v5.7.2)
A PHP class to generate PDF files from HTML with Unicode/UTF-8 and CJK support

simonwelsh/xhp-loader (2.0.2-p1, 2.0.2)
Adds XHP autoloading support to SilverStripe

smichaelsen/phpframework (1.0.3)

liip/url-auto-converter-bundle (1.1.0-alpha1)
This bundle adds a Twig Extension with a filter for automatically converting urls and emails in a string to html links

imsamurai/active-record-for-cakephp (1.2.4-b)
Implementation of active record for CakePHP

simonwelsh/xhp-viewer (2.0.0)
A replacement for SilverStripe's SSViewer class that uses XHP for its rendering engine.

3rdpartyeve/perry (1.0.8)
A PHP Library to access EVE Online's CREST API

cti/core (0.7.3)
Application core

anlutro/l4-core (0.11.1, 0.11.0)
Core L4 functionality.

c33s/static-page-content-bundle (v1.1.6)
Easy serving of Static Page Content with Symfony using Twig Templates

cargomedia/cm (1.25.1, 1.25.0)

lelesys/starter-site-corporate (1.1.0-beta2)
Site package for the TYPO3 Neos Corporate site.

mollie/mollie-api-php (1.1.2)
Mollie API client library for PHP

lingualeo/php-eventable (0.1.2)
Microframework for dispatching events

atomita/wordpress-article-hierarchy (0.1.0)

app2641/garnet-beans (0.2)

pimcore/pimcore (2.2.1)
The premier Open-Source Multi-Channel Experience and Engagement Management Platform

majes/teel-framework (v1.09)
The "MajeS'teel Edition" distribution

lakedawson/vocal (0.1.16)
Extended functionality for Eloquent in Laravel 4.1

task/watch (v0.2.0)
Filesystem watching for Task

suramon/itertools (1.5.11)
Iterators implemented in PHP, copy-pasted from Python

kunstmaan/bundles-standard-edition (v2.3.4)
The "Kunstmaan Bundles Standard Edition" distribution

localdisk/backlog-api-php (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
A simple, Object Oriented wrapper for Backlog API written with PHP5.

sammaye/mongoyii (5.0.0)
A Yii MongoDB ORM

suramon/auto-pimple (1.6.2)
Pimple with automated service loading

m6web/redis-mock (v1.9.0)
Library providing a PHP mock for Redis

benconstable/phpspec-laravel (v1.1.1)
Test your Laravel applications with PhpSpec

ahir/pathman (v1.0)
Laravel Directory Creator

anlutro/menu (0.3.1)
Dynamic menu builder.

mitch/laravel-doctrine (0.3.4)
A Doctrine 2 implementation that melts with Laravel 4.

piwik/piwik (2.2.3-b4)
Open Source Real Time Web Analytics Platform

bradfeehan/guzzle-modular-service-descriptions (v1.2.0)
A better ServiceDescriptionLoader for Guzzle 3.x

eloquent/endec (0.2.0)
Versatile encoding implementations for PHP.

fabpot/goutte (v2.0.1)
A simple PHP Web Scraper

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